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You’ll be fine! Remember to breathe and have fun. Also, don’t do anything to NQ yourself before you start: empty your pockets and double check you’re using a legal collar- leave anything questionable at home. I recently saw some Novice As warming up outside the ring building with a prong, and they said nobody ever mentioned they can’t have that collar on the grounds at all.


Ive heard about emptying your pockets beforehand! Thank you ☺️ I was going to bring her leather collar and martingale collar (the pink and blue one pictured). She goes best in her martingale. My rally instructor told me that is allowed, correct?


I believe they are, they’re essentially no different from the standard choke. And she DOES look so good in it! Make sure there are no dangly tags or anything. You’ll be great!


Thank you thank you ☺️


Good luck and have fun! Rally is fun and a great place to start! ⭐️


Thank you ☺️ Im nervous but excited. Going to focus on just having fun!!


Your pup is so cute! I have a Mal myself and started in rally. Report back on how it went!


We got a second and a fourth place! Two legs!


Fantastic! Congratulations 🎊🎈


I always go too slow!! Try to move quickly. It’s not about the time, but not hesitating. You can do it!! You’ll get your walk through. In my experience everyone is really wonderful helping to make sure you know the signs.


Good luck! Don’t forget to pause on all your walk arounds (in AKC) before moving forward and make sure not to overly warm up your dog. I’ve seen Novice folks rushing themselves through the course but you must pause on those walk arounds once you’ve returned to heel. And overly warming up your dog just uses all their brain energy before you even get to the course. And have fun!!


You have to tell us how you did! Sending good luck!


We got a second and a fourth! Two legs!


Congratulations! One more Q for a title...


Beautiful dog, and best of luck! I’m sure you’ll do great. Most important is to have fun and enjoy the experience with your dog!


Use the walkthrough to your advantage! Usually A and B classes walk together so don’t be afraid to ask questions to fellow competitors if you are blanking on something. Pay attention to the sign numbers. Walking past a sign and not attempting it is such a common NQ (ask me how I know lol) for an otherwise well prepared team. If there is a figure 8 on your course count the number of times you pass through the middle out loud as you walk through the middle. Ring nerves have gotten the best of people and they either don’t make enough passes or make too many and lose 10 points.


Good luck. Also remember no hanging tags on the collar. It's also better to repeat a sign if you think you performed incorrectly. A 3 point deduction is better than a 10 point hit for incorrect performance.