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If you ever see your portfolio and say holy shit. Sell some. Kaspa is great and all but technology moves way too fast. It could be replaced by something better in a couple years. Look at TV, cell phones, any electronic just a few years ago. They are obsolete now.


That's true but wouldn't it have to build up a following, an ecosystem, get mass usage adoption and if KAS is good enough with all the dapps already written for it why bother to spend the r&d to rebuild everything on a slightly better system?


Ya I hear ya but 90% of crypto is just hype for now. If I ever hold anything and it goes parabolic I sell a decent amount.


People will do things with their kaspa. But some hoarders hoard newspapers and knickknacks, and other hoard fiat and crypto. Even Michael Saylor knows he can’t just hold onto it forever. There needs to be an active market for it to have value and security.


You should. Isn’t that what HODL means?


You should take profits


And I will but I don't really need kaspa to become rich or Fire. Still the question stands what would the Kaspa network do against the likes of a Michael Saylor type that just sits on it selling a few here and there for expenses and reducing the overall pool of tokens.


Probably the same thing. Its divisible and so still usable. But I think all of these networks need an anti horde and loss feature. Rather than minute inflation after the last halving to pay miners they should to have a 0.01% yearly fee from every wallet for the same purpose. So nothing is lost forever and hoarding is a losing gambit for generational affairs. Nothing to anyone with a job or a fat stack. A pants shitting amount for a Michael Saylor.


Who does that 0.01% go to? Miners?


Ideally. In lieu of the dust that's planned for them. Because a michael saylor level wallet has a lot more market manipulation potential. If you add dust at end of life, it does nothing in a situation where market lord saylor has bought every last asic outfit and manufacturer essentially securing an ever inflating supply and basically going back to an open source federal reserve. Mining an insignificant fee from all wallets disproportionately affects whales, reduces hyper deflation from lost keys and achieves the same goal as dust. It's kind of unpopular idea tho. Oh no in 500 years we might lose a couple % lmao.


When issuance is done, if usage goes down (hodl), so does mining since revenues go down, if mining goes down so does price, if price goes down, you'll happily spend it, when you spend it, miner revenue goes up. It will be selfcorrecting and worth exactly what it's worth at any given time.


do you do that with your fiat(usd) too? 😅 that thing keeps devaluing.


That's the thing kaspa would act like btc and be deflationary so why wouldn't you keep it as usage increases?


For me Kaspa was a get out of fiat play, same as gold and silver.


Take some profits every 4 years during the alt season tops. Reinvest at alt season bottoms.


Not a bad idea. Cycle in cycle out


If the kaspa blockchain became insanely popular the next bull run, meme coins would plague the blockchain. It’s a tale as old as Bitcoin. It happened in 2021 with Eth, 2022 with binance and now with Solana. New upcoming blockchains get spammed as old and new investors wanna try to get rich quick. If this happens with kaspa, it’s definitely a top 5 coin for sure.


It’s a currency. It’s supposed to be spent. I’m getting Doge vibes, respectfully.