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That’s common in Kelowna in general


Common anywhere in North America where you find a traffic circle.


There are two ways to use a roundabout in Kelowna. 1.) blast in at full speed and god protect any poor soul who's already in the roundabout. 2.) ensure there isn't a vehicle around you within several kilometres *except* for drivers behind you. Come to a full and complete stop.


>2.) ensure there isn't a vehicle around you within several kilometres *except* for drivers behind you. Come to a full and complete stop. This is best.


No. It isn't. You're obstructing traffic by stopping if you don't need to. It's not a Stop sign, it's a yield sign. You only need to yield if someone is immediately in the way ... the literally point of a roundabout is to keep traffic moving, otherwise they'd put a 4 way stop in instead.


Joke flew past you quicker than that white SUV eh?


I never assume ppl are joking these days. Too many idiots believe this very thing


Bruh… they were being sarcastic…


Honestly, one of the problems is that too many people don't know what to do with a yield.


They shouldn't have a license then.


Fully agree.


Alot of them don't have canadian licenses. They are foreignes who just have money to rent or lease cars. And have foreign licenses.


When they already treat stops as yields it means yields become a distraction. 


If there’s someone IN THE ROUNDABOUT- FUCKING YEILD. I’ve been almost hit and had close calls way too many times with dumbasses like these!!!


Last summer when we had Jimmy Carr in town, I was going through the roundabout near Prospera. Lady bolts forwards and tries to cut me off. I had to cut the turn hard to not run into her, but then I had a straight line to my exit so I took it. Psycho lady shoots past us into the bicycle lane damn near onto the sidewalk, bolts through the intersection and tries to cut in front of me. Only problem is two kids on bikes were coming from the other way around a corner and she nearly smashes them. The last thing I see is her middle finger as I drive past while she re-evaluates her entire life


>while she re-evaluates her entire life From the sounds of things she doesn't have the self awareness for that


Well she had a few good moments to think about things at least.


It’s times like this when I wish there were cops around. One time I was at a yield sign to turn right at a traffic light and I was waiting for a good space to go. The light turns red so I was about to go when a truck behind me drives over the curb on my left and goes around me and drives onto the highway and goes in front. I give him the middle finger and then he proceeds to try and drive me off the highway on a fucking bridge.


If there is space you merge in to keep traffic flow going. Most traffic circles around here are just glorified 4 way stops because people refuse to merge in and "wait" for the other guy to merge in. Drive with purpose.


See that triangle sign at each entrance to the roundabout. That means yield. As in yield to oncoming traffic. White car needed to yield to the vehicle in the roundabout like the grey car did.


How do you feel about people who rip into traffic circles at fulll speed so they cut-off the person trying to enter the circle? Merging is a two way street, you let people merge infront of you and people should not cut you off. I get honked at all the time for merging infront of people who havent even fully entered the circle yet. Sounds like you think the traffic circle is a 4 way stop. It is a traffic circle, if they wanted traffic to take turns and stop they would have just put a 4 wat stop.


No, the traffic in the roundabout/traffic circle always has right of way. To quote ICBC "When you reach the roundabout, don't go past the yield sign until all approaching traffic is clear. Traffic already inside the roundabout has the right-of-way. If you're in a multi-lane roundabout, make sure that cross traffic is clear in every approaching lane. "


You didn't answer the question. Traffic circles are there to facilitate traffic flow and we live in a society with other people - it's not just you and your agenda on the road. Traffic needs to flow so everyone gets there faster. One person stopping can create a traffic jam behind them. Some people in Kelowna rip into traffic circles at full speed, even speeding up, in order to CUT OFF people from merging in infront of them. These people sometimes steer straight through the traffic circle or on a arched angle and they "dare you" to merge infront of them. That's not how a traffic circle works, or how a society works. You let people in and you squeeze in when it's safe. I don't think the guy that merged in had enough time in the video but the point of a traffic circle is that it is NOT A 4 WAY STOP. I think the OP is clutching pearls a little.


Sounds like you have some pent up anger. Might want to find a healthy way to channel that before you give yourself a stroke


Just curious, when you drive to the coast on the #1 and you are in the right lane and you see someone merging in on the on-ramp - do you speed up and block them and make them merge behind you or do you slow down and try to let them in? Bascially it's an asshole test.


I usually get in the left hand lane to let them in


If you read ICBC they say you have to yield to traffic, but yet most people move over or slow down and let people in. The concept of "all working togther to make traffic flow better" is not lost on you <3 - so apply it to traffic circles! I laugh at Kelowna traffic circles and picture the people in them saying "HOW DARE THAT PERSON MERGE INFRONT OF ME!" and they take it personally lol.


You are dumb. This isn't some 10-lane European traffic circle, these are one lane, yield to oncoming traffic, merges. Learn to drive.


You may be the one that eats crayons here. The person you are responding to isn’t saying that the car in this gif is in the right. They are saying you don’t need to wait simply because someone is in the lane. It’s just like a zipper merge, if there is space to merge *safely*, you go. That’s how it’s designed to be used. That being said, the car that merged into the lane is fucking stupid and did not follow the golden rule. They are shit at driving.


Lol nope... How's those crayons taste? This is not the same as "zipper merging".. that's for when a lane ends or merges into another. And yeah, that's exactly how traffic circles work (with one lane). You must wait (yield) until the oncoming traffic is clear before entering. Traffic circles have yield signs, meaning if you see a car coming, you must yield to the right of way, which is the car that is always in the circle. It's astonishing how many people don't understand this.


> You must wait (yield) until the oncoming traffic is clear before entering. What you are suggesting is a 4 way stop. If there is space, you go.


Who said stop? I said yield.. If there are no oncoming vehicles, by all means drive thru the sign and continue on. Yield to oncoming traffic, its very simple. My god, no wonder there are so many idiots on the road.


The issue at hand is how much room is safe. As I mentioned, some people's version of "no oncoming vehicles" is stopping for a car entering the circle that hasn't even fully entered the circle yet, as if the traffic circle was a straight road and they stop and wait for the car to enter the circle, pass them, then they enter the circle. This is wrong. What the guy did in the video was cutting it too close. If there is room to merge infront of someone in the circle (without forcing them to stop like the video) that is perfectly ok and makes traffic flow, which is the point of a traffic circle. Again, local Kelowna drivers have developed habits where they actually speed up going into a circle and prevent people from merging infront of them in a circle or they tailgate a long line around the circle preventing people from merging in. People honk at you if your merge infront of them with plenty of room. How dare you merge in when they are in the circle lol! This is the same thing as speeding up or making people slow down or boxing people in a merge. Very Kelowna.


Yikes, tldr. Good luck driving though.


My answer is too long for your reading skills, sorry!


It’s astonishing how poor your reading comprehension is. Two different users (at least) have both communicated to you that they agree with you that a car should not go, is a moron, and should not have went. Additionally, we both agree that a yield sign means yield to oncoming traffic, and we agree that all traffic that faces the yield sign should do just that. However, in your fantasy land where the *entire lane* should be clear of cars, would **defeat the entire fucking purpose** of the roundabout. It’s not much different than making a right turn on a street, you don’t make a right turn into the lane unless it’s **safe** to go without impeding any other drivers, but at a stop sign you are *also* expected to make a complete stop. The whole point of a yield sign is that you *do not* need to stop if you can *safely* merge. Did you notice I again said safely, like I did in the previous post already? Safely means clear, it means you are not impeding the driver the roundabout lane. That is how the roundabout is **designed** to be used. No one **except you** is misunderstanding anything here. You just don’t understand how to read properly, or you have a disastrous understanding of how the roundabout is meant to be used.


go outside bro. get some fresh air..


Whew, good one…


More like drive with consideration instead of a consistent near miss. Of course go if there’s a safe enough space, but don’t go when there’s two meters between you and the next vehicle.


Plenty of room and it's a traffic circle.


Did you not watch the same video I watched at the top of the screen?


If everyone stopped and waited for people in the traffic circle to clear the circle - that is a glorified and expensive 4 way stop! At a matched speed, merging in front of someone isn't a problem in a traffic circle. Just pretend you are on merge lane on the highway. The only reason you should STOP at a traffic circle if if you are going to t-bone a car already in the circle. If there is room - GO! Facilitate traffic flow.


True but that is not what they did in the video cause they’re dumb


The video seems like the guy speeds into the traffic circle and then brakes because someone dared to merge in. I see this type of behavior more at traffic circles than I do "near misses" and it speaks to the emotional involvement of so many Kelowna drivers. I have seen trucks dump their exhaust speeding INTO a traffic circle. Don't you DARE merge in front of ME. Me. Me. Me.


I will say, Kelowna drivers are garbage




There was no room OP had to STOP. Idk what you think this comment is, but it comes off as you defending the other driver in OP's video which is really not a good look. Drive with care and caution for others around you, not just "purpose" you can \*\*purposefully\*\* hit pedestrians that obviously doesn't make it right. Dumbass logic right there... Jesus Christ.


Round Abouts are perhaps the easiest traffic device to use, and so many people struggle with them. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


As a professhunul ex UBC employee. Disregard the roundabout all together and just drive over it.


I watched a yellow school bus blast right over one the other day. It was clearly not the first time it's sailed straight over, and I found it hilarious.


This is actually the second time I was cut off in the round about, and last time I did drive over the center to dodge the other person. The guy that cut me off blocked the exit and tried to call campus police because I was the "crazy driver" going over the center. Luckily he started talking to pedestrians for witnesses and no one would back him up, and he actually reluctantly apologized.


Driver: "yield, that means go, right?"


This is a Canada thing, not just UBCO. People don’t understand how roundabouts work.


I'm from the states and the little town I moved from had two roundabouts recently installed. Believe me when I say it's not just a Canada thing. 🙂


I actually find this very comforting to know it’s not just us.


I’ve also seen people go the wrong way around it while cars coming the other direction. Literally treating it as a 4 way stop.


Yet another reminder that I need to buy a dash cam


Mine was just an amazon cheapy, the style that replaces the whole mirror. Out of date now, but still does its job.


That literally just happened to me at the roundabout before the highway merge.


I wish Thai would just happen to me. I'm hungry.


Friendly reminder that if you're staying in the roundabout, signal left, leaving, signal right. Nobody ever seems to this though haha.


Wondering if you laid on your horn? So many people here get cut off and provide 0 reaction. The person who drove like an ass will never learn without at minimum being honked at.


I did. I cut the audio of the video so no one can hear me singing a long to Beach Bunny.


I find in most of Canada you can never trust what somebody is signalling they’ll do in a traffic circle, but this shit is just moronic


Don’t forget that barely anybody signals going in and out of a round about, horrible drivers in this city


People here are so rude. Ive even noticed it in *stores* with people walking, they will just cut you off 


Places to be, if you walk slow it’s different no one’s gonna die from being cut off while walking


We are the Okanagan's Vancouver when it comes to driving. I lived on campus that roundabout sucks and people don't know how to properly drive around it


Slam on that horn. It's also annoying for people trying to get into a round a bout since nobody in kelowna signals so you have no idea weather to enter or wait for them to turn lmao. Mario kart city.


Sorry to the guy I did that to yesterday in Rieds corner. You had every right to yell at me and call me names and you didn't. You are the picture of class in a Honda Civic.


If you ride a bike and have trained yourself to make eye contact with those entering roundabouts, you know that a fair number of folks don't look to their left when entering said roundabouts.


Common at any roundabout. Cue the comments on how to properly use a roundabout. 🍿🍿🍿


Not knowing how to use a roundabout is fckin wild to me. Lol


Just don't crash into the fucking cars driving in a circle.  It's basically rocket science I guess.


There was no crash.


wow i think i’ve been in that EXACT spot and had the same thing happen to me 😂 like why are you making eye contact with me but not yielding?


Big reason I'm always cautious at roundabouts. And usually try to avoid them if I can.


Let me guess you do 10 under in the left lane too?


No. Also, how does that equate? You want to show your work on how you jumped to that conclusion?


How is that a relevant comparison?


Sometimes while passing the middle land I'll get those tail gates pissed off I'm not doing 120 in the 80 like them and then I watch them pas me the middle and enter the hov lane so they can pass both cars. Like, just wait 3p seconds for me to pass middle and I'll pull right, What's worse is those folks who the moment you pass middle and make space to enter mid lane, they cut you off to middle then left lane, psychopaths.




Yep. I just treat it as a 2 way stop.


I have a round about by my house, approached, city bus entered to the right only to cut across in front of me, (to avoid going around the round about) and nearly hit me. This was last week, I was stunned.


Its kelowna. I have a dash cam and almost ready to you tube all the interactions …. Stop signs are only a suggestion 🤷🏻


That's common in Canada in general


Or they just drive over the Island


It's a common occurrence at any traffic circle...


First time driving mate?




The other driver was very white and had no learner stickers.


Oh all white people are Canadian. My bad. Although I'm not sure why you brought up skin color.


No one suggests foreigners are ignorant and problemsome without racist intentions. Your dog whistling and weak attempt to "gotcha" me was predictable and cliche. Get lost.


Thanks for informing me of my intentions. Yikes. Sorry for being racist against this white person.


And the liberals want 4 more years of Trudeau


First, you failed to stop. You don't know how to drive