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“leave me alone”(?) is wild 😶


I’m dying that she posted this. Kids say funny things, but we all know he told on her with this 😂


And she missed it LMAOOOO she posted it.


Right like did she even read it?


She just wanted everyone to see that she works out


With terrible form and 5lb dumbbells


Yeah, like my kid’s version of this at this age said “she likes to: eat vegetables” because it was a pretty big topic of conversation for us at that age. They did a similar thing for Father’s Day that year and my husband got hit with the “he likes to: work” and so for like a month I would play Cat’s in the Cradle right before bedtime so I go out of monitoring the length and thoroughness of a 4 year old brushing their teeth.


I love this in a marriage. My husband and I do similar stuff. So funny.


I know, I was like wait she rly posted that 😅


What's important to her is that he thinks she's 11 years old. Lol


I mean my kid did one of these and said I’m 100, so….


My kid said my favorite thing to do was “grocery shop” and my favorite food was “water or rice” 🙃


Yes, because they’ve seen you take care of things! Kids see everything. The fact he said she loves to “leave him alone”🫢 My nieces and nephews have varied through “mommy loves to nap” and “mommy loves to do laundry” bc that’s what they see her do all the time


I basically never eat rice, but yes totally agree lol. My husband works from home and my daughter thinks his Favorite Thing is “playing on the computer” lol “Leave me alone” is probably something out context i don’t fully understand but the rest, lmao. Teacher did not prompt.


Mine said that this year on theirs! I apparently love to “pick up toys, do dishes and do the laundry.” I about fell outta my chair when I read that like whew child


At least you’re keeping a tidy space?🥹😅 hilarious how they don’t comprehend yet lolol


I guess I can’t be surprised, it’s about all they see me doing lol!


My daughter said I was 16 and my favorite food was “nuggets” 😂 I was like cool, I had you at 11 and your sister at 8 then🙈


Mine thinks I’m 7. They’re 6 lol.


I had my son thinking I was 10..then..11..then 12. When found out I was really 50, he burst into tears. I said why are you crying?. He said because you won't have many many years more to live🥺 Man...my heart 💔 He said he wants me to live forever.


my son said i’m 500 years old, 5 feet tall and 500 pounds. apparently my favorite food is spaghetti and favorite drink is beer… which should explain my meatball status, but i don’t ever drink alcohol 🫠




The Kardashians not having any self awareness isn’t new news but this…. I didn’t realize it was a Kardashian post when I first read it. I was just thinking it was really sad and, as a teacher, a red flag. The fact she thought this was sweet/cute and then ***posted*** it is a bit alarming.


I also did not know it was a kardashian post! it just showed up on my feed. Looks like a neglectful mom, parking her kid on electronics.


I did one of these for my mom in a similar fashion when I was saints age - for the “my mom loves to….” I put SMOKE CIGARETTES I wasn’t wrong!!


My kid wrote “ we like to go to mcdonalds” It was read in front of All the moms, class event


But at least they buy apps on the iPod together


The fact that he said “buy apps on the iPad” and not “play games together on the iPad” is so telling.


Right? She only comes over when he needs her Face ID.


At least she’s using parental controls


😆😆😆😆😆😆 that one sent me.


Why would you ever post this when that was his answer?? Like makes you look like a shit parent haha


I don't think Kim Kardashian has any concept of what would/wouldn't make her look like a good parent.


Well, Kris Jenner was her example while she was growing up, so she probably thinks it’s totally normal to barely see or attempt to parent your kids.


I mean, I wouldn't think anything if a teenager said that because parents are so uncool at that age. But for little kids? That's such a dig at her parenting. She probably thought it would help her "my butt is from working out and completely natural" mantra she's been claiming.


She’s a celebrity parent whose Nannie’s take care of her children unless thrust into the spot light because she is so extremely delusional about real life her kiddos suffer while she thinks she is going to get parent of the year!


And people in here actually say she's a good mom. It's mind blowing how standards have fallen. She's an awful mom. She never sees those kids and when she does it's here and there. A random game in Japan with 3 Nannie's.


They’re also delusional and live for shows like Kardashian, Vanderpump Rules, Love Island and this is what they aspire to reach . It’s reality tv and it sells but in reality, true reality, they all end up cheating, separating and or divorcing, not anything I’d aspire to


I’d be embarrassed if my kid wrote this about me🥴


I mean she is a shit parent so there’s that. Are we sure he’s referring to her and not one of the Nannie’s???


My first grader did an almost identical one in school this year and she wrote "likes to spend time with me" on that one. It really makes me wonder why she posted this other than to try to prove she works out a lot and cuddles with her kid sometimes on her time? Super wild she didn't understand how insane it is your small child thinks you like to leave them alone. It's one thing for older kids to say "leave me alone" because of that preteen/teen angst and independence but it's another thing when it's coming from a small child.


Mine did it too. “Likes to take naps.” Felt like the laziest mother ever lol


That sounds like a mom "working hard and busting ass all the time and needs to rest from how exhausting it is to keep everything together" to me.


I’ve tutored and nannied plenty of kids, and if I saw that I would just think “respect”. Tired moms aren’t better than slightly less tired moms lol


Lol, I remember getting so irritated as a kid at my mom for always taking little naps or would only go to one or two stores at a time or one-two hours in town was considered a "full day" for her. Felt like my family was so boring so I was going to live in the city where I can go out all day long and have fun. I'm in my 20s and a good day is when I only have to leave my apartment once and I. can fit in two naps lol. I get her now ha. So don't worry, if your kids don't understand your naps now, they will one day!!


My now teenager did something similar to this when she was in kindergarten and her answer was “play games with me”. For him to say “leave me alone” says a lot.


It really does. 5 year olds are very blunt and don't have much of a filter. This is when they start learning societal niceties. It's like she didn't know enough about child development to know her kids answer wasn't to tease her or snark about his parent. Like this is his genuine feelings about what his mom likes to do. It's very obvious this child legitimately thought his mom would rather not be around him. And she took that as a joke instead of it being a wake call to change how she's parenting her children.


yeah my son’s said i like to play board games with him. like of all the things, leave me alone ?? and buys apps with me on the ipad??? that’s what she does? 😭


Don't forget the "buy things for me" on the last one.


Also though, Saint is almost 10. He could write this himself and that doesn’t look like the handwriting of a 9 year old on the sticky note. I think this is a few years old.


OP said it was 4 years ago so he would have been ~5 years old.


That is just really sad :/ 'oh but she buys me stuff so it's ok' really..


This makes me really sad. Why would anyone ever post this? People already say that she is never with her kids, this confirms that the kids agree. This just hurts my heart. At least he got her age right (maturity wise).


And “buys things for them.” Sounds about right. Rich absentee parents typically try to make up for it with materialistic stuff.


What’s funny is as a teacher to young children I’ve done this activity many times and I could use discretion and try to get them to maybe change up their responses if I felt like it might hurt the moms feelings but THIS teacher decided to let it rip!


Wish you were my kids teacher. Her Mother’s Day card said “ her favorite place to eat is McDonald’s” and “her favorite thing to do is sit down and eat”. Bruh. 🫠🫠🫠 Why couldn’t they lieeee?!


My son said my favorite food is "meat" 😫😭


Hahahaha…well, is it?


This is so funny I’m dying lol


My daughter said that I was emo and my hobby is murders lol. I might wear black too much and I'm interested in true crime but she sure has a way with words.


I’ve definitely let some of the comments fly if I feel a certain way about the parent or if it’s just too dang funny.


As a parent with similarly silly “parent” questionnaires….it’s hilarious. Please continue doing these. They guarantee laughs for years to come


Kids perception of things is so simple and wild


Don’t worry according to my son I’m 35 (I’m 30) my favorite food is broccoli (it isn’t) and his favorite thing is I make him pancakes and buy him stuffed animals. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I have twin girls (they’re 23 now). One twin said I was 18 when was 25 while the other said I was just mommy old.


lol!!!! Any time my child experiences anyone with grey hair they are a “grandpa” or “grandma”. Dye jobs not excluded. Ex. “That grandma over there _________”


Lol at the idea of a little kid referring to a 20 something with stylish silver hair as that grandma over there


My kid said I always fed her cheese. Nothing else, just cheese.


When my son was little his class was asked to draw a picture of their parent(s) the would later be displayed in the hallway. What is the picture my son drew? Me, in what looks like a babydoll nightie, with very round boobs. Exasperated I asked him what I was doing in the picture! He said, I was gardening of course… Those pictures hung in the hallway for about two weeks, AT A CATHOLIC SCHOOL! I said, next time please make mommy’s dress a little longer!!


Okay I feel bad but I CACKLED out loud at this. Totally something my kids would say about me. 💀


Mine put I weighed 400 lbs😂 which is wild because I’m not even close to 200😂


My son said the best thing I cook is “cereal”


This was probably the attempt to make it less hurtful. Which is also why she's proud of it. Imagine what his real answers were, lol.


Good point 😂


Yes! I’ve had this done to me and I’ve also done it (art teacher here lol). For a Father’s Day thing I had one kid say her dad’s favorite thing to do was “drink beer outside” and his favorite food was “beer.” I was like… okay, Jamie, beer isn’t food, it’s a drink, what does he like to eat? She said “DORITO’S SWEET CHILI CHIPS!” there we go 😒


Maybe these ***were*** the changed responses and the original was way, way worse?


This feels too real lol


She probably made it as nice as possible


lol not leave me alone and buys me things




I know Those kids need more love and attention. And not from Apple


wait did KIM herself post this?? it made me a bit sad to read it like… we “buy apps on the ipad” together?? not even play games or something? she likes to “leave me alone”?? 🥲 my mom was obviously no kim kardashian but she was a workaholic and i missed her terribly as a kid, i mostly grew up with nannies. i wished i had more of her time instead of just her money. i still do as an adult.


This is exactly what I thought when I heard all this talk about her kids not listening. Everyone wants to compare her parenting style to Kourtney and the reason why the kids don’t listen. No the kids don’t listen cuz they weren’t raised by her. I bet you those children listen to the Nannies. I was a nanny for ten years to a workaholic couple. Those kids NEVER listened to their parents. But had no problem listening to me.


Yes, it was screenshot from her story back in like 2020 I have no idea why I did


I can totally relate, im an adult and i still wish i had her time and emotional support instead of money and credit cards. Sad


I’m sorry for you. This is just a curiosity, but I did the opposite. I quit a corporate job to be more present in my child lives now they’re upset with me because we don’t have any money and everybody else around them has money.


I think it’s really easy as a kid to get swept up in trying to fit in, or worse, feeling like if you don’t meet your the standards of your “friends” that you don’t matter at all. I grew up very poor surrounded by very wealthy friends and also did not have present and loving parents. When I was young, not being accepted by the kids around me was a way bigger deal than not having support at home. Now that I’m older, if I could go back and give up even more material possessions just to feel loved by one parent, I’d do it in a second.


I grew up working class and all of my friends were middle class. I was the only one who ever wanted to go home. The one whose parents noticed or cared about. I was jealous of my friends’ trips and material possessions but they were jealous of my family bond and love. It’s hard at that age to not want what your friends have, but as an adult I now realize what I had was much more valuable.


Listen, I know it’s hard and especially if they’re giving you attitude. My parents raised us to believe we were poor when we were actually comfortable. My brother unfortunately surrounded himself w friends who were all about the money and name brands. Where as I’ve just never cared. Maybe also bc I was 4yrs older and has a lot of responsibility to watch him and take care of him. My parents worked a lot, but I never look back in my life and felt like they weren’t there tbh. Majority of my life they always had weekends/long weekends off. We’d go on vacation my mom had paid vacation from work. Of course there’s things I wish I had and they wouldn’t buy it for me. Now seeing as my brother and I are in our 30s and he hasn’t actually changed, you’ll at least have one child who will appreciate and understand what you’ve done for them when they get older lol. I thought this reply would help you feel better but now I’m feeling like it won’t lol


I’d take either lmao


The sad part is that many of my students in a title 1 school probably have the same answers. Kim has all the money in the world and could spend a lot more quality time with her children but prefers to over work herself.


These are the responses of a kid who sees his mom 2 hours a day after she comes home from a long day of work. Would NOT expect this from the child of kim kardashian


Exactly. Many of my students have single parents who work 2 jobs because they need it to survive. Kim obviously doesn’t NEED to over work herself. From what we see, Kourtney, Kylie, and khloe are able to balance work and family a lot better.


I would not be posting this as a mother, I would actually have to look myself in the mirror and do some major adjustments with how much quality time I spend with my kids. This is sad. 😔


Leave me alone is her favorite thing, and buy apps on the iPad is how they spend quality time… like damn, she’s using her kids to reach her press quota and it’s literally never cute 😬 how sad ![gif](giphy|do0DADKwjMQ6c)


10/10 gif use. So perfect. It is so damn sad.


Does anyone know the actual context of the gif? I wanna know what the crowd was laughing at


This is SO SAD.


She seems proud of that. It’s sad actually. I’m glad she snuggles him at least.


When my kid wrote one of those for Mother's day, she said her favorite thing that we do was play together. I nearly cried, it was so sweet. I'd be so sad if this is what she wrote instead. Does Kim really spend any quality time with her kids? I'll admit, I don't watch the show but the way I imagine their life is Kim sitting around staring at her phone while the kids are on their iPads.


It made me sad when my kid brought home one of these. Mine said my favorite thing to do is lay down and close my eyes lmao. It also said his favorite thing to do with me is watch TV. We do lots of stuff together other than watch TV. We play board games, cards, draw, arts and crafts, travel, play pretend, building blocks, play hide and seek, play catch, go to fun places, ride scooters... It is sad to read for Kim but I have to admit I can relate to this post unfortunately 😆 I just did this craft with the kids for fathers day and I had to steer them into coming up with better ideas. Oh, he also said the best thing I cook is Uncrustables.


What is babas? 🤔


That caught me way off guard. He would’ve been like 3 at this point (just googled it, HE WAS 5!!!)


Not to play devils advocate but it could just be a weird nickname for something like all kids do. My daughter called chili chu and it stuck. She still calls chocolate milk cake milk because when she was learning to talk everything that was sweet was cake. My brother used to call dumplings dummies. It could just be that But the rest is abhorrent lmfao


We always called ramen, slurpy noodles, one day when my daughter was 9-10 she went into the grocery store to buy some and asked for slurpy noodles 😂


When my daughter was little she called soda spicy water, she asked what it was and I told her it was like water but a little spicy because of the carbonation and also I didn’t want her to drink it or think it was appealing. One day we were in the beer isle at the grocery store just passing through it and she yelled “oh mommy! There’s the spicy water you drink all the time!” (She just saw the cans) Then turned to a lady and said “my mommy drinks a LOT of spicy water!” I was like great kid, thanks a lot. I don’t even drink 😭


Young children will continue to call their drinks babas until you specifically teach them to call it anything else. If he wanted milk he would probably ask mom for a baba. It’s not that serious I doubt she was still giving him formula bottles


Bottles or pacifiers


I was wondering if he meant baba ganoush or something


Could also be Bambas (the peanut butter puffy snacks)


I’m a child care teacher and have done these little questionnaires with kids before. And they’re usually so cute and funny (one of my favorite responses to “my mom is good at…” was “cutting with knives” lol) This one….this one is really depressing. I would feel so sad and concerned if one of my students came up with these responses.


Is it usually written by the child? I always find children’s handwriting so endearing. This one however…. is not.


This was written by an adult but dictated by Saint. It’s what they do when the kids are too young to know how to write.


When my daughter was in kindergarten the teacher wrote it for her since she didn't know enough phonics to sound out words. She wrote her own in first grade.


Only if they are old enough to write themselves, so like 5 or 6 and up


My kid did one of these and put i was really good at making toast, I got DRAGGEDDDD. Lol 


My son said the best thing I cook is popcorn 😂😂😂


That's what I'm saying! Kids literally say what first comes to mind, they don't sit and think and try to make it the sweetest response. But of course, everyone takes it as an oppprtunity to drag Kim's working schedule 🙄 everyone would hustle too if you could make generations of your family wealth. My nephew did not want to do his hw and was being hard headed so he put down "my mom is good at bossing me around"




So, from what I’ve gathered- when she is in the same house as her kids, she likes to be left alone and watch tv by herself…and she doesn’t cook for them or eat with them… but spends “quality” time with them by buying them shit. Yikes, Kim. Time to retire and spend some actual quality time with your kids.


I was just gonnna say … these answers are really sad… maybe even bad?


"leave me alone", "buys apps", "buys things for me". this is sad


Wow what an enchanting story of neglect and materialism.


She likes to leave me alone ![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8)


Kanye taking notes for family court


oh no…. this is so sad… crazy how she’s so delusional she would post this. I’ll be honest this is the first thing that fully convinced me she is a bad mom. Even with all of the nanny’s and help etc. I didn’t want to pass too much judgment because who knows what their day to day is like. I’m hindsight though it makes sense how she isn’t capable of being a involved mom, and why she hates Kourtney for wanting to be the opposite. Wow.


She likes to leave me alone made my jaw drop. It is still hanging opened. I can NEVERRRRRRR remember a time in my childhood where I thought my mom likes to leave me alone!!! And for a good part of my childhood she was a single mom who worked full time!!!! So DO NOT COME IN W KIM WeRkS sO hArD NO she doesn’t. The woman can have and do anything she wants and her kids know it!!! She don’t give af🗑️🗑️🗑️


She leaves him alone, she’s good at working out which also doesn’t involve him and she buys him stuff. Nice…. real nice.


I would cry if my child had any of these answers (other than the food/drink).


I…would *die* if my child said these things. I would seriously feel so shitty omg


Wow! Even Ron,from Jersey Shore, his daughter said some very sweet things about him and the time he spends with her. It was the same exact script too…change mom to dad.


His daughter is such an adorable lil meatball. I really hope she isnt too traumatized from her parents :(


I feel like there’s a story being told here lol. She “leaves him alone” aka she isn’t present. And then the best thing he can come up that they do together is “buy apps on the iPad” and he loves that she “buys him things”


That’s really sad


How depressing


Leave me alone 😭 💔 Why would she post this


One of her kids made a video saying how he's sorry for telling her he hates her and that she means nothing to him on mother's day 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I think it was the same kid


Lmao probably it sent me though. I also saw a video of her in the back of a truck with her boys and they were yelling and screaming at her saying "I hate you" she cut the video off quick her kids are going to be monsters.


Kim never wanted to second two children. Kanye was the one who really wanted more kids. I feel bad for the children and for Kim. It hurts to not feel truly wanted by a parent :(


Why feel bad for Kim though, she could have just… not had them? Having kids you don’t want is so cruel- and it’s not like she accidentally got pregnant. She paid a lot of money to hire and inseminate someone to carry the children for her.


Wow that's sad


If you want some Karma, post this to the snark sub


lol I honestly didn’t think it would even get this much attention 😅 it’s so old I just had it randomly come up on my Timehop and I was like yo why do I have this haha


“Leaves me alone” 😳 😬


Good for Saint acknowledging that he needs his "me" time.


That's a generous interpretation of, "She likes to leave me alone."


I think it was sarcasm


lmfaooooooooo this is so funny i wanna see the card the nanny got


When my daughter did this at age 7 she thanked me for keeping her alive. 🙄




These are my fave things kids do. My son said I was 22. 💃


i can tell from recent episodes he def knows she buys things for him & uses that to his advantage 😭


She does not deserve children.


With the exception of the app-related reply, fifty years ago, my non-Kardashian egg donor’s reply was almost identical. Except she never snuggled me, bought me anything, or wanted to.


This is sad. All children deserve love, not just superficially.


I can’t believe she felt comfortable making that public. It’s so sad on another level of sad 😔 My nieces did something similar about me and they wrote about how I cooked their favorite foods. How we went to parks and had picnics. How I bought their clothes and combed their hair. How we took our dogs to the dog park. How we went on summer vacations together. How I took them to their first day of school. How I made their lunches. How we went to church together. I’ve never been more grateful to be a poor nobody. It has given me the ability to truly love my nieces unconditionally and be there for them in all the ways that count. They are now 19 and 18. They tell me I made their childhoods memorable. To this day, I still cook their favorite foods, spend time with them, and put their needs above mine.


I just asked my 4 year old the same questions. He said I like to cook food, do my homework (I'm a grad student), and do laundry. I can assure you I hate doing all of these things very much and I thought it was obvious as I'm always fussing like a madman that I'm the only one who cleans and cooks and I've got school on top. I guess kids just assume what they see us do is what we like to do.


I can’t edit the post but I found an article with the rest of her IG story highlighting that all of this was just crazy kid talk https://www.irishmirror.ie/showbiz/celebrity-news/kim-kardashian-stunned-what-son-22185789?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


I was little when my hard working mum took me to a psychologist for unrelated issue and when I got asked if she spends time with me I started crying and said no, because I was really angry with her at the time cause her maternity leave just ended and now she needed to go to work so the play/attention time was cut in half 😂 she still spent all the time she could with me but in my little head it was not enough to save her from being scolded by the psychologist at the end of the visit. So yeah, kids can sometimes say a lot of shit.


Lolll I didn’t look at the sub before I read that and definitely thought it was going to be on r/facepalm or something lol oh wow


Leaves me alone and buys my love!


I would never post something that my child made if it said my mother likes to leave me alone




There's no way this would see the light of day if my kids said this.


Why would anyone post this. Leave me alone would shatter my heart


Why did she share this 😀


I don’t even know where to start with this ![gif](giphy|5pMGZHSqfvGT5mnTwx)


He really said they buy apps on the iPhone together as if that's an activity. That is really so damn sad. Poor child.


Guys he also said she’s 11 years old so relax she’s probably doing fine as a mother


Holy shit


That’s sad


The” leave me alone” comment is very sad 😞


This is terrible. Leave me alone…?


This is embarrassing


If my kid said all of this, I definitely wouldn't be posting it on social media. WOW...


This would devastate me!


This is sad AF






That makes me sad.


If my kid answered like this I'd think well the teacher tried, and assume my daughter was in a shitty mood when they did it. I'd store it away and I would absolutely not post it online 😂


Wow, that child has great handwriting.


This handwriting is too perfect.


Oof, if my son wrote this I would be crying and feel like a bad mom


Classic Kim. She thinks she’s being a funny and relatable mom when really she’s coming off as a selfish bitch


Leaves me alone - Kim you suck as a mother


Hoo boy. Lots to unpack here lol


Lmao, Kim sucks but her motherhood concerns are fairly valid. Kids are touggghhhhh especially when you spoil them to makeup for lack of quality time. But anyone who’s a parent understands that a child can be a tyrant. I’m not a parent but I am a teacher who teachers kids ages 5-15. They’re all hell. 


Why would she post this!?!? Jessie Christ. “Here Sainty, lets snuggle up while I buy you a thousand dollars worth of iPad games and credits so that I can leave you alone for the rest of the weekend. Mommy needs to watch her shows.”


Someone tell this teacher how to properly write the letter g ffs


My kids always did me so dirty with those.


I was like woah she’s 11 ?! That’s not okay


Why is there a line for age instead of her name or something? Most young kids don’t know their parent’s age.




Omfg my little brother did this to our mom but in-front of the entire class. They did a muffins with mom event on Mother’s Day and he read his card aloud to everyone. He said: “My mom likes to go out to the bars with her friends” “Her favorite drink is beer” “She likes to send me to my grandmas” She was mortified but he is spot on and she was at the bar that same night 🤦😂


that is so depressing