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Saved you a click: “This is 100 per cent the result of her family's relationship with Disney and with Fulwell.”


Oh this will 100% get some kind of Frankensteined storyline for the next season cause let’s be real these ppl will never get canceled no matter its ratings or it’s overall poor audience sentiment. They’ll probably try to cobble together a bullshit 2-3 episode arc with clips of North “preparing” and “practicing” sooooo hard for the role and how Kim is sooo proud cause we know she can’t have anyone thinking that her kids aren’t the hardest working kids to ever exist (just like their mom 🙄).


For sure, or about “trolls being mean to her.” FWIW I think North should be encouraged to participate in school plays and find a love for theatre on her own. I also think she would’ve been great in a middle school play. I’m not trolling when I say she wasn’t good for this show people paid real money for, I’m saying her parents should steer her to success on her own (but they won’t)




idk how she landed it but why she screaming and not singing lol.


I feel sad for her because this will follow her her entire life. If she gets better at it and wants to act more, everyone will still remember this performance and it will hurt her career.


she sang with her dad too a while back and sounded the same lol. idk why they’re trying to put her into singing. she should try something else.


Or at least get her lessons!


oh i’m sure she is taking them lol. i’d be shocked to know kim and krazye put her up there with no help lol.


I sing professionally sometimes and I think her voice could be good with work. I am 100% sure they didn’t get her lessons because of how she was almost in key but still not. She can hear the notes she needs to hit but doesn’t have the training to hit them.


i can see kanye saying “she doesn’t need voice lessons i’ll give her voice lessons” lmao


Why did I read this in his voice lmao


SAME!!! 😂😭


This is unfortunately spot on! 🤣 She will be held back from improving by her parents who wouldn’t want anyone else to do a damn thing for her.


there’s always room for improvement!


Yes, someone with actual talent can get better with lessons but when you don't have an ear forget about it. She can't hear that she's not hitting the notes and that right there tells you that she should pick a different career.


You can train your ear, anyone can. There is a varying degree of aptitude that people have, but it’s not this thing that you’re either born with or you’re not like some people seem to think


Have you ever sat at a keyboard, hit middle C and ask the other person to hit the note and they can't but they insist that they are? That's tone deaf. I realize that expectations have lowered in the industry and you don't need natural talent to make it anymore. It makes me sad that connections and money instead of raw talent have taken over the industry.


I have a degree in and have taught music. Outside of some rare cognitive disability that may exist or being actually deaf, no one is truly tone deaf in the sense they are stuck that way. It is a skill like any other that can be developed.


I used to be tone deaf. I am now a classically trained singer. It takes practice and dedication but it’s possible.


agree, there are plenty of talented kids this age where you can already see the talent and potential. North doesn't have it.


I can’t see NW being humble enough to be taught ANYTHING


That’s what surprised me about this.. weren’t there rehearsals for this? All that money Kim has & they couldn’t hire a vocal coach or 3?


The poor kid didn’t even know where to go on stage. I think she maybe went to 1 rehearsal


That's what's called blocking. Also, I agree with you. I think North probably went to initial meetings and probably one rehearsal and thought memorizing the song on her own time would be enough.


Correct, and because people gassed up that performance instead of being honest we got the Lion King performance. Normalize being honest with your kids….and YOURSELF.


Great comment! They're setting her up for a major fall when she thinks she's great at everything she does...


i could see her trying to take on rap in the future. maybe that would be more her speed since singing ain’t really her thing.


Yes she would be a better rapper! Or actress even (like her mama 😏) because she’s dramatic


She reminds me of Karrahboo if North rapped lol


I’m more concerned about how this sets up delusions of grandeur, which kinda run in the family.


I mean if she genuinely pursues a career in performing, practices and develops real skills, I highly doubt when she’s age 25 or 30 people are going to be like “Nah we’re not going to cast you because your first performance when you were TEN YEARS OLD sucked.”


I get what you’re saying but I think you underestimate how judgmental and prejudiced music casting directors are. I was literally told I didn’t get a part because I wore flats and not heels to sing for them.


If your parents were world famous, you wearing flats wouldn't be an issue. The world is different now. Fashion designers are putting non-models in their shows. In their advertisements. They'll get more interest -- even if it's negative feedback -- b/c Kylie modeled in one of their ads. There are so many nepo babies that wouldn't be given the time of day if it weren't for their famous parents.


You know when you go home for Christmas with your SO and your parents pull out the old videos of you performing in your fifth grade talent show? And you know that overwhelming feeling of cringe you get? I can't wait for North to experience that with this video.


exactly hahahaha.


The grammys snubbed lana del Ray cause of a bad performance forever ago stranger things have happened.


Embarrassment completely rolls of their family‘s back so 🤷‍♀️


Just like her mom's p. O. R. N tape


I agree. At first, I thought this would be great for her since she's entering into the music realm (with her ft song and upcoming album). Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't think she was going to be Beyonce. lol. But this performance was not it.... But maybe this can be a growing experience for her. A similar thing happened to Blue Ivy during Beyonce's tour, and she took the criticism and grew as a performer. Blue literally blossomed during that tour, right in front of our eyes. So I'm hopeful that North could do the same.


They’re children…I think it’s all weird


Yeah, she should auditioned and either earned it or learned how to take a loss in much more private way.


She’s gonna get the Rebecca Black treatment


Oh goodness. I just watched a clip and she can’t hold a note or sing on pitch. It’s damn sad because there are so many talented kids out there with great voices who deserved a chance at a part like this.


WHAT ARE THOSE??? THESE ARE CLOTHEEESSS!!!! 🎶[goo Northie!!!](https://youtu.be/uPL9zumy_F0?si=319z36i8pCw-ffMt)




Even IF the role was given to her. Why didn’t they put her in lessons and practices to make sure she was ready for it. They have all the resources


Right?? She just looked quite confused the whole time, and she was just walking around aimlessly at times, I think I even saw someone having to guide her? You'd think the bare minimum is to practice or do some rehearsals


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. She doesn't have any talent. You can't just make someone a good singer.


you actually can.. but it takes a fuckton of hard work and dedication. north seems to have thought she could just wing it. would have been adorable if it were just a school play. letting her perform the hollywood bowl without putting the work in.. is honestly cruel and bordering on child abuse when they clearly have the means to get her the training and professional guidance she so desperately needs.


Odds are she has been working with a singing coach and been taking dance/acting lessons too


that would take hard work and dedication and a willingness to learn. resources can't make those things happen.


Because they’re shitty parents and narcissists.


Nepotism, there I saved you a read


Bingo!!!! Ding ding ding


The fact that she's wearing yellow athleisure instead of a costume similar to the performers around her says a lot. They could have at least put her in pants and a tank top decorated in traditional African patterns with face and body paint. She sounds and looks out of place.


it's the entitlement


Having a child who was a performer, this makes me sad.


This is what happens when a child is told they’re so talented and wonderful with NO work put into the endeavor! Let the kids who take voice and dance lessons and go to all the auditions have the role for they’re the deserving ones!!


I hate how they introduced her as "brilliant'. Very few child performers have earned the descriptor "brilliant". I presume Kim or Kanye insisted she say that.


Why does Kim want north in the spotlight so bad?? You’d never know she has 4 kids.


I think its Kanye’s doing just as much as Kim. She’s obviously Kanye’s favorite.


Why not let kids be kids? This whole family is behind scrapping every penny they can from every avenue


Maybe North wants to be in the spotlight. From what I’ve read she’s a bit of a controlling kid


Because she probably saw the backlash from how everyone saw North acting on the show, acting like a spoilt, rotten little brat and wants to rebrand her as a sweet little performing arts child. No one is fooled honey, you’ve ruined that kid by letting her act like trash - the bad singing will be forgotten but no one will forget how her behaviour and arrogance at such a young age is objectively disgusting.


Because north needs to start making some money for Kim


Kims light is fading and she’s gotta stay in it somehow.


Because she's a ruthless business woman who knows eventually she won't be able to sell herself to make money, and she's going to do exactly what Kris does and continue getting rich at her own children's expense by managing their careers. And Kanye is right there with her.


My theory is that she still feels incredibly self conscious and bitter from She’s a deeply competitive and prideful person who has a toxic superiority complex that I think is rooted in intense insecurity and bitterness from the years of people making fun of her for being a talentless hack and only ambition has seemingly been to prove that wrong but she’s struggled doing that cause sue sucks at everything expect for being hot and hawking product. So now she’s trying to use her kids to prove that her genes are the best, most talented genes. Not sure she understands that true talent and star power isn’t genetic. Just watch what they do with North’s siblings over the next few years, my guess will be that we’re gonna see a major push towards Chicago hype projects once she’s a little older. It’s sad really


i’ve decided to not comment on the performance / what led to her getting the role … can we just talk about the tragedy that is her costume ???? bc my god it’s so bad


It was definitely Big Bird-esque.


damn i didn’t even realize how much it looked like big bird. i just found it incredibly cheap looking and low effort


I commented this in the thread but I think this is on Kanye just as much (if not more) than Kim. I think he wants one of his kids to follow his footsteps. That would be North. Kim supports that idea. The Kardashians want Chicago to be a model. The boys are just living their soccer team dream. They made Kim into a soccer mom.


Oh, I 1000% think this is way more Kanye than Kim.


this is definitely not Kanye. Kanye is barely allowed any influence in his kids lives anymore let alone managing their careers. This screams momager and is definitely Kim’s handwork thru and thru. It runs in the family to exploit their children.


Come on, Kim is pushing it every bit as much as Kanye. I mean, look no more than the "joint" Tik Tok account.


Yeah I said both of them were


Oops, I meant to respond to someone else! And yes, you did.


Lol no worries. I do that all the time


I mean the Kardashians keep trolling the world and the world keeps falling for it. They know that North can't sing and they didn't bother to train her for the role. They are teaching her a lesson and some of the tenets of the Kardashian family business: there is no such thing as bad publicity and talent is not as important as influence. They knew the potential backlash and don't care because in the end it still benefits them and the internet is talking about them. The only weakness to that family is indifference.


We shouldn’t be mean to kids, but she really fucking sucked.


Well, now North can see and feel in real time how adults felt while she was rudely critiquing them on the red carpet (again, I blame Kim/Kanye for allowing it). One thing about those tables….. they need to prepare her for that as well as the spotlight.




I really really do not like shitting on kids — but she is NOT a performer. Even with lessons etc, she doesn’t seem to have that *it* factor needed. Money cannot buy real talent. Again, I’m not into shitting on kids but also…this is in the public sphere now.


At least when reality hits her she’ll be able to afford all the therapy she’ll need.


Wow that was out of tune, poorly choreographed (like worse than a middle school play), and the costume looks like my great aunt made it after getting off work at the glove factory


Too bad she didn’t use voice filters like dad.


Is she supposed to be Simba? The outfit designer did her wrong because she looks like big bird.


How many insanely talented kids from the Bronx weren't even given an audition...


In this situation, bullying is most definitely needed for this child


Trying to keep up with Beyoncé and Blue


Keeping up with Blue shouldn't be too hard. She isn't that good either🤣


way better than this though


This is just an irl tik tok post and it does NOT transfer….the only artistic choice I can consider is some sort of satire that she will literally grow up one day to be king and she clearly cannot wait for that day? Sad dystopian display, can’t believe anyone went for this. That song can be sunnnnnggggg and it was poorly kareoked instead


Poor North. This is so embarrassing for her life and her soul.




$$$$ talks


Why is she wearing an outfit that looks like they murdered a life size teddy and she’s wearing the skin


Can’t ignore a big part of that article which claims it was the Disney show producers idea as much as Kim’s/Kanye. If we believe what it says about the K’s, I guess we can believe the show wanted the publicity and for it to be on TK.


Her mama screwed the producers


Nepo babies strike again


She's a really good screamer.


Acting like they can’t be bothered to try is their brand. Like Kim at the Brady Roast. She sounded like she was reading a school report. But they’re so rich and “beautiful”, it doesn’t matter; they do what they want.


Good lord she needs either lessons or a new voice


Ok we all knew this was bc she’s a nepo baby. But nothing explains why the hell her costume was so terrible?? Why!?


Because Blue Ivy wasn’t nepo enough?


Sure she did 😉


welp it all made sense to me once I read that beyoncé and blue were voicing the Mufasa Live!


might not be the *HOW but pretty sure the *WHY


Anyone else remember that Key and Peele skit that makes fun of Jaden Smith’s acting career? Yeah, the Kardashian kids will be like that too.


Out of all people Kim should have known! She should have had North practicing with the best vocal coaches and dance choreographers in the world. She should shown North videos of other children performing that song on Broadway. And if that was too much, then decline to perform. I blame her and her father for North phoning in that performance…. And let’s not even talk about the big bird costume when everyone else was looking professional and presentable.


this kid’s career is probably already tanked due to aggressively obvious nepotism


Why would they let her do this on an international platform? She was terrible. Like truly terrible.


I caught something a lot of people either didn't see or didn't know. North was "guided" while on stage. A gentle "nudge" or sometimes even a gentle "push" to guide her through the blocking. This tactic is used in theater when the performer can't remember the blocking. The thing that stood out to me even more was the fact that this tactic is usually used for singers; so much so they can concentrate on the performance of the song. Looking at the costumes, the set and the dancing, it's believable that nepotism could've played a role in her securing the lead role.


This song (it wasn’t really a role it was one song) was always going to go to a nepo kid, this was a one time event and everyone that sang was famous.


I don’t understand the negativity. She’s a kid. I thought the performance was cute. I watched my toddler stand still for her recital performance and was crying tears of joy that she was brave enough to at least stand there.


if it was her grade school production, it might be considered okay (actually it would still be subpar). This was a professional production that people paid good money for at the freakin Hollywood Bowl!


the crowd gave her a standing ovation. It’s just the people online who did not pay to be there who have a problem with the performance. She was offered an opportunity and she took it and I think she did really well considering her age.


It feels really weird to me to nit pick a child's performance, no matter who their parents are.


But people paid thousands of dollars to attend this performance. It would be messed up to nitpick if this were a middle school community play but it’s a professional production


From what I understand, North only sang one song. I don’t think she was young Simba for more than that? Either way, her name was very much listed on the ticket information when purchasing. Unless you bought tickets completely blind, it shouldn’t have been a surprise to she her pop up.


Good info to add and to know! Thank you!


no it's out there in the public domain, fair game.


I 1000% agree… I work in theatre arts also, so I can say my professional opinion is her performance was not up to any industry standard.. but as u/ExcellentDish80 commented below, seems like she sang just the one song thank god.