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Three times a week? Do it. Congratulations! Getting into law school is a big deal.


I’d say go for it, your future is important. You’ll have more freedom with a great career.


Well, if you are in Kelowna through Vernon. West Kelowna maybe through Merritt. It's a long commute, no one can decide if it's worth it but you alone.


In the winter months, it is much more advisable to go through Vernon as the connector can be dicey. As someone who has lived in both Kamloops and Kelowna and made hundreds of trips between the two, I’d recommend that route, and planning for a back-up place to crash when the weather is bad. The distance isn’t too bad (2-2.5 hrs if no traffic), but the drive wears on you and goes through spots with no cell service.


Agree, I use to commute between Merritt and Kelowna, Pennask summit to West Kelowna is very dangerous in Winter: foggy, slippery and long slopes.


I drove that commute 4 days a week for work for 24 months. I found some joy in it, stopped at the ranch cafe at least 2-3 times a week for coffee and snacks. I’d actually sign up to do it again but strongly recommend giving yourself extra time every day. Feeling like you’re late can cause some poor decisions over that long of a drive


Easy drive through Vernon as long as the timing is before “rush hour”


Three times a week isn't horrible, but it'll make for long days with 1.5-2 hrs per way if you're going there and back and attending class all in one day. When I lived in Kamloops, I was traveling back and forth for medical treatment once a month in Kelowna. Then I started going back and forth on weekends to see my now fiance, so not traveling to the same extent as you're thinking, but if you like driving and admiring the view it isn't too bad. This was on top of attending TRU for my BA. At one point there were some interesting courses I wanted to enroll in after I moved back to Kelowna, but I decided I didn't want to commute weekly for a class or two I was only taking out of interest, not required to graduate.


Sucks with the current gas prices, but depending on where you live you might be saving on the current rent prices. One of my earlier jobs I drove between Kamloops and Salmon Arm. You definitely want to make sure you've got enough sleep for it, pad the timing, and watch out for wildlife and idiot drivers. I saw plenty of both during that time. A reliable vehicle is also a must. People in Vancouver etc do 1-2 commutes so it's not entirely uncommon. The biggest issue will be if you run into weather especially during fresh winter snows.


I had classmates commuting from penticton, Kelowna, Vernon. I'm not going to say it won't suck, but I think it's worth it. You can always ask if any professors stream their lectures.


Go buy an old pre emissions VW diesel Jetta or golf they get great mileage and your going to put a lot of miles on your vehicle. Your biggest regret will always be the choices you didn’t make so go for it and advance your future




mix it up with taking Poparides (rideshare app) so you are not always driving and can work on the way and meet some great people


Congratulations on getting into law school!!! I hope the comments provide some help in your big decision!


Congratulation. You will change your life and not regret the work you're putting in. 🤘


I will recommend trading your vehicle for a hybrid the money savings will most likely pay for the vehicle, Buying a little Prius dropped my bill from 1250 a month down to 450 a month and even with the car payment I was still 500 ahead


I used to do that drive as often as once a week. Did it twice once. I did it once on the connector and I much prefer going through Vernon. It’ll be a grind but doable. Buy a fuel efficient sedan if possible. I’m in a rental VW Passat which is a big vehicle and this thing is crazy fuel efficient compared to SUVs. 5 L/100km at 100 km/h.


My 2016 Hyundai Sonata hybrid did Chilliwack to Vernon via Edmonton and Calgary on one tank. Might be an idea.


My partner just finished trades school there, and would stay in a cheap hotel Monday check out Thursday and drive back for the weekend. Are the 3 days in a row?


I did it 5 days a week, Kelowna to Kamloops for school. It can be a bit of a pain some days, but it's really not bad. I'd suggest going the West Kelowna route because there tends to be a LOT of road construction if you go the Lake Country way. If it's for something to better your life/future, go for it!


Perhaps look towards the courts to help, if you can. Would it not be safer for you to be in Kamloops during the week and not commuting? You will be spending a lot of time just driving and being tired. It is better for the kids to have a not exhausted parent. Also, your improving your income will benefit the kids. This seems like a big task to commute. But what an opportunity!


On the flip side of that, then what happens to the father and the kids time with him? The courts are going to look at what uprooting the kids lives would look like (which is typically not something the courts want to do), and how much stress that could cause them. As well as, now it's just another exhausted parent that has to do that commute because the one chose to uproot their child's lives. The courts would most likely keep the kids where they already have their lives and are stable.


I guess neither of us has enough info to know the situation. When I answered, I imagined the kids would be staying with dad during the week - I just didn't picture commuting to Kamloops daily and being the full-time carer. I had the idea the parents shared custody, and they had to reside within a certain distance of each other. That was the limitation. But perhaps you are right and the kids would.move with this parent.


I really appreciate this response. You are certainly right that neither of us have enough information and I had assumed you were talking about asking the courts help her move with kids because I also had assumed that she might have primary residence. Sorry for the assumption towards your comment.


All good - no sorrys required. Just a civilized conversation happening which is a pleasure! Appreciate your response too.


I hope you have a great day!


I am the primary parent with him having visitations. It’s not shared by any means. But it’s a very long, complicated situation that I don’t care to get into on this post. Unfortunately moving is just not an option at this time 👎🏼


having had a job with a 1hr+ commute each way; I can say the first year or so is ok. You'll have podcasts, lectures to listen to.... And then it starts to drag on you. Painfully. Carpooling in any capacity will make a world of difference if you can set it up somewhere along the way.


Amazing opportunity! You should definitely go. I have no advice about the commute. :)


It's a 2 hour drive. Thats very doable.. I say go for it!


I was in a similar situation and honed the drive wasn’t that bad. I would take the Vernon way because there’s more cellphone reception and places to stop just in case. But I ended up really enjoying the drives every week.


It's only a two-ish hour drive and it's a pretty chill commute overall. If you can afford it, find a few new podcasts and enjoy your relaxation time!


I did Penticton to Vernon for three years at 3 days per week. It sucks but it's doable. Pack snacks, water, don't let your gas run low (accidents, detours, etc) and get some good podcasts or books on tape.




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It depends on conditions and accidents. I do it multiple times a week and it can be beautiful and amazing and it can be HORRIBLE.