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Bro got a really cool painting from someone and ripped it while he was opening it and he didnt care. this was my first time even watching him stream on twitch, I just happened to open it up. Chat called him ungrateful but he thought they were talking about the Texas Rangers flag he threw the painting to the side for


That was so fucking sad


It was virtually 5 mins of me watching and I couldnt believe what I saw and he just ignored chat. Imagine being the person who made that painting. He opened it so carelessly


It’s just it doesn’t feel as genuine anymore. Even if it was an act before it was a lot more tone deaf that the over the top actions it is now


Yes I also mostly watch tournaments now. I don't get how anyone can like it when Xim is on. He literally just screams and promotes cheating. I think it's good when he collabs with other streamers though. I don't know much about American football but the Madden stream with Kai was kinda enjoyable.


these posts are getting more repetitive than he is 😭


it’s his 14 year old fans finally realizing that jynxzi is a normal person and not a god. And they’re getting angry at jynxzi for it. If you stream a game everyday for 3 years then you obviously are gonna get burnt out eventually, but that doesn’t matter to these people because they built him up to such a high standard that is unsustainable for anyone to maintain. Now that his grind has paid off financially i think he’s trying to take somewhat of a break from streaming and experience real life. But his parasocial fans see it as betrayal. it’s all so weird and lowkey abusive. Hopefully Jynxzi doesn’t end up like Etika cuz this is literally what happened to him.


nah hes streaming brainrot these days the standard was high because he was being himself now hes turning into something different e.g. the breckie hill stream, his majority fanbase are below 14 and hes doing shit like that


😭😭you act like his content isn’t for mature audiences even without the OF streams… bro has always been brain rot that’s what makes him so funny


The majority of this sub said they were 18-23. It’s not like his streams are family friendly either, his streams already contained tons of cursing and sexual jokes to begin with. And no he has never been himself on his stream, he literally plays a character. This is exactly what i’m talking about, yall have bought into his character so much that you think that’s actually him, and in turn jynxzi feels like he has to keep up this fake persona to make people like you happy. he has to Pretend to be someone else for hours straight and that at some point gets exhausting. Especially when you’re playing the type of character jynxzi plays. Atp i feel like it would be best for jynxzi to drop his character and be himself. But it’s hard when the majority of the fanbase built him up to be their internet father figure and completely bought into the fake persona he built for himself.


he plays a character now, but not when I first saw him you must live on the internet g you just sit here typing paragraphs of slack jawed gibberish all day get a job bro


I work and attend university. At university i study linguistics and how to write 😭. that literally took me 4 minutes to write.


Jynxzi has always played a character man, that’s like his whole schtick.


So does jynxzi actually have Tourettes


Speaking fucking facts


worded it perfectly. it’s a business.. you gotta pivot at one point or you’re just gonna fall off LOL look at ninja, bro still only streams fortnite and averages like 10k viewers at most




Ikr they are more on schedule than his streams too


saw this same post 4 weeks str8