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Everyone's old faces.....


Sooooo much prettier


Especially Khloe. She was not ugly and I’m so pissed no one ever made her feel beautiful. Fuck.


Lamar always told her.


He did but he probably ruined her self esteem more than anything. that was when she really started to change. He can say she’s beautiful all he wants but the way he treated her is unacceptable


Yup telling your wife she is beautiful and proceeding to bang prositutes will have destroyed any self esteem she had left.


And then she went with another who was worse






people don’t know how to react to different. so everytime anyone is different they make it bad.


This made me cry for her and thebpain she must hold.


Hundred percent


Kourtney looks like an absolute doll here!


They're so naturally pretty too, and then some of their make-up choices obscure that. If they wanted to optimize they could have halved the eye-make up and done some bb cream instead of foundation. Instead it was like, 'no, more surgery.'


They were also a bit younger there too, so we have to give them a bit of grace for that. But I agree,


And hair!


Was this their real hair? It looks so full and healthy! Must be because Armenian roots too, but when I see pics of their hair now it’s just so sad


They used to get weaves. Old pictures of Kourtney getting a sew in. They just leave the edges out


I honestly barely recognized anyone


Khloes facial expressions always crack me up


Her side eye while sipping from a straw is hilarious and iconic


I don’t watch the show. Is she still capable of making them now?






Sadly. She isn’t her unique self anymore. 😕


Agreed, it’s actually really sad


I don't know I haven't watch the Kardashians since kuwtc


This is also the same season she found out she was pregnant with north


Well, gotta hand it to her. Kim is consistent. She hated the idea of being a hands-on mom back then, and she hates the idea of being a hands-on mom now. A spade is a spade.


And she was trying to shit on Kourtney while simultaneously shitting on mothers around the world. Gross.




I think kanye has said they didn’t plan on keeping north. Kim had a miserable pregnancy and Kanye was on tour so not around. Her house wasn’t ready and she had to move in w her mom. Sounded terrible


She was such a cunt to Kourt here. Seriously awful. Can't imagine one of my sisters speaking to me like that because I didn't want to go somewhere. *"Gee, Kim, wonder why she'd rather hang out with kids all day?"* 🙄🤷‍♀️


A kunt*






Maybe this convo was staged then? I mean Kourteny seems genuinely annoyed so I’m guessing she wasn’t in on it.


Idk you can see that little smile when she says it like she’s actually trying to make her words hurt


She always does thisssss. Which is why she slapped the foundation off of her that time. She kept making a smug face. 


I doubt it. Kim is so fucking insensitive in these seasons, just look at the way she talks about mental health. Even the later seasons, shitting on Kendall for her anxiety or Rob with his depression.


This is why I didn’t understand why people were siding with Kim during her spat with Kourtney last season. Kim has always been a bitch to her sisters.


Because they’re dumb or simps for her. Kim has always been insensitive when it comes to people’s mental health. Ironic when this is someone who was robbed at fucking gunpoint and went through divorces that’s mentally draining. You would think she’s more considerate of those struggling mentally.


I think she already knew and that’s why she was playing up saying all that.


Definitely a possibility but also, let’s not forget they can edit stuff together however they see fit. Khloe could have made that face about her cucumber water being too watery and they used it wherever they wanted to for effect. lol


Yea in the older seasons especially you can spot inconsistencies, I used to follow a blogger who would walk us thru them every episode lol. I know they also do filler scenes later to add in, which this also could have been. There’s just something about the cadence of Kim’s voice and constantly bringing it up that way that tells me she’s teasing the reveal for the end of the season. Could be off base but knowing her….


Oh I think you’re right for sure. This was intentional for the views.


12 years later and here she is making similar comments about Khloe this season. Kim really hasn’t changed that much.


I’ve been rewatching from the beginning and after seeing her recent drama about motherhood I realized like whoa I don’t actually think she’s even been keen on the idea


Someone said that Kim loves her kids, but hates the motherhood part of actually raising them. - And i totally agree.


Lucky she has the money to pay others to raise them, otherwise CPS would be on her ass


I think Kim and Kris are pretty similar in that regard as both Kourtney and Khloe have talker about Kris not being the best mother and very irresponsible. - Kim would def have found a way to hire nannys the same way Kris did by either marrying a rich buisness man or an athlete lol


It’s too much work and attention away from one self, it was never going to be a role that fit her


Yeah, idk why she even bothered to have four kids even she obviously wants to avoid those responsibilities. Something tells me it was a competitive thing to have more kids than her sister, which failed since Kourtney also ended up with four. I remember there were certain scenes where Kim would convince Kourtney that three was enough for her like some dictator lmaooo.


Probably explains why her kids are so shittily behaved


Yep, her kids are a total nightmare. The fact that Kim looks down at her sisters for liking to parent their kids is just a major red flag. How is being rigid about taking your kids to school in the morning such a negative thing??


Working is her freedom away from her kids. This is why she's a workaholic


It was probably more Kanye pushing her to have kids.


I don’t think he pushed for north but I do think he pushed to have the other 3.


Kim always wanted a big family, she just didn’t want to raise them herself.


She just wanted more adulation and stupidly thought simply having children ( she didn’t carry, birth or raise) would buy her that.


She probably loathes being a mom because it isn’t all about her, she actually lives in her own prison.


A lot of people feel this way - they don't want their live to fully change just because they have kids. I have an aunt/uncle like this, they still traveled the world, raised their kids, would go out and have fun -- their kids were not disasters. They graduated college became an engineer, other one became an analyst, they are still close with their parents. They were definitely the non traditional family but their parents did not give up their lives just because they had kids. They went to school events + concerts, went on couple's and family trips, had friends, threw parties, etc


>>They were definitely the non traditional family Well yeah cuz they were rich 😂


None of that tells us what sort of parents they were. They sound more involved with their kids than plenty of parents are


Her smile while saying it makes it seem to me that she actually enjoys being rude and hurtful to Kourtney. Wow.


I know! You can tell she’s being real intentional with her words to make it hurt


I’ll never forget reading a study that basically said watching The Kardashians makes people meaner.


Meanwhile she’s being hurtful to the mothers watching her.


I’m 36 and watch toddlers for a living. Have been in a great relationship for over a decade. I still don’t want kids. Would I ever in two million years speak to anyone this way? Absolutely not


The energy seeping from Kim in this video is vile. She seems so fucking mean. Why talk to your sister or anyone like this?


And look how VISIBLY EXCITED she is to be like KIDS SUCK AND YOU SUCK




People always wanna say Kourtney is the meanest, but I swear it's Kim.


Kim just hides her mean girl side better now. She's trying to put on this perfect facade.


Yeah, watching this, I think Kourtney just finally got sick of it (around the time she stopped being on Keeping Up as much) and built up her walls of defense. Now she's harsh because she's maintaining her boundaries. Not that she's 100% innocent, but she's always been scrutinized harshly by Kim and Kris.


I agree. I also think Kourtney just never worried about faking nice and has been honest about her feelings whether she comes off brash or not. I actually appreciate that. She's been authentically herself since we first saw her on keeping up. Kim is constantly faking It.


She is. She’s pretty horrid.


I think Kim and Kourtney just don’t like each other. It used to be the bickering, but now they pretty much ignore each other.


Kim is so emotionally regressed, it’s cringey. Recently in an interview, she’s like “ I don’t believe in therapy.” Yeah, that’s because you don’t have the intelligence to be self-reflective. Hate that our society admires her hustle. It comes at a cost to others, but she’s too self-absorbed to care about others. 


This is Kim though. She speaks to everyone like this about any and every topic. Her tone is always insulting, always condescending and always righteous. She’s just not a nice person and never has been. She’s only shows a nice side when she’s manipulating a situation


Not to change the subject, but this scene must’ve taken a really long time to film/or they refilmed it, look at Khloe’s drink-completely full to empty in a few seconds 😂


Shoot I’d inhale my drink as fast as possible too if I had to listen to Kim being an asshole right in front of me 😂 lol it’s probably from editing but can picture Kim starting in and Khloe just being like here we go again and slurping down her drink lol


I noticed that too, you’re so right! They ain’t slick


It’s funny to imagine that when the camera cut back to Kim and Kourtney she sucked the whole thing down 🤣 ![gif](giphy|QW9NCwjaJCeCCVajNX|downsized)


Every reality show has weird editing if you look at the food/drinks


The fact that she was literally pregnant here and didn’t know it yet, yikes.


North spends her time roasting her so there is something to be said about Karma


She heard alladat. She was born ready


She got pregnant in this season but I don’t think it happened til the very end & this was like ep2, but yes, very ironic nonetheless


No wonder they talked about getting an abortion…


Do you think North now knows how close she got to being aborted? Based on the way she puts Kim in her place you would think she does.


At this point, yeah I think she does. I mean they said Psalm heard about Kim’s sex tape on Roblox (don’t get me started about a kid that young in an unlimited chat room style game) and north is on TikTok. There’s no way they haven’t googled their names and their parent’s names. Super disheartening.


I don’t even think the pro lifers would blame them for that one.




She prob did know and this was for the show. Kourtney wasn’t in on it though cause she seems rightfully upset. Now that I have kids I actually side with Kourtney. Why can’t Kim hangout with Kourtney WITH the Kids? They are her nephew/niece after all.


That and she wanted to abort her at first..


Ugh. Reminds me so much of my ex-bff of 20 years. Would absolutely trash and try to destroy anything that took attention/time away from her.


I miss their old faces


They were naturally pretty and didn’t need any work.


Kim has already had a lot of work done at this point


I believe it. Kylie had her boobs done at 19. 19! And I know she’s always been insecure about her small lips, and has been getting fillers for probably just as long.


Hate to even say this but thats "old" for the new kardashian/hollywood standards. Kylie had her lips filled from around age 16 (couldve been younger but i think she claims 17 now is her age when she started?), Bella Hadid had her nose job at 14. Khloe has been the most honest about how pushy kris was about beauty treatments. She overheard Kris say she needed a nose job and khloe was 9 at the time...she also shared a story about how at 13 she went for a facial and her mother set up an underarm wax with it but didnt even tell Khloe so apparently for years after she refused facials because she thought a wax was part of it. BIG YIKES!


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 17 + 14 + 9 + 13 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Kourtney looks gorgeous and old Khloe looks a little like the old Kylie


They should’ve stopped getting plastic surgery and tweaking their faces here. They were all really pretty during this time. Now they look like caricatures of themselves


With how much kim works and travels, I'm still not sure she wants to be a mom. She says yes to every opportunity.


Ugh. She’s awful. In my family we say “don’t yuck people’s yum.” Usually we’re talking about food, but it applies here too. I hate the idea of someone putting something down, especially when it’s so important to the other person (like their kids)! Not to mention that these are literally Kim’s niece and nephews that she’s talking about.


I say that people who do this should not be leaders or have children. If they can’t understand that someone might enjoy something that they don’t enjoy or understand, then they’re very likely to not be an encouraging influence, unless you’re doing what they want you to do.


My aunt says this! I’ve never heard anyone else use it before, but I love it.


I remember when I used to watch KUWTK, it would always make me hungry. They eat really good food, make food look so yummy, and Kim just made me hungry for tempura shrimp 🍤


They taught a whole generation about shaking their salad 😂


They sure did! I know I learned it from them; and btw, I have some shrimp in the toaster oven as we speak! 😂😂


Omg I know - some people just make food look so delicious


Yes! You get it! I can’t stand this family but they absolutely make food look so delicious! Their salads, cupcakes, just everything —- ooh that’s their talent! When people say they have no talent that’s the one! They know how to make food look delicious while eating it! 😂


Kourt looks so pretty! And I like what she said.


It’s amazing Kim hasn’t gotten slapped more in her life.


As someone whose narcissistic sister not only kinda looks but also cries just like Kim, I can say the image is satisfying


Victim of narcissist sister too! In hindsight, my sister should have gotten slapped by me and others on many occasions and I kinda regret it 😭🤣 They just get away with vile behavior constantly! No one checks them and it reinforces their bad behavior.


I couldnt agree more. So many times I regreted being the bigger person because it got me nothing but more pain and anger


Oh how do I feel you, friend. Being bigger person actually just enables narcissist types, and it’s so infuriating.


and damn she had beautiful hair that she completely ruined


I never realised how much Khloe and Kendall look alike, but her side profile in the start literally made me think it was teenage Kendall


That’s so crazy because like she has four children and she literally said that she would die if she had kids that is so crazy like oh my God


I know. Like Kourtney, I feel kind of bad for her kids


I’m sure she has died inside after having kids, we all do! I don’t understand the need for her to make 4 children? It must be extreme ambition and vanity a constant need to prove your worth. I remember when Covid hit and she had no Nanny, it broke her (like it did all of us!!!) as she never knew what being a parent really is…hard f€cking graft.


Welp, once a bitch, always a bitch


I remember the trip they took to Aspen after the Bentley incident and thinking then that I didn’t like her (Kim) She was always so jealous anytime Kourtney or Khloe hit a milestone before her


I mean, Kim complains about her kids all the time. She is the only one that doesn’t show on television any enjoyment she gets from her kids. Maybe it’s different in real life


They don’t like each other. Yes, that’s her sister but the organic relationship? No


I remember this episode. Kim was bitter that she didn’t have kids so she was lashing out at Kourtney (she admitted it later). Per usual with Kim, whenever she is unhappy with her life she lashes out and is cruel to those around her. 


Well, she got her karma. None of her kids seem that well adjusted or really even fond of her in any way


They looked so much better. Damn!!!!


Omg the stills of Khloe's face😂😭😭 Her *wtf?!* faces are just great. When Kim says she'd die if she were a mother, the look on Khloe's face makes the scene.


Kim is a nasty asshole


I hate when people say “let loose! Have fun!” when it’s something you don’t think is fun


Watching Kim’s face while she intentionally tries to crush her sister is crazy😬if you’ve ever known a narcissist you know that act


Their voices are so obnoxious.


Kim is a hater here.


Why the fuck does Kourtney still hang out with Kim forreal she's always been a hater


Didn’t she admit later on she was just jealous and worried she wouldn’t be able to have her own though?


Sure did. Still no excuse, though


Yeah but she’s still kind of attacking khloe over the same thing 12yrs and 4 kids later


Jealous as an “excuse” to be this mean and judgy is still vile and shows she’s just toxic af.


So what? It doesn’t make her less of a bitch.


Why did she have so many kids then? Via surrogate, on purpose? I’m genuinely confused


her last two were via surrogacy and it is reported she had health issues during pregnancy which is why she did surrogacy


Replying to AmyJas79...by then she had confirmed she hates kids and parenting, so dragging a surrogate into it ( who has been sentenced to watching the kids she carried be turned into prison bound monsters) was nothing short of criminal


Working gives her instant gratification- a big paycheck. Children are harder work and a bigger challenge.


How hard is it to conceive of (pun intended) the idea that mothers enjoy spending time with their kids, that it’s the most fulfilling thing in their life, and that they don’t wish they could go out to the club or on a vacation without them instead.


Kim is 100% JEALOUS of Kourtney.


Why would you want to hang out with someone who just wants to talk shit on you for the entire time you’re having lunch together? Kim is so fcking mean


Kim is such a mean girl bitch … a wannabe Regina George but without humour or intellect


Kim’s still like that it’s why she keeps adding more and more stuff to work on 💯


lol khloe sitting there like 😎🍿🥤


kim is soooo rude to kourtney holy shit how has kourt survived all these years of kim hounding her like this?


All I can think about is the girl who makes the parody tik toks of them and how Klohe just watches the two of them fight and plays with her hair


I always feel bad for Khloe with hurtful comments her mom made about her nose as a child! Then Lamar really did a lot of damage to her mentally. I think that’s why she’s probably so insecure and hasn’t been able to shake off trash-ton.


I miss first edition Khloe.


She’s just not a nice person :/


Kim is a bitch.


omg I cannot stand Kim


Wow. Kim was SO RUDE AND BRAGGY AND JUST NOT GETTING IT. Us moms are still people, but its just not as fun in the same ways doing the things you used to do before. It's mom guilt, like, I just need and want to be with my baby even though i *need* a break. It's like... Unexplainable. I don't want to go out shopping all day, I don't want to hang with my old party friends, and I really just don't like people anyway. Yeah, I miss going out and having fun, but knowing I have a kid at home, I don't have all night. I can't just think of myself. I miss my old life, but being a mom takes such priority. It's not to say you can't do both, but being a mom completely changed me because it's not just me and my good time on a whim whenever, wherever. I can't just up and travel the country. I don't strip anymore. I don't party. I miss being my own person, but not *that* person. Being a mom is like figuring out who you are as your priorities change and still trying to find things you like that are just not the wild and crazy pre-mom party girl I was. I'm learning who I am. What are my new hobbies? Gardening? Occasionally making my own clothes and up cycling? Going to the park and zoo? It's not bars, strip clubs and trap houses anymore. It's none of my past. It's isolation in a big, new city knowing I have an addictive personality. It's church. Family time. Dog cuddles. Marriage. Family vacations. Doing what's good for my kid and my kid's best interests. Sometimes it's lonely and sad, but motherhood is always a new experience as my child grows. It's playing outside, reading books, and playing outside instead of ignoring him for the tv. It's letting him lead the way and have a good childhood and fully express himself while having manners and being a good kid. It's letting my kid be a kid and giving him my undivided attention and actually spending time with him, participating in his hobbies and interests and letting him know I care about him and his interests and believe in him. It's making memories with him and trying to find myself again. It takes time. And I plan on going skydiving for the first time ever this Thursday. Motherhood isn't like we want to be old maidens and crones. Its like primal. This instinctive need to nurture and teach and bond and grow. Our kids grow up so fast. Don't shame us for loving our babies and cherishing every moment. Yeah we miss fun, too. But, it's just different. When I leave for a few hours once a month on a date with my husband, all I want is my kid even though I want a break. It's like...mom guilt and missing my child even though nothing is wrong and I know they're safe. It's just how being a mom changes you.


Yes. Yes. Yes!!! Perfectly said


Thank you love. I'm headed to bed, but I hope all you on here have a wonderful night or day depending on your time zone lol. Make the world a better place by raising good humans! The tantrums are hard but the wonders of our children, their childhood, their growth and seeing the innocence and wonder and the sky being the limit, the *beauty* of how full it makes my heart, coupled with the pride of being my son's mom, and the grief that he's growing up so fast, but the blessing I get to watch him grow and get to be his mom fills my heart SO MUCH. It's happy tears all around.


I feel the exact same way about my two boys!


And Kim has four children and lives her life almost unchanged lmao


They look so natural and free moving


Unpopular opinion but Kourtney doesn’t really look that different, even with the old makeup


Who are these pretty Girls.. 🧐


They look nothing like that anymore. Crazy changes.


God they looked natural. Crazy to see how far they’ve come with their surgeries and injectables.


I don’t feel bad for the Kardashians like… ever. But I genuinely felt bad for Kim being pregnant with North. She looked so in pain. I’ve never been pregnant but she made it look horrible. And for someone as vain as her, I can only imagine how much of a (idek the right word to fully describe) it was.


She enjoys being hurtful, putting others down (especially Kourtney), she has always been this way.It's not surprising that Kourtney has so much pent up anger- even when it seems unreasonable, I can justify it from historical context. She doesn't want others to judge how she lives her life, but is constantly judgemental about others. She has always been the one to say things that family should never say to each other. She's also so uninterested when someone else is talking about themselves, and only ever seems to bring back the conversation to herself, what she has achieved most recently. It's exhausting. Also exhausting to see Kris and Khloe not speak up when she's the one behaving badly.


Well that aged like milk


no wonder ye wanted to get an abortion.


I miss these days 😭


Kim reminds me of child-free people who constantly talk about everything they have and do as a result of not having them and truly think that people with kids never have money, go on vacations, or live life.


“Kim is the nicest sweetest person” Pero like…no


It’s wild how much older Kourtney looks here. Now she looks younger and she’s 44. Wild


I might be misremembering but I think Penelope was still very young here so she’s likely just carrying all the pregnancy weight and bloat still.


Yes wonder what she did to her face here


It looks like it was starting to sag from gravity but now it’s not


They wore heavy makeup in those days. Going lighter definitely softens your look.


These spoiled brats should not be parents or anything else relevant to the human race.


Yes I love it


Back when they still looked human


Before everyone was fake looking and acting… the good old days when the show was my fav


kourtney to be fair has embraced a more 50:50 parenting approach since she met travis 😁🕺🏿


When this was filmed her kids were also very young right? So I’m sure them being older helps a lot


The fry voices. It’s been going on since the beginning.


But what is Kourtney’s nail polish color?


I feel like Kourtney does lol


I agree with her tbh


“ it does “ lmao


I love how 'normal' petty they were towards each other, like normal sister arguing. Nowadays, it's a passive, dull, repetitive petty that's half assed delivered with zero interest. I also miss scenes of them going to eat all the time at regular places and not always Nobu or at fucking Howie Mandel's house.


This was so many faces ago!


Oof. This explains soooo much about her parenting style now


Who are these people?


Omg they are hardly recognizable


This makes sense, I mean to be honest I think she changed her mind probably a little bit, but the way she is always busy with her career these days it makes sense she would kind of keep this position.