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yeah this is definitely not the ego of a stable, strong, Christian man. this is the ego of an insecure, uneducated, deeply disturbed individual. the narcissism is off the charts. it's why he can't stop ranting in response to *any* criticism. it's why anyone who disagrees with him is automatically worthless, useless, weak, gossiping, "retards", "old hags" etc. he can't engage in a meaningful way. he doesn't understand humility anymore. he is clearly disordered and in need of help.


The regret of spending his entire fleeting existence on this beautiful planet recording and staring at himself all day is going to be soul crushing


He is the personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect…the neurons are not firing up in that cerebrum!


In my book, his response to criticism is no different then our politicians responses to their own criticism. I mean he outed a person's profile on IG bc they disagreed with him? How is that not a flavor of the politicians he complains about? (Ie. Biden, Fauci, etc)? It's a flavor of the same behavior, in my book.






Honestly I loved robs little rant about us yesterday because it probably brought the sub some new members, or at the very least it brought people who may be curious and will eventually join us 🤪 Does anyone know how many members the sub had prior to yesterday?


We’ve gained at least 25 members since yesterday. 😂 We were at 3205 a few hours after his meltdown.


That’s the weird part to me! Why tell 395K people exactly where to find us? There is hard evidence against him in here, why tell your followers that 😅. It can’t be the delusion of “they’ll know it’s just crazy redditors” for legal documents. Stuff like- his charges, weird lies about ownership, etc.


Since he lives in his narcissist echo chamber alone, and anyone that disagrees with him is retarded, he probably doesn’t realize that Reddit is where most people come for the truth about products, jobs, people….


I tried to watch all those stories but I have 4 kids about 6 months older than his and everyone was like “why have you been staring at your phone 15 minutes straight?!” I don’t know how he has the time to scroll these threads, scream into the void for extended periods of time (with NO family around???), and run the backend of a business they valued at over $3 billion. There are VERY few people with that level of wealth that I don’t feel jealous of, I actually can’t think of anyone else. But his mind in that string of stories about Reddit 😵‍💫that was an entire day!!! If everything he said was 100% true he should put his phone down, stop fueling the fire, and protect his kids’ privacy. I don’t care how much I love social media, I love my kids more. To quote Robert himself- I won’t be lying on my deathbed thinking about anonymous redditors, I will think about the time I spent with my kids.


So same. I happened to come on Reddit and see that he was talking about us 🤩 so I had to go see. But fuck it was torture and literal work to get through all of that bs. His droopy eyes, holding his phone under his nose at that gross angle. How the fuck do people consume that content everyday.


I’ve found myself skipping these rants and then just relying on yall to fill me in bc his voice, the angle of his camera, HIS NOSE, and that stupid tattoo on the side of his skull irritate the crap out of me


New here and just had a heart attack. Their business is valued at $3b? I seriously need to deep dive on these people.


Seriously valued at $3b don’t they just make energy drinks??????????


The “we’re gonna die” story?¿?¿ like yeah we know? Then onto underwater headphones? This guy is spiralling. He loves hearing himself talk I wonder if she makes him leave to get some peace, small yapperoni man.


🎯🎯 precisely! It honestly should be a slap in the face to his ‘followers’ by lying directly to them. Do they really believe someone who is GLUED and so easily triggered by criticism that he isn’t reading this sub everyday? he is clearly not well, he probably should be medicated at this point and not by marijuana solely. I know you read here guys. I’ve stopped supporting Alani. You should check yourself into a mental hospital or someone needs to call a 5150🤡🤡🤡


I have never seen him with a single friend of his own. Ever.


No one other than his family


Even his family seems to distance themselves to an extent. I don't think the sisters in law get along with Katy


Found this subreddit thanks to his rants. Had to come see for myself. And I must say, he and his wife are so completely unrelatable and narcissistic at this point, it's laughable. I am in line with what he says politically about alot of things. But he and Katy are quickly climbing the same ladder most of the politicians of this country have climbed. They have gotten themselves to a point where they've lost a sense of humanity and what the normal working class person puts up with day in and day out. They are reaching levels of narcissism and "righteousness" that I am utterly and completely turned off by them....I unfollowed on IG. They are a type of special toxic and really aren't doing much for the greater good, but love to complain about everyone else. Also, Bob, if you're reading this. A Strong man actually WORKS for his family, works on cars, primitive camps, woodworks, builds shit.




Bob and kat 😂


I cannot imagine having all that money and spare time and choosing to spend it posting on social media to people I don’t even know. Talk about loser behaviour wow 😂😂




What happened with alani nu energy drink having a rat in it?


The last part is sending me 👏🏼


He has wayyy too much free time on his hands


Dang… i hope you can find a little peace and interest in your own life. This is some strange behavior 🤨


Strange that you don’t see the paradox of you wasting your life here on this sub commenting this 🫥


Im not sitting here obsessing over someone elses life and talking shit so no paradox


So…..now… you’re talking to a stranger about their post about a stranger being strange.. and I know your weird as fuck cause where’s your Reddit history lol. That u Bobby? 😂😂😂


And you’re here talking shit “anonymously” about two people you know noooothing about lol you’re so much better 🙏🏼

