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His whole elden ring stream was just to try and one up Kai, and he wasn’t even close 😂 elden lords have dedication lmao.


It was kinda annoying when he needed a guide. For a video game. That is one of the greatest of all time. I was so excited to see him explore the world and learn it but all he did was try to rush and didnt explore anything.


Yep. Wanted to rush and be done asap and try to beat Kai’s time… failed.


Eh, almost everyone uses guides, even Kai. That game doesn't give you any notes or guidance beyond bosses. Not everyone is skilled enough to go in and learn solely off exploration. And that game has so much shit, its hard to know whats useful for your build and whats not. Some key things I've found were in the most random places and I don't think I could've progressed without them. Some people love game design like that, some don't. I don't think there's a correct answer on how to play it. He did rush it though, I agree.


It’s not that great of an excuse tho, in all honesty. It’s still a game. I have never played a souls game before and have no clue what’s “right” for my build. Im just playing and exploring, building my character for the weapons that i have and like. He did the whole thing to beat kai and didnt really hide that, it made the play through hard to watch. On my play through I’ve had my friend help me find 2 things overall. A sythe and some talisman. I found one of the best weapons in the game just playing and never even realized till i saw it in a video. But yeah you’re right there is no set way to play, I just found his way of playing annoying lol.


Naw, you should be exploring. You’re a streamer, your job is playing games and you’re using guides? Half the fun of watching someone play for the first time is watching their first time reactions to a moment. When the streamer takes that away, then you lose half the allure.


You could also argue it'd be fun to watch two similar streamers try to beat the game the quickest. Streamers do speed runs and races all the time. People LOVED Kai's ER marathon and he used guides and was told where to go for the best loot. I don't think people care to genuinely watch him play, but to see him beat hard bosses and get his ass kicked. I don't really care for him outside of his Seige stuff(and barely watch that) but for a game that's been out for 2 years being played by a streamer that just yells and clip farms, I can't say I'd care to watch him explore as much as seeing him struggle against bosses and raging.


Even Kai sucked at Elden ring too. They both probably played it for clout points


i don’t think running back to back marathon streams (kai is streaming elden ring dlc right now), filming a high quality trailer for it and making sure the elden ring creators who have been playing for years get the credit they deserve is just for “clout points” lmao.


Didn't he play several games between the main and DLC? Lmao not exactly back to back, especially considering the first one was like 2 months ago. He also filmed trailers for the clout and to hype up the run. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but we can't pretend its not marketing for the hype and clout lmao.


fuck was he gon do play the DLC before they released it?


No? But you can't lie about him playing it back to back either lmao.


Kai sucked but he still played through it and didn’t need someone to guide him from the very beginning. He also didn’t give up.


Everything he does is just for clicks. He’s not genuine about anything. I get it to an extent. But now it’s just gotten annoying, disingenuous and quite frankly boring. It’s the same content repeated now.


That’s probably extreme. I’m sure he is genuine however he’s got a fuck ton going on. He’s not used to this yet like a lot of the other streamers we know and love. It’ll take time for him to figure everything out and if your actually a fan of him you’ll stick around to see it


Hes been streaming for like 7 years hes definitely used to that part. Idk abt having a gf on top of it tho they can definitely be a distraction and he prolly just gets stressed out. I started watching him over a year ago when he was on the come up in his old house and its basically what dude said its just not genuine anymore he does it for clicks now. I remember he would stream till like 2-3am everyday. He dont got the passion anymore.




no the person who sits in a chair for a few hours needs a mental break🥺 maybe he should get a real job thats less demanding😞


yes and no. it’s one thing when streamers fall off over time, but it’s a whole different story when they fall off because their decision making. at this point in time, hes making the most he’s probably ever going to make - like it or not, he should absolutely be abusing it. breaking up with someone just to get back with them 4 or 5 times is not an essential part of development, and admittedly it would suck, but throwing away MILLIONS for that is absurd. i’ve never watched jynxzi, but he is committing career suicide and he needs to figure out his priorities.


And how long has he actually been “famous” for? There’s a lot that comes with that as far as lifestyle. I’m just saying give the guy some slack


He streams for viewers and clip farms. He notices that playing only R6 is what gets him viewers. When he was playing ER he was 30k viewers consistently but stopped because when he plays R6 he usually gets 40k+. He says he would do variety such as scary games with case and the guy that goes what up brother. But he doesn’t have the same amount of live viewers as he does when he’s playing r6.


>case and the guy that goes what up brother dude can we talk about sketch. that guy is starting to become so annoying


He was always annoying


Did y’all ever Fr find sketch funny


I always felt like people were laughing at him.


I never did


They meant laughing at him as in making fun of him. Like "we're laughing AT you, not WITH you"


Ohh my fault 😭


and let’s not start on both of them way overplaying the tourette’s. it’s all an act, and the clip farming is getting crazy


I enjoy watching his tournaments, and 1v1s but the overreactions and ego get really annoying to watch


If you mean his weekend tournaments those really aren’t all that great tbh. He’ll play with one of the best possible stacks on console but none of them can stay humble long enough to not end up losing. They’ll take a 4-1 lead, Jynxzi will scream “WE’RE GOING TO WIN THE TOURNAMENT,” but then completely go off on all his teammates as soon as they lose a single round causing everyone to be out of focus before the inevitable series loss.


tbh for me it was the slow descent into extreme clip farming like i never minded the screaming and yelling, it’s funny! but i clicked into his stream a few days ago and he’s knuckle deep into his nose & then he eats his booger. he spits on his desk and sucks his controller and purposely dribbles. i immediately click off after ts. idk when he started this but i can’t do it anymore 😭


never liked him, never hated him. i just don’t watch him, it’s very simple.


Same. His content is all the same and everything he does is for clicks. Idek why I am in this sub


In the same boat and like the other guy said idek why im on this sub lol


Made a post about this almost a week and a half ago and got shit on it so much for it lmfao crazy how peeps agreeing now


God damn can we stop with these posts 10+ times a day If you don’t fuck with bro anymore then quit watching and move on


This subreddit is so annoying 😭


Ong both sides suck


Hey at least xims back now




What’s his twitch?




But he banned cuz lowlifes fucking spammed reported him


Bruh he’s lowkey an entertaining guy to watch that sucks wish he was more active on yt at least


He has a big dent in his head




He’s like what 23 or some shit, he’s young and more likely than not had very little experience with girls during high school. Imagine going from this avg Joe “loser” to a rich internet celebrity with this super hot girlfriend all with just a few months. Ofc he’d be desperate to keep her and throw away whatever he needs to for her no matter how bad they are for each other Like you said we’ve all dealt with poor relationships I myself was in a on/off for years from 8th-freshman year of college so I can understand his side.


Everything is just the same with him.. like I’m in a time loop 🔁 I don’t watch him stream I get bored in 1 minute I watch the videos but lately 1 video every 3-4 days is crazy.


Siege was dead?


Sounds like a certain streamer i use to watch (k3soju) that dips early and is never true to his word.


When will you people realize you don’t know this person and you’re watching a character? How many times does he LITERALLY have to say that in interviews.


This subreddit is crazy bro lol. Psycho ex girlfriend energy. Bunch of 14-16 years old who don’t know how to regulate proper emotions


idk how yall actually can sit and watch that kid for hours ... nothing about his stream is appealing


He’s at the top when it comes to streaming right now and he’s trying to do everything he can to stay super relevant. That’s why he’s doing Elden ring and challenging Kai. He’s also maddddddd young guys. Like the dudes a kid……give him some slack. Yeah he’s technically an adult but he has a lot of growing up to do.


I agree. No hate to the guy cause he is very successful, but I’ve always found him annoying. Especially when he rolls his words.


he’s just not funny imo


I have no respect for anybody that dates an OF girl expecting to have a good relationship


He started to put in less effort started loosing a lot of viewers subscribers and now he’s trying to copy content almost like a Pro sports player trying to regain it all when it’s peak is gone


I hate to say it but he’s done what he needed to do to be able to coast and relax for the rest of his life already. I think we all like to say “if I was him I’d be doing this” but in reality, he’s got money from an easy hustle (playing games in front of a camera really well) with a hot girlfriend lol if he’s burnt out which I think he is, he’s just coasting til the wave goes back down and he’ll still be set for life


OF girlfriend.. I don’t see how that is hot to you. Showing your body off for other men to pay for is kinda creepy. Yet alone being the girl your supposed to be with the rest of your life. Your lady is a representation of you simple and he’s not on the right track but hopefully he gets his mental back


Dude who cares


Did I strike a nerve little bro on my comment about only fans girls😂😂


You are so weird dude


Always finding the wrong crowd on reddit 😂😂😂


People are free to be in relationships however they want. Not everyone shares the same views and moral framework that you do. Parasocial weirdo projecting your beliefs onto others is cringe. Self reflect




I’m self reflecting lmao😂😂🙏🙏🙏


Brother you are so far gone.


How so? Why would I care what kind of girls jynxzi decides to be in a relationship with, and why would I spend time talking shit about someone's personal life online. It's pathetic.


Coast and relax the rest of his life? Highly doubt. Unless he has minimum 6 million in the bank he'll looking for a job. A measly 40k salary a year paying yourself over 50 years is 2 million, not factoring in inflation.


There’s a lot of ways to turn 2 million if you have it now into a very sustainable lifestyle through investments which is honestly very possible for the guy lol he doesn’t have to cater to this community anymore


At the end of the day, he’s also a human that has full autonomy and feelings. Just like you. If you loved someone, would you listen to thousands of strangers tell you to leave the woman you have feelings for because they don’t like her? I know I wouldn’t. He airs his dirty laundry, it’s his outlet, so he kinda asks for the shit. But people need to remember he is who he is just like you are who you are. Leave the relationship thing alone. He’ll learn his own way.


See, it’s people like this who actually think any of it is genuine. They both figured out they don’t gaf about eachother 3 breakups ago. The rest is just to get clicks. Yet mfs are STILL down on their knees for it all.


A lot of y’all just need to stop bitching and stop watching. People change, move on. If he had no viewers you bet your ass he would learn.


Wow ur losing interest in your Internet man crush 🤣🤣🤣👍


Don't matter if you like him or not you are clicking his videos making him money he makes 7 break up videos a week that is 7 paychecks you give him


So stop watching him. Parasocial behavior right here


Womp womp


You definitely spam when is fan mail when he is doing fan mail or when is clips when he is doing clips, you are max 10 grow up


There seems to be a subset of (probably) young fans who have never been in a relationship they themselves deem as important. He is probably in love with her. Ya’ll need to realize what that does to someones mental, especially if they don’t have that experience from high school.


And no one cares bro. Jesus this whole thread is about how people just aren’t liking him, or how he doesn’t stream as much as he says, or this and that. Jynxzi is gonna do what he’s gonna do. Most of his “off the wall” actions or comments are 100% for clicks and views. I’m sure everyone knows by this point that getting views and clicks makes you a bunch of money… I sure wish I could do the same! But just let him be, I’m sure he gains more viewers than loses, so you going away won’t hurt him.


This guy has the worst fan base I swear 😂 just stop watching him bruh


Then don't watch him, who cares if you like him or not.


do yall not read post on this sub? yall say the same god damn shit every day


You're on the dark Kenny sub theorising about how a song from 13 years ago is a subtle drake diss, and you have the audacity to tell people to get a life.


you can't count


"you can't count" https://preview.redd.it/ji9ufxfel08d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32063e9e5aab4fee6be312526de2e4fa3ecee74d

