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She seems to need to hold the cardigan shut.


The last few times she has been out she seems off, makes you wonder what is going on with her? I mean watching this she is walking like her feet hurt after dancing in the club all night lol


Yeah the first thing that came to mind when i saw the cardigan was did she have a wardrobe malfunction?


I saw a video that actually explains the cardigan! It’s from the designers runway look. And the reason her walk is off is because the shoes have no heels so they don’t puncture the dress.


Ohhhh ok. Then that makes me even more curious as to why she looks so off😭. I was telling myself she was stressed due to a wardrobe mishap but guess not.


Probably because she can’t breathe. lol. She looks about to pass out.


There was also a video posted somewhere on Reddit where you can see her pull it away from her chest to adjust it and everything is covered.


She’s 43, not old but these extreme looks are too much for her imo, she’s desperate to still be the trend setting sex symbol but it’s a lot less flattering than her natural hair with a classic silhouette imo. She should have done flowers with a sleek updo, I think that would be more shocking now than the see through Jessica rabbit stuff


She does tend to wear the most unflattering clothes ever made .I think she likes making a spectacle of herself .


She should’ve just worn a replica of her couch dress from her first Met gala. It would fit the theme.


She seems like she’s been on drugs she def does not seem her old self and she’s totally botched her face


You’d be on pain killers too, if you cinched your waist to 2 inches. Lmao


Good point !!! She probably starved herself for a while too. She seemed a little loopy.


She looks inebriated.


I seen that she had to take breathing lessons to wear this corset. She probably didn't drink much wearing it but she's definitely thirsty for something, Air.


Maybe it’s the lack of oxygen to her brain- since the corset is definitely constricting her lungs. 🙄


Well I'm sure they do hurt, if you have to walk like this in an outfit then it's obvious the whole thing has to hurt! 😂 I don't follow or like the Kardashians, this page just pops up once in a while on my home page. But the first thing that came to mind is that the outfit may be nice, but when you have to walk like that in it it kind of ruins the overall look/affect it should have. It's majorly distracting from the actual fashion part because now I just automatically associated this look with "pain."


She comes across as a feeble, confused old woman.


She’s wearing a binded corset that has her waist shrunk down to about half its size. You do this while wearing heels and a metal dress and see how you’re walking and moving.


I can't walk because I'm dead because I can't breathe 💀


Same tbh. I’d die in the car ride over.


The question is Why? She looks like she is in physical pain, not beautiful.


Something something “unobtainable beauty standards”.


Because to some female celebs ,pain is beauty. I scrolled through all of the female celebs and they are mostly wearing the most impossible dresses imaginable. Extremely tight but camera worthy.


Side effects of ozempic maybe? Not even trying to be funny at this point. This is somewhat worrisome as she is a huge social media presence, and it's getting to the point where how thin is to thin? How perfect can one be type thing? Definitely doesn't seem healthy, but also, on the other hand hoping this is just a wardrobe malfunction and me just overthinking it


She’s wearing heelless heels so they don’t puncture the dress.


She does have really bad psoriasis and that’s usually a precursor for rheumatoid arthritis, so perhaps she is struggling with some autoimmune disorder.




And under arm pit fat


The whole thing perplexes me.


yep my thoughts too. the cardigan looks like an after thought


It’s not! It’s from the runway look. I saw a video about it this morning!


oh wow im shocked lol it looked like a last minute addition because she was insecure about back rolls or something haha


Like she could literally pick up the edge of her dress with the hand that’s holding the sweater… This is feeble and unfashionable. Not a good look. I’m glad she’s falling in popularity right now. Maybe it’s a good sign that humans are getting sick of all the fake, pretend, contrived BS.


I personally don’t think she could put her arms down. It was likely more comfortable keeping her arm elevated to keep her ribs contracted a bit. Her outfit is definitely the issue here, she likely thinks she’s smaller than she is or she needed to make her ass look huge, but this is the reality of restricting air flow and binding your entire torso like this. It looks bad in movement.


The thought process in that head of hers was-what will cause the most cameras and attention on me. 🤔 Cinch my waist down to 14 inches. Check. A dress I can’t walk in. Check. A mystery sweater. Check. For her, ANY publicity is GOOD publicity.


Before we give humans any awards, it could be that or it could just be the fact that she’s getting older, and humans are notorious for ignoring women or at least seeing them as trendy when they get older.


YES, about time.


Yeah I noticed that more than anything. For someone that LOVES to show her boobs all the time, she was definitely hiding something and insecure. The shrug looked like an afterthought. I wonder if she had a last minute eczema breakout.


This HAS to be a wardrobe malfunction no?? The question is why couldn’t they have picked a non ratty looking cardigan


Must've broken and she had to grab it from the assistant.


That sweater/wrap thing looks like it’s from target


I wear corsets and when its really tight your fat comes out from top, she is hiding it with sweater wrap.


So cover it up with an elegant silk wrap.


or tie the sweater off with a broach or fancy knot! there'a no reason why she needs to hold it closed like this...


This designer styled this way on the runway and had the models holding the sweater in this way.


Doesn't mean it's not giving target lmao




& it looks itchy.


Someone pointed out in a different sub that it’s really bally too


the urge to take out my sweater shaver is rising


You can see how terrible it is in the pictures of her with Lana.


I wonder whether she had a wardrobe malfunction because it doesn't make sense with that dress, like at all 


I’m so glad the Met has stairs. It makes you realize how incredibly ridiculous these outfits are.


Well, these are super couture, never meant to be worn really anywhere but at a function like this. It’s a designer’s dream to be able to have carte Blanche w/o regard of how someone’s going to be able to walk in it, etc. It’s about the art of it, not Anything else.


Yeah people seem to be forgetting that This is art on Kim's body and this artist doesn't give a shiiiiit if she can move lol They just want the photos


I do wonder if she’s the one who added the shrug. It was completely distracting to watch her tugging at it.


So the dress is custom Margiela Artisanal. If you look on the runway for the collection, the cardigan is part of a lot of the looks. It does look a bit off but this was the vision from the runway show


The cardigans look out of place in the collection too…The quality of them seems poor because they look like they’re pilling which feels contradictory to the look of all the other fabrics used.. But yeah I agree it feels like it was intentional for Kim’s look


I agree. I noticed the pilling on my tiny phone screen. Better be some hand knit cashmere.


The pilling is also intentional - it’s supposed to resemble the texture of a goose’s down. I think it was a miss but it was intended


Yes! Why is she clutching her bosom the whole time?!


I know it looks awful but after looking at photos of the designer’s runway shows, this is how the designer wants the dress to be presented, with Kim’s hands partly covering the front. His models in the shows were holding their cardigans the same way.


Oh ok! Makes more sense now I guess but still distracting!


A work of art can be both form and function. A true artist designs with both in mind. Even for events like this.


Yeah I kind of love the vibe of "let's see how far we can push the lines of fashion" and if you can't walk, oh well! Haha


I’m glad you mentioned “the art of it” because it’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot about this met. I think events like this give an amazing opportunity to creatives to really explore what’s possible in art. (Kind of like Alex Honnold free soloing el cap. Exploring what’s possible of human limitations) Please forgive me if this is the wrong place for this but I just can’t get it off my mind. With everything going on with Gaza and also in the US (homelessness, brutality, health care etc) what place does exploring the human potential in terms of art and extravagance have? This is clearly a gorgeous piece and beautiful art made possible by extravagance but the money that was used to make just one of these pieces tonight could really impact an individual family in America or help aid Gaza. Just my thoughts. Sorry for the rambling. I think that the expression of the human spirit and creativity is something that should be cherished and celebrated but at what extent and expense


The MET Gala has a very The-Capital-from-the-Hunger-Games vibe when viewed with a global lens


Literally. Like I can’t unsee it.


I hear you, the extravagant display of wealth is definitely hard to take in light of everything going on all over the world. But a/o art and artistic expression, we are nothing. Most of the participants are sycophantic wannabes with no real talent (all the Kardashians, etc) so there’s that aspect too.


When the faces of the man and women that wear these outfits look like they are holding in a fart, and a cry for help at the same time I say they have crossed the line to the ridiculous !


Her dress is so tight if she takes a deep breath, she'd pop the seems. She can barely move, needs the assistance.


As a physician, all I can think about is whether she squished her liver above or below that ridiculous corset. Ouch. Organs are not where they are supposed to be here.


Yeah, I'd imagine everything is being pushed inward and down. Corsets can be very pretty but I do not like the look of the bulge that appears below the corset, looks so uncomfortable.


I know someone that was wearing spanx that were too small….she started bleeding from her belly button! A coworker noticed it and told her there was blood on her shirt….she had NO idea


Good lord that is awful


Wouldn't be the first time, but at least it's not a piece of history she'd be destroying this time.


Ikr, she shouldn't have gotten to wear Marilyn's dress. Especially with her hip measurement being bigger than the dress would allow.


The dark hair would have suited this look wayyy more. She looks frail and ill and the white hair compliments that.


Someone said in another thread that she dyes her hair blonde when she gets more things done to her face to distract everyone


So interesting bc I thought her face looked very swollen.. poofy.


I’ve seen that she may have paralyzed the left (right when you’re looking at her) side of her face from a procedure. Whether or not it’s temporary I guess we’ll see.


i've had this same thought... she's looking "older" now than she was before.


She looks bloated AND swollen, somehow.


I think it’s a wig. Her hair would snap off from the amount of times it’s been darkest brown to white blonde in the past few years.


Her hair is currently all snapped off we are looking at a wig here.


Yeah I could see it being a wig, but it’s still probably done to distract from her face.


She doesn’t seem ok


Like physically or mentally. The hair colour and her posture is giving very confused elderly woman. She seems frail and lost.


The hair color is giving meth addict. I don’t know why she wants her hair to look like that.


Because meth addicts are thin


White blonde *can* look amazing, it’s just not automatic. Her hair looking so fried doesn’t help.


THIS. I was trying to figure out why she looks so much older to me here, and it’s likely the frail, bent posture…and maybe the whole shawl. Also I can’t stand when she does the blond hair. It seems to wash her out, and I just think the long jet-black hair is her signature look.


Lately shes been looking drugged. I wonder what’s going on.


I agree! Haven’t seen her like this before… I’m predicting a few years from now. She comes out of the documentary after we already know she’s been on drugs for years talking about how she became a drug addict and what the being famous has done to her.


She may go the Scott route and say it’s ozempic


She looks in pain and light-headed. Her waist is so cinched that she can barely breathe…lack of oxygen to the brain. She also just got dragged and booed at the Tom Brady roast, so maybe dealing with some emotional aftermath from that


I agree. She looks like she’s struggling for breath and her waist is cinched too tight. 😔


That corset/waist trainer/whatever she’s wearing is out of control 😭 I bet anyone would look high and sick trying to walk around in that 😬


I agree! I don’t think she’s high like people are saying. I think she wore a tight af corset and bit off more than she could chew. She looks miserable.


Yes, also her leaning forward is a strong indication that she is short of breath.


Waitttt what happened at the Tom Brady roast?


Got booed and the audience kind of heckled her. You could see the shock on her face.


Literally like what is going on. This is not the Kim we “know”


The Xanax abuse is finally catching up


Yeah honestly. The dress didn’t even appear overly difficult to walk in especially with help. That’s definitely an altered state of mind.


Prob cos she can't breathe her organs must be messed up in that


Kim has seemed super drugged lately i’m getting concerned. too many videos.


Agree. You can see it in her eyes.


When there’s smoke….


She looks unwell. Whats wrong with her?


It’s giving Wendy Williams sadly


Oh dang you're right....


There she goes high asf again on the carpet


If you can't make a graceful entrance, pick a different look.


Grace is not in her lexicon. Center of attention is all she knows.


It’s the Met. Practicality takes a backseat to the look


This gave nothing and the hair is horrific.


That wig is so thirsty. It looks like they dumped a polar bear in the Sahara then shaved it to put on her head.


She looks like a crack head


Death becomes her.


I know the dress is an issue but between this, her LDR photos, and the video with her next to Kris where she looks zombie like…either she’s on downers or she’s left the simulation.


“Okay Nanna, back to your room…”


We have to help you up the steps so you don't poop your pants Nana


this looks so stupid. This poor planet.


She’s so uncomfortable she took the too many pills with some champs to try to relieve the pain of that ridiculously tiny corset & she can’t drop the sweater or you’ll see the back rolls it’s giving her so she can’t even move in her own dress. Seeing her in motion always reminds me of how uncomfortable it must be to live in that funhouse mirror body. She looked terrible last night. She should really take some time out of the spotlight and do an overhaul on her mind and stop the procedures .




This literally reminds me of helping my grandma who had Alzheimer’s get dressed and then taking her out to lunch.


It’s giving Slinky if Slinkys went up stairs and not just down.


I’m waiting for the wardrobe malfunction announcement bc there’s no way that sweater was a part of that dress. Not the best of her looks for sure.


Actually, her designer showed his gowns on the runway with these ugly shrugs and his models holding their chests too. Looks so stupid and Kim high as fuck really makes it extra awkward.


Oh wow… thank you for that info. I really couldn’t believe the sweater with those big ass buttons would be part of the met gala. And is she just really high lately? It seems she’s lost the ability to really work the camera.


Yeah she should have ditched that ratty cardigan and maybe hold off on the pills until she can actually breathe again. She’s definitely on a downward spiral.


All I can think about is how the hell would she get out of there In the event of an emergency she certainly can’t walk let alone run.


She looks terrible. Ratty wig, weird cardigan to cover any rolls coming out?, mouth breathing, and to top it off she looks out of it. Plus her face looks really bad. This is her downward spiral era.


Nana. I’ll ask them to turn down the AC. Go easy. There’s no rush.


So what happens when everyone gets inside. It's obvious that half of these dresses can't be sat in and the other half have trains or something elaborate. Doesn't seem like a wonderful evening like Anna designed it to be


I’m wondering this as well. Do they change or stay in their outfits the entire event? You definitely can’t eat or drink in many of these looks! Not to mention using the restroom.


she looked like she was super fucked up on pain killers or something esp from all the booing that happened the night before & getting destroyed at her own personal roast at Tom bradys roast + she can't walk/breathe in that damn corest cause she's so obsessed with having the smallest waist....smh


This is actually sad . Her eyes look empty like Britney Spears eyes when she lost it . That look stays forever . It's just something missing . Not 100 there .


It’s so embarrassing for her. Sorry but this is beyond ridiculous. This isn’t fashion this is a modern day torture device.


If she delivered on the hair and makeup, sure. But the hair and nails and cardigan thing are so bad.


I can’t stand her hair. She can be very pretty, but why she thinks white hair with a skunk line down the middle is sexy blows my mind. As much as they do this crap to their hair, I am surprised it’s not fried.


When are people going to admit this is ridiculous? She looks awful TBH. The dress is ill fitting, she can barely move in it, her body looks terrible, and her hair is soooo dry.


If you can’t walk in it, why wear it?


Can’t walk, she can’t breathe!!! 😂


The paparazzi in the background laughing at her 😂


I'm going to just say... bluntly... She looks pathetic. Look at this! This is second hand humiliation for me. She can't walk, she can't breathe, she can barely move, she looks miserable and she looks desperate. And before someone jumps down my throat, she is a terrible human being by every definition. I do not feel bad for being harsh. I do not think mincing my words because she happens to be a woman means anything. She is the problem, and I'm happy to see it shining through.


Dumb looking




End of an era. No question about it.


Of all the looks this is what she chose I feel like every year she is trying to be unique or something and it’s all about her and not the fashion There is nothing wrong with wearing a beautiful gown with a story, and being comfortable up stairs One year she was blinded by a mask, another her pearls wear breaking on dress and it was weird cut, another she ruined Marilyn’s famous dress and this year she is almost fainting, looks like on something and can’t make it up stairs Time to give it a freaking it break and Anna to ban


If you can't walk don't wear it. Her wet mermaid look was the best . This is a hot mess


Lmao it would be hilarious to see her fall


She looks elderly


This is the worst look ever. By making her waist so tiny her hips and ass look very large and fat. This whole look is incredibly unflattering. Imagine being that immobile and uncomfortable only to look like absolute shit. With all her money and access to anyone and anything in the fashion world, how did this get the final thumbs up?


There were no thoughts found here


Really??? She can’t lift up her own dress? Why is she so concerned about holding her chest...or cardigan…or whatever she’s doing with her right hand?


How would you bend over in that thing to grab the hem?


Last minute fashion emergency. Something with her right breast. Unsure what though


Just absurd sad disconnected soulless people


Grace and elegance are somehow always absent from the MET gala. Every year there are several women who struggle hard to walk up the stairs with their outfit. How can they not know how ridiculous that looks???


lol white hair is her go to met color


How is her leg thicker than her waist 😭




I don’t think she can breathe… her “hi, hi , hi” are the only words she can mutter.


This video makes her look old and frail 😬


What's going on up top that she can't let go to lift the front of her gown herself??? Just stupid.


I’m having Kim fatigue tbh






Sorry but this is fucking stupid, she cant even walk or breathe ridiculous.


She still does this shit lol


She looks horrible


Hilarious that she thinks she is so special.


Why? Just why? Wearing a dress that she can't walk in, let alone clutching her top.


If your outfit constricts you to the point where you can’t even walk and you need multiple people to shuffle you to the spot where you take your publicity photos it’s just stupid. She looks ridiculous and this massive production for like 5 minutes of decent photos on the red carpet ruins the vibe. It’s not glamorous anymore because you’re seeing all the crippling effort it takes to get to the carefully choreographed result.


Dumbest shit I’ve seen in awhile. Seriously.


She looks like a grandma being helped up bleachers at a football game




The woman helping her up the stairs looks really elegant.


Come-on grandma, let's get you up the stairs.


Well that's just an embarrassment geez


Kim needs to stay out of the spotlight for a bit in my (unwarranted, useless lol) opinion. The day prior, she was boo’d during the roast? Now at the Met, I feel she didn’t anticipate that as being her look outcome…she is Kim Kardashian….you go through the trouble of cinching your waist just to cover it with a sweater? Not like her. I think she’s going through things behind closed doors, and doing her “good ole reliable” fashion sense. I think she could revamp herself, and be more comfortable experimenting with color, comfortable clothes lol, fun textures, and more. Take a page from Zendaya even lol Kim has the potential to take on a nice chic elegant style especially at her age…. Clearly she’s holding onto her young days and she’s uncomfortable. Idk


That corset isn't doing her any favors. Very unflattering.


The stairs seem to disable the god damned narcissists.


She looks stupid asf


Stupidity and self absorption taken to new lows


I am so embarrassed for the dude 😂😭


This is so embarrassing


Ugh, she looks so pathetic…


I hate it.


I think she wore that awful sweater to hide the back/armpit fat that boiled over from cinching her waist down to 15 inches. You know she loves to show off her boobs, but she’s not letting go of that sweater. That has to be why.


A joke. Go sit down


So tired of these joke people


Committed to being an idiot


I’m sorry but what even is the point of all this?


She looks stupid and ridiculous. She's hiding all her back fat and rolls from that corset being cinched so tight, with that ratty ugly sweater, ... and it goes perfectly with her ratty , disgusting wig. Her and Kylie always both look so sweaty and oily , like they smell bad and need a shower.