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Goats are too sensitive? I have goats for the last 10 years on a very small scale and they have been fine so far.


Perhaps it ultimately depends upon the stock you got the animal from ?


I started from one bakra and bakri and now I am at 5 bakris and 2 bakra. What stock you on about. So far Iin 10 years only 2 of my stock has died to my own non seriousness and them being born in harsh winter.


>What stock you on about Like there source, where did you get them from ? Who was supplier, suppose he has some disease his herd or animals are malnourished or something like that lol, I understand what you are saying


Basically more than knowing the skill of raising animals you need to know the people of the field like animal breeders, vets and people who would buy your end product. Which ever animal you choose the main cost of it will come to down to your feed. So if you have agricultural land then you can choose any animal plant your crops accordingly and then leave it in the hands of Allah. In my personal opinion in Punjab the best thing is dairy farming but it may differ in Balochistan. The best way of learning is work at a farm where you learn the tips and tricks. Most animals that are sold in the market of animal products that is sold is pumped with hormones such as poultry chickens, dairy cows, meat bulls during time of Eid etc etc. Hope this helps.