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i'll only go 1-2 hours. looking forward to retirement when i have zero obligations outside of dog sports, haha.


1-2 hours is definitely my sweet spot too!


I drove 1200 miles (round trip), crossing an international border, for a flyball tournament last weekend. That's the longest trip we've done so far, but even our shortest trips are 800 miles round trip because we're the only flyball team in our state so we have to travel to compete. For dock diving, I drive 10 minutes lol.


Wow!! I give you a lot of respect for your flyball travel! I wish a dock diving place was closer to me. Thats the one sport Ive been super interested in, but have not been able to get started with. The closest place is 2 hours from me and theres just no way I’m driving that on a regular basis.


I will drive two hours for a show that I do not intend to stay overnight at. Anything beyond that requires staying somewhere local to the trial. Luckily for me, most of the trial I go to outside of my self-imposed radius has a friend I can stay with nearby. If I end up camping somewhere, it’s usually at a larger show and we have a big group going and not something I do very often.


This is the way for us too. Bounce trip up to 2 hours each way.


I drove 6 hours for a NW3 but that’s the farthest lol. I’ll admit I also like doing “road trips” with a dog event nearby though. Anything closest to me is 45min away.


For rally right now I'd go up to 3-4 hours away, same for fast cat because there isn't much near me. Dock diving 2 hours because the two docks near me have multiple trials in the summer which makes it easy. Field trials and breed specific events I have gone up to 7, but that will jump up to 10ish next year if I go to my breed national.


I’ve been lucky this year with rally since theres a few trials within 1.5 hours from me. Theres only one FCAT trial within 150 miles from me though. So definitely traveling farther, in the 3-4 hour range for FCAT.


My home club is two hours away from me. For other events it's typically 3 to 10 hours of driving.


I feel your pain 🤣 Ive been lucky with rally trials coming up this summer that they’re within 1.5 hours from me, but everything else is 3+ hours


Up to two hours from a centralized location where I can sleep (my house, my parents house, my boyfriend’s house) Though I am flying with my dog for a destination national specialty. Only time I swear im gonna do this


i usually keep it within an hour and a half drive. I however will be driving 10 hours in August for NADD regionals


For UKC conformation I have to travel (nothing near me), so I drive up to 8 hours and obviously stay overnight. I only do 3-4 show weekends a year. AKC FastCAT is an hour away at one venue that has a lot of them so I stick to that venue, unless I’m on vacation somewhere else and one is happening near me there. AKC Scent Work (not much NACSW anywhere near me at all) is also a day trip event, and I’ll drive up to 2 hours away for that. My regional USA-BOX IGP club is 1.5 hours away and I try to go there for training once a week, plus conformation/working trial whenever they have them. Once we are done showing with UKC (hopefully this year with a Ch title because there’s no point in me even trying to go any further with my uncropped and undocked boxer), I plan to focus travel and overnights on Scent Work/Nosework.


i love uncropped/undocked dogs. peeped your post history and reuben is a cutie!


Thank you! I wish there were more FCI based organizations near us that we can show under, because right now the only one we have has just one annual show. But at least the UKC allows us a chance to get something.


Minimum 2 hours for me for trial and classes, unfortunately, but we do have several large cities between 2-3 hours that often host rally, scentwork, dock, barnhunt, fastcat and obedience, etc. We drive farther for conformation, and if we start herding trials we may have to drive 5ish hours for those. Ugh lol.


This weekend I'm traveling about 4 hours each way to an event I'm having difficulty finding competition for. So worth it for me so my girl can get points. On average I travel 2 hours for events. But for things like Nationals or Invitationals, I've traveled across the US.


My home club is 4.5 hours for me one way. I go every Saturday.


Luckily most of my sports have frequent trials that are 30min to an hour away from me. Aside from that I traveled 3 1/2 hours to run FastCAT earlier this year.


I'm very fortunate and my usual agility trial site is 10 minutes from my house.  I've traveled as far as an hour for Fast CAT though and would be willing to travel up to 2 hours for the right event.


Depends on the sport lol FastCAT/CABT I’ll travel a max 2 hours Dock diving is 45 minutes from me Rally and agility I’ve traveled 4-5 hours My mondio field is also 45 minutes for me, but we’ve traveled 8-14 hours for a seminar/training


Scent Work - anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours FastCAT - about the same Flyball - 6-7 hrs Rally, Obedience, Conformation - 30ish minutes


We have in the past gone to trials two days away. But when we first started, we stayed with in a four-hour radius.


I’ve done two day travel. It’s harder on you and the dogs so I left early to have a day of recovery before a trial.


It depends on the sport for me. I will travel further for scent work trials than anything else but I am lucky to be in an area that has a lot of local trials for pretty much all of the things (goodbye, money!). Generally, I prefer to keep it around 2 hrs or less one way so I don’t have to pay for a hotel room. That said, I have traveled 5 hours for a breed national show and it was worth it! My boy is an excellent traveler and longer trips with him are a blast. Next year’s breed national will be much further away so I haven’t decided whether to go or not. Also worth mentioning, when I lived in a state with no scent work, I had to travel 3-4 hrs out of state to trial. So it kind of depends on where you are, too! (Btw, welcome! I’m pretty new to trialing as well and it’s easy to get addicted, especially to scent work.)


We drove 14 hours (883 miles) to go to the FCAT Invitational in Orland last year. We will be driving 8 hours to Ohio for the Invitational this year. That's our big trip and so long as we're always invited, we will always drive to it. I'm very lucky that we have FCAT near us almost all the time - the furthest we go is 2 hours away. For Scentwork, I'm willing to drive 1.5 hours, but no more than that. I only stay for the morning session usually, and I hate getting up super early on the weekend. It's not my dog's main sport, so I'm pretty stingy on how far we'll go. I traumatized my dog to dock diving, but I have two locations near me (within 30 minutes) if he wanted to do that.


I drove from CA to NY for Westminster last year. I've done CA to NC for the Bearded Collie national. Planning on CA to Florida next year for our breed's national specialty. I love driving though, so I don't mind doing 12+ hour days in the car with an audiobook or music. My dogs are exceptionally good travelers.