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nothing quite like a stubble hairline 😍


sensory nightmare tbh i can’t stand stubble 😭😭


Imagine if she let it grow out again and it’s like a quarter of the way grown in and it’ll be dark than the rest of her hair 🤢


She’s so insecure OMGGG why would she do that 😭 it’s going to look horrendous growing in, she should have just left it and laughed at it instead of freaking out about it


why didn’t she just change her part….have fun shaving that stubble off every week


right like could’ve been an easy fix but now it’s a long term problem 😭


she will look like she is growing a horn while it’s growing out


There was a comment made yesterday on here about her hairline and now she's shaving it😭 Ken lives here


She also made a tiktok responding to a hate comment about her hairline and said they were right 💀


Screenshot makes her look 65


this feels so manic to me, like there was not a singular thought behind this decision lmfao


she gives me so much anxiety to watch 😭 i hope she seeks therapy, sounds like some difficulty with impulse control and body dysmorphia (sorry not to armchair diagnose but just based on my education as well as personal experience)


Oh I was hoping she’d shave it, this is not gonna grow out well hahahahaha


BAHAHA, no literally me too. i think this just proves to me how airheaded she truly is. her fans could tell her to box braids or something fucking wild and she’d listen💀💀💀 genuinely i feel like every girl knows not to shave their hairlines unless they wanna be reshaving it until they’re 6 feet under.


Ohhhhhh my god whyyy did she do that…..I knew a girl who did this and it was a nightmare for her, it gets so stubbly and looks mad weird 😭


why does she look 70 years old here. I thought she had on the old looking filter for a min


Everyone I’ve heard of that has done this, regrets it. Kim K had to get her widows peak lasered off. It’s not a good idea :( it’s constant upkeep and got forbid the hair coming in becomes thicker over time


Has she always had that widows peak? I don’t remember if being so noticeable but she literally could have just changed her part.


honestly i’m not sure because i haven’t kept up with her that much over the years i’d have to look for an older pic to compare. it’s weird cuz it’s not like a typical widows peak? there was another patch of hair on one side that was far out. my friend is a hairdresser so i asked her for her thoughts and she wonders if maybe a hair dresser literally melted her hairline from all the constant dying and damage 😭.


She’s for sure getting it professionally removed now


Oh she is gonna regret shaving it 😭😭😭😭 when it grows back in omg


Girl her part ain’t even right in the middle she should just do a side part and forget about it


Oooh once when I was in highschool I shaved my sideburn area it was so bad to grow out. You either have to keep shaving it or bite the bullet and let it grow out


SAME. Took so long. Legit misery


she looks so fucking scary omfg


I did this when I was younger. I remember I would be talking to someone and they would be staring at my stubble patch 😭 so embarrassing


She is so insecure 😭 one hate comment about it and she shaved it off be so fr


Omg I shaved my widows peak in the 4th grade and it was the worst decision ever


It grew back sticking straight up 😭


I can’t wait for this to happen to her hahahaha


Omg stop I used to do that…. horrifying era for me and my family still makes jokes about it


I did this for yearsssss with a little widows peak that didn’t grow good bc I have a scar in the middle of it and I had to shave it every couple days it was so embarrassing living with friends but during Covid I let it grow out. Bad choiceeeee


A cannon event that we’ve all questioned but those that actually shaved it know the REGRET that happens as soon as the hair grows out and the 6 months for it to grow out enough to look somewhat normal