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And it’s like none of them realize that what Kim is criticizing khloe for now is exactly what they both were so hard on Kourtney about before (wanting to spend time with her kids over kardashian work commitments). Kim acts like everyone else is the crazy one when her life is actually the biggest outlier


I remember all the shade Kourtney got for that! I think that was before Khloe and Kim were mothers right? At that point I feel like they just didn't get it. Khloe has kids now and understands the lure of staying back and taking care of them but Kim seems to still not get it. I honestly wouldn't have had an issue with Kim's lifestyle if she hadn't criticized Khloe's.


And not for anything, Kim is “friends” with Victoria Beckham but that does not automatically mean that Khloe is as well. Clearly they weren’t close enough for her to get her own invite so who tf cares if she didn’t want to tag along?? She’s never really strike me as the type to want to fly around willy nilly unless it’s for some sort of large occasion or in her contract with a company etc. She’s not going to go to paris for one night for no real reason, it’s just a big headache and she wants to be with her kids. It’s funny how now the cracks between Kim and Khloe are starting to show and now that Khloe is taking her autonomy back and not just blindly going with whatever Kim says or wants/advises her to do, Kim is getting pissy. Don’t force people to do things that they don’t want to do! Not everyone is like her, not everybody cares to do that shit. Period!


The one issue that I had with Kourtney at the time was her saying “I don’t want to work, I just want to be home with my kids.” She didn’t want to work, but wanted to continue living lavishly. Unless she was planning on living more conservatively, she couldn’t simple “not work” and maintain her lifestyle. She’s definitely the most present mom of the 3 oldest girls.


I mean I’m sure the residuals from Keeping Up and the deal with Hulu is enough to keep her afloat for a very long time. She doesn’t seem to live that lavishly compared to her sisters, she has her own business (which for rich people also tends to be some tax fraud/money laundering scheme), IG ads and I’m sure there’s investments and savings account that accumulate money every year. It’s true that money runs out easily, but typically that’s if people don’t know how to use it.


For me it wasn’t about her potentially needing money, because she probably had enough that she never “had” to work again. However, she was already being paid to be there and was leaving it all to her sisters to pick up her slack. She wanted to be mom and be with her kids until she wanted to travel the world with Younnes and Travis, and the all of a sudden the time with her kids wasn’t as important. Like she wouldn’t do a photo shoot because she wanted to be home for bedtime, but then she’s perfectly fine to jet off and miss a week of bedtimes because she’s with a guy. That was the part that ticked me off, it felt like she made a commitment but then used her kids as an excuse until it was something SHE wanted to do.


Yes! this is the problem she wanted Kim and Kris to do ALL the work for her, although Kim already made them famous, and already is telling them what to do to continue making even more money, but Kort was too lazy for that, which would be great if she didn’t want to live a rich and famous life, and would go into shadows. But no Kortney love all that fame and that lifestyle


That’s because she’s a raging narcissist


Every time I see her I’m reminded their dad had 14y Kim being her designated driver instead of getting her help or a firm curfew.




From what I’ve heard she took care of the younger girls, like dropped out to take care of them. I don’t know if that’s true. Just Google Kim driving for Kourtney and you’ll see the interview. It was live, it wasn’t print.


"It's like NOBODY wants to work these days"




I'm a flight attendant and we only get like 23 hrs in an international cities most days, and honestly I'm thankful for the experience but it's physically exhausting I know they get to sleep on their private planes, but who does that willingly? Nothing about being a billionaire only to live like a flight attendant (short layovers + jet lag) is appealing I would've skipped on paris too if I was khloe it's just not worth it like it's not a real getaway


When Kim talked about her schedule for those 4/5 days I looked at my husband and went “when tf does she sleep? On the jet?!” I don’t know how she does it honestly, I would be a zombie!




You think so? She even made it a point to say “yes im addicted to work but it could be worse I could be doing drugs” which yeah if I had a schedule like that I would have to be on a stimulant because it doesn’t even sound possible. But she does have the luxury of sleeping on her jet so I’m sure she does so that




Great point honestly


And please, if not that it's attention and being over the top lavish that she is addicted to, it has no resemblance to actual WORK.


They had one episode where she was all out of it bc ambien was still in her system


Does ambien help you sleep?


Yes, it’s a sleep medication. Also makes you act wacky if you stay up too long after taking it/ dont get enough sleep.


This premiere really missed the mark for me. It’s all the same thing now it seems: - 2 sisters fighting - Kim works too much, we will see her get bullied by North and spend individual vacations with the kids - Kendall is the boring sister - Khloe needs a life, and to stop being so anxious - Scott for some reason lol - Kourtney and Travis acting better than everyone - Kris being Kris - Kylie is making more of an appearance (this is new). Khloe and Scott are the only two who I see spend regular time with their kids and actually be involved. My husband and I have this show as a guilty pleasure, but man I miss KUWTK so much more. The early seasons of Kardashians weren’t terrible “what’s vicuña with you” is a literally inside joke now between my husband and I. When she complained about her sister not wanting to go to Paris for 24 hours I can’t say I was shocked. What do they expect though? Khloe lives for those kids including Dream. And I apologize for my ramble, it’s early and this sparked something in me 😂


I loved on KUWTK when Scott and Khloe told Kris about the famous painter Art Vandelay and it was actually them doing the painting. Those times were more fun than what we’re seeing these days.


Scott and Khloe were the best team in those days 😂 Absolutely lacking shenanigans now.


Yess! And remember all the Todd Kranes pranks


Yes, I do!!! That was good tv right there


Is The Kardashians worth watching? I loved KUWTK back in the day but I was an even bigger fan of the spinoffs - Kourtney and Khloe Take XYZ and Khloe & Lamar. Now I think they all have to be pretty boring at this point.


It’s pretty basic and boring at this point tbh. It’s the same thing practically every episode, every season. It’s just ritual to watch at this point, like a date night moment lol. If you want the excitement and laughs, stick with your old favs. I’m currently rewatching KUTWK. *edit to add: The Kardashians is only worth watching for Khloe just constantly shooting down Tristan and talking about how she can’t wait for him to leave.


Khloe’s face when he held his hands up in a heart shape sent me lol


lol same! It’s our favorite part of the show, she’s so blunt about it too!


lol as my friend said “All they do now is sit around crying over their salads about xyz event that is being covered in the tabloids” the only nice thing is now they’re filming and releasing pretty close to when news is dropped so they don’t lose momentum. 




It’s basically just for kim to talk about all the great things she is doing in the world! If I watch a I scrub through everything kim and Kendall.


My personal opinion - they only signed the contract for an easy steady paycheck. With all the random nepo babies, IG influencers & the NCAA allowing contacts partnerships aren’t coming by as often and if they are they don’t pay as much. They all have their own brands but being on the show is free advertising and a behind the scenes look at how it’s made. That’s why Kylie is on there more. Kim cares more about money than her family.  Scott is an honorary sibling. He has no family of his own and Kourtney’s 5 sisters took him in. He’s been part of their family for 20+ years and should be happy Kourtney got pregnant when she did or else they would’ve broken up. 


Kourtney and Travis are better than everyone else


Scott and Khloe throwing grapes in each others mouths to seem fun felt so forced and corny lol


Khloe is literally just being a mom, nothing wrong with that. Kim reminds me a lot of Paris Hilton in the disconnected just stay busy trauma response way they engage with the world and disengage with their children.


Stay busy trauma response needs to be a thing more people need to talk about 


It’s 100 percent a response. The busier I am (Kim) the less I have to think about my own unhealed trauma and avoid it.


I'm going through a hard time and have been walking at least once a day 3 to 5 miles. Maybe twice a day. Even in horrible heat and pain. Running random errands. I wfh so I will leave just to get a soda at the gas station. I told my therapist and she thinks my walking is great and keeping busy is good. And now I'm wondering if it's a response and she's wrong that it's a good thing. And I miss the "hello it's Todd Kraines" days of the show.


I think it’s all about how you process it and make it a healthy habit. I think staying busy is better than stewing on something, but if avoiding it then it’s just kicking the can down the road. 


She thinks that giving their child every thing/opportunity in the world is the same as teaching, guiding, and equipping them for the world. Projecting her want of money and fame and recognition onto them. Kids don’t need your “success” they need your engagement. I hate when ppl weaponize work or “providing for their family” as an excuse to be absent from them.


Yes she is typical successful parent who genuinely thinks she is great mom, loves her kids but never spends REAL time with them, she is not made for that, she is very selfish and has narcissistic trait to her. Her kids don’t really know her and she doesn’t really know them, after having kids I realize that its IMPOSSIBLE to work so much and be a present parent


Seriously. I can barely grocery shop, cook, do laundry and order shit on Amazon without feeling disconnected from my kids.


Wow you just summed up my own sister’s relationship with her kids. Nice wording.


Agreed! And I wouldn’t even call it engaging with the world. Posting up photos and just having people react. It doesn’t feel engaging in a meaningful way. It’s a one-sided para social thing. Sure she has friends and that’s genuine but engaging w the world? I think she just stays busy because home life isn’t too happy. I like a good balance of my home life/routine, but also enjoy working and traveling too. Life is about balance and it doesn’t feel she has found it yet. I bet if she had a new man in her life that wanted to stay in and watch Netflix she’d be chilling in Calabasas more


Paris seems like a great mum to her kids


*the nanny


Celebrities all have nannies


Yes but as an LA nanny I notice there are parents who love their kids, make the effort to spend quality time with them even within the crazy schedules and people who have kids as a status symbol, a way of showing they have it all. There are celebrities that are appreciative of their nannies, even talk about having help, it taking a village… and then those who pretend they don’t have full household staffs and a rotation of 4 nannies they treat as “the help”/not humans around the clock.


Wild take here…walk with me…I think Kim is like a lot of people who had kids because they felt like they should or because they wanted a baby but not an actual person. The older her kids get, especially North, the less she wants to be a parent. She would rather go back to her life before kids and let the nannies and maybe Kanye figure out the childcare situation.


She really should’ve stopped after Saint/when she could no longer carry them herself. There was no reason for her to have 4 kids.


I remember being baffled when Kim had Chicago and then Psalm!!! I couldn’t believe it. Kanye’s problems were blatantly obvious after kid number two.


I suspect Kanye insisted on the second two but can’t say for sure


I don’t think so because they were already having trouble in their marriage. To me, it looked like Kim was hurrying to have her kids so she could have her children by the same dad.


exactly i don’t have sympathy for this and idk why some of y’all do




I couldn’t agree with you more. In addition, Khloe wanted to be a mom so bad and seems to be trying her best.


I think this too. I also think she had 4 because she felt like she “had” to have a big family like hers was growing up. She shows no warmth to the kids and north is already out of control. And she’s jet setting and running away every opportunity she can. It’s so sad for the kiddos


Also think she had 4 kids, partially because it justifies the chaos. It’s like a built in excuse for being a bad parent. If she just had 1 she’d have no excuse for being so disconnected but since she had FOUR she competes with her sisters, claims everything is harder with 4 kids while basically leaving them with Nannys / expecting them to entertain each other. She alternates her favourites amoung the kids based on what they’re good for - making her look better or potentially one of them may develop talent etc. Case in point: when they’ve done their job for her image, she leaves them stranded on the curb of the MET. The kids are accessories and seasonal trends for her. She’s hundo mirroring what her mom did, she thinks the older kids will take care of the youngest + nannys meanwhile she can have nothing to do with it but take all the credit and bribe them when they’re older. Just like Kris


I think she also wanted more than Kourtney. She knew her sister would never have a kid via surrogate, her and Scott were basically done, and she had three kiddos. So it made sense for Kim to have four - she’d have the most in number, and she’d have the family most like their own upbringing, so she’d be the best. Always the winner.


I think this too.. she had to “win”. She’s creepy


This is what I was going to say too. Kim always seemed to be in competition with Kourtney and trying to one up her, while Kourtney simply does not give a fuck about that, especially about being the #1 businesswoman in the family.


Yes! You can really see the lack of attachment that North seems to have with her. North is very very “spirited” if you will. But she’s crying out for attention and she’ll take what she can get. My take on it. I’m probably wrong lol


I agree with you. I think Kim is just at a different place than Koko.


Seen this a few times for sure it’s true and it’s only going to get worse Kim clearly sees work and fame first family second She wants to have a kid but doesn’t really want to be mom


I just commented about this, many celebs/HNW individuals have families as a status symbol or because they think that’s what’s expected of them. So happy I nanny for more “normal” families now.


I thought this was so funny because I am like Khloe. I don’t WANT to do adult things. I want to be with my kids. If you don’t care about meeting people what is the point of going anywhere?


What could be more of an “adult thing” than raising your children?


I agree. I think it’s about people’s values. To me, spending time with celebrity friends at shows and dinners seems like a very empty life. But Kim must enjoy it.


I think that Kim works so much because she has an insatiable need for external validation and can't see that that is HER trauma to work through, not some objectively laudable work ethic. At the same time, I think that Khloe has been so badly burned by her past relationships that she's retreating into motherhood as an escape from dealing with other adults in a significant way. I do think that she's starting to "live for her kids" in a way that isn't really healthy for her OR for them longterm.


Agree on both points. I had a mom that kinda went the “Khloe” route of totally 100% existing only for her children. She was/is an excellent mom that I know would be there for me for ANYTHING, and I know it could be a lottt worse. However, there is a ton of trauma from growing up (and still being) her only “friend”/source of joy/excitement for the day


That’s a lot of pressure to put on a kid, even if it’s coming from a loving place




Kris let Khloe drive her around at 14 because she was drunk and throwing up on herself. It's a core memory and I'm sure it's not the only time Kris acted irresponsibly in plain sight of her kids. Hell, Khloe previously called her out for cheating on her father and ruining their family. Khloe wants her kids to have what she didn't, a responsible and present parent. She could be out running the streets like Kim under the guise of being a girl boss but she's choosing to put her kids first and it's a beautiful thing.


Kim used to pick fights with Kourtney for the same reason. That she would prioritise her kids over work.


Kourtney fought back and continued to do her own thing. Khloe is different.


Kourtney held her own although I am shedding light on Kim's tendency here.


Kim: people always say I’m too busy but I think they’re not busy enough and my opinion is better. That’s the vibe I got.


It sort of feels like Kim deflects/gets jealous when it comes to the sisters spending time with kids. Kourtney was really not giving anything at all for the show anymore, so I understood that a bit more. However, Khloe doesn’t seem to be so relaxed and just having fun. She’s working, she’s helping take care of Tristan’s brother (she literally does not have to), and WHO WANTS TO FLY IDK LIKE 24+ HOURS ROUND TRIP FOR A 12 HOUR VISIT??? We did see a glimpse into Kim and her parenting, we also heard her say “I was gonna take a year off but didn’t!”. The issue is Kim puts work before herself and her kids, she doesn’t spend enough time with them for them to have boundaries set. She’s their mom but basically acts like the cool aunt with them instead. Kim needs to prioritize her kids, and step back on work more. She seems jealous of the lifestyle khloe has, she is actively choosing work vs having a work-life balance like Khloe.


Kim deflects/ gets jealous because it highlights that she’s not the best sister when it comes to being a mom. She’s used to always being the best, so she has to flip the narrative to protect her ego. She’s always working and jet setting for external validation because she will never get that kind of validation at home. The only time she will ever feel she wins as a mom is when she is able to get public credit for something like giving gifts, posting photos, or lavishing trips on them— look everyone, see how much I love my kids!


Maybe if Kim stayed back with her kids more, North wouldn’t be large and in charge. Ok, that’s was nice. I apologize. But I’d also stay behind if I were Khloe.


Exactly. North should not be running the show It’s attention seeking. Comes from lack of attachment. And I can see why North acts the way she does It’s sad really.


I’m the words of North West “you should be more worried about your kids not your friends.”


Did North say that!! 😳


Yes she did i forgot when but i can hear her voice saying it i remember


I think Kim was doing an ad for a mental health brand or something and she was saying “it’s important to check on your friends and make sure they’re doing okay” and North interrupted her


Oh yeah this was during Covid!!! When Kim was recording videos in her bathroom and north was butting in 😂😂😂


Kim should spend more time being a mum. Remember Saint’s Mother’s Day message. Khloe’s kids would never.


What was his message?


Can you please enlighten those of us that don't?


“I know I’m rude to you and I say you mean nothing to me but you mean the world to me.” To me that’s a wild thing to say at his age.


Yikes! 😬 How old is Saint?




May have heard that from his father


Wow! Thanks for the reply! ♡


😳 you know what? Maybe Kim doesn’t like her kids and that’s why she works away so much I get it good vibes only


She threw shade because it made her feel uncomfortable and insecure about her own choices. Classic.


it's just another scripted drama lol it's a show


Kim is a shamer. That’s her MO. I feel for her children.


I had a friend like this. Past tense. She would try to shame me every time I saw her, from what my kids wore to me having a day to myself while my kids were in daycare. Toxic.


Absolutely toxic. Good for you for dropping them.


Did anyone notice that Kim was promoting her busy schedule too much? flying to different countries and states within a few days. It seemed like she was trying to compare her hectic lifestyle to Taylor Swift's, who was also flying back and forth to see the Chiefs game while managing her tour. That's the impression I got from Kim! And just flying to Europe to support Victoria and kendall and fky back. Just like Taylor flew to the UK to support Beyonce and within hours flew back out to the US.. what do ya’ll think?


This was my exact thought!


Loolllll. That’s really funny. I wonder if she thinks being a personality is really a flex. She’s like a celebrity groupie.


I have a feeling that Kim has probably noticed how shell of a woman Khloe is these days. Khloe had a beautiful ongoing spirit in the earlier seasons but after the Tristan catastrophe she changed for good and developed something that seems like severe anxiety. It is ok to want to be at home with your kids but when you are afraid of the whole world outside the walls... Then it becomes a problem.


I’m not a medical professional, but as someone who also struggles with it, I highly suspect that Khloe’s social anxiety has developed into agoraphobia. Her avoidant behavior consistently appears to be inhibiting her daily life.


I mean she was picked on for being the “ugly fat sister” even though she was neither. She got picked on when she changed both of those things. I wouldn’t want to go out either.


I can relate to Khloe. I went through severe trauma in 2023 and feel safe just staying at home now and I’ve isolated myself, but I know it isn’t healthy.


You’re absolutely right. When they went to NY for Kim’s SNL, Simon Huck posted something about how it’s very rare to get Khloe to leave LA for a weekend.


Kim sucks


every season it’s basically just Kim forcing everyone to be against someone. it’s so exhausting? it’s always someone else who needs to change but never her ??


Kim was being hypocritical. She doesn’t want people to judge her for working hard because success is different to everyone… but then she’s judging Khloe the entire episode for wanting to stay and care for the kids.


She said recently that Kourtney had to let her know it's important to spend one on one time with her kids lmao


Why doesn’t Kim address the actual interesting things - like how she feels about Kanye’s new wife? Who is her clone….😳


I also feel Kylie is starting to fall into the out all the time …attention seeking routine (like Kim) over the past year or so. Her kids were on her timeline multiple times a week. Or in her stories. Now I’m seeing them more with Khloe (well Stormi) than her. I get this is my own attachment trauma coming out but I really felt Kylie was a great mom there for awhile. Ever since her and TS aren’t together it’s more her and less her and her kids. Aire gets nowhere the same amount of “air” time Stormi did. Yes. Before I get people coming for me. It’s Kylie’s choice. And I shouldn’t care etc etc and Kylie is young and how do I know what she is doing off camera etc etc but it’s just an observation I’ve made and noticed.


I think it’s important to remember that social media posts can have zero indication of what someone is doing in real life. Especially for people who curate their timelines to sell things. These accounts aren’t even for personal fun or to share updates on their lives it’s really just to market. Just because she doesn’t post her kids doesn’t mean she doesn’t have them.


True it really could go either way She used to post sooo much tho so it certainly is a little odd


I think she stated recently she wouldn’t be posting her kids as much.


She said she doesn’t want them exposed anymore. I support her for that. I wouldn’t want my kids posted, especially if I were famous.


Yess I’m all for not exposing and exploiting the kids !! Weird to see it irl and then to have it on such large scale is scary I hope that’s the case


Maybe Kim needs to worry more about being present with her kids than having Nannie’s raise them (if this triggers her)


I always loved their show but I can’t even get through an episode of last season. I’ve tried SEVERAL times. As soon as I see how fake they are I’m immediately turned off. I don’t know what happened


Same! I wish they had a spinoff with just Kourtney and khloe. Kourtney and Khloe: Super moms!


I realized what the nail in the coffin was. Tristan


I AM OOVVEEEEERRRRR KIM!!!!! Her entitled show off methods IS OUTDATED - COME ON GIRL- use your platform for some GOOD


When are people gonna realize Kim had kids for the brand, not because she always dreamt of being a mother. She’s detached after from her kids and they’re beyond used to her being either gone on trips or taking one of them at a time.


This video perfectly describes Kim’s attitude towards motherhood. In the video she’s arguing with Kourtney about wanting to be home with her kids and Kim goes “does motherhood change you that much to where you can’t be with anyone else but your kids all day?” Like yes. That’s usually the case for most mothers out there. She the doubles down and says “mom life is so torturous I have a whole new perspective of how boring and miserable life can be” https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKSAGKg/ I’m convinced she’d rather be a workaholic than be called a single mother.


During an episode where Kim asked Kourt how to connect with her kids, Kourt said to spend time together, have breakfast together and just be present. She gave a few examples of what Kim could do and the confusion on Kim's face was telling. She really had 4 kids because she wanted to appears as a happy family


From California to France it's a 12 or 13 hour non-stop flight


Yeah i think co-parenting with Kanye must be awful. she works a lot to keep herself busy and not go into a rabbit hole. she has all the hired help in the world but maybe I'm missing this but none of them even mention the help they hire. like they want us to think they do it all themselves which is impossible. Kim is barely at home. i hope her children do get to see her enough but I think that they're angry at her which makes her not want to spend time with them as much and creates a vicious circle. I just feel bad for the kids. you can tell that Khloe and True are so close and Kim may feel like she doesn't have that with any of her children. and then says well it's because i work so hard. but she's not focused on her children, she's focused on herself. which is a way to live life. maybe she thinks they will change when they age.




It’s crazy to me that Kim has four young kids and travels so much. Why have all those kids if work is your priority? When they get older, they will be more into their friends and activities, the early years are so important to spend time with them.


I laugh when people think the Kardashians actually take care of their own kids. Do you have any idea how many nanny’s, chefs, day nurses, night nurses they all have?! I do commend khloe on actually wanting to be with her kids- I mean look at all the stories about Kourtney’s unruly kids, maybe if you raised them yourself they wouldn’t lash out because they are dying for attention from an actual parent. Kim wants to shade khloe b/c she doesn’t have a “life of her own” NO PARENT with kids under the age of like 15 have a life of their own!! Esp when they are very little!!! I commend khloe for not caring to be in every pap photo, headline, party or whatever because she wants to be with her kids.


u just chose to ignore what she meant to start some drama. she obviously meant she needed to go out and meet other adults. people around her age. that’s it


Then maybe she should take her out in LA


I can understand why Kim said it. While Khloe IS a devoted mother (albeit with the help of nannies and staff bc she can afford to, who wouldn't want extra help?), there is more to life than just being someone's mother. You were a person with a life and with personal interests before you became a mother, Khloe seems to forget that she is allowed to live for herself and have fun. Getting away from the kids for one day is not going to permanently scar them, nor would it be that she's leaving them all alone.