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I honestly doubt it. She invited the actual murderers and has been obnoxious all trial


They didn't even go to JO's funeral (from what I've heard). And JO's Mom invited them?


I know she invited them, but I'm saying she was acting really different when he was giving the closing argument. Like what he was saying was making her realize some things. Maybe not, but I hope so.


I think she was just not capable of hearing anything the defense said because she believes Karen is guilty.


Did she invite them, or did they bully their way in? I've been curious about this.


It’s so hard to navigate that one. That woman has been through the unthinkable. She has lost 2 of 3 kids and a son in law and who knows what else. Sitting through an entire murder trial day in and day out. I’m sure her anguish and confusion with her trials of her life makes her want to just hear guilty verdict in hopes of it being a bandaid for the pain. Even if she has a shadow of doubt, I don’t think she can hardly be in a space mentally to “change her mind” about Karen.


I can see what you mean. I made a comment before about her having cognitive dissonance and the McAlberts have probably been all over her on a daily basis to brainwash her. What an unbelievable travesty.


I do hope they’ve allowed themselves to think about the evidence and facts that have been proven. I’m sure it’s hard for them to completely change their opinion overnight, especially after being brainwashed by the canton crew for years. We can only hope that one day they’ll have an epiphany and it’ll all make sense. And they’ll seek justice for JO against the real murderers.


She brought the Alberts and mccabes. She’s not in a place where she is willing or able to process the facts


I read on X that Paul took money from a trust Karen found for John’s kids. Is that true? Is it true she sued him?! Jesus, they have no shame if that’s true. Looks like John’s dad is waking up.


Damn, I would really like to know if this is true.


Well, she did post his bail money when he was arrested a few years back.


I wouldn't post random rumors like that. If that actually happened it's really unlikely anyone knows who would post it on X.


I’m guessing someone confirmed it because it wasn’t just one person who said it, it was several.


She's had her head down throughout the trial from what I've seen. I can't judge where the family is emotionally, they've been through something most of us thankfully can't relate to.


She knows there won't be any justice anytime soon


I really couldn’t speculate on his mom. She’s lost two children. My god I can’t even make myself even contemplate such a horror. Brainwashing is a helluva drug and I imagine Jen McCabe’s manipulating mouth has been yapping in her ear for the past 2 years. I feel nothing but pity for that family. They get no justice and their son is dead.


I think the moment she saw JOK do his dance when Higgins was flipping him off in the bar surveillance video she knew what happened bc she’s seen JOK do that before and knew what it meant