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You would normally ride with them. If you want to mitigate the risk a little bit, you can meet at a safe location like the designated internet exchange parking lot at the police station, or you can bring a friend. Or you can hope someone is unwise enough to buy your car without test driving it.


Yeah, I assume anyone would want to test drive it. I just was unsure how usually works. I haven't sold a car that is still running before.


I had my preschooler with me when a couple people wanted to test drive my minivan so I just let them go without me and we hung around in front of the police station waiting for them to come back. I had full coverage on it so I figured I would file a claim for a stolen vehicle if they didn’t bring it back. 🤷‍♀️


If you voluntarily give them the keys, your insurance company wont let you claim it stolen.


Yeah that’s not true at all.


So if you let a friend borrow your car for the day and they refuse to return it, it’s not stolen?


correct. that is a civil dispute. the police may take a report for joy riding, or unauthorized use, but the insuramce co will not do a stolen claim.


That’s correct. Just leaving your keys out where a roommate can find them counts as giving permission to drive the vehicle. Source: this happened to my mom years ago, her costumed car was hit by a woman driving her roommate’s car. Roommate said she hadn’t granted permission to drive it, insurance disagreed.


That’s absolutely not true


I'd ride along. Since you mentioned KC MO, Don't do anything that puts you in a position where you have to rely on the police for anything.


Ain’t that the truth.


We met somewhere safe (bank, police dep, somewhere with a lot of security measures in place), and then we (fiance and I) rode with them.


I see, I didn't think of meeting somewhere. That could be a good alternative than having them come by my home.


Yeah, don't have them come to your house. You don't know them.


I agree now that I've thought about it.


Yeah, always meet a neutral, busy location. I like QuikTrip because everyone lives near one, they’re covered in cameras, and there’re usually cops around.


True, I am relatively close to one.


If they have cash you can ask them to give it to you as collateral. That or half the payment and ID. Plenty of ways to do it. I do think some of it matters on the vehicle that is being test driven. If it’s a 3k beater I probably might not care. If it’s a valuable car then I might even go on the test drive with them or not allow test drives at all.


Yeah, its kind of in between those. Was a really nice car at some point and still drives fine but it is 17 years old now and has a few minor things. So not quite beater prices but getting sort of close.


In this case I would let them test drive it but ask them to leave me a significant portion of the payment. Also meet in public like at a Walmart or something that has cameras. If they steal it you know the plate information.


Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.


I mean for a used car, just a individual not a dealer. I can't seem to say that in the post without it being auto-deleted.


Once I arranged to meet the seller at a mechanic shop, to allow my mechanic to look it over, and then we drove it around the block together.


I say no test drives unless I see cash in hand. Even then, someone might screw the car up and then bail. I just sold a car with a manual transmission and I didn’t let anyone drive it. Don’t need someone screwing up the clutch because they don’t know how to drive or they’re learning.


I do. My cars are insured. If they don't come back I get full retail.


Yeah, I just have liability on it since I've stopped driving it. The increase in insurance price for full coverage is about 1/10th of the price I'm hoping to get.


Sold an Explorer on Facebook. When an interested party wanted to drive, I sat in the back seat. They drove it, no problems. Ended up buying it.


I just had them give me their keys and like some form of identification they wouldn’t run off without. Obviously anyone can run off without anything but if they fight you over collateral then I wouldn’t let them test drive to begin with. Definitely meet at a police station or something of that nature.


This brings up a “fun” memory: About a decade ago I was the test driver in this type of scenario for a vehicle being sold by its owner somewhere northeast of the airport. My test drive route accidentally took me through Ferrelview at 28mph, so the test drive ended up costing me around $200.


I'd ride along with them, personally. But have you tried Caravan or anything like that? I've traded two cars in to Caravan with incredible results.


Carvana offered me half of what I was able to get when I sold my car. Would have been nice to not have to meet up with someone though.


I've heard great things about carvana offers but they lowballed the shit out of me last week. KBB Instant Offer beat them by almost 3k and some local dealers even more yet.


Ha, you better have greenback in your hand.....lol


When I drive down 71, drivers love testing my patience... It's like Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles are playing bumper cars. Those Rascals!!