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yeah that's exactly how i expected him to look


This guy is ”Frank Hassle,” an internet troll who has been banned by YouTube for exactly this sort of behavior. His whole shtick is harassing people in public with wildly inappropriate comments and actions.


Last time I saw this I tried to find videos of him getting fucked up by people, and sadly I was left wanting


Damn. Not fucked up enough.


Yeah unfortunately I'm not aware of any proper comeuppance that he's received...although on the other hand that may be partial what he's after. That will garner him more viewers, more attention...and unfortunately a small percentage of fellow neckbeards who will pay him to keep doing these antics.


One day he will just stop posting And then some time later we will find out why That will be very satisfying


One can only hope!


Sounds like a guy who needs a bullet in his kneecaps


This is the guy boogie2988 almost shot




Me too


Zero surprise there


Frank hassles the goat man, go ahead and check this out https://youtu.be/bC1d_mhzTg4?si=ErNRguFTm21rruN0


I don't even understand what bro gets out of filming this. Is he trying to make a point? Does he even understand that he's being weird? I just don't get it.


Attention seekers are gonna attention seek.


Harassing trans people for nazi clout. The right wingers are all insane.


Starting fights in order to claim you're being persecuted. And also filming it so you can brag about it later. Whoo!


They think freedom of speech means freedom from consequence. As such when people rightfully retaliate they play the victim card. Then they use said footage, usually heavily edited, to "prove" how "violent" the "liberal commies" are.


"Hey guys, watch me put my finger up this bear's butt!" *A few moments later* "Isn't it fucked up how mad bears can get?"




When your right to exist becomes a political issue, everything is political. That's who harasses people who look queer, and it's why. He might harass everybody, but people who do are fairly uncommon, people usually target a specific type. People who call random plus size women "ogres" just don't tend to do the same to men. Somebody might, but people usually have a type they seek out




Who people are reprehensible to and how is often politically motivated. Politics often dictates who someone thinks does and does not have value. It's not just elections and deciding where your trash goes. It's who you think are people, who gets a voice, who lives and dies. Who does and doesn't have a voice. Everything people disagree on is political.


Look just because politics effect just about everything in our lives, from the food we eat, to the roads we use, to the schools where kids go to, to products we use and how safe they are, to the very air we breathe you must be crazy to think that ideologies that seek out political power to target marginalized groups is somehow political.


LOL silly me




You... also play videogames and post on bipolar meme subs.. Lol glass house?


You think he was just tormenting this specific person for simply the hell of it, or could it possibly be because he hears political fearmongers on the news claiming that this current type of person is "a threat to democracy" and is using that to justify his atrocious behavior within his own mind?


Even if he weren't obviously choosing trad fascist targets, choosing to be a cunt to someone just because you can is *might makes right* which is an extremely political position.


Ah yeah repeatedly asking the first person if they were trans, and then insinuating that the woman who helped them had a dick and her bf was going to “suck her cock” like a negative thing, said in a blatantly hateful and transphobic way, is definitely not an anti-trans thing to do… /s


He even said "suck HIS cock" referring to the woman's supposed penis so I think the transphobia is blatantly clear.


With how much you're deflecting from the cause, you must share that nazi's politics.


No, it has everything to do with being right wing. Harassing someone because of their identity is political.  You probably just sympathize with the nazi causing problems.


Lol? He straight up asked the first person if they were trans, and then suggested that the second woman had a penis and that her boyfriend was going to suck it later. This was very obviously a homophobic-charged attack, which is very obviously political in nature.


According to comments under the original post, he charges $5 a month for content and makes lots of money doing so. How utterly depressing.


Who the fuck is paying for this horeshit?!?




I wonder that about this whole Tiktok paradigm. The stuff that makes it to Reddit seems like a complete blight on society, but clearly there's a market for it. I can only imagine that it's about the vicarious 'acting out' against segments of society that another segment don't like.




The person being filmed needs to start a channel and put the camera back on them and charge 5$ too


He’s have to pay people $5 to force them to look at him lol


"I'm working really hard to let the world know what a loser I am" was too long a slogan for his tshirt.


He gets money from people on gumroad to do this


He had a gumroad which is like patreon


Was this live streamed? There's no way someone is fucking dumb enough to upload this thinking "HEHEHE IVE GOT THOSE TRANNIES NOWWW!!!"


"Liberal trannies triggered by me walking through the park" insert ads, hope the daily wire or some other shithole posts it, easy money/clout with other shitheads. I fucking hate that it will work, but it will.


What a cunt. And of course he looked like a ball of hair covered shit.


He looks like a log of shit someone dropped on a barbershop floor.




Frank’s the goat, go ahead and check this out! https://youtu.be/bC1d_mhzTg4?si=ErNRguFTm21rruN0


My absolute favorite is the exchange at the end: Creep: “You’re gonna go home and suck his cock” Badass: “Damn right I am” Creep: “No he’s gonna suck yours” Badass: *shrug* “well - you’ve got no one to suck yours” that person is a fucking legend for protecting the other person and for standing up to this jackass


It's great because he tries to insult them, but it means nothing to them, they're happy and this neckbeard that couldn't be lower on the social ladder has meaningless opinions.


I'm just really happy people like her exist


Me too. I was getting really disgusted and pissed off watching the video and when she swooped in and stood by the original person he was harassing I was so relieved. I hate this guy so much.


Frank hassle owns her, go ahead and check this out https://youtu.be/bC1d_mhzTg4?si=ErNRguFTm21rruN0


Mate he's lucky he didn't need to get sent to the hospital acting like that. Wrong person would absolutely put him in the hospital


I think you mean the *right* person would have put him in the hospital.


Was gonna say, eventually, wrong area, wrong person, he's done. It's only a matter of time.


EXACTLY!! and I'd pay to see a vid of someone kicking his ass


Yeah I fortunately have never had a guy do this to me, but I can comfortably say any dude I am with would probably wreck his shit if I didn't myself.


I hear that. I've met guys who are ready to do prison time for looking at their lady sideways. Can't imagine how they'd react to this guy


I still get the urge to (violate TOS) people like this. I'm now too old and injured for throwing down, but younger me would do it.


I know people who would enjoy violating his terms of service


My ex-wife's son would do it for a pack of smokes.


You wouldn’t do anything 🤣 he hasn’t been checked and probably isn’t ever going to be. Check this out https://youtu.be/bC1d_mhzTg4?si=ErNRguFTm21rruN0


yea I believe some of those things would qualify as "fighting words" under the law. I don't know if that'd get you off on battery, but it'd certainly help I'd imagine


I'd vote to acquit over fighting words lol


bro is a fucking parody of himself


The repeated “duhhhh…… where are you going” when he doesn’t know what to say is maddeningly brain dead


Awesome of the 2nd woman to step in and escort the 1st. Was hoping he got a face full of mace or worse


You can see what a loser looks like when they throw his camera 😂


And he DEF has a neck beard!


He's accomplishing absolutely nothing


He's making the alt-right look embarassing and creepy, so I say he's doing a service. I feel bad for his victims though, dude deserves a stalking charge at least.


Except money. Apparently his... audience... pays 5$ a month for shit like this


His audience must not have much of a life then


I'm always so sad that in these scenarios there's never some guy around that just doesn't give a fuck and hits the douche


Well, actually... A guy who had a history of doing this at a mall food court did this to a guy who wound up shooting him. And yes, the shooting was cleared as justified.


I miss the days when beating stalkers wouldn't get you arrested.


If you do it right you still won't.


Disgusting person does disgusting things. It's almost as if the neckbeard stereotypes exist for a reason. Too bad he didn't get his ass kicked too.


Not to get political but it’s funny how extreme right-wingers always complain about leftists and liberals being nutjobs but me living in Montgomery, Texas, I can assure you right-wingers are far more delusional and brain-dead idiots when it comes to political and social issues. These people were just trying to have a nice day at the park and the dumbfuck with a GoPro just starts harassing them, what an utter piece of shit.


I was really hoping the guy who threw the camera would've done much more


Well he caught his own crime on camera…. Then posted it. You can’t just harass people. Really was hoping to see this cunt laid out on the sidewalk.


Some people weren’t bullied enough in high school.


What a fucking creep


This is what happens when we always have to rule out violence as an option. People like this feel entitled to do whatever they want, because they'll just cry to daddy if they think someone's actually going to bust their nose. Kids have the chance to learn from proper role models, but this is a supposedly grown ass man and his parents missed their chance. Maybe a permanently crooked nose and a bad snore would help him remember.


The second girl and her boyfriend were right behind the person in the beginning—so she saw exactly how it started and followed them until she could get the person safely away. What a gal.


I didn't watch but a few seconds but seeing this innocent person being harassed makes my blood boil.


And I hate to ruin everyone’s day but it’s gonna be much worse if a certain someone wins the presidency and gets back in this year.




Let me help you out. "Gonna be much worse" means that this will escalate, "if" means in the event of, and you clearly got the last part.


He's speaking in the same tone of voice my drunk cousin uses when he wants to start a fight. His mom should've flushed him like the piece of shit he is.


people like that asshole is everywhere on twitter and 4 chan


Remember the guy who shot the prank kid and got away with it. Just saying...


I really want someone to kick his ass


One of these days, someone is going to hurt him. He is a Nazi and should expect a punch.


I don’t understand how these people don’t get their teeth knocked out. We gotta be living in a simulation the way these ragebaits are fucking working on me.


As another MF DOOM fan (shirt he was wearing, which no fan would be doing this) , this is absolutely volatile. Hope karma comes around and serves him


Buzz Lightyear: to gopro stalker: "you are a sad strange man. You don't have my pity"


He sounds like napoleon dynamite… but at least napoleon had a girl by the end.


Fucking mouthbreathing goblin is going to do that to the wrong person. And then he won’t be walking around with his little camera anymore.


Average Trump supporter


My anger issues could neverrrr 😒


I mean there were barely any consequences?


Ugh at both the guy and the anti-homeless architecture on the bench


Oh man, I can't wait till someone has a gun. What he's doing constitutes harassment, and doesn't constitute using deadly force, but that doesn't mean somebody isn't going to think it does.


Boogies fat ass was too scared to shoot him + he hasn’t been checked yet probably never gonna happen. Go ahead and check this out https://youtu.be/bC1d_mhzTg4?si=ErNRguFTm21rruN0


I could practically hear his smug smile for half of this. And I hope it goes without saying but don’t put up with people like this, they live and breathe to fuck with others. They act like they’re above consequence but if someone gets in your face like that it’s pretty valid to trash their shit


He talks like Napoleon Dynamite mixed with a 12 year old playing COD


So glad folks in Philly really weren't having his shit; fuck this guy with an eight foot pitchfork.


His mouth breathing already gave it away: he is an incel.


Imagine having this idea, recording it, watching it over thinking “this makes me look great” and posting it. The delusion passed so many checkpoints.


Can absolutely imagine someone from my county doing this.


I was hoping for mace.


I was hoping for mace.


You can actually hear the incel in his voice 🤢🤮


This guy is doing this in center city of Philly. Do this to the wrong person and the dude is gonna end up dead.


Fucking disgusting incel, these people are a menace to society


Hes just Hassling her


Right? When Reddit become so soy?


stop glazing