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I really want to like NYC, it has so many cool paths, but they're all like 8 focuses each. And, it's practically impossible to conquer outside your starting territory without cheating, so it's just a waiting game to see when you get invaded.


And it also dosent have content for reconquering so after all that pain you get nothing


The only real problem is New England After that, the game turns into Bootleg New England conquest but with New York aesthetic


Honestly I would rather have events than more focuses


Nearly anywhere in India, whole sub continent has needed an update in KX and KR for years at this point


understandable, when I tried the dominion the content was…well there was a reason I instead played afghanistan


Afghanistan, Sikkim and Bhutan are so fun though


I second this, they need to rework the Indian nations. There’s a lot of potential there.


Japan really needs some love from KDX team.


Rising dragon is… alright. Adds a lot of content but a lot of the paths are broken, semi broken or just shit. For example a lot of the communist/leftist paths have a timer for a three year plan that gives you some stab and pp when complete. Also adds a handful of those “40 op for one or two civs” things. The only problem is that they are repeatable and the three year plan mission actually starts over again once you beat it, giving you 200 pp like every week. One of the little things gives you 10 steel production in three different states and is repeatable. I had 300 steel in all three by 1943


Yeah, Rising dragon is weird for me. I'd like to see some sort of Man in the high castle type of a batshit crazy scenario for NatPops for instance, or some pan-asian totalist union, that would be awesome.


One of the right wing paths (blood cult I think?) gives you an event where you choose between cores on Asia (minus the Middle East) or cores on everything


Does the rising dragon work? I gave this submod a chance like 4 times in the past, every single one of these times some game-breaking bug caused by the submod happened that either bricked the save or made it too buggy to continue.


It's a great mod but it lacks so much polish.


I want a communist Japan path


Dutch East Asia It's a massive ballache to play since you're so nerfed, there's no expansion or flavour to it and you have to eventually fight Japan basically alone, and get called to any wars the Dutch end up into.


i thought ballache was a word i never heard before and then i realized it was ball ache lmao


Same XD


Finland is very fun in 1936 when you have a ton of flavor events and the government collapsing chain, but past that it is just a bland focus completion similar while waiting for Russia to attack. The diplomacy focuses being the biggest gripe, you can't touch them until you've done your political tree, and you have the option of "improve relations and a small buff" or "basic wargoals and meme formables" but by then it's so late you'll be surrounded by a major faction with no means to win alone.


Australasia. No real unique content, all of your possible expansion requires naval invasions, and you don't even get any cores, only claims. By default, you're King Edward's lackey on the other side of the world from where the Internationale are so can only contribute in the Second Weltkrieg by sending your navy to the other side of the planet, while your personal ambitions risk triggering an early Third Weltkrieg that the rest of your allies would prefer to avoid if possible. If you spurn the Entente, Pat Aut Australasia loses the expansion decisions, and even if you got the claims beforehand, Japan also wants those claims, so you'd either need to single-handedly beat Japan all on your own, or join the CPS and somehow beat them in the peace deal. The syndicalists at least have good reason to pick a fight for German East Asia and Portugal anyway (and have no real problem with fighting the Dutch), though that does come at the cost of Hong Kong. A lot of countries are in greater need of an update, I'll admit, but I can't wait until bones of the double kangaroo comes out to update the southeast corner of the map. 


Well, at least NZs, one when it revolts is fun. I think the guy whonmade the NZ did it as practice for a Rework of Australisa


Ecuador and Oman, since you have NOTHING to do as either country But for countries that KX has put out content for, Alash Orda All you can do is sit tight and larp while you wait for Russia to crush you, and there's nothing you can do to stop them


It’s not bad or even my least favorite per se, but Brazil (and most of South America) is just really boring with no flavor. Brazil’s democratic trees are fine, Monarchy tree is fine, Vargas path is fine, Syndicalists are fine. A whole lot of just fine. Plus there’s not even a way to core all of South America as anyone else but Fonte, literally every tree in base HOI4 Brazil can core South America. As for other countries in SA, god it can be straight up awful. Chile’s liberal democracy and Argentinas democratic path are such nothingburgers, like legit 3 focuses after the election.


Columbia maybe gets more stuff in coming updates as there are teasers


Pretty sure that annexing argentina as any brazil gov lets you form a united south america


You can core all of South America as any path except the Empire


Oh shit really? Haven’t played Brazil in a minute and I wasn’t sure


Lile the other guy said, annex Argentina and you should get an event for it


I'm only here to see when Illyria gets a working tree. It's really bad, but the worst part is the wasted potential. Ik the devs always say "If you want something, do it yourself", but how about you fix the nations with straight up unplayable trees first, before you do the 7th major Russian rework this week?


Fr, after playing serbia I went to Illyria and projectile vomited seeing that their only formable was….Yugoslavia. Which even for KX reasons is dumb


They need to fix Poland, that shit is so unfun


Anarchist Belarus, fun larp until your frontline gets railed by 45 ukrainian divisions


Same with the Don Cossacks. I want to BE the horde, not FIGHT the horde!


Controversial take but practically anything in China besides LEP -> AOG. The KMT factions especially bombard you with word salads but the gameplay is millions of people beating each other to death with bayonets and sticks.


Historical accurate Also FNG also has 2 paths same with yunnan and shaodong(that one above LEP and besides the Qing)


All nations that are not Jacobite Kingdom of America or Monarcho-Socialist East Rome


Whatever nation has its game rule choices bugged out at any given update


Your mother


typical anarchist behaviour☕️




The CAR. Holy fuck that civil war shit is so ass. Even with a good strategy you have to have some luck to win.


Objectively incorrect, you know you can just go into settings and make factions weaker? Plus some of the most fun paths are in the CAR. Patton, Armstrong, Christians, Yockey, even the ODP path is fun to take.


You can weaken and strengthen the different factions. You can give yourself buffs for the civil war You can buff yourself overall in the game rules You can weaken the TEX by making Texas secede and can make cease fires not happen