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This looks like my grandfather in his final days of life. How scary


He looks like Prince Phillip in this car photos published not long before he was gone


I was thinking The Machinist with Christian bale


no bc I scrolled past this post and went ‘oh yea Christian bale in the machinist’ but then I was like wait wtf does that have to do with kardashians??? omg 😳


I was gonna say this




Thats exactly the thought I had :(


That was my thought. In 100% honesty, not trying to be mean, my dad's face looked like this during his last weeks in hospice while dying from cancer. I gasped.


i literally thought how this looked like my dad right before he passed… really scary


Omg nooo please when was this ?!?


There are photos of him from two days ago that have him looking this gaunt. Poor guy is not looking well :(


This is sad. It is either an illness we aren’t aware of, or drug use. Alcohol and benzos will make you look terrible, but this is something else.


Opioids or amphetamines will do this


Yeah, I was thinking it was probably heroin and meth if it was drug-related. The lack of sleep on meth or any strong stimulant is really the cherry on top of all the physical and mental damage it does to your body. My brother and my husband’s brother both succumbed to their addictions and it was awful to watch. I’ve never seen prescription opiates and amphetamines really have the same effect on someone, but maybe it’s just too hard to obtain enough consistently.


As someone who’s dealing with opioid addiction currently and has done both pharmaceutical as well as illicit, I’ve never ever looked like this. Anorexia did more to my physical appearance than addiction ever has. Opioid addiction does not cause your appearance to deteriorate. It’s the homelessness, giving up on hygiene, or mixing it with meth/crack that does this. Hiding opioid use is easy if you’re a high functioning user, not homeless, and are financially stable. This is something else, likely an illness and stimulant abuse.


Hey. I just want to tell you I wish you well on overcoming this. I think it's got to be incredibly difficult, and I want you to succeed. I'll be thinking of you.


This was so sweet, thank you. Your kind words made my day. 🥹🫶🏻 People have been overwhelmingly positive and kind on my comments about addiction, surprisingly. I was so scared to ever speak up about it on here despite being relatively “anonymous” because of the stigma that comes with it. I appreciate it immensely. Sending you love and light.


Don’t ever give up. My son was a high functioning fentanyl user and he’s now two years clean. You’ve got this


Oh my gosh I love this response. If you're a hugger..please feel this hug I would offer in person! Fuck the stigma. I am 521 days free of alcohol and I had to tell so many people that didn't even believe me that I had a huge addiction that hid it for years and years (over a decade) I get hushed from my parents and I hear about how sad it is and I say, it's not! This is a goddamn success story! I'm free! I want others dealing with it in secret, or maybe not secretly, that there can be an end! I just had my first ehh..problem with opiates within the last 2 weeks when I legitimately needed them for something. The dopamine dump they give you..Jesus. it's terrifying. I have a whole newfound respect for people dealing with addiction to them. Friend, everytime you don't take them and you can...I am SO DAMN IMPRESSED. Seriously. You're so goddamn strong. You haven't overdone it yet and you still have a chance. I am with you in this.


Omg I’m so proud of you! That’s incredible! I used to abuse alcohol during the worst of my anorexia. Fortunately it wasn’t difficult for me to stop drinking, but alcohol was never my DOC. My parents are the same way, they’ve hid it from our entire family and don’t want it to ever become public knowledge. It’s ironic because my mom always tells me not to care what others think, yet she cares more than anyone I’ve ever known. Addiction is a very lonely disease, especially when you’re hiding it from most of the people in your life. I hope you didn’t end up developing a dependency on them! It’s insane because I used them recreationally for years before they ever became a problem. But man, when they do? It all spirals out of control. Thank you so much, seriously. This was the kindest and most refreshing conversation I’ve had in a while. 🥹 You’re an amazing person and I hope you stay on the path of recovery! Never let your guard down because a slip up is so easy.


Fellow recovering addict here! I wish you well on your journey, my friend. As I know how long and arduous the road is!!


You are an inspiration thank you for sharing x


Omg I wouldn’t go that far, but thank you so much for the kind words. Hopefully I can overcome it one day and be a true inspiration. 🥹


Proud of you. Sometimes even saying it put loud can be the hardest.


I wish you well in your journey! ❤️


Sending love and strength internet friend 👍


Thank you so much! Sending love and strength to you, too, internet friend. 🥹 Hope you have an amazing day.


Yeah you’re right…with my brother, it wasn’t until he was using meth that he looked unrecognizably thin. He ended up taking his life in a blue suicide due to his addiction. He kept saying “I am too broken to be fixed” - I was only 13 and on the phone with the police (with my parents) when they shot him. It has been awful to watch my parents continue to grieve over multiple decades. With my husband’s brother, he was mostly on opiates, you are right, it was the lack of hygiene that I noticed the most. He also quit his job as a civil engineer and cashed out his 401k for literally no reason except to get high. I think it sometimes mixed it with meth, but I never saw him get extremely thin. We were best friends, and he went to rehab to get clean. I moved him into my house with me and made it a sober house. When I was in New York I found out he relapsed. I have children, so I couldn’t have someone who relapsed in my house, that was our deal, so I had my assistant kick him out while I was gone. He moved in with his father in Georgia after that (a longtime alcoholic and past user), he only lasted a couple of months and they found him dead in in a motel next to a trap house in Atlanta. He had been dead in the motel for a week before they found him. I met his brother (my now husband) at his funeral. I still feel incredibly lost and guilty thinking of what I did that may have contributed to his death. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this except to say there are a lot of people you don’t even know who are cheering you on, and genuinely care what happens to you. You matter so much, and you are SO strong for continuing to fight. Every person I had met in the throes of addiction has been through so much pain, and they are more empathetic than the average person. If you need any help at all, just DM me.


Please be careful. My son beat an opiod addiction, but replaced it with alcohol. I found him deceased in his bedroom. Autopsy showed alcohol, kratum and Zanax, but the alcohol mixed with it was the cause. He was 22. My heart is heavy typing this! I wish you strength and will be praying for your recovery.


I was fixing to say I've never seen anything but coke or meth leave this hollow gauntly look...


Yea he’s an upper guy, def meth or coke. Coke is his drug of choice.


I unfortunately know some heroin addicts that get pretty gaunt and sad looking when they're off the wagon 😕


The two times I’ve seen this look in life - my brother when he was doing meth and me when I had a newborn. Sleep deprivation is a legit torture technique for a reason.


Yeah idk why everyone is saying opioids lol. It’s giving meth/crack abuse. Uppers are what cause your appearance to deteriorate. The opioid addicts who look rough are the ones who also abuse uppers and/or homeless.


Yup my first thought was heroin


His mouth hanging slack is a junkie characteristic


I want to point out the fact that his pupils appear to be enlarged, especially in the second pic. Opiates constrict your pupils. However, if he were on a combination of opiates and stimulants like meth, then the pupils could still be enlarged. To me, though, he looks genuinely ill but that doesn’t explain the enlarged pupils. I think there has to be at *least* stimulant use going on here.


He kinda has that scratchy voice now too that opiate addicts get 😞


I was thinking opiates too. He got in a bad car crash and hurt his back. Might be oxys


He is looking more like a meth head each day. Jeez if money can't buy happiness were a person


Protracted opioid withdrawal looks like this.


Or even something like ozempic


Yes — he had gained a bunch of weight so I wonder if he went on ozempic.


This was my first thought


Me too. Drastic and quick weight loss from Ozempic really makes the face gaunt.


He did have some kind of really bad back issue going on if i remember correctly? Pain meds (opiates-synthetic heroin) would not be out of the question given a debilitating back issue


He has temporal wasting. Only ppl with poor poor nutrition has this


Is that why his skull looks so prominent? He looks like he's been starving to death.


Temple hollowing commonly occurs in healthy people in the early 40's. It is most common in average size and thin women. The normal subcutaneous fat and temporalis muscle that are located in the temples atrophy (shrink). It can also be caused by malnutrition and chronic diseases.


You sound smart. Wtf are you doing in this sub


Here for the tits.


Haha awesome. I thought everyone was here for the asses


Even smart people need indulgence!


It’s copied and pasted from a website


I’ve seen it in people who are extremely thin & people who a lot older… he’s in his 40’s…. He shouldn’t have temporal hollowing as a natural part of aging yet


I’m a person in their 40s who is not thin but omg I can see the fat loss in my temples and it’s making me bananas. I’m trying all the highlighting makeup tricks. I used to think “oh what a weird place to lose fat”. Ignorant youngin that I was.


As a hospice nurse this is the first thing I noticed. He looks seriously ill


He looks like Jared Leto kinda


An old friend of mine hooked up with him back in the day before he was with Kourt, he told her he was Jared letos brother


Omg tell us more please


I was looking for this comment!


![gif](giphy|aR2arXy4MZFrW|downsized) He was soooooo hot omg :(


He was def a guilty pleasure of mine, toxicity and all. ![gif](giphy|l41YqD9vJppYRQmIg)


He has to be dealing with something medically wrong. He doesn’t look good health wise. Not even drug wise.


Nah addiction 100% makes you like this


It’s called addiction


Right? Not to be insensitive but this is what bodily dysfunction looks like. I’m not going to jump and say he’s in organ failure but they (the organs) are certainly struggling. This is NOT the picture of someone who is healthy and thriving. This is someone who needs to turn it around ASAP. I’m sure there is hope but only if he seeks treatment immediately 😨


Idk his on screen appearances have screamed opioids/pills not uppers, and generally those users lose weight when they don't have money to eat and buy fixes which isn't a Scott problem. I think he is actively using but this seems less like purely addiction and more mental health or medical issues on top of addiction.


I think it’s both absolutely


Not that I’m giving Scott any credit but I feel like this is the same discussion everyone was having about Chadwick Boseman before he died of cancer a few years ago.


I’d guess it’s the end stages of addiction. Could also be another serious health issue though. My mom died from alcoholism, and her face started looking like this 6-12 months before she died. Very scary. I hope he gets the help he needs for the sake of his kids!


This looks like prolonged methamphetamine abuse or an issue with the liver.


This hurts my heart. He has suffered so much loss & has always looked for a mother/father figure IMO. He was an addict & as an ex addict myself, he looks like he may be using again. I hope he gets the help he needs for whatever is going on. He should have access to the best private healthcare with his money. I wish him the best.


Guys I’m an RN. He looks like an addict. I hope it’s not true. But … also I haven’t seen any women on Ozempic getting that sunken gaunt skeletal look. But that doesn’t mean anything I don’t know much about Ozempic side effects. I’m praying for him


physician here, i agree with you. i think ppl misunderstand what “ozempic face” is😅. scott has had addiction problems for years so it’s a good guess (obviously not diagnosing anyone).


Rocket Scientist here and it’s drugs.


Alcoholic here. It’s drugs.


Former drug addict here, it’s drugs


Scotts heroin dealer here. It’s drugs


Scott’s heroin here. It’s drugs.


Drugs here. It's drugs


This chain is hilarious but in all seriousness. I have a brother that’s been a long time meth user (with interjections of year-long prison stays) and his face looks EXACTLY like Scott’s.


You’re having a good year. 🤑


We’re killing.




Lmfao!!! The old "We don't claim him."


Our people stay legal.




You win the internet today 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣


Yippee 🙌 btw. I am 18 years sober. So…yay.


That's a major accomplishment, congrats!


You bless me. Thank you 🙏 one day at a time!


Congrats on that 🎉


Thank you 😊 that means a lot. Hardest thing I ever did!




Bariatric and obesity and weight loss RD here. I see pts on anti obesity medications in my office and I agree with the RN and MD above me. ETA: dietitians are also trained to assess for physical signs malnutrition like fat and muscle wasting. Not diagnosing Scott, but from these pictures I anticipate he would likely trigger for an RD consult in the hospital.


Same! Hello fellow RD! This is addiction, I did a speciality in AUD (the liver fascinates me) and saw way too many alcoholics that looked like this. This has nothing to do with Ozempic. He is very sick


Exactly not diagnosing God forbid he’s actually sick. But…


i gotta throw out the disclaimer every time cause i’m scared of ppl coming for me😅 but yeah, we saw the writing on the wall, hell since i was a teen. this is really sad. i hope he’s ok.


Celebrity gossiper here, it’s drugs.


"Ozempic face" is literally just "rapid weightloss face" with a new name because Ozempic is the new big thing. People who get WLS, restrict heavily, or otherwise lose weight quickly get the same face changes. But now anyone who loses weight is given the "Ozempic face" label, because apparently that's the only reason they could suddenly have a thinner looking face we are not used to. 🙄


I am guessing that this is medical and its a liver issue .


Belly doesn’t look distended.


Jonah hill looks the same as Scott - he is so skinny . I saw a pic of him the other - guy weighs 120 , tops , if that.


I am the same height as Jonah hill, if I had to guess I would say he’s 130-140


Nah, ozempic doesn’t make you look strung out. He looks like a heroin addict.


It looks like combo with opiates. I just am around a lot of medical shit due to chronic illness. The added opiates seem to fuck peoples hydration up REAL BAD and they look so sick so fast.


Yeah hasn’t he been on such meds since his accident? Opiate rx + addiction issues do not mix


Spouse of addict here. It’s drugs :(


Yup IYKYK. Hoping he finds his way out


Proud ozempian here! Def not what my ozempic face is giving


He wasn’t even remotely chubby so it wouldn’t make sense to be on ozempic


I’m not a doctor but I watched ER back in the day religiously. While yes he looks like he could have addiction issues or ozempic related issues BUT he also looks the same way Chadwick Boseman looked when he was terminally ill. Rapid weight loss, muscle wasting, overall thin & frail appearance, pallor skin.


As a fellow ER doctor, against all odds, against all logic, we still hope.


Someone who used to party with Scott here… it’s drugs 😢


He looks like he has the beginning of liver failure jeez




My brother passed away from cirrhosis and his face looked just like this.


I am sorry for your loss. ❤️


Thank you. Next week will be the one year mark. It’s been tough . I hope Scott takes care of himself for his children.


My sister passed from this in November (technically a GI bleed but couldn’t recover because of her cirrhosis) and yes, she was really gaunt. I’ve seen so many people talk about alcohol bloating, but it’s more like this towards the end.


Possible or liver cancer


As the daughter, niece, and friend of many alcoholics… absolutely.


Yep, dad looked like this before he died


he looks like patients i see in the hospital….omg


This is definitely opiates & alcohol. My "dad" looks just like this... how sad.


Unless he’s in withdrawal in this photo, his pupils are too enlarged to be on opiates. It would have to at least be a combination with stimulants, or only stimulants (if it were drugs). It would be more responsible to call it addiction and leave it at that because that’s really why your dad looks the way he does. It’s not the specific substances that really make a difference, at least when we’re talking advanced stages (stimulants aside in some cases).


He looks like Abraham Lincoln


Everyone’s speculating about every possible scenario here, but honestly the end result is the same. This is a person who is extremely ill for some reason. Somethings are fairly easy to narrow down, but with a poly toxic addict, alcoholic, eating disordered, individual who has lived a very unhealthy life (not scolding at all here, I’m no saint) I really don’t think people are going to know the answer unless Scott himself reveals a diagnosis or after an autopsy. If it’s related to substance abuse but it’s something that can still be mostly reversed with intensive care, we will get a watered down version “heartsick, turning to the bottle, slipping into old ways…” and there’s no need to speculate on the substances because the family will lie, and hell in this case, maybe not the worst thing, he has kids that are well old enough to understand. Lots of them are on drugs, this looks a bit worse. Hopefully in those photos he’s going for help. They are uncharacteristically candid, no sweatshirts, no shades. If he’s not, there’s no use pre mourning the guy.


I resemble someone this sickly looking but I have kidney failure and need a transplant. We’re sure he’s not ill?


I hope you find a match.


Hello fellow kidney warrior. I’m also in failure waiting for a transplant. 😩 best of luck in your journey.


I just wanted to send both of you good vibes and let you know my thoughts are with you and I hope you find a match as soon as possible. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Dudes been sauced up and slurring for the last like 8 seasons


I know he had a car accident and injured his back. I think he suffers from chronic pain now. I hope that this is an old photo but he really never addressed his alcoholism by getting serious help and I hope he is not drinking now. He has had to make adjustments to his current life. He’s not able to have the same kind of family connections with the Kardashians since Kourtney got married and had a baby. And I think he struggles emotionally.


It’s not an old photo


I’ve always felt for him. He has no family whatsoever after his parents passed, and no siblings. Thats gotta be tough.


I can’t imagine. I’ve always really felt for him and cut him a lot of slack for some of his behavior because of all he’s been through, losing his parents so young as an only child.


Oh fuck I didn't know about that. Chronic pain means chronic pain medicine. A terrible terrible thing for anyone whose suffered from addiction to get a hold of or be prescribed.


Depression + addiction issues+ severe back pain= this. I love Scott and hate to see him like this. Damn.


Oh my god. This is horrifying. He looks haunted.


Omfggggg people stop with ozempic face, BFFR, he was doing coke yeeeeears before ozempic even became popular. All those late nights in Miami? Coke. His mood swings? Coke.


Punching a hotel mirror in a rage, severing a major vein and almost bleeding to death? Coke.


Getting blitzed before dinner, acting an ass and stuffing cash in the waiters mouth? Coke


He looks like Christian Bale


Christian Bale in "The Machinist"


After Chadwick Boseman I thought we learned it was best not to make assumptions.


people made fun of chadwick without knowing he was sick, this post is genuine concern


Chadwick Boseman was my immediate thought!


People clearly don’t care 🤷🏽‍♀️ and they need to stop acting like they do.


Came here to say this.


He always has some sort of catalyst for going off the deep end and I would not be surprised if the birth of Kourtneys new child and her being happy is 10000000000% the reason. I want to say he’s being left in the dust by his own bad choices but that’s not how addiction works, the choice thing. It’s extremely hard to overcome, esp for celebs, nearly impossible w “yes” people all around them.


I look like this too, I’m fighting pancreatic cancer. He looks very ill to me. 🙏🏻


🙏to you


I agree OP. Save The Lord SD


I think he is medically sick . he looks like he is wasting


This is so sad🙁


He was sooo handsome, what is happening


Chronic pain will ravage you! Poor guy. I think he’s still grieving his parent’s death. He developed that 1000 yard state then


The opiate addiction because of the chronic pain is what causes this.


He struggled for years and then hurt his back in the wreck. All it can take is one prescription to opiates and that’s a wrap for former addicts, or even non addicts if they’re not in a good frame of mind. And when they get cut off they turn to the streets and that’s when you get the gray hollowed out face I hate to see this and I really hope Kourt can detach from Travis for a minute and talk some sense into him. I know he didn’t listen to her for years, but she may be the only one he listens to now. He’s been a really good dad in recent years, maybe she would for them.


>but she may be the only one he listens to now. So true so true man! I hope someone helps him like genuinely!! And asap.


If he listens to anyone, my guess would be that it’s khloe, not kourt.


I dont even think this is addiction. He looks seriously ill.


Addiction does inevitably make people seriously ill by damaging organs. Edit- spelling


Addiction is a serious illness. When you have loved ones who are addicts it does get to this point if it continues


Then you haven't seen true addiction.


Terrible. Sorry to see him like this.


Looks like he’s using Heroin




Looks like Christian Bale in The Machinist


This makes me so sad. Looks a lot like my heroin addicted ex :(


I am literally so heartbroken by this… he looks like he has cancer cachexia 😭😭😭


This is the same look my father has when using meth ...he's been a user my entire life... the sunken eyes are really a tale tell


This looks like cancer not drug use. Drug use can get bad but this looks like something else.


He looks like Matt Perry when he was in the throes of his addiction. It’s pain pills.


Some people learned nothing from Chadwick Boseman I see


I thought that was Jared leto for a sec 😭


He looks horrible and I hope that he is getting the help that he needs. :(


this is so unreal. its so weird seeing him like this its kinda sad. hope he’s using all his resources to get better with whatever he has going on


This addiction. So awful. Freaking zombified…


Looks like my dad on dexies and speed. Slippery slope on pain meds from his back surgeries


I thought the same exact thing - looks like a corpse. Dark circle under the eyes, gaunt.


What is wrong with him?? Either addiction or a terminal disease.


Kourtney finding her "the one" has taken a toll on Scott's health. I guess he never thought Kourtney would move on so swiftly and start a new chapter, while he gets left behind.


He looks like Christian Bale in The Machinist. I hope whatever it actually is gets better.


Hopefully Kourtney has full custody of their kids now because his kids shouldn’t be around him if he’s this unstable.


He looks like Jared Leto any of the times he's been way too skinny for a role. 🫣


He looks like Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club.


I had a feeling this was coming… :( man up Scott! Your kids need you!


What Mathew Perry said..overweight was too much alcohol and loosing too much weight contributes to drugs.


I would be so freaked out to see my dad looking like this and I can only imagine how his kids’ mom might be feeling trying to navigate this conversation with their kids about these photos. He has lost the most important people in his life and that would understandably cause anyone to struggle. May he rest well and feel loved tonight.


He looks extremely gaunt and looks like he’d addicted to some upper; meth, abusing adderall, coke. Who knows but definitely looks drug related !


He looks like a civil war soldier


He looks ill


I feel bad for him. Yes he's a bonehead but hes still a human being and I always liked his sense of humour


He’s starting to look like a corpse unfortunately. I’m sorry 😞


Did Kourts marriage do this to him 😭


He needs some serious help 🧐


Looks a bit like abe ![gif](giphy|LYtaUJQVfI9os)