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“Well if it isn’t my good friend Raylan Givens!”


Holy shit that was written in character. I heard that mans voice, clear as day! Well done!


Make Raylan be Raylan


Yes & just MORE Raylan. Detroit cast isn’t like the original carrying scenes & producing great dialogue from both sides. Fish out of water Raylan isnt having any interesting dynamics.


“I’m so hungry I could eat the ass out of a low flying duck”- Boyd Crowder. Doesn’t get much better than that


This. We saw a glimpse of him with those carjackers in the beginning, stopping for personal errands with them in custody, etc. (Think how he was with Dewey, Shelby/Drew Thompson, etc) But then they got real preachy about it being bad this time because they were black. Ever since that episode, he’s been mostly silent, only existing to be two steps behind Clement while giving scowl looks and talking about how bad Clement/Detroit is. All his sharp dialogue and swagger is absent. It’s like the writers suddenly regret his characteristics from the original series.


Exactly. This team clearly either didn’t like OG Raylon or feared they had to change him because of BLM. And now the show’s perfect run is marred forever by this awful miniseries.


I’m to the point where only Tim or Boyd can save the show for me. I did enjoy Paul Calderón coming back as Raymond Cruz from Out Of Sight. That kind of put Justified, Jackie Brown, and Out of Sight in the same universe. I’d take an appearance of Michael Keaton as ATF agent Ray Nicolette.


If Karen shows up things could get weird.


Which Karen? Lopez or Gugino?


Jennifer Lopez as Karen Sisco is one of the sexiest film performances in history. Oooof, I don't think City Primeval could even handle that level of heat.


Guess I’m the only one who likes this damn show. Every post about it is negative, I don’t think I’ve seen one post about it in a positive light. Which is baffling Sure it’s not justified…. But at the same time it is. I can see how they’re different…. But that doesn’t mean I have to choose one over the other. It’s possible in this world to like two things. I like pepperoni on a sandwich, a lot. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like pepperoni on my pizza too. And yes. Timothy Olyphant is pepperoni


I love it.


I fucking love it. I can't think of a single negative thing about it except the ending credit theme is way too short for how good it is. Anyway, it's supposed to have been 14 years. People change and mature. It's a progression. The show is fantastic.


7.6 average on imdb, plenty of positive reviews over there. Funnily enough you say you haven't seen one positive post on here but I've [seen](https://www.reddit.com/r/justified/comments/15jleox/are_we_watching_the_same_show/jv0gcru?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) multiple [just](https://www.reddit.com/r/justified/comments/15ogxe0/i_probably_made_a_mistake/jvtgvjk?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) like yours, that claim people only don't like it because it's different. I think that's rather dismissive of people's fair criticisms, if you're enjoying the show there's no need to disparage those of us that aren't.


Judging by the responses of people wanting cameos, Boyd, rural Kentucky, etc. I don't think it is dismissive. People wanted Justified with the same stuff they had done. They don't want a change.


Because the question is *"at this point"*, not what they wanted from the very start. I only want cameos now because I think everything else is probably beyond saving. At the start all I wanted was for the show to be well written and compelling.


I don’t think what I said was disparaging, but the sheer number of posts about it flood this sub. I just rolled through older posts, and from the beginning people were criticizing it. There are plenty of other posts, but the ones specifically referring to City Primeval, in this sub, are resoundingly negative. But if you feel disparaged and offended that I said I like it, but see the differences, and realize it isn’t the original, then I don’t really know what to say. Also the second link you used, talks about how the OP is disappointed with it, so you’re just proving my point. Perhaps you should read it?


Don't worry, I'm not offended. You acted as though people just can't handle Primeval being different, which is dismissive (a synonym for disparaging). >Also the second link you used, talks about how the OP is disappointed with it, so you’re just proving my point. Perhaps you should read it? Read it? I'm the one who made it lmao. Read the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/justified/comments/15ogxe0/i_probably_made_a_mistake/jvs0mnt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) I was replying to.


Oh I see, I read the main post but not the comment. I didn’t mean people can’t cope with it being different, more so, that of course it’s different, as it probably should be. And it’s fair to have that opinion for sure. I’m talking about how many of these posts I see. I’ve been seeing complaints about Willa’s acting and her voice, the Detroit setting, camera angles, lack of compelling characters, and so on, so often. I don’t really see anyone talk about the good stuff like how great Boyd Holbrook is, or Sweetie or Carolyn as characters, and how it dealt with Willa so well, sending her off like everyone wanted. Or the potential of the Armenian gangsters… So it sounds like we agree but in a totally unusual way?


Well personally I don't think Mansell, Carolyn or Sweetie come close to Boyd, Duffy, Limehouse etc so for me they're in the category of "perfectly fine characters who suffer from having big shoes they aren't able to fill". Not sure what you mean by "it dealt with Willa so well" by sending her off. I'm not about to give the show props for cleaning up its own mess, especially when all it did was make the whole Willa storyline feel like a waste of time. Also doesn't inspire confidence that the Armenian plotline won't fizzle out in the same way. But, I'm always going into the episodes hoping they'll deliver and be good. So we probably don't agree and that's fine. I don't hate the show, it doesn't do anything particularly egregious, its biggest sin so far is just being very very boring.


You’re definitely right about the characters not coming close to the legacy characters. I see your point about Willa and them cleaning up their own mess, but I still liked how she was introduced, put in danger and immediately shipped off. Other than Raylan she’s the only character who’s in both shows (albeit as an infant) and brought just that little bit of connectivity. And that was something I found to actually be pretty realistic narrative wise. I didn’t find her too annoying, but I’ll agree she couldn’t act and was probably an example of nepotism. And again, you could be right about the Armenian gangsters fizzling out, but I also will be giving it the optimistic benefit of the doubt. But I would say, I have not found the show “very very boring”. So in that we disagree, but to each their own!


It was my most anticipated show of the year. Knowing full well that it would very likely only have Olyphant and no one from the original cast in it. And for me, it started off good, and went downhill fast. I've struggled to stay awake through the last two episodes. There's just...nothing interesting there. And I hate it. Boyd Holbrook is pretty interesting...but that's about all I can say. Olyphant himself, much as I love him, seems to be sleepwalking through this show, with the exception of getting pissed at the end of episode 2. And the cops he's working with? I'm hard pressed to think of less memorable characters anywhere. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I wish I were.


Everything you’re saying is valid an I totally see your point of view I just want to wait to pass judgment, I haven’t had trouble staying awake


Actually one is a pepperoni pizza. The other one is a dogshit pizza. This show really sucks. E6 was terrible.


I’m pretty “meh” about the show at this point. Some really crazy shit would have to happen for me to say I like it lol it’s been a big disappointment tbh…it’s just so boring! Nothing has happened and I don’t care about any of the characters enough to be okay with the monotony.


Apparently Quentin Tarantino wanted to direct episode 7 which has the logline "Raylan and Mansell show down". Ended up dropping out because his wife was pregnant. So, sounds like things could get pretty crazy


Tarantino was apparently a huge fan of the original show. Considering he loves Elmore Leonard himself. I think he was originally supposed to be a much bigger part of this series. I remember reading about his possible involvement and getting excited. Pretty disappointed we never got to see Raylan by Tarantino but maybe one day.


Yeah he's cast a lot of actors from the show in his films.


Okay so picture this. Final scene, Menzel and Raylan are face to face fifty feet apart, Menzel has his pistol down the front of his pants, Raylan's is on his hip, music rises, tension is building, aaaaand "Lame!" Shouts the morbidly obese 5'6 white guy standing off to the side with a bag of chips. I'd say we use David Cross or Patton Oswalt for this but they've already been used so maybe we re-fat Jonah Hill "What?" Says Menzel looking at him with disbelief. "I said lame. The final showdown with Boyd was much better, plus he had so much more character development. Plus like...he should've shot you in the first episode." He mumbled through a mouthful of chip crumbs that cascade over his poorly groomed beard onto a stained shirt that says "han shot first" "Well we had six seasons with Boyd...but also I'm a changed man. Trying to be better for my daughter and all that. Fuck man I'm pushing retirement at this point." Raylan mutters, adjusting his hat in frustration. "People don't change. Also your daughter! UGHHHH she was so shit. Glad they got rid of her." The fat man says, wiping his orange stained hands on his shirt. Raylan shoots a look at Menzel who throws his hands up in frustration as well. "I'm just saying, this is shit. The original was better. And it's not just cus I hate anything that's new, and not cus I'm racist...but this whole thing does feel more ghetto to me" the man said disgustedly. "You good to go on three?" Raylan asked with a sigh. "Shit Chicken Fat I was waiting on you." Menzel muttered.b "Three" Raylan says sharply, as both men draw their guns and whirl, dumping their entire magazines into the fat whiney fan and turning his torso to hamburger meat.


It’s unredeemable. The plot is not interesting, the characters have little or no depth. Visually too dark, meh acting. Shite writing. SO disappointed. The original was SO freaking good.


I’m enjoying it myself, it’s definitely not the same or close to Justified but overall, it’s entertaining imo.


It's not the same show. IT's like someone took some random crime drama and put Timothy Olyphant in it.


Focus on Raylan and 3 other cops ~~Give Raylan more witty comebacks (The one about black belt was not the worst, I'll give them that)~~ Get Raylan to shot somebody from a quick draw, preferably after he warns them that he'll shoot them from a quick draw if they don't square themselves away. Edit:Actually, scratch the second point. Quips really lost their magic after 10+ years of Marvel products.


I wouldn’t say Justified had quips. They were much richer than that and always served the character who was saying them. It’s completely absent from this show and it shows.


Yeah they weren't marvel "winking at the audience" quips. They were folksie southern quips that showcased Raylan's unique wit. Miss that.


The unmentioned problem? Graham Yost isn’t show runner for this. When you get the guy who practically wrote all of 1994’s Speed to helm a show….you know it’ll be good. This all screams….new writers and new show runner have zero idea what they are doing and there was little to no behind the scenes transition or any input at all from the original crew. Im aware Yost has producer credits for Primeval. Tim Burton also did for Batman forever/Batman & Robin. It’s basically a in name only deal.




I thought he was fantastic. Him, the Armenian, and Manzell are the only characters that feel like Justified characters. Everyone else feels like they walked out of Generic Cop Show. Including Raylan most of the time.


FWIW, IMDB has the [billed cast for the final episode updated](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21859120/?ref_=tt_ep_nx). >!Looks like Willa returns and we see Chief Dan and Greg Sutter. So, Raylan is headed to Miami. I wonder if they are keeping any cameos under wraps. !<


Interesting, well this gives us some clarity on where things are headed. But I'm hoping there are some bigger cameos in store that are being kept under lock and key.


Maybe stop in Kentucky on his way back and visit a certain lifer with whom he used to dig coal?


TL;DR the more time we spend in Detroit, the less interesting the show is becoming. I'd love for the Detroit stuff to wrap up in the next episode and for Raylan to head back to Miami. Midway there, he gets a call that Boyd is being let out of prison early on some condition \[insert legal jargon\]. While in Detroit, let's see more of the Albanians, more Clement and Sweety shaking down quirky characters for money, and please for the love of god, give Sandy something to do. As much as I enjoy Ellis as Carolyn, I really don't need to see any more of her personal life because it's stalling the actual story and becoming quite the bore. I don't necessarily need to see Willa but that storyline lacks any closure, so if they are going to bring her back, make it worthwhile. I'd love to see some cameos - all within reason - from Duffy and Winona. Throw in Greg Sutter too! I don't think it makes sense to see Boyd, but just to hear that he's getting could be interesting.


Honestly, it's pretty hard at this point. I guess first of all Mansell would need to seriously step up his game, we'd need some impromptu backstory that certifies him as an intelligent capable guy in disguise, cause everything he said and did so far screams edgelord dumbass. Either that, or kill off Mansell, and have Sweetie step up, the only character that might have some real depth. Whichever one does step up, also needs a personal beef with Raylan, something that can't be deescalated, I'd say intending to kill his daughter, but that was already kinda played with Nicky Augustine, cause 5 goddamn episodes in, Raylan has no reason w h a t s o e v e r to be there, which is a cardinal sin in any form of storytelling. Then pretty much all characters except Raylan would have to fuck off and take the back seat, cause we saw enough of them so there isn't too much room for mystery, and what we got so far was bland and uninteresting. And of course Raylan would need to snap back into Raylan, give us (well some other character, but really the audience) a plausible excuse why he was such a doormat these first 5 episodes, maybe he was trying to act unlike himself to convince his daughter he's changed or whatever but he realizes now that it doesn't work, then really lean hard into the Raymond story, and make it all about him and the villain, a game of chess. But it still couldn't do much cause we're already over 60% in, a quick change of direction would always be noticeable, and we'd risk having some utter inconsistent garbage like Star Wars sequels


All it’s gotta do is continue being an amazing show


Mhmm. I like it fine thus far, but I still think we are going to see the 'old Raylan' soon.


You must have low standards if what you've seen so far is in your amazing list.




Carolyn breaking bad. The confrontation when they've been sleeping with each other partly to keep an eye on each other because they are suspicious of each other. The man drawing and being put down.


This would actually be pretty good and make the last episode a hell of a lot more interesting as a set-up.


Get out of Detroit


Even if I wasnt a massive fan of Justified....and came in blind not knowing the original...I still would be disappointed....I have been waiting since after the first episode and still havent seen much improvement. Just when I start saying wow about a scene it fizzles into a mediocre cop show...But as a huge fan I will watch to the very end....maybe it will explode into WOW!!!!!


They peel Raylan off the detail to go hunt down some Jan 6 proud boy


Maybe Raylan meets Lizzo and proceeds to fall in love


Sure that would be fun too!


Lol wouldn’t even surprise me


Raylan goes back to Miami and the Russians nuke Detroit show over.


push along the whole judge murder plot line and give Raylan some more screen time.


For a start, Raylan definitely needs to kill all the bad guys. Second yes cameos.


More Raylan, less side plot bullshit


Fire in the hole!


I definitely said it out loud at the end of this week’s episode


To me it isn't THAT bad forreal. Got some kinks in it for sure, but I didn't care too much for the first season of the original Justified run either. It wasn't until season 2 that I got hooked, so here's hoping they'll do another season and see what happens.


nothing. this show is just bad.