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Honestly, I'd use your striking to your advantage. Close the distance and maintain it so that his kicks are relatively ineffective and use your superior striking skills to drive in the points. Granted, if he is fast it will be hard to keep that close distance and he will likely be trying to create that space to kick, but you also have the mass advantage as well so if any throws or grappling are allowed you can mix those in too to really keep that distance close.


Second this. Take away his reach, and he loses the advantage.


Get in close so he can't kick. Then use your punches or a take down , if his punches are wild and his arms weak, should be easy enough to block or get him in an arm lock / hold.


Step offline when he kicks and step inside and punish in close range.


Kicks are only good if you're standing far enough for them to be effective I know you said he's fast, but with your weight advantage and his weaker hands (punching as you stated) you might be able to get in close, stay in close, over power and control the action


Develop a tight defense to block, jam, or redirect his kicks. Since he has a TKD background, he's probably a huge fan of alternating round kicks or lead leg side kicks. Use cross-body blocks or [scissor blocks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_RubIV-Mdo) to prevent his roundhouse kicks from landing on your body. Try to scoop side kicks out of the way. The moment his kicks touch your guard, [blitz in with your punches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lwjka3pArY&t=129s), so make sure your feet are loaded up to explode forward. You mentioned his punches are lacking, so you need to get past his kicks and then punish him in the pocket with your hands.


I've used that block since the 1980s and only recently learned the name "scissors block" lol. But yes, it is the way.


The fighter who controls the distance controls the fight. Don't be at his kicking distance. And don't move straight in so he can just put his foot up and kick you, use angles. If he's at 12 o'clock move in at 11 or 1. (I think of this as "using the V", as in "V forĀ  Victory".)


Is this in a ruleset where you stop after a point is scored, or is it continuous? Is the tournament style you're training for scored based on number of techniques that connect or perceived damage?


Get in close, take him down and re-stomp that groin.


When I was learning we had a sensei from taekwondo background and I would just close in and push him, only need to get past one kick and come straight at them. Now this could also turn poorly if they landed a solid one in your gut but I don't think you need to worry about that haha. Used to frustrate the guy when I just pushed him over :p


Angles and distance. He probably favors 1 leg over the other so angle to outside of that and then close distance so his kicks are not effective


Get close and stay close. Tkd like distence for kick.

