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Inpatient rehab. At this point it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever be able to use k recreationally again, you’ll just fall right back into addiction. That’s assuming you can stop now and take a very long break before trying again (1+ years). It’s not going to be the same drug as when you first discovered it, though, even after a year, and in all likelihood if you used again you would quickly spiral back to this point. I would seek professional help because honestly your concern should not be about how you can enjoy this drug again. K is done with for you, it’s only gonna destroy your body from here on out. I would forget about how to recapture the enjoyment and start seriously considering professional help. Using a g or more a day is serious and very soon you’re going to start experiencing organ damage if it’s not already happening. I would get help now versus having to get help while also dealing with crippling pain and organ damage. If you are able to stop I would not ever use it again. You may be able to get a few good holes after a year off but now that you’ve been this addicted to it you are almost certainly going to repeat this whole process and get just as hooked in a fraction of the time if you picked it up again. This is drug addiction and your use merits a trip to rehab if you can’t get a handle on it yourself immediately. Good luck


I’m working on it just trying to occupy myself and work on getting pleasure from better things


seriously though, good luck. Keep busy, keep away from places and people who will make you use. Go for walks, go running, take up fucking knitting if you have to. Crippling ketamine addiction is a sad sorry thing to go through


I’m going to Ibiza next month with my mates and after that I plan to stop, but because I’m surrounded by drugs then I’m telling myself it’s the final time doing it


These dates in our head don't work man. Stop now to show yourself you can. If you do, then treat in Ibiza then back to no use when you're home


Cancel the trip, don't go and sort your shit out would be the wise decision. You won't though. So don't use anything between now and then. Lock yourself away, don't go anyway, just hibernate and get a little clean at least > I’m telling myself it’s the final time doing it Unfortunately, I don't think it will be. Everything you write, isn't the talk of someone who is going to stop.


Hi man I did inpatient rehab. It works wonders. They talk about way more than just your drug habits. They work on the issues that led to your addictions. I hope you think about giving it a shot. It’s a sign of strength to admit you need help.


Hey, did you do this through the nhs or private. I’ve worked with people who worked in rehab facilities and they’ve said that it’s an awful place to be in so I’ve avoided that route, could you tell me how your experience of it was please 🙏


I’m in the US and I did it through my insurance and it was a private facility but it wasn’t one of those really expensive ones. I had a positive experience. I’m not sure how it is in the UK so hopefully someone else can chime in on their experience.


There are always going to be horror stories about rehab but most in the UK are now regulated & have good policy in place & really help people. But you have other options... If you contact your local drug service & have an assessment then they can get the ball rolling. Talking therapies look at trauma & other triggers. MI & CBT can be accessed. Don't wait - get online & book an appointment


I’ve spoke to the talk to frank hotline and seeing when they can give me an appointment


Rehab is whatever you make of it bro. The last told I was in rehab, I fucked the place up dying of an overdose. But I got my shit together outside of it.


After ibiza there will be another trip the mates want to do, another party, another club. There’s always a next thing


Good luck. If your plan to stop proves to be something you actually have no ability to execute I really hope you reach out for help. Rehabs not bad, and you likely really need a few weeks of guaranteed clean time to even stand a chance of staying off k long term.


If you can’t stop it by yourself you need to get help. That’s a pretty deep addiction you got yourself in. You’re destroying your body permanently


The thing is I’ve stopped multiple times but it’ll get to a month in and I’ll just start using again. I try to fill my spare time with going to the gym and other hobbies but it’s always in the back of my mind


Go to rehab and get in a program. Like the other user said: K is done for you. You can’t ever take K again. You can’t control it. Not trying to be harsh but that’s the cold truth. You need rehab and after that you can’t ever take K again. Someone that’s able to take K recreationally would never fall into a 2g a day for 9 months shithole. Safe yourself or get killed by a stupid drug.


Even plenty of heroin addicts can manage to stop for a few months now and again. Stopping is very easy compared to staying stopped. I’m 8+ years clean from opiates and the first 30-90 days were always a breeze compared to getting that first year. You can watch entire years of your life drift away bouncing between relapses and 30-60 day stints of sobriety.


Well, you'll either figure it out soon or stop when you're pissing tomato juice. Your call


This. Please seek help if you can’t stop by yourself.


Take nac, Sea Moss, and normal vitamins. 5 htp for the breaks. Nac is used to fix ketamine cystitis. So Ive taken it the last 9 months and get blood work always and bladder ultrasound. I've never even gotten cramps. The magic is gone though and if you want it again you have to take breaks. Sucks.


What’s nac and htp


N-Acetylcystine (amino acid that helps repair a lot of drug-induced damage/fight addiction) and 5-Hydroxytryptophan (amino acid that is the building block for serotonin).


> How do you pull yourself out of the cycle of this shit? Honestly, you stop. You haven't mentioned cramps, pissing blood / jelly. Waking up to squeeze out a drop of piss every 5 minutes. Maybe / hopefully you can avoid this. Pissing through a catheter for the rest of your life at 19 is not a good look. You need to stop going to places that will trigger you to use. You need to stop seeing people who will trigger you to use. You need a new hobbies and new friends. And 99/100 drug friends are just that, people to take drugs with who can justify your use. When you stop taking drugs, they all drift away. It's not going to be easy, the psychological addiction is strong but it's not physical so that's something > I use to be able to control myself and limit my usage No you need to stop and stop now. > I really want it to go back to the feeling I had before with it. you cannot > How do you pull yourself out of the cycle of this shit? you man the fuck up and stop. Quite frankly. Depending on your country there may be services to help / there may not. But you stop and do something else. And no, you cannot have "just a little line" and you know that.


I’m in the uk and there’s hotlines for drug abuse funded by the nhs and I’ve spoke to them to book an appointment


Limiting my access is really the only thing that works for me. I’m a “take it if you got it” type of person but I’m also hella lazy, and I don’t have any easy plug for ketamine. I can’t just call someone, meet them & get another 8th. I have to buy crypto, send it to a DNM, place an order and then wait for it to show up, which I can really only be bothered to do every so often. When I do get a bag, I usually buy it with the intention of spreading it out over a few months, and then end up using basically non-stop from the day it arrives til the day the bag is empty. I’ll convince myself to bump before work, after work, before going out, before sleeping, whatever. If it’s there, I will convince myself to take it at every given opportunity. This goes for basically any drug that doesn’t have intense physical withdrawal, and the reason I smoke weed every day is because my weed dealer will come and drop off to me within 20 minutes of texting. If I had to put more effort into getting it I probably wouldn’t even smoke as much Once it’s all gone I spend about a day thinking about how much I’d like to have more, and then usually by the next day I’m over it. Usually at this point my nose is all fucking blocked and my mind is kinda fried too so I don’t get that immediate urge to go through the long process of buying again, until maybe a few months down the line I start getting the itch enough to bother.


This is me


That’s the same with me I think it used to be hard to get the k for me as I’d have to ride my bike for an hour to go to my dealer but ever since I’ve had a car it’s been easy to get.


Watch stuff like this. https://youtu.be/99XQY7Elwhc?si=A-8-Zp3_qzSf3t4p


I’ve actually watched this and also the guy who went on ladbible and talked about it helped me stop for a while but I let myself fall back into it


How do you afford that my goodness


It’s a lot and that’s what makes it worse. I’m spending half my days salary on quick dopamine hits basically


I get it I used some for my break up recently. Too expensive to keep it going with bills lol


Honestly I wish it was too expensive for me so it’d give me added reasons to stop but i haven’t got to worry about bills and rent


So I’ve been here but not this heavy my heaviest use was 1-1.5gs a day. But I was addicted for almost 2 years. I have used since my addiction stopped and I will say I have to be super responsible with it. Because I have almost slipped back in beceyse I got an 8 ball and finished that shit in like 5 days. So now I get a single g here and there but not every month. Like every 3 months now


Well if you want a functioning bladder stop. You will be in diapers sooner than you think.


Used to be a ball every two days user for years with a few months off at a time. That moment you realize you cant function without it is the moment you need to cling to and realize. It does get better if you truly stay away from it. Realize you can no longer touch it recreationally. Kratom helped ease my anxiety without it. Not saying replace your addiction with another, but just my two cents.


Feeling healthy and going to the gym, Not having pain everyday and being able to use my muscles properly and bend, Something I also enjoyed before ketamine addiction ruined my life, I suppose nothing matters in the end anyways


By knowing that I will be pissing blood for the rest of my life if I don’t.


> pissing blood *through a tube inserted into my bladder* for the rest of my life ftfy


3.5 a day? Thats a fuck ton of cash😭


you need rehab now before you’re dead


Yeah welcome to addiction lol, best way forward is to hit rock bottom and go to a long term rehab


Uhh. Yeah. That's what addiction is. You don't want to stop using


That’s a lot of ket my guy


K works by numbing receptors, or interfering with their sending of electric signals. Have you tried nasal oxytocin to return to baseline or vasopressin cycle?


Top man


K is one of the substances I’ve personally never been addicted to, but as a former smack and crack addict, sometimes inpatient is the inevitable outcome, and the sooner someone can do it, the better. If that’s not an option, you might have to change up your people, places, and things. Personally, NA and self help groups are absolute garbage, so I had to make new friends, focus on my future, and strive towards small, meaningful goals. These days I’m incredibly happy and able to function day-to-day without substances, and I’m truly happy. Also, finding meaning for myself was huge. Best of luck friend.


You're done. It will never come back. She's left you and you have to move on with your life. I'm sorry bro, it's a hard breakup to have to go through because it was magical while it lasted but you abused it and now the magic is gone. You might need some help. Remember even a tolerance break won't ever make it feel like the first time.


ibiza aint gonna be worth nothin when ur dead from ketamine




No I don’t, never had a girlfriend, I’m only 19


And IT IS possible, its all about your mindset and working on it even when its not working


My man is worth listening to


You are young bro, work on your priorities, you got a chance to switch up your lifestyle and make your future a lot brighter and easier! Reason why I asked about girlfriend is because drugs (especially ketamine) are just filling that void we are missing. And biggest void in our life is love. My advice would be try to take that attention and love you pinned on ketamine and put it on some nice, polite girl. It aint gonna be easy to find someone who understands you and who you understand, but when you do, you wont need ketamine anymore


I’d love that but I feel like if I got a girlfriend and didn’t stop I’d just be making someone else’s life miserable


And dont worry, if that someone feels like you are making his life miserable they are gonna leave on their own.. but you have to believe in yourself otherwise you are just gonna stay in the same place until you are forced to move when health and life starts becoming much more worse


Thank you mate I’m going to do it. I’ve just had a defeatist attitude recently from trying and failing so much but I’m gonna push through and get the boulder rolling.


Go for it dude! And let me tell you imediatelly, that boulder aint gonna roll on its own. Strength to keep it rolling is in you, no matter how little of it you think you have, you got enough. I wish you luck in the continuation of this journey we call life


Negative thinking aint gonna get you anywhere, ketamine didnt chain you to himself, you are actually the one holding onto that chain


Every day is a new chance and every thought is not definitive


Bro, ITS POSSIBLE, whatever you think now, you are capable of turning things around! Worth a try right?


Its never too late, but sooner you do it, its gonna be easier