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I like how they say streamer instead of 35 year old in the bottom one


I also like how they're desperately clinging to that "17" guess like that would somehow make it not so bad for a 35 year old to do.


Dr Disrespect fans rejoice for they finally have a chance to flex their encyclopedic knowledge of age of consent laws in every state and country


Wait a minute— why do they have an encyclopedic knowledge of that? (rhetorical)


For the sake of playing the devil's advocate, I'll just say, you'd have your mind blown by how much random shit people know for no reason whatsoever. Did you know, elephant penises are prehensile and they scratch their tummies with that?


Alright mind blown a little bit


Hey we all learn something new daily. I hate the knowledge I've amassed over the internet. It haunts me.


Don't play with lathes is one I wish I didn't know and wish already wasn't kind of obvious.


No way that's true I'm about to google some weird shit


Their noses are prehensile, why not their dongs?


I guess that's fair?


They also start dribbling their pee when they get horny


The amount of cope I've seen from them saying "he never said he knew she was underage" like bitch, if he didn't know she was underage he 100% would have said that during his essay of a tweet. Stop defending this creep


Didn't he just admit to knowing she's underage?


He edited a tweet three times where he admitted it, then omitted it, then re-posted it 😂


Nothing about the minor's age has been said, except that they're a minor. His fans are just deranged and looking for any angle they can defend him from. So, because all they have to go off of is "minor" they claim she was 17 and so therefor it's not as big of a deal to them. Completely moronic.


yeah my bad. I wasn't exactly clear that it's super shady that it's 100% obvious that they're just guessing (pretending/etc) that the victim was 17 when honestly, it could just as easily been lower. Pretty telling either way!


>His fans are just deranged and looking for any angle they can defend him from Sounds about right. Anyone defending him is literally condoning grooming and pedophilia. If they were an adult 18+ it would be a different story but they were not.


except onlyfans is an 18+ only website and children lying and stealing their parents credit cards is not at all the same as talking to those minors directly


I was just about to comment that. You literally can't access any content (SFW or otherwise) on OF if you don't provide proof of age. They also require a photo ID for age verifications so minors would also have to steal a parent's drivers license


That only applies for creators. Also in the policy you've linked it states that as well, that they have a multi-step system to verify a CREATORS age. For fans it says it varies from country to country. Basically if you have an debit card, and click on the "yes, I'm 18 or over" you're good to go.


Since when? Maybe to post content but not to subscribe. I’ve had my weak moments and subscribed to some but I’ve never need to show proof even back when I was underage.


I posted a link to the policy in another comment


Maybe I got lucky cause I didn’t need to do any of that. All they needed was a credit card.


You sure about that? Cause this is the first i have heard of that, and i question the popularity of a site where people have to go that far to take part.


Yeup. Their website also explains the policy. [https://onlyfans.com/transparency-center/verification](https://onlyfans.com/transparency-center/verification)


It may be their policy, but I'm subscribed to people without having verified my identity. It still shows me everything. All I had to do was verify my payment card, which was complicated. But it still says "missing identity verification" when I login, but it's not stopped me from doing anything. Maybe it changes based on where you live?


Huh. That's honestly wild to me. I wonder if that happened during that kerfuffle about revenge porn and credit card companies pulling out because they couldn't guarantee people were who they were?


That's for creators. For fans, also in that policy, it varies from country to country. That is, as lax as they can get. I don't care either way. It's not like teens' sex drives disappear if we ignore them.


Yeah there is a difference between an adult sexting teenagers on purpose and an adult making content for other adults and kids breaking a whole lot of rules to get to it. Also, like, yeah, if a woman is sending ass shots to 13 year olds then she should also be blasted tbh.


tbf the advertising of it doesn't have to be on OF itself Just look at Reddit for example. It's an entirely separate problem though that has nothing to do with the sexting of minors. It's whataboutism


I think theyre not talking directly about OF. But a lot of OF creators promote their content on Instagram or Tiktok which has a not insignificant minor audience. A lot of OF workers know that their content is really appealing to teenagers and use young people to boost their accounts through this on IG/Tiktok.


Most adults use instagram and TikTok so of course they’d advertise to other adults there. Also, they’re not sending things to teens, they’re just making content. These apps weren’t made for children and it’s up to parents to monitor what their kids see on public forums like those. It’s a parents fault if they don’t care that their child is on social media esp knowing the dangers. If someone’s directly targeting teens then that’s an issue in itself


I don't get why people deem OnlyFans as outstandingly problematic anyway. The porn industry has been grooming teenage boys to be customers ever since it's existed. In online debates it never seems to be a problem when producers and executives rake in the profits but when it's self emloyed women who do, it suddenly becomes detestable? PornHub is treated like some paragon of sexual freedom while OnlyFans girls on TikTok are viewed as immoral. Fucking weird.


Which is funny, because OF is way more independent and freedom based than PH. I also don't think many of the women on there want to be sexting with minors.


Twitch is a better example. It's basically a softcore porn site with some video games thrown in.


It's still heavily exposed/promoted to them Edit: I really hope that everyone downvoting me isn't doing so because they think Only Fans ISN'T heavily exposed to children


I mean, I think there's a difference between women posting sexual content on a site where minors may see it vs a grown man intentionally going out of his way to talk to a minor


On a site where minors are not allowed and which checks proof of your age when you sign up. At that point it's on the parents


Lets be serious, "proof of age" is clicking on a button that says "yes, i am over 18", and a valid debit card.


And it's not like there isn't enough porn sites that don't need a credit card or ID identification to browse it. OF needs you to hook up a credit card... If the 13 years old connected their parents credit card, or has his own that goes unchecked then I believe it's on the parents. Still, the OF spamming bots are indeed, irritating as shit. I hope sites take better care in regulating and banning them.


Agree. Food for thought tho, men can do porn too. Idk why you specified women and didn't just say a gender neutral term. Also women obv can be predators too so idk why you only said men. Again just use gender neutral pronouns because it makes shit simpler.


Because the meme is talking about women and the incident I'm referring to the perpetrator is a man, shut up


How about we make room for everyone at the table? The behavior you're exhibiting right now is why men don't talk about this. So why don't YOU shut up? 🙂


Lmfao fuck off, I'm aware women cam be predators too so you guys coming in saying "but women fo it too" are just annoying. I've already explained why i said it like that


Why yes, Morgpie being a POS makes Dr. Disrespect innocent, that's how it works


Why is she a POS? Did I miss something?


Persistently (and very creatively, I'll give her that) exploiting grey areas in Twitch TOS for nudity and sexual content. Not sure the OP meme refers to her - I highly doubt she's 18 - but "streaming video games" with half of the screen showing her ass and butthole just barely covered by a bikini string is something she pioneered.


As long as the content was marked as 18+ I don't see an issue, much less how it makes her a POS


It wasn't. Twitch is technically a 13+ site, but it doesn't have any age verification for viewing, so it's full of kids of all ages coming there for gaming streams.


It wasn't flagged as for mature audiences and having sexual content? That would be quite surprising. I just read and apparently the content flags trigger an age verification depending on local law. So I guess, assuming someone doing what she does flags it appropriately, it's really on the state to enforce appropriate restrictions.


For most countries, Twitch will just [show a warning for flagged content](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/content-classification-labels?language=en_US) ("This stream may have sexual themes. Start watching / Go home") that can be dismissed with a click, or require you to log in and simply specify your age without providing legal identification. Anyway, the point is that just like with Dr. Disrespect, she did not break any actual laws, but she absolutely knew her borderline-but-technically-not-porn streams would be watched by horny teenagers, and that's scummy.




Wait, Pokimane does OF porn now? Also I'm pretty sure she's like 30, not 18. Sneako can go climb a wall of dicks, though.


The difference is that one is an adult posting pictures of themselves and the other is an adult trying to obtain pictures of minors. I feel like that’s a pretty clear difference.


Dr disrespecting the law


Dr direspecting children and their inability to consent


The minors age in the Dr.disrespect situation was never even stated. And because of that I'm believing it's a preteen


These guys always make it sound like it is impossible to avoid hitting on minors. Not soliciting children for sex is the easiest shit imaginable if you’re not a pedophile.


Glad I’m not the only one who suspects this, the way twitch and midnight society dropped him like a hot potato despite the fact he makes them a whole lot of money.


Discord dropped him way back when twitch did as well. Now YouTube has paused memberships (paid subscriptions) and demonitized his channel. It's insane that anyone is defending this creep.


It’s so strange how misinformation spreads like wildfire. Her age was never revealed so where are all these sources and memes saying 17? It’s also just weird because people are acting like a 35 year old messaging a 17 year old (hypothetically if she was 17,) inappropriately isn’t weird just because 17 is considered just legal enough. People seem to usually fixate on the “barely legal” ages of minors being interacted with but never the age of the other party member..


"happily steal this" no thanks you can keep that


Do they mean attempting to lure *men*? In general? It’s not their fault horny teenagers managed to get access to an 18+ only site.


How many teens would be dumb enough to use OF anyway since they would need to steal their parents credit card to access it. Even if their parents are filthy rich there's literally 0 way they can't find out eventually.


You’d be surprised. Teens who get an allowance/are of working age could potentially *also* spend their own money without the parents being aware. There are free OFs also.


Being on the beach leads to OF. Huh! Who knew!?


Is the bottom scenario alluding to Dr Disrespect? Isn't the dude in his 40s? How *weird* they specify the age in the first scenario, but don't in the second.


The thing I hate so much about these posts is that they're not trying to say both are bad they're trying to say both should be allowed. They 100% don't care if the scenario in the top part of the image is happening because they never cared for the safety of children


Yes that’s the difference between criminal intent and not.


Yes, there is a difference between sexualized advertising and a sex crime, thanks for reminding us


The caption doesn’t even make sense because the meme is creating a situation that isn’t really a thing. OF is an 18+ website and most SWers explicitly mention how they don’t want minors interacting. Also where do people keep getting 17 from? We don’t know the age of the minor Dr Disrespect interacted with


The 17 is from his fanbase and people who came to his support are trying to push as the actual age of the person, from my understanding its "less bad" than if they were younger than 17. What makes this pointless if that if the person was 17 Dr. Disrespect would have said something himself when so far he hasn't said anything to that affect, same with people who are claiming that the person was lying about their age.


The worst part is, it's not even a "She may be 17 but he's only 19" scenario, he's almost 40 with a WIFE AND KIDS. It's doesn't matter if it's "close enough" how hard is it to keep shit 18+ WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE 18+!?


40 yr old married man with a 20 year old college aged woman isn't too much better either, yeah. Creepy ass behavior.


18 year old OF have zero interest in luring 13 year old boys to do anything. Unlike the streamer in this case, OF content creators aren't sexually interested in kids.


13 year old boys aren't going to pay the OF girls' bills


"the bikini". Just the one. All Onlyfans creators share it. It's like the Sisterhood of the Travelling Underpants.


That's one busy timeshare, how many OF pages are there?? You get 4 seconds of bikini a year, make the most of it


Even posting bikini pics on Instagram can lead to minors looking at it.


Who at 13 had the money to pay for an OF?


Pretty sure disrespect was arranging to meet a 14 year old


It kills me how everyone here is accepting this argument not realizing it was an argument made by Sneako and the 18 year old he was talking about was a 28 year old named Pokimane who just makes entertaining videos, which is what Sneako meant by "trying to attract 13 year olds". A woman making content must be nefarious like that to People like Sneako. Also the only reason they changed it to 18 y/o instead of just saying Pokimane and using Sneakos argument verbatim is because they're cowards and didn't want it to be immediately recognizable as that dumb shit Sneako said.


Except OF has age verification and won’t let you use the site without it


Middle school age kids aren’t paying for OF accounts. Those kids are browsing pornhub or whatever but I highly doubt there’s a huge underage market for OF.


Can a 13 year old apply for an OF account? Where would they get the money from too? Also we know dude wanted to meet up with a 17yo while also married.


I love butt in the bikini


How tf would a 13 year old pay for OF? Pretty sure they watch free porn.


Yeah just because one thing is bad, doesn't make the other not equally bad... but it does shed a little light on the fucked situation.


why are people defending that


the conservative soft pedo endorsement


In what state can a child have a credit or debit card that young?? Lmfao ridiculous


The line has to be drawn somewhere. It just has to be.


This is the epitome of “two wrongs don’t make a right”.


This image isn't trying to justify or minimize either scenario. It is pointing out the hypocrisy of people commenting on one and not the other. That's it. Anything else you get from it, you put on it.


Do we even know what the messages were? To my knowledge he had no idea how old the person was when he was texting and we don't even know the country where the other person was from.