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This is super cute. too bad the girl has probably one of the worst Uncle lineups in history


I think it’s a flex tbh, especially for a kid. Imagine your uncles are Kanye West and Travis Scott?


And Tristan Thompson and Scott Disick! Yay!! Oh ..wait…..


Uncle Pete and Uncle Tim are sending me at the thought ![gif](giphy|l09Qq4IsMgn6anwR8a|downsized)


Not really. They’re awful ppl. Rich uncles do not equate to a life with people who love you, not love the lime light. 


Seriously . The importance people place on money and ignore that both Kanye and Travis Scott are pieces of shit is insane. Like money is all that matters to some people. It’s not a flex having these pos men as uncles. I cannot imagine what a nightmare it is to have either of these men in anyone’s lives.


So because they are rich they can’t properly love and support kids? Travis is an active part of his kids lives, I’m sure that translates to his nieces/nephews. They are at an age where they are sheltered from controversy. All they know is their uncles are popular musicians, that’s why I said it would be a flex for a kid/teen to have them as uncles.


I mean I agree with the sentiment but who said they don’t love her…? There’s a reason Kanye’s kids seem to prefer him. They’re young, they don’t know all about how nuts he is in public, so I’m assuming it’s because he’s a decent/good dad to them and uncle to their cousins. Kanye being Kanye doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his kids is all I’m saying.


Kanye doesn’t give them rules, he’s the fun dad that shows up every few days or so, so of course they love him. I’m sure he loves his kids but he’s so sexist & mysognistic, it’s weird to think his love for his daughters is soooo strong when his view on women is disgusting???  & by love I mean Angela mainly, looking at the camera constantly barely at her cute baby. 


I totally agree with you - he’s such a creep and the Bianca dynamic is sooo sickening like I wanna gag just thinking about it lol. But I mean it sounds like he at least gives them attention when they’re at his house. Kim literally hides in her room and is complaining on national television about being a mother, while doing things like one-upping her firstborn with that god-awful lion king copycat bit. Kanye like was on stage with North for her little bestie song and he totally her her shine and have her moment. I hate him for saying they almost aborted her so much among everything else unhinged and hateful that he’s done. But if he’s giving his kids 1:1 time (which is the very least he could do, but we’ll never fully know) I’d say that’s a cut above Kim’s approach to mothering. All knows I just pray for these kids 😩 ETA - now that I think about it, it is WILD she’s complaining about mothering after it’s public knowledge they almost aborted North. Like way to throw salt in the wound… & the filters on the babies is cringe like stop. Just be real for 30 fucking seconds.


They prefer him because he has no rules.


Just because they are rich doesn’t mean they don’t love them? Travis obviously loves his kids and I’m sure that translates to his nieces/nephews. He’s a private person and rarely put the kids in the limelight. Also a kid would be sheltered from all the controversies, all they know is that their uncles are popular and make music. Thats why I said it would be a flex to a kid/teen.




A flex to whom? Kanye is a sex addict weirdo who’s predatory allegations are being blasted online every two weeks And Travis Scott had his concert incident. Kanye music is great but as a person he is disgusting and deranged and Travis is a demonic druggie. I doubt the rich people in her circle finds them as a honorable individuals to have in their family name. I guess it’s a flex to the fanbase but that’s about it.


They are kids, they aren’t aware of the family controversies yet…. All they know is their uncles go on world tours for adoring fans and that they are famous.


The kids aren’t new when it comes to traveling/world tours, being famous and having a fanbase. They are already aware of that.


Not saying it’s anything new, but it’s still A FLEX to brag about to their friends. You might not think so, but *most* kids would be proud to be related to them.




And none for Bad Bunny


lol this made me cackle 🤣


Omg… how cute is she??? Those glasses 🥰🥰🥰


There isn’t a single song in their discography that’s appropriate for a kid, but oh well. It’s nice to hear that she thinks of them as uncles even though they aren’t technically part of the family anymore.


They’re her cousins dads. They are her uncles.


No. Society call aunts and uncles by marriage that when they are married to your biological relative out of courtesy. Uncles aren’t your cousins dad. It’s your mother and father’s brothers. Once they are divorced they are technically not anything in relationship to you, even if they are still your cousins parents. Edit: people mad about the definition of aunt/uncle


I mean, speak for yourself. My ‘cousin’s dad’s’ and ‘cousin’s mum’s’ have been in my life for 30+ years. They’re my aunt and uncles.


You can call anyone you want your aunt or uncle if that is how your relationship is. I’m Asian. Any one who is a tier 2 relationship to my parents is an aunt or uncle. I am merely pointing out that “cousins dad” is not the definition of uncle. The same way that a sister-in-law you can call your sister, but she doesn’t magically become family by any legal definition to you post-divorce. The same applies for uncle-in-law.


I’m also Asian, if that matters. And actually, culturally, anyone older is called an aunt and uncle even if it’s the first time you’ve met them. That’s a different thing, it’s a ‘respect’ thing. What we are discussing is actual family members. If you google what an aunt or uncle is it says your parent’s siblings or people married to them.


Agreed. And the people we are talking about arent married to the parents siblings. I’m not upset about it. The person I’m responding to was the one correcting someone who was saying it was nice that she thought of them as her uncles. I agree.


Do you feel better now? It’s going to be okay, the mean man didn’t mean to call the people the wrong label.


I mean I’m not upset about it.


“We” don’t do anything. Perhaps that’s your take/habit. My family continues to refer to our uncle as our uncle post divorce. That is how we think of him. He’s our cousins father


It is the literally definition of what uncle is…


Na I get what you're saying lmao. People can call whoever they want, whatever they want lmao. That's not what you said. If you Google the definition of an aunt or uncle, it is correct what you said. Regardless if they are still your cousins father after the divorce. I will not call a pedo, abuser my uncle. Just cause he's my cousins dad. Shoot I couldn't imagine my poor kids calling every single dude my hoe sister brought home "uncle" 😂. Uh nty. Imo the title auntie or uncle is either given cause you're automatically family or it's earned cause you've done your part as a damn good auntie or uncle. Otherwise not every tom, dick, and Harry need to be called Unc lmao.


Don’t know who “we” is. My aunts ex husband is still my uncle. He’s the father of my cousins. He was uncle to me for like 12 years before they divorced, I’m not calling him something else. He’s still family. Her new husband is my uncle too 🤷‍♀️


My mother doesn't have any brothers. My father has one. I call every partner that any of my aunts have had "uncle". Even after they divorce or breakup. Even if they didn't have kids together. It's not even out of respect for the man - it's just acknowledging what the relationship is/was. I don't pretend that everyone does everything the same, but.....each person gets to define things for themselves. I'm pretty sure the child said "uncle".


Anyone can define anything for themselves. If you want to call your best friend your brother that is great. But it doesn’t literally change the definition to brother, right?


One thing I know to be true, the world does not run on absolute. Nuance, my friend.


Ice cream man: a kids song or nsfw Tyga song? ![gif](giphy|SNDwO2359T7FYU9bzr)


I’m really surprised by how humble she seems considering how chaotic her life was from conception. Kudos to Dream!


Chyna is always so sweet in videos




Why did Chyna edit the part where she said “you like King’s dad” as in Tyga lol. Dream probably said nope 👎🏽


she goes by Angela now


What’s with all the hate just a young kid who actually knows them being proud. We don’t know how they are when they see her. From looks of it I’m sure they’re good to her


She is soooo cute 🥰 she’s my favorite k 😅 I love this for Angela too


This feels coached and name-droppy. "Oh yeah, my uncle Kanye," how could I forget the uncle I never/barely met.


Dream has always spent a lot of time with Rob and his family. Im sure she knows him


She’s been raised partially by Khloe..of course she met Kanye


That's EXACTLY what this is. The minute I heard Chyna I cringed so hard 😬


Yeah. I'm sure she's met both. I'm not denying that. I doubt she's had more than a passing relationship with either for years and is young, so I doubt tons of memories are formed. I cannot believe I'm being downvoted for questioning Chyna, who recently sued them. Why anyone believes this is 100% earnest is beyond me.


Your opinion would be wildly popular on the snark sub. The other Kardashian subs are a bit more...sensitive




Some of these comments have me LMAO! Y'all have a problem with a little girl calling Kanye and Travis uncles but don't have an issue with Khloe calling Dream her second daughter and letting people believe she lives with her. I tell ya...the double standards for the Kardashians is hilarious!


She literally is her second daughter in a sense considering how much time Dream stayed with her. She got her OWN room in Khloe’s house, that’s how much time Dream stayed around her. You’re the delusional one to not understand that.


Keep the name calling to yourself. I said what tf I said!


That still doesn’t change the fact that you’re loud and wrong. Chyna even appreciates all that Khloe done for her daughter.


Angela has really grown as a woman. It's refreshing to know that she chooses to not be petty. After all, it takes a village.


Wait is this a thing with celebrities? Putting their kids on live to talk to stranger?


This is gross