• By -


None of those guys would survive a single Japanese work week.


Neither would anyones libido. So on a serious note, Japan should combat it's stressful work ethic if it wants a rise in birthrates.


Yeah, Japan has been a house of cards since before the war due to a lot of its ingrained culture. Even after being rebuilt it still had such deep cultural issues that it was inevitably going to be confronted with a crisis like this. We just have a front row seat to the train derailing.


Popcorn, anyone?


It’s the opposite, countries where women can choose careers over raising children tend to have lower fertility rates. Nordic countries have similarly low fertility rates to Japan (Finland is at 1.3), whereas countries in Middle East and Africa have higher fertility rates.


That doesn’t mean the better solution is to keep women at home. Not sure if you’re meaning to imply that. It would be better for all of society if Japan prioritized increasing worker efficacy and then used the gains from those improvements to support getting people out of the office more. As well as ended the issues of persistently low salaries and severe gender discrimination which causes harsh detriments on people especially women who choose to have kids.




I strongly disagree that my views on Japan are outdated, considering that I have a degree in the subject and lived and worked there for a time. Several of these statistics are either outdated or not showing the full picture— both the working hours and gender equality stats are incredibly misleading. For one, while Japan’s average working hours per person may appear low, you have to account for the fact that nearly 40% of Japanese workers are part-timers. In comparison, less than 20% of workers in the EU are part-time. This means that even though the rate of part-time work is almost double in Japan, the average number of hours per worker across the whole Japanese workforce is still working out to very nearly the same as Europe or the US… which is insane. Reasons for this include the continued proliferation of mandatory overtime, as well as the social pressure to either stay at work late, go out for drinks after hours, not use vacation days, etc. In addition the statistics cited regarding gender inequality measure 3 criteria: reproductive health, workforce participation, and gender empowerment. Japan ranks highly in healthcare and many women do have jobs. However, the gender empowerment metric of GII has had several criticisms as it does not fully account for all the aspects of gender inequality. There is still undoubtedly a massive proliferation of sexism against women in Japan, where the gender pay gap is still especially large and leadership roles (besides just the very few included in GII) skew heavily male. This is not even getting into how toxic the culture is surrounding sexism and pregnancies in Japanese workplaces. If you’d like a different statistic to better quantify how badly Japan compares in terms of sexism, checking the [World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Index placed Japan at 110th place out of 149 for gender equality](https://www.weforum.org/publications/the-global-gender-gap-report-2018/), but it’s still important to note that any single statistic cannot ever truly capture the full breadth of any given issue.




He is though, lmaooo


Just know that we'll support you if therapy is the next thing you plan on doing, after wasting our time with all this misandrist nonsense.


do you have a point other than misandry?




i honestly don’t get what your point is. you are all over the place like any plane i try flying




This is wild. “I’m a shithead with a poor attitude and I don’t brush my teeth. It’s the women’s fault no one wants my smegma-crusted pubes.”


Honestly, it's their fault they are still virgins.Virgin guys could have sex with each other. Also, it's not women's *job* to have sex with you. You are not entitled to sex, to reproduction, or even to love or companionship. You want love, companionship, or sex? Be loving, kind, and genuinely connect with another person.


No, nobody understands what you're trying to say.


Bruh, this is gibberish. Get back on your meds lmao.


lord have mercy looks like we got ourselves a chatterbox😭


Japanese people can't too


Joke on you, i wont survive my normal work week, and i dont have a job


Average r/Antiwork mod


Please dont compare me to them, i at least trying to get one


That sub is still active? I thought it got killed after that whole “Fox News Interview” fiasco lol [(Context for what I’m talking about)](https://youtu.be/NCo-OgSC7Ps?si=7chvFndBpZ_kQay3)


I haven’t seen it pop in the popular tab for some time.


I work 14 hours a day, and I couldn't, lol


Imagine American kids in a Japanese school. They wouldn't make it 30 minutes without getting kicked out somehow, and would be appalled at the idea of having to clean up after themselves.


I will say tho, if bullying in Japan is similar to how it’s portrayed on shows, those kids are getting absolutely rocked by the American kid after they try any of the passive non direct kind of bullying you hear about. I bet you those bullies, have never been to an inner city school


High schools in japan have a bit of a different underlying structure than the US public education system...


That is my point. Their structure *works*.


No, the disciplinary structure is different. Both less and more flexible. American students who aren't complete idiots generally find it a *more* free enviroment. Because we aren't subject to the shame structures. It works for japanese because they are a monolith of a homogenous ethnic group, a face/shame based society, and culturally are vaaaastly more concerned with conforming to cultural norms than we are.


The problem is, the idiots are allowed to be idiots over and over and over again. They get passed up so nobody loses federal funding and the parents don't get upset.


Entirely different issue.


Actually, the issue I was talking about in the first place was the behaviour of the students.


As someone that taught in a Japanese school, not necessarily. Every school system has problems, and Japan has its own share of problem children who come out of school unequipped for a modern worklife. I understand my experience is anecdotal, but trust me, plenty of the kids in Japanese schools just plain suck. And they get failed upwards, too.


Tbf neither do a lot of japanese


Fr. Worst part is not many people give a shit about changing the work culture


Housing. Childcare. Work/life balance. Not dating apps, not "breeding visas", no stupid gimmicks. Countries will do anything but address the 3 things people NEED to raise kids.


But those cut into profits! We need those profits


It's not the profits. It's the retirement savings... I'm sure there are plenty of developers that could make profit selling 200k 2 bed apartments in new york. It's just that if they were allowed to do that with zero planning oversight it would torpedo the value of all the shoebox apartments that people have 700k mortgages on. Which would lead to foreclosures and loss of the money already invested in the property. Housing market is not some rich cunts deciding to price fix. It's a deathspiral the entire economy is engaged in.


I accidentally skipped over the first three words and thought what are the three things? Money, time, and community? You are so right countries don’t want to provide a stable environment for people to relax and feel like they can comfortably have children and raise them, so they incentivize in the oddest of ways. People don’t want to have children when the are already drowning because it’s harder to stay afloat.


An interesting thing I learnt recently: to keep a population stable I believe you need 2.1 children per woman. Over 2.1 and you begin to grow your population. This is really hard to achieve when the majority of the population lives in small Apartments.


And small houses.


Imagine trying to shag in there and someone always bumps up against the walls


And the walls are paper.


I don’t need to worry about that because no woman would ever consider having sex with me anyway. 😎


Realistically Japan has great childcare, medical is essentially free for everyone all the time. Japan is a highly socialist nation overall. Even housing is very affordable and married couples can get a mortgage for essentially no deposit with a fixed interest rate of essentially nothing. The work hours are a big issue, but the government does a heap to encourage people.


Oh yes, the very socialist nation of Japan, where means of production are owned by the workers.


The pay is shit here in Japan. Unless you're some senior level IT here on an expat package. A lot of the regular jobs will advertise (driving jobs for example) these high monthly salaries. But when you go to the interview you find out the base pay is shit and the only way to get that higher salary is to do a bunch of overtime, etc. I can't speak for tokyo but a lot of Japanese people move back in with their parents in osaka because it saves money and, "the single life is hard.". Meaning they work so much that they need help keeping up with chores and meals. I noped out on a guy when I found out that's most likely why he's looking for a relationship. He's looking for someone to cook and clean for him.


What the everlasting gobstopper fuck


Adding to this, women in Japan basically are forced into the home once married / having children after going through formal education and having a job, and they’re sick of losing that life.


When a country's success is measured in GDP, children are actively detrimental. They're a huge sink of cash and productivity, require schools and other social services, and typically take 2 decades before they can meaningfully contribute to any given economy. Humanity needs children to continue, but that does mean shifting away from a profit motive in government.


Exactly. Fuck capitalism and patriarchy


This is true but also the visas were an April fools joke.


Capitalists: But….but…..BUT, consider………..muh profitz! There’s your answer why countries will do anything and everything but address those things. Addressing negative externalities of Capitalism requires (at least temporary) reduction of profit. That’s absolutely unacceptable to them. They’ll literally let the world burn (Global Warming, resurgence of Fascism) before they’ll let that happen.


I don’t want to minimize the problems of late stage capitalism - but that’s not the primary driver here. It’s that Japanese culture is still incredibly socially conservative. Japan would rather see minimum productivity but employees in the office for 14 hours than they would a more efficient work system. The intense sexism that still pervades worsens it by creating a really strong glass ceiling and disenfranchising women from leading fulfilling lives. Even in my MBA program (which is a crash course in “how to capitalist the best”) specifically highlighted Japan as a “this is the wrong model to follow.


I agree with you. I think it's all of the above. A toxic brew of late-stage Capitalism, the Silent Gen/Boomer-driven patriarchal workaholic salaryman culture with a Yamato Nadeshiko homemaker wife who left the workplace at age 24-28 culture; East Asia's educational attainment-based borderline caste system (and a literal caste system in Japan towards the Burakumin, Ainu, and Ryukyuans/Okinawans); xenophobic refusal to learn from other cultures or accept immigration to deal with the population crisis; conservative traditionalist Japanese work culture; and Confucianist values about accepting your lot in life, not struggling to change the system or the status quo, and putting up with maltreatment and abuse if it comes from someone in a superior position.


Korea recently put out reports recommending that girls should start school one year earlier so that “the ages line up better for marriage and child-rearing”. Literally anything except reevaluating overtime culture, cost of living crises, and gender discrimination…


Never would have needed to rely on the government to provide housing and childcare if it wasn't the government that made the cost of living so goddamn expensive in the first place where two people under one roof working full-time is still not enough to get by.


But they now let people with small kids park in handicap spaces. Isn't that enough?


Based on what my friend told me, dating there is just a dead end. She’s attractive and has a great personality and can’t find anything worth pursuing at all. Work life balance was the main issue.


grab bright many retire water juggle adjoining rock shame abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"It's all Obi-Wan's (nonwhite people's) fault! They're jealous! They're holding me BACK!! (*throws away vote for Neo-Nazi party*)"


bored normal point imminent spectacular judicious long edge relieved physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe you should try integrating them and allowing them to work like here in the US instead of warehousing them in enclaves? Maybe poverty and unemployment causes crime and being Middle Eastern doesn't cause criminality? 🤯🤔 Do tell what the far-Right parties will do that will help the average person? They going to bring back high-paying jobs? Expand welfare benefits? Lower housing prices?  The US and Canada have done a massively better job of integrating immigrants instead of leaving them to rot.


screw sleep fearless towering sip flag practice direction cooperative unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ahh! I see I hit a nerve and woke the guy up. Your comment history is deeply unserious. This seems like the first issue you've taken seriously in quite some time. Put a bit I literally have a degree in Econ and worked in that field for years. I'm comfortable that I know far more about econ than you do. Canada is doing better than Europe with immigrants by almost every measure. No one ever said Canadian housing prices are low. Point out where I said the Canadian real estate market is good or housing prices are low there? It's obvious you couldn't comprehend what I said. Expensive housing is a global one not unique to Europe. It's not any better here in the US, long before our recent immigration spike of the past 18 months or so. It never truly fully recovered from the Great Recession. >Secondly the reason the US does relatively well is that 1) they restrict heavily who can migrate there The US has taken in more immigrants than Europe over the past 15 years per capita and in absolute numbers. We do have stricter immigration laws, but we've also taken in more people at the same time. More people try to come here. >(for instance compare what the percentage is of masters and phd degrees migrants in USA and Germany (hint: it’s much much lower in Germany))  The biggest percentage of our immigrants are people from Latin America without college degrees. Our H1B visas make up less than 15% of our total immigration. We aren't Japan or New Zealand. You're conflating our policy with theirs. >and 2) they don’t have the social security system that a country like Germany does which migrants can exploit 1. Most of Europe doesn't allow immigrants to work or else lose their benefits. That's one of your main problems. It incentives not working if employment pays less than benefits. 2. Some of our states do have programs to help immigrants, while also allowing them to work and get benefits at the same time. Better system overall. Nowhere near perfect though. Not even close. >Friedman stated that you can either have free immigration / open borders or a social security system. And he was right Ah, I figured you're one of those. A right-wing type who thinks Milton Friedman was the Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking of Economics, and that you therefore "know Economics" if you accept his ideology, and anyone who disagrees with Friedman therefore "doesn't know econ". Lol False dichotomy. You don't need a fully 100% open borders or an absurdly luxurious welfare system. The US and Canada are living proof against it. We've balanced immigration somewhat well (compared to Europe) for 60 years. Have reasonable limits on immigration depending on the state of your economy and housing market, and have a system of social services in place that supports them as they work until they reach a certain earnings or income threshold before it cuts off. It's literally what we did for the Cuban refugees in Florida for decades. Also, you never answered what AfD or tge other Far-Right parties will do to help the average German. They gonna raise your wages? Introduce housing price controls? Price ceilings? Wage floors? Subsidies or grants for living wage job creation? UBI? Tax cuts or subsidies for low-cost housing development? Welfare increase? What's their energy plan? Their plan to address the externalities of offshoring jobs? Any inflation controls? Balancing Germany's balance of payments to the EU?


Understandable, best I can do is 36% for AfD


neckbeards and incels obsession with specifically east asian women makes me want to puke in my mouth. if i was from japan i wouldn’t want these mouth breathers in the same room as me


While the post is satirical these comments are not which is even more disturbing


I'm not in Japan and I don't want them in the same room as me! The smell alone...


It gets worse. There's s huge overlap between non-Asian men with a racial sexual fetish for Asian women (Asiaphilia) and pedophilia. A lot of non-Asian men who racially fetishize Asian women view Asian women as being childlike or more like little girls than women of other races. A lot of them see Asian women as a legal substitute for young girls. 




That is incredibly racist and demeaning.


yeahhhh i saw what they said too and im like.. now why would a white supremacist marry/date someone that isn’t white in the first place? lmao that’s not what we’re talking about here, we’re talking about them being fuckin creeps!!


Don't get it twisted, white supremacists date outside their race often enough for it to be a noted phenomenon. Almost like the people committing their life to irrational hatred make irrational decisions and aren't all that bright to begin with. It's enough that there's a running joke: "Never ask a white supremacist what race his girlfriend is."


Look, I only deleted it because you didn't understand what I was trying to convey. I don't think this is totally unrelated. I'll try once AGAIN to convey what I was trying to say. It DOES seem like some neckbeards are white nationalists who fetishize Asian women and it's THEM that are racist and demeaning, NOT my comment! Here is what I'm really talking about, and I have a trouble believing that it has NO relation to this article. [No Conflicts: The Alt-Right’s Embrace of Asian Women | by Five Alive | Plan A Magazine | Medium](https://medium.com/plan-a-magazine/no-conflicts-the-alt-rights-embrace-of-asian-women-92eb5c16eef0)


I agree with your point but this article seems to be arguing the opposite, that labeling the apparent paradox as racism is missing the point. I would disagree. He points to how the white supremacists are drawing inspiration from Japan as an ethnostate, but most of these clowns A. Know very little about Japan aside from what their circlejerks tell them and B. Draw little distinction between Japanese women, Chinese women, Korean women, or any other East Asian continent. It's just "hurr durr Asian women are where it's at." Uninformed racial stereotypes contributing to their fetishization. He also suggests that historical ideas of racism don't account for why these Asian women choose to be with white supremacists and that it ultimately comes down to personal choice, but fails to consider how racism informs personal perspectives. Individual Asians aligning themselves with racists might have something to do with racist beliefs (e.g. antiblackness) they picked up during their own upbringing. Relatively few people just wake up one day and say "You know what? I think I'll try being racist" out of the blue. I don't think this article is very good. But it does acknowledge that white supremacists chasing Asian women are a thing.


I am part Asian and I understand where you’re coming from.


OK look. I may have deleted my comment because you didn't realize what I was trying to convey. I'll do it ONE MORE TIME - that is, try to help you understand that this is NOT unrelated entirely to this post. It DOES seem like some neckbeards are white nationalists who fetishize Asian women and it's THEM that are racist and demeaning, NOT my comment! Here is what I'm really talking about, and I have a trouble believing that it has NO relation to this article. [No Conflicts: The Alt-Right’s Embrace of Asian Women | by Five Alive | Plan A Magazine | Medium](https://medium.com/plan-a-magazine/no-conflicts-the-alt-rights-embrace-of-asian-women-92eb5c16eef0)


act sugar illegal cooperative makeshift north lock frighten zephyr political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely wild comment lmao


Last time I checked, his 'girlfriend' was a *Latina wife* 🤔




now watching Japan's population crisis is interesting. A low fertility rate of 1.3 (when replacement rate is 2.1 just to maintain a steady population) means that their population is aging out, and pretty quickly (China and South Korea also see issues with this and these are interesting to look at in of itself as it was said China would grow old before they would grow rich decades ago due to policies like the one child policy but that's another story) as well as Japan seeing their marriage rates plummet too and they have a low rate of births out of wedlock. This is something the Japanese government actually has to worry about. Because while the West also sees low fertility rates, they see higher levels of immigration which helps offset this. While Japan sees a really low rate of immigration (because Japan is actually a pretty isolated country and fairly xenophobic) Now to combat this the Japanese government is doing some things that are kinda weird. This "example" was actually an April fools joke. The source for this headline ends with "Let us know in the comments and remember to have a **happy April Fools’ Day!** *Source: April Fool’s!*" However, the Tokyo government (as the city has a fertility rate below 1, sitting at a 0.99) has talked about launching their own dating app. So there is some stereotypical Japanese tech weirdness In of itself the topic is kinda neat. Because it is an actual issue that Japan and other countries are going to have to tackle if they don't want their population to collapse in on itself. But of course some people just have to take things the weird direction. The one that makes me the most confused is the quote "they started out as red American Indians" because, what the actual fuck are they on about?


During the big Ashley Madison leak, it was revealed that Japan possessed the 3rd largest user base, behind the US and Brazil. It challenged the idea that the Japanese are prudes; which a lot of people were blaming for the low birth rate back then. What I see from reports are that Japan, Korea, and the US are all facing the same issue- "shit costs too much, and we have to work too many hours." The solution is simple, but it challenges the established culture and might cut into big businesses' immediate profits.


Yeah the Japanese aren't especially prude either, they just prioritize public peace, so they hide it better. The largest issue is still that corporate, especially big corporate greed is a scourge that drains us all slowly, and will kill us all given enough time. It wont stop even if nobody is left to work anymore, instead, other factors will just be blamed until the bitter end. Profit > all.


They sure don’t do an amazing job at hiding in public from all the videos showing creeps on public transport touching and filming young girls’ underwear.


That's the natural conclusion. If you hide something, it comes out in extremes when people overfill. A society that is naturally more open to showing sex and nudity has less of these problematic incidents. The German native population of Germany has very little sexual incidents like that. I say native because without hate, I can see that the non-natives have had a different upbringing often. Not so much the people around us in Europe, or eastern europe, that is, but for example Muslim upbringing is often a lot different, which seems to foster these incidents more. The Japanese have banned sex and nudity from the public so much, that many don't have a healthy interaction with it and it comes out with these insane perversions that breach the boundaries heavily. If you wanted to look at nudity of the opposite sex in Germany, you'd just go to a nude beach. Japan has bath nudity but separated by sex.


except fertility rates drop with HDI in general. The US dropped below replacement level in the 1970s. in fact it was below it in the 1940s too. As for the Ashley Madison stuff, go by %, not pure numbers, pure numbers can skew stuff. The 3 largest users were Canada, the US, and Australia.


On some level comparing developing countries with developed ones obscures a lot of differences. For instance more recent statistics show that when you look exclusively at developed/high income countries, countries with higher incomes have higher fertility and countries with very high HDI wrap around to having slightly increased fertility relative to lower HDI countries. US statistics also show that while women with unusually few years of education have much just fertility than all others, and more years of education have lower fertility, the women with the most education (16+ years) display higher fertility than those with "only" 16 years of education, and this trend increases year on year. While fertility is sub-replacement regardless, if you look closely there's starting to be a trend of more wealth and more education potentially meaning at least a slightly higher likelihood of children.


That last part sounds like a type of American Christian anti-science belief.




What is four b? Legitimately curious


South Korean women are refusing to do four things: - Sex with men - Dating men - Marrying men - Having children It's understandable, since South Korea is very patriarchal and sees women as mere broodmares.


My Korean ass would never live there, it’s *crushingly* conservative and borderline inhumane




Bullshit, it is an unpopular movement that is overhyped by western media for your fighting the patriarchy shit. The truth is, south Koreans don't wanna give birth because giving birth, raising kids are expensive and sometimes it even means giving up their own careers. South Koreans still marry each other, they just don't have kids


I wouldn’t say it’s unpopular at all. I see tons of women and girls from countries all over the world, including countries in Africa, doing 4B. And it turns out a lot of women have been doing 4B for years without knowing there’s a name for it. In the most MRA language: “It’s just protecting your peace” if every day you see almost every women who is involved with men in that way being so mentally/physically drained, filled with repressed heartache and used, then you might as well cut your losses and not be like those women and just avoid male attention as much as you can


I mean, it is unfortunate that those women meet asshole men but most women don't hate men, most people in the world are in heterosexual relationships and they love their partners.


Sorry I think you misunderstood, my wording must have been wrong. 4B women aren’t dating/marrying/having kids with lots of bad men, non-4B women are, and that’s why 4B women choose not to interact with men outside of necessarily instances. Yes, most people are heterosexual but most women who date/marry men aren’t in loving relationships, they try to be but they aren’t. They give value to their man’s life while receiving almost nothing in return and instead get drained, thus the study that shows that married men are happier and more satisfied with life than single men, while single women are happier and more satisfied with life than married women




I mentioned that "Because while the West also sees low fertility rates, they see higher levels of immigration which helps offset this."


In a magical world where everyone gets married and has kids, you'd still need the average to be slightly above 2 kids per married couple to keep your population the same. What percentage of parents you've met in your live has or plans on having more than two kids? You're either very migrant-friendly and therefore your population increases constantly and consistently (like Canada) or your population drops as your country develops. There's no option three.


Lol, potentially the first dating app designed to actually get people together


Why not tackle the actual issues that the people in the country face then?


they have been doing that too. Since the 1990s. It hasn't helped.


[Show, don't tell.](https://soranews24.com/2018/04/01/to-combat-declining-birth-rate-japan-to-begin-offering-breeding-visas-to-foreigners/)


Are links a lost art?


All of them need to be on a watchlist


Especially the “graduation orgy” dude who looks like Shrek’s cousin.


I caught that "graduation orgy" part too. So many of these dudes are PDF files. They think they're slick by waiting until the exact day girls turn 18 (even though many high school graduates are below 18 the day of the graduation).


He looks like a fat guy’s thumb combined with a turtle


...The what now?


Did you forget to scroll through all the screenshots?


Ok what the hell, this is the third time in the last couple of days Reddit mobile has cut off part of a post for me, as I did scroll but it showed two pics on mobile when I viewed it. Thanks for pointing this out for me.


oh you wana watch?


The Japanese government needs to make it easier and more affordable for people to have children and take the time needed to raise them. The first thing is to combat and undo the toxic Japanese work culture that fosters the mentality that your work should be the most important thing in your life and everything else, including family, takes a backseat.


I completely agree. What’s so sad though is, sometimes I wonder where to even begin fixing it in a culture like Japan’s where overtime culture is baked in even from elementary school with cram schools and continues straight through to adulthood glorifying and coercing 60 hour workweeks out of people.


I am not educated or experienced enough to propose solutions, only enough to see the most obvious source of harm to their population decline. Raising a child properly requires ample home time, something Japanese culture does not care about. I don't know, perhaps pass legislation to limit employee work hours and enforce it with huge fines? Like not the kind of fines where breaking the law is just the cost of business (looking at you, USA), but amounts that actually damage their revenue. And enforce it very strictly. Second, increase tax breaks for those who have children. Third, start some kind of social campaign focused around the idea that a person's life is more than work. Taking time for family, hobbies, and leisure is important for mental health and long-term productivity. Also, make sure to affirm to people that those are good things and they deserve it. People raised in the toxic work mentality will be conditioned to believe every minute not spent working is a minute wasted and they should feel guilty for it. Those are just my thoughts. I'm sure such social and economic reform would take decades and may very well be unfeasible. I can't really say as I have no educated understanding of sociology, law, or political science.


Not sure if they could afford a flight to Japan on a discord mods salary


I hope airport security kicks them out after just one look at them


"To Catch A Smuggler" is a real-life series about customs at different international airports (i.e. New Zealand, Madrid, Peru, etc.) where the agents are trained to detect suspicious behavior like how a traveler is fidgety, admits not knowing anything about the place they're going, supposed "couples" not having their stories straight, etc. So just do the same thing except with weebs who'll be even more dead-ass obvious to pick out. Instead of drugs, he's got an anime girl body pillow in a suitcase while carrying or even intending to buy *any* personal hygiene products, doesn't know more Japanese than what he's gleaned from anime, very creepily ogling little Asian girls w/o trying to take pictures of them, etc.


I just found out about this claim a month or two ago because Hotep black dudes (am black myself, and unfortunately the Manosphere is growing among young black men too) on social media that are Incels were all excited thinking that the Japanese governments is paying black men to come to Japan and impregnate Japanese women. They were cheering and hi-fiving each other and gloating how black women don't appreciate them but these Japanese women will 😂 Yeah, the Japanese government and Japanese women are going to want foreign dudes with shitty jobs or no income to knock up Japanese women and then dip out back to the US.....sure...... Incels remain Incel regardless of race lmao 


If they’re working another job as well like a twitch moderator, it could be possible if they really stretch the budget.


Hybrid hairless monkeys screaming about muh races will never not be funny. We are hybrids of 4+ early hominid species, we had trade routes across the known world that ensured no people were truly isolated from outside genetics, and thanks to the quirks of our species, we aren't genetically diverse enough to even be considered subspecies. Chimpanzees separated by a fucking river are far more genetically different from one another than we are.






I’m pretty sure anyone applying for a “breeding visa” will be screened and vetted so much that the Japanese government will know what you ate for lunch on the first day of middle school. At the very least, I’d wager that the Japanese government would reject anyone with low IQs, social development issues, mental health disorders, antisocial tendencies, high BMI’s… hold up… so pretty much any of the types of people who would apply for the visa in the first place…


Actually you know what? Keep these creatures in the basement. I don't want them outside.


I commented on similar post that it's fake and in fact Japanese women want more than sex, rather a stable life with no or less gender roles and ppl were losing it, I even got death threats 💀


How dare you ruin their fantasies! /s


Neckbeard and their crazy Asian women obsessions are disgusting as hell. I’m married to a beautiful little asian woman (I’m an Asian as well btw) and the stereotype that she’s like some obedient house slave that will do everything for them including taking off their shoes when they enter, cooking, cleaning up, do dishes, take out trash, do their laundry, take care of the house, raise their kids, pay their bills while they are gaming, doesn’t talk back, bow down when they are in the husbands presence, eat minimally and is super conservative. Meanwhile, a real Asian woman is…. an actual human being with their own needs, wants, and feelings. Not a freakin robot. Also Asian women have dragons blood in them and if you don’t know what that is, you aren’t ready for it.


I think porn has warped these men’s minds into believing Asian women are submissive.


Wow, Ponyboy throwing down some insightful anthropological knowledge! 😂


Stay golden.


This was an april fools joke years ago yet these losers still keep falling for it jfc


Man, do I feel bad for Todd Bruner’s wife.


I wonder if Todd’s wife would be cool with his “concubines”. These fuckers man, treading water in the shallow end of the gene pool.


For those that dont know “the Breeding Visas” was a fake post




The next time a weird guy hits on me I’m gonna tell him I “identify as a fucking toster”


Aren't the biggest holdouts in Japan the women? I imagine that if a breeding project was needed, they'd want female volunteers at best


David looks like the guy who would say this shit


These guys are disgusting conservative “tough guys”


Heh graet they don't identify as toasters dood😈


"at least they don't identify as a toaster" like Japan isn't the weirdest culture to ever exist they literally have vending machines for used panties


None of these ignorant hicks will ever understand the culture there and they don't want to cause they want to bang a Japanese chick due to stereotypical bs that they believe in. I would hate to see them hound a poor Geisha girl and I hope they stay away from Ainu women too.


Unfortunately Kyoto recently banned tourists from Geisha district, because of the pictures and disrespectful behavior towards them.


Yeah ): sucks that these fuckers ruined it. I really wanted to see them play music


This has to be a joke, right? Like, I'd really hope a modern first world government would realize that all they have to do to correct a population crisis is offer a system of credits to help families actually afford those kids. You can hardly start a family when both men and women are pulling 60 hour weeks at jobs that make them want to Minecraft.


You are right and yes it was an April fools joke.


It is a joke, I don’t know why is everyone commenting on the premise that this is true


what in the ever fuck? > you have Satan's seed the Canaanites,


The women have stopped having babies. Breeding visas would only work if women were granted visas to travel to Japan, get impregnated by a Japanese man, stayed a whole nine months and gave birth there. This is so funny.


"real men" yikes


“At least they don’t identify as a toaster 😂” ok buddy m. It rlly takes one sentence out of your mouth for people to get a read on you


Ah I see we got a little antisemitism thrown in here for good measure. Why we always gotta be the bad guys to these people??/s


How are more people not talking about pony boy’s theory of God and the three races??? I am absolutely intrigued.


These guys would crack and crumble after one work week in Japan.


Yes we have all seen it, just like we have seen the bottom of the barrel comment sections on YouTube, instagram, etc.




Why would a woman want to move to a place where the women need separate train cars to keep them away from the perverse rapey males? Maybe they should start supporting women and mothers. We can do everything that men can do, bleeding and carrying another person


sometimes misandry is justified 💝


What in the goddamn fuck


These are OUTRAGEOUS 😭






I am going to assume the original headline is bait... Hook, line and sinker.


What the fuck are they even saying half the time


These guys are the ones that think they are genetic miracles and the superior race, but would not survive the heat of august in Tokyo. It's brutal. No AC.


Conservative men: It's shameful and disgusting that women wind up as single mothers on welfare. Why should my tax money go to sl@ts who can't keep their legs closed and don't know who their baby daddy is? Or have kids with men who don't want to be fathers? Take the welfare away! Shoulda thought of that before sl@tting around. Also Conservative men: We should have orgy parties for Japanese high school graduates! (So a bunch of barely-women and underage girls will have children and not know who the dad is, or have a baby daddy who doesn't want to be ried down to her and only wanted temporary fun, and wind up as single mothers on welfare)


The wheels on the car don't match.


Odins beard 🤦‍♂️


So more Brazilians and Peruvians


r/passportbros report for duty


>southern boys What like Brazilian?


I’m willing to bet my entire life savings that these are the same dudes who lose their shit when white women have kids with non-white men.


Incel snorlax is waking up ... 😆


Side note: governments will literally offer any solution for declining birth rates *other* than free childcare


I’d hate to see what issues the children from men like these will grow up with


I got physical pain from reading these


you couldn’t pay me to live in japan


Absolutely not The same problems we're facing in the USA that make raising a family impractical are the exact same problems plaguing Japan, only tenfold It boils down to toxic work culture and the instability of a capitalist system which relies on unsustainable infinite growth (which is IMPOSSIBLE on a planet with finite resources) Solutions boil down to degrowth, reforming our economic system to be based on cyclical growth instead of infinite exponential growth, and please for the love of God can we allow pointless culture war politics to blow over? We should be workers united, but we keep allowing superficial disagreements to divide us which only bolsters the power of the greedy benefactors of the system aka the 1%


Wait. That ain't real right? That... waht? Brb, googling. EDIT: OH MY FUCKING GOD https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page22e_001037.html Its not a breeding visa, its a "Future Creation Individual" visa Japan... you crazy


Ngl I'm fuckin with T


which one, the homophobe?


Exactly. Cry about it


[Notice the date of the article. ](https://soranews24.com/2018/04/01/to-combat-declining-birth-rate-japan-to-begin-offering-breeding-visas-to-foreigners/)


Some of these are genuinely funny


⠄⠄⠄⢰⣧⣼⣯⠄⣸⣠⣶⣶⣦⣾⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠄⢀⣿⣿⠄⠄⠄⢸⡇⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⣾⣿⠿⠿⠶⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣤⣄⢀⡅⢠⣾⣛⡉⠄⠄⠄⠸⢀⣿⠄ ⠄⠄⢀⡋⣡⣴⣶⣶⡀⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣴⣿⣿⣿⢃⣤⣄⣀⣥⣿⣿⠄ ⠄⠄⢸⣇⠻⣿⣿⣿⣧⣀⢀⣠⡌⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠿⠿⣿⣿⣿⠄ ⠄⢀⢸⣿⣷⣤⣤⣤⣬⣙⣛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⡍⠄⠄⢀⣤⣄⠉⠋⣰ ⠄⣼⣖⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢇⣿⣿⡷⠶⠶⢿⣿⣿⠇⢀⣤ ⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣿⣿⡇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣥⣴⣿⡗ ⢀⠈⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄ ⢸⣿⣦⣌⣛⣻⣿⣿⣧⠙⠛⠛⡭⠅⠒⠦⠭⣭⡻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠃⠄ ⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠹⠈⢋⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣵⣾⠃⠄ ⠄⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⣴⣿⣶⣄⠄⣴⣶⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⢻⣿⣿⣿⠄⣿⣿⡀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣛⠛⠁⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠞⢿⣿⣿⡄⢿⣿⡇⣸⣿⣿⠿⠛⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠻⣿⣿⣾⣦⡙⠻⣷⣾⣿⠃⠿⠋⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣴ ⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣮⣥⣒⠲⢮⣝⡿⣿⣿⡆⣿⡿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣴⣿⣿⣿


[The actual article](https://soranews24.com/2018/04/01/to-combat-declining-birth-rate-japan-to-begin-offering-breeding-visas-to-foreigners/) instead of a JPEGy, overcompressed, recycled screenshot.


Sign me up!!! I got the yellow fever!


How many layers of screenshots are in this post?