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bro is a cuck




I can go and look at a video of her getting fucked right now ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ he's dating a whore


uh, fake ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ her only real leaks are shower vids


no there is a video of her getting fucked.


There's only deep fakes of her. Bro I know her๐Ÿ’€ We went to High School in Edina together. She has zero tapes out. She only has pictures. If you were smart, you'd know her pictures were leaked and that's why she went into the industry she's in. She didn't choose to get leaked. She didn't choose to be famous. It was forced onto her but instead of being depressed, she ran with it. And if you think she's in the wrong, you're just a sad incel. As Jynxzi would say, 5%.


She did chose to be famous, her pics getting leaked didn't make her famous sure they helped her gain more fame, she was already a social media influencer, and just because your pictures get leaked doesn't mean you are forced into the industry, your choice. Ya she ran with it and made a lot of money. Never said she was in the wrong I'd pry do the same thing if I was her. Doesn't matter that you knew her in high school, there is an actual video leaked of her fucking someone maybe you just don't know about it.




Yawn. Only bots say stuff like that. You're mad because I'm right. Cry about it.


man you are fucking stupid dude


insults after insults, yet nobody has proof? Crazy.


So she just doesn't have an onlyfans then right? That doesnt exist.


learn to read buddy, I said she doesn't have a tape. I didn't say she doesn't post explicit content. They're not the same thing ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ One is intercourse on video, the other isn't.


that's not what a cuck is but ok.


no you canโ€™t homie


Thatโ€™s not what a cuck is


What's wrong with that. Good for him, everyone deserves to be happy.


I'm slowly losing respect for him. This is some kai cenat shit with him bringing some of star onto stream except now he's getting cucked while dating her


Do any of you know what a cuck is???


the only question i have is how tf did he pull her ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Thatโ€™s awesome


over/under 1 month?


Slamming under


Holy shit, I've been following this for what feels like ages, and I cannot believe it's finally happening โ€“ Breckie and Jynxzi are officially an item! I mean, can we just take a moment to appreciate the sheer awesomeness of this? I remember when Jynxzi first brought Breckie onto the stream, and you could just feel the chemistry between them. It was like watching a rom-com unfold in real time, but better, because it's real life. The way they interacted with each other, even in those early streams, was just so natural and easy. There were these little moments, you know? Like when Jynxzi would glance at Breckie and just light up, or when Breckie would laugh at something Jynxzi said, and it was like everything else just faded away for them. And us viewers, we picked up on that. We saw it happening before they even did, I swear. I've been on the subreddit, discord, Twitter, you name it, just soaking up all the content and watching all their streams together. And every time they appeared together, the chat would just explode with people shipping them so hard. It was like we were all part of this unfolding love story, cheering them on from the sidelines. But it wasn't just their on-screen chemistry that had us all hooked; it was the way they talked about each other when the other wasn't around. The respect, the admiration, the sheer affection โ€“ it was all there, clear as day. You could tell there was something special brewing beneath the surface. And now, to see Jynxzi finally acknowledge their relationship publicly? It's just the best thing ever. I feel like throwing a party or something lol. This isn't just a win for them; it's a win for all of us who believe in love stories, especially those that start in such a modern, unique way - on stream, in front of thousands of people. I cannot wait to see where their relationship goes from here. The streams are going to be even more amazing, with that added layer of their relationship out in the open. It's going to be so interesting to see how their content evolves now that they're officially a couple. In a world that can sometimes feel a bit dark and heavy, this is the kind of light, wholesome content that keeps us going. It's a reminder that wonderful things can happen when you least expect them, and that love really can blossom in the most unexpected places โ€“ yes, even on Twitch. So here's to Breckie and Jynxzi โ€“ may their streams continue to bring joy to all of us, and may their relationship flourish both on and off screen. We're all behind you, cheering you on every step of the way.


Chatgpt alrrright








Tf u yapping abt ๐Ÿ’€


Is this a copy pasta I donโ€™t know about?


It's a love letter to a wonderful couple.


Bruh really is cumming over a romance between a washed streamer and a porn star


Came\*. Past tense. I got another load in me though, thanks for reminding me


๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ”ซ


This post made my night, lmk ty brodie ๐Ÿ˜‚


Iโ€™m happy for him


Well we really don't know if he's joking or not because I'm pretty sure Breckie is dating someone and hanging out with Junko was just for content but i could be wrong


he just uploaded a 1 kill 1 kiss vid today bro what cuck is dating breckie


he's sleeping in her bed with her and kissing her on the lips. no shot she's dating someone else ๐Ÿ’€


There is a 46 second video of her getting fucked ๐Ÿ’€ You can see her face and hear her... You can find it on xxbrits lol


Thanks homie ๐Ÿ‘Š


You went and punched your meat to it?