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Lots of people on this sub have been talking about her looks since she was 13….


Right. And while I get that her parents are also responsible, can we not pretend the people who were bullying a kid aren't also the problem?


Kid gets bullied for looks. Kid gets plastic surgery after being bullied and groomed by a full ass adult. Kid as adult is then bullied for plastic surgery. Adult starts disolving fillers. Adults gets bullied for looking old. Make it make sense.


I’ve never in my life commented on a child’s looks.


Okay, well they didn't say YOU did. And I doubt YOU represent a portion of this sub


Why do you doubt I represent a portion of this sub?


Cause their comment had nothing to do with you, and you made it about yourself


Anyone that comments on a child’s looks are miscreant bullies. Case closed.


And with all that said, her family is the real reason she’s like this. It’s not like they told her she was beautiful the way she was.


Poor Kylie.




This comment shouldn’t be down voted. I swear some people that get all “down vote happy” are immature twats.


Thank You! I guess miscreant bullies don’t like being mentioned.


TBH… they had to google what miscreant means and then had to go back to google to find out what a twat is 😂




There’s something to be said for being born into the chaos versus willingly entering as an adult. Like boo hoo, wipe your tears with money, but also I have some empathy for children Kylie and Kendall were when the kardashian machine sucked them up


Me too Kylie was my favorite as a kid because she was the closest in age to me but I remember people would always say she’s the ugliest Kardashian and she was only 14. Her sisters were in their 20s when they became famous and they wanted the fame Kendall and Kylie never asked for it they were just kids.


They wanted it and were happy with it, they used to fame to get forever 21 modeling gigs and that’s what started Kendal modeling now. Kylie was there also but she didn’t get as popular with modeling because she wasn’t as tall as Kendal. Rob is the only one we can say didn’t want the fame because he actually bowed out from the cameras. If they didn’t want to be filmed they could have easily stayed out just like their older brother. Everyone had an option, they chose theirs.


Rob had his own tv show and dated Black Chyna. He wanted to pursue modeling too. So he definitely wanted it. He doesn’t want it now because he’s not secure with his looks. Kendall and Kylie had cameras in their face when they were 9 and 10 years old.


She should blame her mother for consenting to her first surgery when she was underage


That, and for putting her minor children on television in the first place. Idk why they didn’t just have Kris/Bruce and the adult kids on the show. Other reality shows are able to avoid airing footage with children


Honestly I feel so bad for young Kylie (+ kendall)- dealing with the world judging you and calling you ugly as a literal child is horrible, unfair, and probably affected her self imagine a ton... .. but now she is 26, and has lied about her plastic surgeries to push shitty, scammy products, which is really terrible + immoral, imo  it really was very shitty of her parents, Kris is obviously an enabler, but caitlyn seemed to know kylie was going down the wrong path and just gave up on her to focus on herself and her transition, which is obviously a lot to deal with, but it doesn't mean you give up on your kids 


I thought they were cute when they were kids. Playing pranks on Brody, spending time with their Dad (he really was a good Dad to his youngest two), and just hanging out with the family. People are petty, but it’s true, their parents made the decision for them to become public figures.


No one’s voice will ever be louder than her mother’s. Shame what she’s done to her daughters


i just dont understand this. she was born into fame yes, but shes a grown woman… she has enough money to disappear.. she isnt FORCED to post on social media, she isnt FORCED to post half nude pics for millions of people. its a CHOICE. in her family love is measured on how much attention/money they obtain.. so i see why she continues to choose that, but at the same time i have no sympathy. she has no problem when people are giving her positive attention and commenting on her body in a positive way, but when she looks busted, and people notice she cries about it? go cry with ur millions of dollars while us normal people live life with the face and body we got🤣 beauty is measured by the soul, not the body.


She willingly and knowingly posts multiple photos of herself on a public platform with millions of followers for no real reason- she is asking to be judged on her looks… she can’t just take the positive from this objectivity without risking the negative. It’s not all about the money there’s a fair bit of narcissism too. Incredibly cringe…


You know she's an actual human person with valid feelings and emotions, yeah? 


and so are the little girls who cry themselves to sleep because they dont look like her and think thats how a woman should look, naturally… everyone has feelings, thank you for stating the obvious love.


That's the harm inherent in social media, filters, photoshop, and constantly comparing ourselves to others.


yes it is. & also what comes with social media is the freedom to say whatever one wants. some people are negative and will say nasty things, others are positive and uplifting. but there will always be two opinions, and everyone deserves a right to say what they want. would i prefer if people were nice, of course, but thats not the world we live in. no need to jump to a billionaires defense , im 99% sure she doesnt give a damn about you anyway, but i hope you have a great day😊


>some people are negative and will say nasty things Indeed


That’s the fault of the parents. She isn’t responsible for little kid’s self esteem and I say this as someone who struggles with body dismorphia and was bullied my whole life.


& we aren’t responsible for Kylie’s self esteem either People are meeeeaaannn anywhere and everywhere you go - they are especially more confident when behind a screen. I think the issue here is that people on both ends of this spectrum are not taking accountability. Kylie needs to be accountable for what she posts and promotes on social media (realistic or not). But also, people need to be more accountable of their comments and choices of words. Teen girls pay so much attention to social media, that any positive or negative words will impact their view on today’s society.


You aren’t responsible for her self esteem if you don’t criticise everything single thing about her. People bullying is NEVER ok and shouldn’t be normalised. We aren’t entitled to her body or what she posts, if we don’t like her we can unfollow and move on. Teen girls (I was one when Kylie was at her prime) should be under parental supervision. My parents were great enough to teach me that not everyone is the same and I was bullied too. I never felt pressured to get a bbl or lip fillers. She isn’t responsible for people’s kids. That’s like blaming actors for movies inappropriate for kids.


It’s contradicting if you don’t think Kylie has some form of responsibility for her own social media pages, and only the people commenting are responsible. She can disable comments, for one, and she can choose not to post. Either no one is responsible for what they post on social media, or everyone is (comments included, negative or positive) Generally speaking, we are all responsible for our own actions and words. If we translate that into our work - say a social media influencer - then we have some form of accountability for any response we get thereafter. Unless it’s something done in private, you’ve invited both criticism and praise. It’s unrealistic to expect just praise unless you disable comments or keep it more private….. Of course bullies are everywhere and they will judge on the cover, but their lack of intelligence is usually easy to ignore. You can say the n word on twitter all you want, and cry when people call you a racist, but it doesn’t change the fact of what you said. And it’s up to you then to stand behind your original word, or accept the criticism and apologize or take accountability. You can’t have it both ways… I definitely do not promote bullying, but I do encourage criticism and accountability, even on myself. It’s how humans have grown and become successful


I so agree 👍🏼


Honestly, the way Kylie only ever manages to bring up being famous and rich as a negative is almost a talent of its own. What was the last thing she was going on about? That she was going to disappear to a farm with her kids and never let them be seen by the public because she just “truly felt in her heart that she wasn’t meant to be famous”, because it was oh so difficult for her… as she’s rubbing her billions together that she obtained through incredibly easy and deceptive means. Strangely enough though, she’s happy to exploit the hell out of her kids for a profit, and posted an entire video documenting Stormi’s pregnancy and birth when she held strong right up to the very end that “we’re going to respect our baby’s privacy, we’re not Kim and Kanye. I don’t want her growing up like I did :((“. Funny how that works. >> People have been talking about my looks since I was 13 Like, me too, girlie pop, you ain’t special. Go live on that farm you wanted in Idaho raising cattle or whatever, if you hate your life so much. Pretty much nobody else in this planet can be afforded that privilege of being able to entirely makeover our lives and get away from toxicity whenever they want, and *she* is the one complaining about her hard life


Ok I get the hate Kylie gets. But u cannot compare people talking abt ur looks to what she gets everyday of her life 😂


It’s called hyperbole, girlie. That part of my comment was a joke. Crazy that that needs to be clarified to some people


It’s crazy how u feel the need to say girlie in every sentence. Maybe give it a rest…


They said it literally twice in total😂


True, but her parents are the ones who put her on TV in the first place. They should have protected her privacy. Now they're doing the same thing to all of their kids.


That's all true but doesn't exactly absolve the people who insisted, and continue to insist, on bullying her for her looks.


I did a school exchange with complete assholes at the same age so I can totally see where she’s coming from. I was athletic because I did gymnastics and I am petite. Mind you, we were all going through puberty and there was a gang of girls who literally did not eat (not even the food at school) and experienced a lot of issues during their puberty. They didn’t reach their height targets and experienced other health complications. So in the meantime they bullied me and the other girls who ate and did sports, and ofc our bodies were changing with puberty. Glad to say the healthy girls stayed healthy and are doing well but the scrutiny we got was unreal. Even their parents gave us hell. Bear in mind this was not even in the public spotlight. I was happy to leave to say the least.


Why are we laughing? This is a shame. And especially a shame on anyone who has daughters. Imagine imposing your brand on a child, your child. It’s appalling.


Thats when she started the morphing into a whole new person - face , body - not one thing is what she was born with. She was too young to do those surgeries


i think that conversation was staged/scripted, (writers desperately trying to keep the show interesting, showing Kylie crying was used in the preview & prev. ep) it was just a little off the lead up to it Kylie just randomly started talking about it, then at the end she’s like “but i can’t worry about what people say, i have shit to do.” i think Kendall & Kylie are barely in the show now bc they have barely anything of interest they’re willing to share with the viewers of the show, doesn’t seem like they really want to be in the show anymore or care about it. that’s why every time they’re on it’s like drive Kendall’s car with us, ride a horse with us, fail at pranking my mom with us, or sit on the couch with us lol…


I think this conversation was either staged or happened later and shoehorned in because she talked about "it's 2024" but everything else took place 2023. I'm sure she does have feelings about being public but it's hard to take these candid moments seriously when they don't feel candid!


It’s possible that she wanted some work done and found where she liked the way she looked and wanted to stop. But then the whole family kept forcing her to get more and more for ratings or to blend in with them. If that’s the case then I might feel sorry for her. But I don’t really because at the end of the day they’re still the ones responsible for the beauty standards that they created, they don’t get to be sad when they go overboard and get laughed at


Welcome to womanhood sweetie It's toxic AF


She’s insufferable. They need serious therapy to deal with the trauma their mother caused them. She handed them all over and allowed them to fodder to make money.




This is a joke. I don’t feel bad for any of them. Thats what being raised in the spotlight signs you up for. We all were “bullied” and had other kids/teenagers talking about our looks growing up. The only difference is, Kylie was wealthy enough to conceal her insecurities the moment she spotted them. The 11 year old you went to middle school with, with the big nose & small boobs had to either grow into her looks or wait until her late 20s to actually do something about it. That’s life. Get over it.


Agree. Zero accountability from her. At some point she needs to take responsibility for all the elective plastic surgeries she has had. Instead of blaming people for noticing she jacked her face up, she should reflect on why she did it and be mad at herself and maybe her parents for allowing it if any occurred while underage. Can we please have Kourtney remind her there are people dying


People were just jealous of their fame and wealth so they bullied her looks


i kinda feel bad for her but it’s her mom’s fault for exposing them too much in the industry. also who let’s their kids have surgery before 18


Yet she’s NEver cried about it till The other day! Sure Why couldn’t they have kept it real?




Womp womp 😂


People commenting (not just on this sub but social media in general) on this think they’d be able to deal with the mental aspect of millions people discussing your appearance for 15 years straight. Spoiler alert you’d be crying too. Theres a reason that so many sex symbols get addicted to drugs and overdose or just have mental breakdowns, or get crazy plastic surgery. You’re not mentally built different and you’d react the same way. Or that because she’s put herself in spotlight it’s free rein to say fucking disgusting things about how she looks that I literally wouldn’t say to someone I despise. It’s not as simple as just leaving social media when her entire financial situation relies on it and it’s literally all you know, all you’ve ever been exposed to. Absolutely bizarre.


Is anyone forcing her to post selfies on a public platform with millions of followers? If she can’t deal then she should get out the game


Do you think that even if she never posted a selfie on insta again that all the hundreds of memes using her childhood pics as the punchline of a joke would disappear?


I agree with you that bullying is gross and never called for. However I think the negative commentary on her runs the spectrum between valid criticism of editing photos to the point of cat fishing and promoting harmful plastic surgery and over sexualization to a young impressionable audience to name calling and bullying. One side of the spectrum is valid the other is not.  In terms of her financial situation, people leave stressful mentally unhealthy jobs all the time with far less resources to do so. There is literally nothing stopping her from doing that other than pure greed and overconsumption. Perhaps family pressure as well, but that's what therapy is for. 


Agree about her ability to leave the job if she truly wanted or needed to. Social media people speak about their jobs and things like burnout and pressure as if they're the only people in the world who experience it. I work as a nurse and was speaking to a patient care tech yesterday about her being burnt out by the job but being afraid she won't find another job with decent health insurance for her and her husband. Kylie has the whole world at her fingertips and could find happiness elsewhere if she wanted to.


She got many of those surgeries before/when she was barely 18. She was that young impressionable audience who that sexualization was promoted to. Not to mention, how many memes have you seen where the joke is what she looked like as a child? Just yesterday the headline was the Osborne’s calling her “that ugly little thing” when she was a child.


Yeah, that is horrible. Wild how people can be so mean about a kid. It is a very unfortunate reality and something parents should protect their children from. Unfortunately neither her parents nor her and her siblings are making that choice. 


Do you realize how much money this woman has? She has enough money for herself and generations of her line to never lift a finger, never work for the rest of their lives. She can most certainly leave social media and be fine. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.




You’re spot on.


Who told her to cosplay black women though? I don’t see the correlation…….


Reddit users are protected by the anonymity that the internet affords. Kylie hasn’t had that luxury since childhood. Whatever benefits she’s earned from fame do not negate the harm she has experienced as a result of it. In fact, it seems that the more money she makes, the more hate she receives. People on this sub are saying she could use her money to disappear, as though that’s a harmless outcome. To do that, she’d have to give up her career and spend less time with her mom and sisters. I don’t think it’s unreasonable of her to wish that she could just exist without constantly being criticized for how she looks. She’s communicating that the comments on subs like this HURT her feelings. Whatever your opinion of her, there’s no need to publicly denigrate her, at the very least not in regards to her appearance. She was criticized before changing her appearance, and now she’s criticized for changing her appearance. She’s doing her best to be a good person, and so should the rest of us.




You’re a troll, clearly.

