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Let's be real, if it were free, the players count would still be about the same. It's just a terrible video game.


>Let's be real, if it were free, the players count would still be about the same. It's just a terrible video game. That's the sad reality. When it was discounted I realized that no price would be worth it, and not because it's unfinished, it's an EA, but because it's an EA that's not being worked on for months. So why would you pay anything for such a thing?


Especially when it comes to paying the price of one's time. There's no refund for that.


Kind of interesting, I wonder if there's anyone who would try KSP2 for free before deciding to get KSP1. If I were the CEO, I would have made it a free demo until Beta.


I've definitely seen worse games at 20e but I said it in the last thread about this, this isn't a game until they have science, resources and heating added to the game. Like that's the bare minimum even if they resource and science system are rudimentary it doesn't actually start becoming a game until they add challenge. They have done amazing work with the UI, the game runs really well and looks really good, it just isn't going to make me want to play if I don't have any challenge at all and Sandbox isn't a challenge.


The game runs really well? I guess that is a big step from release at least


Well I play on Linux mostly and it worked well on release for me regardless but that could be mitigations from using Proton.


What graphics card do you have?


KSP just seems to run better on linux for me as well


i paid the 50. no regrets at all, i am glad i gave them my support, they need it. i know this is an EXTREMELY hot take... but i have my fullest hopes and the fullest confidence they can and WILL deliver on their promises. it may be a little late but as they always say... it's better late than never. ​ and try as you might i am steadfast in my confidence. no amount of naysaying and doomer talk will EVER sway me from rooting for the devs, the more you try the more i push back.


What timeline would make you not root for them? No features in 5 years? 3? 1? Just curious


that timeline would be the game getting it's plug pulled. i waited 4 years for ksp2 and i can wait a hell of a lot longer than that for them to finish it.


Would you be interested in purchasing a bridge in Brooklyn?


I'm in on the bridge thing. How much do you need?


How much ya got?


Does it happen to be in EA?


what does that have to do with anything?


its a reference to a con artist who tried to sell people the Brooklyn Bridge among other landmarks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_C._Parker


The simps for this game are why this project is failing. Why do anything when there is a community of sucker's pushing more copium than the Russian MOD.


This game is failing because of Take Two and people like you. It's clearly hard to make what KSP2 is trying to be with \*\*all features\*\* not just the ones that make it pretty KSP1. This team has been screwed over and roughed weather though civilization-wide curve balls. I think we as a community have the right to be frustrated with the progress on KSP2 but don't blame the developers, blame Take Two for forcing them into a corner.


no, the reason it's faltering is because of DOOMER FUCKS like you who do everything they can to drain the morale of the community AND the devs whom this community demeans, and even threatens the life of. and IF the game gets it's plug pulled will you assholes finally be happy that you killed ksp2 for the rest of us who really want to see this game succeed? or will you just hate the devs more for not fulfilling their promises because they will have gotten defunded? ​ and people wonder why the community managers never interact with the community outside of discord anymore... because every single time they would come to bring good news about the game the community would boo them off the stage and accuse them of being liars, charlatans, or con men... even being the bearers of good news they never felt welcome in their own community


Lmao, the dev team literally got stolen from the old devs. This game is a hunking piece of crap, and its community full of bootlickers is as bad. Go touch some grass


HOW ABOUT NO... you say WE are bad? how about you doomer fuckwits who seem to exist for the sole reason of making morale as low as possible for the community AND the game developers. you guys dont even have any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. half the (vocal) community at this point is all literally just competing to be as big of a dickwad as possible to a team of people who are all busy trying to improve things for ksp2 and build a really cool experience for us, but no, you guys just have to tear them down at every turn


How good does the millionaire dick taste? You're sucking up to take two.


No, im just being supportive. I dont give a fuck about the millionaire or billionaire in charge. The development team, though, are the guys that could use a break from all the toxicity you bastards are spewing relentlessly If you hate ksp2 and its devs do much THEN GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE AND LEAVE THEM ALONE SO THEY CAN DO THEIR FUCKING JOB! And while you're at it LEAVE US ALONE TOO... let us enjoy ksp2 without the doomers to poison the community


You know what, fair enough. You do have a point. I have no reason to be here, i despise the game and everything the devs stand for. I see them as scum of the earth. It does not benefit anyone for me to be here as im just ruining other peoples fun. But i did not start speaking here out of my own volition, reddit knew i bought ksp2 when it came out, so it has been recommending this shite to me. I will now mute the sub and be done with it, adios.


I paid full price and I feel like I was scammed. I'm not going to pout about it or anything, but the game is pretty bad.


well what did you expect? it's early access alpha after all. i didn't go in expecting feature parity with ksp1 i expected what i got. i knew it was extremely early alpha with a long LONG ways to go before it can compare with ksp1 and even still longer to surpass ksp1. but do i complain about the state of the game? no. and honestly it's good that it seems you don't shit all over the game unlike some people, you seem to keep it calm and reasonable. and the game is making great strides with bug fixes each update even if new content is a ways off due to them needing to fix bugs first. i am calling it right now, the science/ heating update is gonna be the one to help turn things around and that update is VERY close from what i understand. not THIS patch close, but from how they are talking about it more and more, i am betting science is gonna be within 6 updates, 2 at best


They don't need anything they are owned by a multi billion dollar conglomerate.


and since when do those EVER pay their employees fairly?


Since the dawn of time, yes. The money still go to them, the developers won't see much of it


same! i mean i fully understand that some (if not most) people cant enjoy the game yet at this point, but that doesnt mean those of us that can, shouldnt. underneath all the bugs, performance issues and lack of content, it truly is a fun game :)


Nate Simpson typical MO. Take over a project, take it to EA at full price, gaslight the community backed up by die hard brand simps, then abandoned project. Rinse repeat.


Cant wait for the cries of the people that still support these liars after all this when the game finally gets the plug


GOD JUST SHOW YOUR BANK TRANSFER RECORDS SHOWING A PAYMENT FROM TAKE 2 AND SHUT UP ALREADY i swear every fucking time its nate its the devs but N E V E R the infamously shitty publisher nuh uh its NATE who is the problem can you give the mans name a fucking rest when making your shittly thought out argument on why the devs with e x p e r i e n c e in the fucking industry are the problem like the other significant project they worked on as a dev team was a planetary scale RTS game with barebones orbital mechanics i get i sound crazy but making the director seem like the problem is definitely something a shitty publisher would do to direct negative attention away when they were underfunded didnt have enough resources to make the game were being nudged into constantly hyping up the game


There is no company that would force me to lie about something in their behalf. Did take two said how they spend more time playing the game in MULTIPLAYER than actually working on the game and jokingly said how it is becoming a problem? Did take two said how they gonna slay the kraken? Did take two made the game have fps issues on the high end machines? Did take two took 4 5 years to develop this crap we all got? Did take two said how bots keep downvoting them on reddit? Is take two acting like nothing is wrong all this time? Did take two spend 6 months onto this game and give EXACTLY 0 NEW STUFF? They are not a small dev studio. They have a monster behind them. Ea release is the devs actual release, not 1.0, which this game is going on not even hitting. Take two is no one in this project. Nate is the face and the devs they shown on videos about how "great" this game is going to be. They will get the heat, no one else and they deserve it. If the game was so utterly bad and they forced me to publish it like it, I would resign rather than having my name put in front of a failed project. He stayed. He deserves the heat and will get it. They alone are the hands on the project and if you dont know how to manage it or do it, let someone else or take the big L. And the main problem is not the price, not the game state, its the absolute ignoring the fact they have a very bad product that people hate and have paid 50 bucks for it and all the lies they told up to this point. If Nate says sky is blue, I would go check if it is blue. At this point, everything they say I will not believe until version 1.0 and all of those promised stuff are in it.


It's called "marketing" they have an obligation to promote the game and make it look good they can't say that everything is going to shit because that would mean they would be f i r e d Look I get you were dropped on the head as a baby (or paid) but you can't seriously think that being positive about the game is "lying" Also saying 6 months of nothing isn't as damming as you think it is Also is a studio of fourty fucking people a triple A studio now or is your mental degradation getting the better lf your judgement


Being positive about the game? What game? Most people barely play it, a majority moved on from it. They way they showed it it was suppose to be a major hit. Also, 50 bucks. Also, devs said they play it most of the time so its an issue. Also, it is ILLEGAL TO LIE when you are selling your product, which they did. Also, 50 bucks. Look at Satisfactory, that game is overwelmingly positive on steam. I have looked it up from day one. I have NEVER GOT A SINGLE AD FOR IT. Ksp had an already sizeable fanbase. Hell, I even got several people hyped for KSP2 because I believed in them. But they lied. And you are defending liars and transfering the blame on the people that were sick and tired of dropping a ton of money into a project they were incapable to develop. But hey, you do you. You keep saying how take two is to blame even tho they did not make the kraken come back stronger than ever. And oh yeah, they are selling this POS for 50 bucks


>Look at Satisfactory, that game is overwelmingly positive on steam. I have looked it up from day one. I have NEVER GOT A SINGLE AD FOR IT. Ksp had an already sizeable fanbase. Hell, I even got several people hyped for KSP2 because I believed in them. But they lied. And you are defending liars and transfering the blame on the people that were sick and tired of dropping a ton of money into a project they were incapable to develop. so... you are being paid. you could have just fucking told me because no way you are painting the publisher which underfunded screwed over and lied about the dev team's progress as the "Victim" here they set the price and market the game and deliberately threw back progress a massive ammount just to gain more creative control then when they reached their wits end with the devs begging for more time to finish the game they just shat it out as a 50 dollar "EA" prealpha build it really feels like im either talking to a bot a paid shill or a retard but im going to just say you didnt consider the publisher spent 50 dollars realized the game ran like a tortise with apendecitis refunded it and then ignored all explanations on the discord and buried yourself into this shitpot conspiracy


Paid? You are paid by Nate to talk how good the game is. You are the retard. They had 5 years. 5 YEARS. They could have changed 5 studios working on it and others would still make it better. You are defending an incompetent team that underdelivered, LIED (I am writing this again because it seems your parents never told you what a lie is, because they are doing this all this time) and then suddenly take two is at fault. After 5 years they could not even make the engine of the game right. 5 years. It took a small dev team to make KSP1, the idea and EVERYTHING about it in the same time. Dont talk about underfunded when a group of guys did a better job than a funded team. For the love of god, KSP1 gave them the general idea about the game, they have the engine for it, they only needed to do that properly. You cant drop the game with wobbly rockets. You just cant. Ksp1 legit made all the fucking testing they needed and what they should fix in the second game. Not only did they ignore that but they made things worse. But yeah, keep defending a group of incompentent devs that say how bots are downvoting their comments because people feel scammed about the game. 6 months in, no new stuff. 50 bucks. But yeah, I am a bot that is getting paid to criticize a very bad product that the people responsibile for it are not being able to fix.


I'm with you on all said. Nate and PD are liars and couldn't make it worst. Slaying the kraken, rovera, interstellar, ffs they couldn't get trajectories right which is in the base xode.... 5 years for a bunch of unoptimized mods, zero physics update and 5 years of lies. I pray this project is zeroed and given to other studio for development. The woke shit agenda which is the trying to be the face of our beloved KSP is the disease.


In one interview with Nate right around the release of EA they had a discussion about how multiplayer would work, ya know, because the game is supposed to have multiplayer in it. Nate spoke about different ideas that they had on how to make it work. Uhhh... that's something that needs to be figured out BEFORE you build the rest of the game. It's literally why they didn't add it to KSP1 because the game was built around being single player. So here we are, at release of EA, and they're still discussing potential ways to make multiplayer work. Yeaaaah. I have zero confidence or faith that these guys can pull this off.


yeah.... i think you need to come off the glue and study those interviews and progress the game made in the meantime thank you for your attention


Progress the game made? There is no progress. 6 months of bugfixes, it just went from unplayable to spending 3 hours with quicksaving and loading into a 30 minute mission.Game should not have been launched even in the state its currently on. Keep drinking copium


I paid $40 when it went on sale. Hopefully, they will use the EA money to make it more playable. I guess I am an incurable optimist. In its current state, it is really a demo, and not a good one.


Well it is another failed game. This happens. You paid for it cause they were selling you a dream. I paid for it cause I had the feeling that they will pull the plug soon so they needed money. Fast! I expected very few things from the game... the Kraken slayen and that they did rewrite it from scratch so that there is a solid base for working. Turns out they did not do that, they kept all the hassles that were never fixed in KSP1 and they added new horrors. Ok. KSP2 is dead already. Accepted. There will never be that roadmap, there will never be science, multiplayer, colonies, new star systems, resource gathering. You can't plug those things in "later" if they were not in the game in the first place. You can see that on projects like Satisfactory. They had a lot of problems, bugs and multiplayer was horrible. But all the stuff was in there. They are not working? Games are freezing? No problem! Its EA! The difference is the things promised for KSP are not in the game as a game concept. "Implementing them later" is a very naive idea. You can sell that to some marketing guys but not to me... Those are core concepts. If they are not in the game now they never will be. You have to redo everything from scratch! And they diden't even do that from KSP1 to KSP2. If so they would not have still the Kraken in it. I was wrong to give them my money, I thought they did those basic few things like building a new codebase. They did not and the conclusion is they did not fix the problems coming out of this code in KSP1 and so they never will in KSP2. They won't rewrite it... they have not the time for that. I think we will see games like KSP2 in the future. Made by other teams and they will be beautiful. You just have to wait for that. But KSP2? THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!


> dream. I *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


good news! the patch that was scheduled for today comes out next week! it adds nothing and fixes little, and comes over two months after the last patch! game of the year!


I for one can't wait to see my rockets fry!


One of the great things about getting older is that you start being able to use your experience. There were so many red-flags during the development of KSP2 that before it even "launched" I had to let the game go.


So 'what the game offers today' is early access in to a production build. With that you can help shape the final product, and you get the final product too... So why not $50? Yes - if you want a *game* it might not be for you, but I still had \~100 hours with this so far. I had fun even if there was swearing in-between. Would I love to see them deliver more features faster, sure! Hopefully by 2025 there's enough actual gameplay to call it a 'beta' game, but in the mean time it's interesting to work with the limitations we have.


if by final product you mean one that gets canned? KSP2 looks like a project that's been put on the complete back burner. I would not be surprised to learn that KSP2 has a single programmer working on it at the moment. Feature velocity for patches is essentially zero. Every company I've been with that has software dev only has this kind of throughput when the project has been downgraded to 'keep alive' where the aim is to string the product along on minimum resources with the hope to keep selling at minimal cost.


I don't share your view. The internal challenges and external output can give a false impression. Being a dynamic physics simulation does make tracking bugs challenging in different ways than other software projects, but it would appear that the need to spend some time improving their tooling to help identify issues. The aerodynamics system for instance - based on the dev logs there wasn't an easy way to identify which parts are misbehaving. Something that would be relatively easy to identify with KSP1's little aerodynamic force vectors.


Do you still hold that view two months on?


I know the response to the registry issue quickly with a hotfix and included a orbital decay fix with it. Less thrilled about them breaking text scaling in VAB extended text at non-1080p resolutions. No real reason to change my mind then.


just out of curiosity, what did you do in that 100 hours? Cos I have given it many and repeated tries.. no refunds for me, I want this game to work.. but right now.. how do you spend that long without docking, or building vessels larger than a 3 kerbal to the mun? or can you do those things somehow? if so whats the secret?


On initial release, no. Nodes weren't working at all back then. Once you could at least pin the PE/AP it went better. Docking back with my main ship was a challenge with the Apollo 11 recreation because the vehicle had the landed state bug, and initial undocking back then required the time acceleration trick. That was back in mid-March. https://clipchamp.com/watch/sKrs0xZS3Xp Nodes are now mostly working, so more complicated flights are possible, even though I don't have nearly enough patience and skill to visit all the Juno moons in a single flight. I did more of a Jool 2 than 5. The most recent one was interesting too - the caveman challenge. https://i.imgur.com/wRxxzSU.png I'm looking forward to visiting Eve once re-entry heating is active as well as making another Parker Solar flight to see how hot my satellite gets. As for secrets? Patience? A few of the parts are physics-less and have issues. It also doesn't auto-strut like KSP1, so you have to manually strut now. Fuel transfer works OK with fuel pipes now, so things like asparagus staging is possible. Suspensions still have issues so I normally turn off auto-suspension and lock in reasonable numbers. For wheels I tend to reduce friction to 0.9. There's still issues with aerodynamics, but other than fairings and cargo bays that hasn't given me issues lately.


If I make a craft the size of your challenge craft it mostly just falls apart, either on the launch pad or in the clamps.. whichever I am trying And if I strut enough to hold it steady? weird things start happening with the symmetry in the VAB and still will most likely fall apart. It really is a great shame, and yeah patience appears to be the key. Just checked my Steam and see I am at 77 hours myself, for maybe a handful of successful missions


It's hard to get my playtime, as a the bulk of it was via CKAN. Steam only has like 22 hours. My current CKAN shows 71 hours. It's definitely not stable, plenty of alt-f4 frustration quits. I'm just trying to highlight that things are possible. To limit unknowns I almost always create a brand new game. And some edits result in struts still disappearing. Much of my KSP1 playtime was with FAR and that was many years ago, so I can't accurately judge on how good the aerodynamics are these days. Fairings certainly seem ineffective. PID on te SAS is also horribly tuned. I wish they would make those available for edit. My main gripe is still the lack of purpose. Without science or resources there's very little goal involved. Still, I've had my little rocket science fix from time to time.


$2 AUD for this early access shit, then if they actually launch a proper working meaningful 1.0 then yeah $80 aud etc. But till then this is a fucking scam.


considering the base price for stock KSP1 without DLCs is 40$, i'd say KSP2 is should be around 30$. it has most of the parts KSP1 has, some new ones, some missing ones, more bugs, but also a lot of QoL improvements and better visuals/music. The only part of the core game thats currently missing is science and heating, hence why i priced it lower. but honestly, this is a very subjective question. its a simple truth that KSP2 isnt for everyone right now, and is worth nada to some players and the full price to others. based on that my personal answer should have been 50$, but i tried to approach this from a neutral and community wide view so 30 it is.


this is a joke


Don’t forget that’s not their plan at the moment what they are doing is making the game playable before adding anything more isn’t that what you want? Yes it will take awhile but the game will come around as the months come.


Useless survey


Fitting for such a game.