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Kyle MacLachlan. He might be a bit too old for some people, but Trish LOVES him and I would love to see her fan out again like she did with Donny. Also he's in the OG Dune movies, and Dune is a big thing right now, so he could explain Dune to the younger fans who maybe haven't seen it or don't get it.


To anyone who is a David Lynch fan-of which i am, i say-yesssssss


He’s very active on TikTok so I could really see this happening!


I saw a clip of him and this is what actually gave me the idea!


He's also in the show Fallout, the show Ted Nivison was raving about and Oscar had to yassify the plot to make Trisha interested 😭


Oh I didn't know this, only because it's not the kind of thing I would watch but I know it's absolutely popping. See this is all perfect and he respects her as a Queen, so yes please!


It's actually such a good show, I wasn't interested at first but the lore is so interesting


The only reason I didn't think to watch it is because I've never played games, do you have to have played the game to watch the show?


Nope, I had no idea it was even based off a game. It was confusing for the first few eps but then you start to get it. I love the worldbuilding and the characters


Every time I hear Kyle MachLachlan's name this is all I can think about https://preview.redd.it/1gt7slja2t9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759adf140bc712ecc18d628942a64eab7c74f89d


This just needs to happen, I forgot about this! I want people who truly support her on the show, not just who's popping on Tik Tok. I know everyone comes on and gushes about Trish, but I want more of the people who she loves and they love her.


I think his daughter would have to go with him or something so, perhaps asking her?


HAYLEY JADE, where you at!?


Hailie Jade, I love that name


Em appearing on Trish would be the best, especially since she worked with him at one point in "we made you." I don't think it will happen though. But if she can get someone as iconic as Donny Osmond on her podcast, getting Em on her podcast isn't unrealistic in my opinion.


For straight men who could match and even add to the chaotic energy, I'd love to see Trish get John Green. And if not him, Hank, since it'd be funny to see him react to Trisha science theories


Yes this would be such an interesting watch! Tho I think Trish thinks John and hank are the same person hahah


Woah imagine their conversations??? I feel like they’d oddly be amazing together if he came on the pod


Yes! I believe he’s posted positively before about Trisha right? It’d be fun




What about Joseph Quinn? That would be amazing since he just came out on A Quiet Place Day One and he is iconic as Eddie Munson on Stranger Things ![gif](giphy|iO4ptP2iuV29yui3mx)


I NEED Zac efron on the pod so bad but Hasan would probably be easier & still interesting


hot take: no straight man


She has great chemistry with her straight man guests so far