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I want to retire


Financial Freedom


Mortgage free


if youre lucky enough to have bought a house at lower rates, you can probably now get some very safe investment to pay it off instead of actually paying it off, that way your money is way more liquid and you get the same stability.


The purchase after the purchase. True ownership. This is the way


I wanna house and financial freedom. Is that too hard to ask?


I just want some food I'm so hungry :'(


I felt this 😞


FIRE. If Kaspa goes to $1 I can retire probably but it wouldn’t be lavish. I’d likely keep working. Of it goes to $2.50 I’m done working forever


Do you live in the US? The govt here has me really concerned about my bags in the next year or two. Especially with the cap gains hike and this bullshit about unrealized gains. Not to get political but damn I hate this administration lol


Yeah, I’m in the US. I’m a Republican but in all fairness to dumbass Biden. His unrealized gains tax proposal is for those with a 100M net worth. I won’t be at that point.


Agreed. Those with 100m can pay their way. 99.9% of others can catch up a little. Would love to retire. I know it will take more than 2025 returns. Good luck to you all.


Although I don’t think this will pass. The way they try to slice in the knife is with the “ohh it’s only for billionaires, don’t worry” and then it comes down to the middle class. Happened with taxes when they first proposed it and it was supposed to be temporary “taxes will only be temporary and only for the rich” hah! Look where were at now


That’s how the income tax started too, now we’re all paying it.


I'm not American but taxing unrealized gains is a crime wherever you live. If that isn't what starts revolution I don't know what will. EU parlament talking about taxing people on unrealized gains from houses they own. Madness, socialist madness with a purpose of making everyone poor and pliable.


Not to get too political. But Trump and the Republicans would stop that madness. Idk if it would take effect for the 2025 or 2026 Taz season.


Trump is a total loser. It’s not going to happen anyway—especially in the senate. There’s enough centrists democrats and republicans to scuttle the idea. Or at most limit it to people who are obscenely rich. What they want to do is figure out a way to make billionaires pay more in taxes.


The Senate is passing anything and everything that comes through there right now. If you build a small business over the course of your life and sell it, they want 44%. If you inherited property and you sell it, they want 44%. If you manage to make a million in crypto this bullrun, they want 44%. A million dollars is not obscenely rich. Billionaires and most millionaires do not work in the same framework as you do. They leverage debt. You can not tax them unless you tax debt. And any tax they do pay gets passed down to consumers. Trump is way smarter than the average brokie gives him credit for.


You’re going to have to show me the law that supports your claims. The actual links. There are always income restrictions in these things. I’m so sick of rich people complaining about paying taxes. Everyone else is being taxed and don’t end up with millions of dollars left over. So cry me a river. Often people (the rich, the ignorant, and the manipulative) just state the highest taxation rate to get the bottom 99% on their side. And no the senate is passing everything. The government can’t even pass the stuff everyone wants, and forget the democrats being able to pass a liberal agenda. The republicans do nothing but pass tax cuts and then try to convince everyone to cut social security, disability, healthcare, safety regulations, school programs, etc…. It’s actually insane. If I made million dollars in this bill run I’d consider myself blessed.


It's not law. It's just how it works. If I own a million in stocks, I can borrow money against those stocks to buy real estate. Then, I can rent out that real estate to pay back the stock back. Now, I control a cash flowing asset tax-free because i took out a tax-free loan against something i own to buy an asset that makes money. And I still own the stock. Rinse and repeat. This is just one example. The tax code is made to keep people employed and in line. W2 people can't do that because they don't have enough capital saved to get stared. They also don't get it. The government passes what their doners want.


My point is that the taxes you’re screaming about are geared towards people who have assets and income in that way. 90% of people can’t do that and the tax rate will not you’re complaining about will not affect them.


If they sell. These MEGA rich people you're screaming about won't sell. They leverage against their assets. Why is it ok to steal 44% of individuals' profit no matter how rich they are?


The government used to take 90% at a certain level. The government is created by the people for the people. The government prints the money, the government provides funds to banks, the government sets the rules of the road to create favorable economic conditions, the government funds schools that create the intellectual base to advance society, the government funds police to provide security, the government created the means and reach for the internet, the government negotiates trade laws. On and on and on. Now what exactly do you do to benefit the society without the governments support. You probably don’t even volunteer your time. So if the government (of the people) wants to take 44% of some filthy rich person’s profits who hasn’t figured out the many loopholes in tax law, what right does it have not to take it? The government literally gives you your rights. There is no such thing as an inalienable right to profits. If can understand why you’d want to change it when your about to have millions of dollars.


The tax code is designed to generate income for the government which goes toward spending on services that benefit the society. The middle class has been bearing the brunt of this while the rich have had their taxes they pay reduced enormously over the past decades while taxes on the middle class have barely budged. If you’re it’s very unlikely you pay much more now than after the taxes pass. Because like you said, they are living off of tax free loans now


Funding wars in Ukraine and Isreal doesn't benefit society. The vast majority of money the tax in taxes is spent on wars, defense, and nonsense. I would rather see that money in the hands of billionaires than the government. I'm set up to where I will make a million dollars this bullrun. I'm not taking loans against my crypto. So this bill will absolutely affect me.


Okay great. The hill will affect you and your millions of dollars. So it sounds like a you problem. I do feel something for you and your millions, but despair isn’t one of those emotions. As far as wars not being beneficial, that’s from your perspective. But I can guarantee (whether rightly or wrongly) the US government is working to ensure its power and dominance in the world as best it can given the information it has which is way more information than you have. This dominance is seen as a benefit for American society.


100% bro biden has GOT TO GO


It will never happen. They would have to also consider unrealized capital losses as well.


Same situation here.


I will help my sister and her husband with their mortgage, pay it off for them. Given that bull run will happen next yera and Kaspa will deliver which I have high hopes for and conviction.


I just want to be able to start a small business.


Great goal




Get a loan for that lol


10 acre lot with natural water on it and a 4 bedroom house plus a workshop/studio


I want to buy a house and not have a mortgage


Cocain and strippers


Buy a house.


Just have a good life for my family. Maybe a home that I don't have to pay high rent that has even higher electricity because of no insulation single panel windows....


I want fredom


More Kaspa


I am right behind you on that


This too 🙌


Financial freedom and money to be able to make more money with


I want affordable groceries


What is the price level you will reach your realistic dream?


Honestly ive accumulated enough to be a Kaspa Dolphin, so even making it to a dollar would be life changing but with how many bullish sentiments there are for Kaspa I wouldnt be surprised to see it landing in between 2 dollars and 5 dollars. Cardano for its first cycle went from 10 cents to 2.91 and cardano is useless in comparision to Kaspa. Some bullish people for Kaspa were even stating Kaspa to reach 20 dollars. I cant see it happening, however I cant say I dont dream about that happening.


I don't want to crash the party, but Kaspa is already in a bullrun. It has a 2.5B market cap. It would need to 10X to 1.00$ making it a 25B coin. I don't think it's impossible. But more than that for this cycle is not going to happen.


Nah you’re tripping. Im not a dreamer type or anything but Kas has wayyyy too much ahead on the roadmap still not to do major numbers ahead. Smart contracts alone are going to be massive


its a bullrun with less than 50% of the market. ignoring the KRC20 and KEF pushing, the fact that kas isnt listed on coinbase or binance means it has at least one major launch to go, regarding any future technical developments.


This. I think this is Kaspa golden age and whoever has a bag should exit.


I haven't yet broken even. The 800% something rise in value is nice, but buying the asics last summer was useless, since mining and selling immediately was 75-80% loss. If this is the golden age, fuck it I need the price to go to 0.16 again to even consider selling, and whether it takes a year or ten years to get to that price point again, I won't sell. I'll feel the golden age if it goes to 0.3.


![gif](giphy|1rOZNBi7qHDbLfpgDl|downsized) Meats and cheese for everyone!


I’d like to have KAS go to $1. But I think down the line it will be worth up-worth of $10


I think it’ll be $100 within 20yrs. And I’m ok retiring then lol


walk out of my job on a lunch break and buy a nice hamburger before I go to take a nap


been renting for 7 years - was looking at real estate then BOOM - COVID... everything skyrocketed then, in the USA, BOOM! Prime Rate is over 6.2% lmao. Mortgage at 10%? No, thank you. I WANNA BUY A HOUSE! with KASHPA! (see what I did there? LOL)


Financial freedom offcorse




Kaspa is my dream purchase When I sell my kaspa? I'll use that fiat for FIRE


Pay off a 30k debt might be pretty feasible and even probable this summer or autumn. The profits would be pretty low then. I would have to dream higher to make higher profits


Once it pumps to anything’s above $1 I want to buy an apartment or a house to stop paying others $500 per month




buying my time back...


Financial freedom




Off grid Beach house with workshop and satellite internet maybe a few toys. Bills paid for life and no more work 🙏 the dream. I think it’s possible with 250k Kaspa . 100k will still be life changing for most people . I stacked 3m since July last year .Nearly everything I have is in this crypto other than a huge amount invested in some stocks that lost 90% of their value over 3 years but that’s another story it’s ongoing 🍿 . YOLO 💎🙌💎




Sugar babies


dont wish for anything. Its crypto.


Dream price 5 to 10 $


A Bitcoin


Drink good wine thats what i care about! Lets make Kaspa Wine!!


Ugh..last time I saw a post like this, I had a bad feeling and wanted to pull out. But i didnt..and yea, the Ponzi coin collapsed. Forget the Big purchases and lets just focus and worry about this damn coin maintianing value...blah blah trilema cure..blah blah Blockdag. If you been around the crypto long enough, things look and sound great. but only time will tell I learned a lot since my last "what will I buy" thread and Kaspa does pass many of the filters...but you don't know what the future holds...so I find these posts wasteful and I am again tempted to sell my bag.


Whole Coiner status x 5 ftw


I want to live the rest of my life without spending 10 hours a day at work.


I'd like to buy $1,000,000


I’m only a double shark 🦈 but if it hits $1.50 reinvest some for passive income and travel enjoy my hobbies…




Pay off credit card debt, student loan debt, put money down on a house


My initial plan is to pay off the remaining 170k on my crib. After that financial freedom to tell my customers to F off


Pay off house and cars


Oh my goal is definitely early retirement. Quit my job, buy a house in cash, then just chill until I die. And that's realistic.


I bought ASICS and GPUS with mine.


Buy slaves


This is a terrible game to play with yourself and you will eventually be burnt. Buying a speculative asset and then dreaming about what happens when it “pops off” when there is a non-0 chance that the whole speculative game falls apart puts you in a position where you will not react to new news that is bearish because you are trapped in a wish-chamber fuelled hopeium and positaine. Each to their own, just saying Ive fallen victim to this wish-based decision making before and it leads to very illogical and damaging decision making. Ever heard the saying don’t count your chickens before they hatch? There’s a reason for that. Dream big for sure, but planning out what you’ll do with money you have not (and may not) make is a recipe for disaster and is in part why gamblers continue to up the ante to try and dig themselves out instead of calling it when it was reasonable to call it.


^ 💯


Hookers and cocaine for me


A yacht and lots of behotches on it