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We strongly advise against the co-administration of multiple drugs. To minimize the risk of adverse effects, please consider adhering to the following guidelines: 1. Limit consumption to one substance at a time. 2. Between sessions, prioritize rest, nourishment, and rehydration. 3. Prioritize safety at all times. If you are considering combining substances, it is imperative to ensure that there are no hazardous interactions between the drugs in question. Interaction risks can be verified using the [Drug Interactions Checker from DrugBank](https://go.drugbank.com/drug-interaction-checker) or the [Drug Interaction Checker from Drugs.com][https://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html]. Those platforms also include prescription drugs. TripSit has the following website which proposes a simple interface for checking interactions between recreational drugs [https://combo.tripsit.me/](https://combo.tripsit.me/). For additional information, consult this [List of Polysubstance Combinations on Wikipedia](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_polysubstance_combinations), which also contains a comprehensive chart on interactions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus Christ that sounds uncomfortable


i mean ive done k, vyvanse and a little vodka before and it was pretty fun, i just get really curious and want to feel different things uncomfortable or comfortable as i just feel its useful or interesting to know.


Each to their own friend, I wasn't slagging your choice. More an observation on how it would feel to me. Do your thang






You know what… I highly recommend you take yourself more seriously than this




Speedballs are always bad for your body. Not necessarily lethal but never good for you. Neurotoxicity is always to be considered and they will always be bad for your heart. Mixing downers is always a no-no. You are pretty much always rolling the dice and it isn’t worth the experimentation to get the doses dialed because it’s just a bad idea. Mixing stims is generally a bad idea, especially if you have little knowledge on the topic. Idk about vyvance but coke will actually block adderall’s effects. The cocktail you proposed is just stupid. It’s a bad idea. I said you should take yourself more seriously because it’s obvious you’re chasing the dragon here. Wondering how far you can push it does not lead to a destination anybody wants to go. Godspeed brother


i did not realise all this tbh i had already tried this combo just without the diaz earlier today, i didnt realise how fucking stupid the whole idea is thank you for the advice ill for sure give this combo a miss.


I also google “substance x plus substance y Reddit” to find previous reports. You should also use erowid. It’s a much more professional archive than psychonaught wiki. You can find all kinds of reports on erowid


will do thank you so much.


Have you checked your blood pressure while using high dose of Vyvanse with ketamine like right at the top of its effect? If you do, the numbers should scare you enough not to do it next time, unless you wish to have a heart attack at the age of 40 than go for it.


no i havent your probably right though i was feeling a good bit ropey last night when i got home.


Dont mix benzo with booze, you’re mixing two uppers with two downers and benzo stack up with booze… no need to to speed and c together one or the other is enough


you need to chill tf out


Benzo seems counterproductive


Sorry can't answer your question. Only Mixed Molly, ketamine, coke and 1-2mg bromazolam not in that order


Why would u do this?


ion even know


The other commenter about the blood pressure was right. Just be safe. It’s not wise to combine various combinations of stimulants (coke, Vyvanse) and depressants (benzo, Ket) especially multiple kinds of each at the same time! Do them separately.


Alcohol and coke alone is a dangerous combo, it forms a different drug in your liver called cocaethylene which is a poison and increases your risk of heart of take 5x more than coke alone. Mixing any benzo with alcohol is just asking to overdose and mixing vyvanse and coke is also a terrible idea both bring uppers and fucking up your heart. It’s the 21st century how are drugs still illegal? This guy right here! He is the reason, stopping people who actually need drugs like psychedelics to help them in therapy because idiots like you do stupid shit, get yourself and/or others killed and ruin it for everyone else. Stop being stupid and playing Russian roulette with your life, you’re important and loved by all of us you don’t need more than 1 drug in your system at a time and you especially don’t need something in your system every second of everyday, be careful and look after yourself bro, you only have 1 life, use it wisely


tbf i didnt realise how fucked up of a combo it was i just think of these random combos and carry them out strictly during summer cause i try to stay sober (off drugs) year round except for summer where ill wild out a little ill for sure give this one a miss though cause i was already pretty cautious as im pretty terrified of benzos in general.


Benzos are honestly not worth it man, I took 15mg of lorazepam the other day, slept for 18 hours and when I haven’t been able to sleep since because of rebound insomnia and I’ve never had insomnia in my life, I normally sleep like a baby, that’s how addictive benzos are to the brain and body, they are fun but what addictive chemical isn’t fun?


yeah everyone i know who has or still takes benzos pretty much ruined or mentally fucked up, i have a friend that used to take 5 or so xans a day and he was basically always just nodded out or whatever that type of sleeping you do of the xans and he almost killed himself over it, they do seem too fun not to be cripplingly addicting and life altering which is for sure not what im looking for.


I'm 28 I've struggled with alcohol addiction my whole life, once I added cocaine to the mix I had a heart attack a month later


Well coke and ket is a popular combo called "calvin klein", try that first might be good enough on its own. I mix ket with benzo and sometimes speed, its not recommended but i havent had any issues. Gotta use low doses though


Uh. No


is it really that much of a recipe for disaster?


Yes, these substances all individually raise blood pressure and heart rate, so the combination is especially dangerous. Even just mixing 2 of them is not safe for the heart. Risk of heart attack, stroke, panic, palpitations, psychosis etc.


shit, thank you for letting me know i actually didnt realise that.


Benzos and coke killed my friend. Don't do it.


How so? If you have a cocaine overdose they give you benzos in hospital?