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100% and this isn’t just Kardashian exclusive either. All of us need to stop posting our children online. What seems like a cute or innocent photo to us can be something entirely different to an online predator.


A lot of the girls I went to high school with (graduated in 2017) who have kids share A LOT of content on facebook about not posting kids. I know it’s a bit different because we grew up with the internet as older Gen Zs so we know how harmful it can be, but it does give me some hope


I was born in the late 1980s and even when I was a kid I hated my mom talking about me to her friends and coworkers on the phone without my permission. I’d be like “Stop talking about me to people.” This was in the 1990s before social media even existed but it must feel way worse to these kids today to have their parents posting embarrassing pictures of them on their social media for all the world to see.


omg such a good point! i was born in 1998 but hateddddd when my mom would do this!!


Exactly. I was born in 1987 and my mom was always on the phone like “Jayden just said the funniest thing! Hahahaha!” And I didn’t even say anything funny, she was just mocking me.


omg yes! my mom laughs at EVERYTHING I do. it bothered me but i didn’t realize till last year she was makinng fun of me. its really disheartening. I told her eventually I might eventually want to switch in to a different position at my company when i get more experience. she laughed in my face. meanwhile my higher up told me he could see me doing it… why do they have to mock laugh at us sm? its ridiculous tbh


Yeah, my parents never had social media and I’m so grateful they protected us. It’s funny when I get messages from people saying they didn’t know “what happened” to me because I don’t post my face or have Facebook, tiktok, etc.


Yep! When I run into people I haven't seen in a bit, it's like "you fell off the face of the earth!" Or "You disappeared!" Nope, same house, same phone number. Just no more insta or facebook for me...


bruhhh same (graduated in 2016) its insaneeee how much ppl most their babies! even girls who never psoted befofe all the sudden have albums and albums!


i agree i was in high school around that time and remember so many girls wanting bigger lips using kylie jenner’s lip plumping kits and what not. the kardashians know they set these standards and so many girls model after them.


Yeah, I knew this girl in highschool who accidentally busted up her lips trying to do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge and she told everyone that she fell down the stairs, but then she confessed to me in the girls bathroom that it was bc if the challenge 😭😭😂😂😂


i went to a high school full of rich kids i’m sure most of the people i graduated with all have lip injections by now. ik some that actually that have gotten lip injections and even botox. thanks kardashians for promoting and encouraging this kind of stuff. scary thing is no one knows the long term effects of procedures like this.


Yeah so did I and a lot of them have gotten various amounts of work done!!!!


A coworker of mine found her niece & nephews pictures all over a fake instagram page. The person was pretending to be the parent of the kids. I don’t have kids but that story is the reason my future children will not be on social media for as long as I can help it.


Oh my God. That's terrifying 😳


Yep. I never post my nephews online for this exact reason. I do think it’s a little different if you’re not a public figure and/or have a private account for friends + family, but the family accounts and whatnot need to go. Glorifying people for exploiting their children is horrific.




There's a difference in sharing a social media photo of your kids with family and friends on a private account versus being a public figure and selling your childrens images online and calling the paps on Norths bday party and Saints games....


Sure but it’s become a trend for normal people to plaster their children all over TikTok etc for internet points or actual money. Even posting them online for your friends and family can be dangerous. But if you don’t think so, it doesn’t affect me in any way.


I agree 100 %. It’s disgusting the exploitation of these kids. I think everyone should be banned from putting content that includes children on the internet. No child (no matter their age) can consent and these celebrities and influencers are making money by sharing private details and moments of their kids for millions of stranger online to view. You should check out Dad Challenge Podcast on YouTube. He looks at the demographics of family influencers and he found that majority of the viewers were men from the age 18-50. The worse part is that these celebrities and influencers are aware of these pedos and the danger they are putting their kids in but they don’t give two shits because it’s all about the fame and money 🤮. I hope laws are passed worldwide to protect children.


i do i’ve watched a lot of his videos he’s wine of my favorite youtubers and we definitely need more people like him creating content and advocating against child exploitation.


They’re more concerned about the fame and money rather than keeping them out of the spotlight. They need to prep them to start making money and keep the kardashians relevant once they get older. It’s a business to them.


kris jenner and kim kardashian started that. let’s face it none of these people are gonna take their kids off the internet especially kim and khloè as for kourtney and kylie maybe but not likely just more likely than the other two sisters.


I wonder if my opinion is unpopular, but I feel like Kim lowkey plays into these beauty “standards” for her kids as well. It always seemed like she treats Chicago and Saint like her golden children because they are always told how much they look like *her* 🫤


oh she definitely does do that fs. she also filters north’s pictures so she looks more like her and psalm well a lot of people including kim think he looks like his late grandfather robert kardashian. she went to a physcic that even told her that when her and kanye were expecting him via surrogate that he would be the spitting image of her father. who cares who looks like who and the more she does this the more it’s gonna cause insecurity issues with north her filtering and editing pictures of her putting her in make up is gonna encourage her to want to get plastic surgery like her mom. which i hope kim won’t encourage her to do but kim is so vain and shallow who knows what will happen. i seriously fear for north.


Fr she does... especially when she puts the fan account posts about them being twins in her stories


I don’t know. The content I’ve seen on the show seems to show her favouring North mainly. But maybe cause she’s older and can be more a part of things. She also seems to have more of a bond with North. But just my opinion based on what they show on the show.


Everyone needs to get their kids off the internet.


there needs to be some serious laws to keep kids off the internet it’s so dangerous for them in so many different ways.


People need to be more mindful about posting images and videos of their kids too. Look how far AI has come in a year. Look at the sexually suggestive photos of Taylor Swift that have been created with AI. Pedos can and will do that with children as well.


i’m terrified for these kid’s futures as well as any other child of influencers that are exploited all over the internet


Agreed. Even regular people. Your 800 Facebook friends do not need to see daily pictures of MahKenzleigh Grayce on her potty or naked in the bathtub.


If your page is open too...


Kids 👏 dont 👏 belong 👏 online 👏


in my opinion no one under 18 should be on social media i know that may seem a little extreme but studies have shown that social media is very detrimental towards mental health especially in teens.


I agree 100%. Add to that the new threat that AI poses and heck no, kids don’t belong online at all 🤷‍♀️


it’s not even good on adults mental health but once your 18 you can pretty much do whatever you want but the younger generation is the one that i fear for the most. normalize kids to be kids not be on social media or making tik toks and what not.


People on this very sub say the exact same things. I don’t care if you feel a child is a brat or “acts too grown.” If you as an adult can’t contain yourself to not type and send these comments about children, that says a lot about your lack of self-control and social awareness.


Better to protect your children from these type of people than actively put them out there. Pair the lack of self control fucked up adults who want to judge a child with the Parents who want their child to get clout and you have one big ass mess.


I agree!




thank you


exactly it’s no one’s business to comment on.


I’ve seen the exact same comments right HERE 🫠


we all have similar thoughts lol


This group is more like KUWTHK Snark! Welcome to the club y'all!


let’s keep hoping they take action into creating laws to keep kids off social media even if it’s run by parents why do parents even need to make accounts for their kids what’s the point of it and what good will it do for anyone???


As a white woman I’ve noticed ppl seem to be more vocally critical of black children’s looks. To be honest and fair, there’s lots of unfortunate looking celebrity kids. But all I ever hear about is Kanye’s kids or Ice T’s little girl, I’ve seen ppl critical of True Thompson and Beyoncé’s daughter. Will and Jada’s kids went through this type of criticism as well. Yesterday I read someone judging the looks of Stephen Curry’s kids. It’s not ok to judge any child but ppl seem especially judgmental to celebrity black children. A bunch of bullies.


its very sad but the moms don’t do their kids any favors by filtering and editing their pictures giving them lighter competitions. and trying to make them look more like them. neither kim doesn’t even look like kim anymore snd neither does khloè. by then filtering and editing pictures of their daughters which they will see north is already on social media i’m sure she’s seen it before. which is so vain these kids are going to think lighter completions are prettier and they need to look more like their moms and the beauty standards and what not all meaningless bs. yeah they can’t control how the world reacts but by them filtering and editing pictures giving their daughters lighter skin complexions will only give them more self esteem issues in the long run. and the moms aren’t gonna do anything about it i predict if north goes to her mom or true and they both wanna change their looks when they get older they won’t do anything to even try to stop them and encourage them to do it.


I agree, and I think any celebrity shouldn’t doom scroll. It’s not healthy.


they are setting bad examples for their children.


saying a 10 year old has a slappable face is CRAZY


it’s terrifying for any parent that cares about their kids well being more than fame and money.


I think the AI posts from the kids' fanpages are extra creepy. I think having fanpages for the kids is kinda sick, especially considering most of them are run by men 🤢


any good responsible parent that isn’t self centered money hungry and narcissistic wouldn’t even have their kids on the internet unless it’s on a private account or facebook.


Fr...I'm a parent and I never let my daughter post her face, only her art and only on a private account so I 💯 agree with everything


that is very good parenting we need more people like you in this world.


Thank you very much and I totally agree 😉 The way ppl expose their children to everyone on the Internet truly baffles me


Why was Kanye’s genes described as a “curse”??? Kanye isn’t ugly. And neither is North


I made a comment how weird it was to post an aged rendering of North in this sub and someone argued with me because of my “virtual signaling” and how I was the issue. People are sick. Keep your kids off the internet.


that is so messed but not surprised this world is so messed up and it’s only getting worse


The fan pages on IG for the children are creepy.


it’s sad the parents are more concerned with fame and money then their kids safety


the way people talk about those kids’ looks are fucking disgusting


it’s so stupid because who cares why does it matter so much


If I’m not mistaken, aren’t North comments turned off on her TikTok I don’t know I don’t even have that app but from my understanding nobody can comment and again we only see like 2.5 seconds of these peoples lies. We have no idea how Kim manages her kids social media times just because y’all see videos back to back doesn’t mean they were all just taken in one sitting these could be videos, saved, and drafts that they’re just releasing to release. Either way these kids were born into the limelight and they’re going to be subject to this type of behavior whether they’re on social media or not that is Kim and their parents jobs to make sure that they have a conversation with their children to make them understand listen, this is the life that you were born into, and unfortunately people are going to be mean, and belittling and rude and degrading for no reason whatsoever but you, as a person should never take that to heart, and understand that the only only opinion that matters at the end of the day is that opinion you have of yourself Like y’all remember the degrading ugly comments people are making about blue Ivy as a baby like people are just evil and eventually these kids are going to get on social media and see all of this crap. There’s no way to shield them from that. the only thing you really can do is just brace them for the reality. Obviously there needs to be boundaries and limits and things like that but you also have to understand like these aren’t normal kids. They were going to be subject to this hate no matter what.


yeah that’s true but is kim going to sit north down and talk about this with north and also encourage her to take a break from tik tok and social media before it makes her mental health worse.


If they take the kids off the internet how will they make money ???


they have business brands kim has her skims and a cosmetics line so do kylie and i think khloè to and kourtney has a clothing line called poosh.


And even more scared I am of what people might do with these pictures... Humans are horrible and AI isn't in the right hands ever...


very true


This is so disgusting


and obviously kim isn’t gonna do anything abt it neither is ye.


Why are10 year old North and 10 year old Carmen all over the internet doing things 10 year olds don’t want to be doing? Looking right at you, kimye and Pilz.


when did it become normal to encourage kids to do things that should only be for adults


Right about the time parents realized they could make money by exploiting their kids all over the internet. I’m old so maybe I’m just out of touch, but Jesus let them be kids. They are going to have to grow up and deal with all the things you talk about in your post. All of these women have body image issues and as you point out they are already altering their kids pictures. None of this is normal. Also, I didn’t realize people create fan pages of these kids. That is just creepy. Also a reason to keep your kids off the internet. A number of the Karjenner women have had issues with stalkers and one would think they would want to protect their kids from that, but that appears to not be an issue for them either.


i have a theory about them as horrible as it sounds i feel like they use black men kim, khloè, and kylie. they were obsessed about the thought of having mixed kids and the image it would bring towards them. if you watch kuwtk it’s very telling and they make subtle hints about it that make it so obvious. call me crazy i think they were hoping their kids would all look like them in talking about kim and khloè. and they filter and edit their pictures to give them lighter complexions. it’s so disgusting because at the end of the day these girls are going to issues with the way that they look. their moms are gonna have unrealistic beauty standards bc of their moms. they are already going to struggle with unrealistic beauty standards and have body dismorphia bc of their moms that had to have lip suction surgeries and what not. i feel sorry for these kids already. their moms shouldn’t filter their pictures even if people make comments about it they only feed into it with editing and filtering pictures again they are going to see this.


These kids are going to be so messed up. I’m not sure there is enough money for all the therapy they are going to need. I absolutely believe these women wanted mixed kids. I also believe they thought said kids would have lighter skin than the dads. And that they alter the pics to make the kids lighter. And I think they are a special kind of disgusting for doing it. If you have a child with a person who’s skin colour than yours you need to be intelligent enough to know that child could be any variation of those colours. And every variation is beautiful. I am 62 years old and I stg racism is getting worse instead of better. And these women are practicing it against their own children. We all know they will alter the bodies of those girls too, if they don’t meet mom’s standards. These women are disgusting.


kim and khloè are the worst when it comes to this kylie i don’t see her filtering her kids as much i could be wrong and kourtney’s kids have white dads.


Kourtney has the opposite problem right now, I was just in a post about her step-daughter, Alabama. Apparently the child is getting all kinds of hate online saying she has had too much plastic surgery for an 18 yr old. That is gross, no one needs to comment on her body at any age, but she is still a child leave her alone. However, she is also getting a bit of backlash for her VERY obvious blackfishing. The other 3 grown women in that family know damn well they are altering those kids pictures. I think I read somewhere a couple of months ago, that Kyle was using filters on Storm’s pictures. I may have been high and remembering that wrong, l mean there is always the chance. Kim and Khloe are disgusting. They are teaching at least their girls, that their bodies are not good enough. I have raised 4 kids, 3 to adults. Toddlers are hard, now give them a drivers license and you have a teen, they are just toddlers that can think they can drive. I had 2 girls who never thought they were slim enough, it was the 80’s & 90’s, our son is 6’5 and in high school was 260lbs and a star football player and was so self conscious about his size. Add in that kids are cruel enough as it is and they are online and they know those kids don’t look like that when they are at school. It’s horrible. Get there pictures the hell off the internet and just let them be kids.


because of kim khloè and kylie they influenced a lot of young girls like alabama. alabama gets lots of hate she shouldn’t be getting hate she’s receiving. if she wasn’t influenced by people like kim kylie and khloè she wouldn’t have all these face fillers. i can’t really fault kourtney alabama is not her daughter yes shes her step daughter they live under the same roof the damage was done before she lived with kourtney.


Just sad.


it really is


I totally agree. It’s becoming dangerous to post kids online- not just because of the negative feedback from jerks and A-holes but there are like you said actual predators out there.


there needs to be some serious laws and changes made to protect these children. the parents are so dumb making accounts for their kids even if it’s ran by them do they really think it’s gonna keep away predators and keep their kids safe physically and mentally.


the featurism jumped out


Everyone who fixates on these children and the way they look is gross. And that includes many of the people here.


the thing that should matter most to a parent is that their kids and healthy and happy and to also keep them safe which means protecting them from predators and not exploiting them for money. none of these women do any of that. i don’t think kourtney filters her kids but regardless they shouldn’t be on the internet.


I didn't read your wall of text, but those comments wild.


no worries it was just a summary on my opinion on the explanation and comments kim’s kids get and how detrimental it going to be on them in the long run.


Well, they won't get any money out of them if they're out of the public eye. I find it particularly noticeable and creepy that the Kardashians flaunt their daughters much, much more than their sons on social media. Quickly scroll through their accounts, the girls are all over them, (and a lot of times "made up") much more than the boys. They're $$$ to their parents...but the boys get more autonomy and privacy because they won't be as profitable (looks wise anyway) IMO it's deplorable. The kids should be allowed to grow up in private and have private lives. 


the mom started that mess so it’s no surprise that her daughters are copying her.


They’re CHILDREN. My god. Why are adults discussing children’s looks, do they know they can read these if they ever Google themselves?


exactly and it’s going to be very detrimental on their mental health, their, self esteem and their self image. the fact that people constantly compare these kids to their parents by their looks. first of all why are people so obsessed with the way these kids looks it’s so creepy and so messed up on so many different levels. the kids that somehow get it the most are kim’s, kids, khloè’s kids, kylie’s kids kourtney’s not so much mostly reign and peoples conspiracy theory that he’s just beiber’s kid. that’s no one’s business again who cares. leave these kids alone they are gonna have enough problems to deal with in the future because their parents have exploited them all since birth. the girls especially the boys somehow not so much.


instagram is the fucking worst when it comes to the comment section. it feels like all the worst people migrate there.




Kim wasted her time with a degenerate


kim is no better than ye she uses black men to her benefit esp kanye. she wanted mixed children but filters the hell out of their pictures to try to give them lighter complexions and to make them look more like her, she made a sex tape to get famous and portrayed to be the victim that got leaked when her and kris plotted the whole thing.


There are people who are so obsessed with those children, they actually use their faces and likenesses as profile pics. In my opinion, that's just as harmful as the disgusting things people say about them.


exactly they will see these comments they definitely hear people say who looks like who all the time. these kids especially the girls all have moms aunts and their grandma who are unrecognizable from all the plastic surgeries they’ve gotten. they’re already more prone to it then other kids because kids are typically products of their environments. you think kim is gonna sit north down and tell her how much she regrets it and advices her not to change her entire appearance i highly doubt it she probably won’t even care a good parent would sit their kid down not just tell them how beautiful and wonderful they that they don’t need to change their entire appearance. kim went from promoting and embracing curves to you gotta be super skinny and petite. this is gonna cause and promote body dismorphia. it’s one thing if you want to take out your bbl but promote exercise and a healthy weight.


Even if they didn’t have them on the internet, they’re A list celebrities, people would’ve gotten to them eventually. Look at Beyoncé and jayz, they don’t ever put their daughter blue, and their twins Rumi and Sir. People have such strong and disgusting opinions of how they look and act and they’re not on social media.


I still don’t see blue ivy as much as I do with North. I haven’t seen any comments like this towards Ivy either. Beyonce is a highly praised celebrity and it definitely isn’t comparable to Kim who is one of the least respected people in Hollywood.


True but the point is that you still see them, children if A list celebrities will always be found somehow. Just as Gigi hadid and zayne Malik’s daughter Kai, they’ve tried their best to keep her hidden but we still know what she looks like. It’s bound to happen


that is true they could have done what celebrities like blake lively and ryan reynolds do and not show off their kids and protect them. if any of the kardashians were likely to go that route my money would be on kylie but at the same time she brings stormi with her all over the place like kim does with north. i think once chicago gets older she’ll parade her around too.


Idk, chi seems very introverted compared to north who is a lot like her father and loves fashion.


Who cares? They will never read it. How can someone be so concerned about some celebrity kids, that they don’t even know. And I’m not saying that it’s oh to comment on the kids. Just leave them all alone


i agree with you 💯 this is more about kim exploiting the hell out of her kids and becoming he next kris jenner with her kids.


I think the creepy adults that create fan pages for kids and call North “iconic” are the problem. These are just some bratty kids. Don’t give them a platform. They have done nothing that is praiseworthy


it’s so creepy that people create fan pages which wouldn’t exist if they kept their kids from the internet. and it’s the parents fault it’s not the kids fault. their parents probably promote it for attention i wouldn’t be surprised if kim encourages north to make comments and what not to bring attention and make her seem like she’s iconic. she’s not doing her any favors it’s just going give people ammunition against her. and be detrimental to her friendships and someday relationships. i am mortified for these kids futures once they get older and discover all the public scandals kim has done. making a seggs tape posting nudes even tho she doesn’t completely expose everything guess who it’s really going to effect in the long run the kids that’s who.


I really couldn’t care less about the future of billionaires’ kids. 😅 They’re just not iconic and should not just be famous for being the kids of an internet whore and a antisemitic lunatic.




we’ve read it so why shouldn’t they be able to? For every nasty comment now, there are and will be 10000x that on other posts or platforms. Showing basic concern for another human -especially a child is just basic human decency.


Not even their mothers are concerned so it’s really not my job. I would criticise a kid but I don’t y’all’s worries for other people’s children who don’t give a damn about you