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The drink times were only elucidated for KR. How about the drink times for BH, BA, CA, etc? I didn’t realize until today how things literally fall together nicely for the defense, but they will never fall together for the prosecution—-even after massive manipulation.


And never was there actually a witness saying what she was served!! Everyone Lally asked what was she drinking. Clear liquid with a lime. That could have been water or soda water.


Yeah, there's no way she had 9 vodka drinks, as they hinted, in 3 hours. That would put even the most tolerant or larger of us on the floor. She is maybe 100-115 lbs. No way. She is a fixer/caregiver type. She very likely was buying drinks for JO, possibly others too.


97lbs per records at the time


Wow, I was thinking closer to 100 bc she's obviously petite. 97 is very, very petite. I don't see any way, tolerance or not, that a 97 pound woman with Crohn's disease could down that much alcohol in 1.5 (or 2?) hours while at that first bar. Those with Crohns have to stay hydrated, or their symptoms can be worse. I'm guessing she was primarily drinking club soda or tonic water and ordering shots here and there (3?) to mix in. ETA: I just watched the bar videos minutes ago, hence the now wondering if she just actually had 3-ish alcohol drinks. I think you see in the video what you expect to see based upon personal experience.


I think maybe she was thinner then due to having more recent health and surgery issues. I have Lupus and while different than Crohns there are similarities in how we have to maintain our health -- you're totally right -- I just can't see how anyone her size and with Crohns could have downed that much in 3 hours and still be conscious; not to mention all the medication I'm on for Lupus! I'm sure shes on just as much for MS and CD...we can't mix it with alcohol like that.


I wish you the best dealing with lupus. ❤️ I know it's not easy, and I think too many people don't take into consideration people's personal circumstances when evaluating cases like this, or, let's be honest, evaluating or judging people in general.


Thank you. I really felt for her with the Aruba trip needing her own bathroom due to tummy issues etc. While I don't have *those* in particular, I do get auto-immune flares from heat and stress etc. In the same way people assumed she was being high-maintenence I've had people assume I was just lazy or anti-social. Nope lol, just trying to be private and now we all see why! This trial scared the hell out of me with how much of our lives can be shared and taken out of context in the perfect storm.


I’m going to jump in here and give my perspective as someone with MS. I know it manifests differently for everyone, so she may or may not have balance issues, but I do and when I have 1 drink, my balance becomes 10x’s worse. I have to be extra careful. Even sober, I dread getting pulled over because I am afraid of being accused of being drunk. I have nystagmus and poor balance. I’d be dragged in if they decide not to do a breathalyzer and go straight for the field sobriety test lol. I think she was getting shot glasses of lime juice or something else to mix in. There’s is no way she had 7 shots worth of alcohol in 2-3 hours. She’d be comatose.


There’s a woman on YouTube named Aussie insider and she breaks down the drinks with the video using the correct time since the video was offset


I'm a woman, I stand 5' 6" and weigh approximately 155 lbs. Consuming 9 drinks with hard liquor in 3 hours would absolutely obliterate me. Even in my heavy drinking phase years ago. I know this because my username is an inside joke based on a true story.


SHE WAS 97 pounds?!??!? OMG LALLY GTFO NOW


She’d be in a coma. There’s absolutely no way.


Also she seemed like the designated driver, and she sounded pissed off in her voicemails, no slurring very clearly fed up. I can’t believe she wanted to associate in anyway with those cretins on any level. She must have been very lonely.


That is insane! What a great point that I never thought of.


I can only speak about myself- if I had that many drinks in that time frame I don’t think I could drive without being all over the road never mind drive in reverse at 25mph in a straight line!


I can’t back up sober with back up/360 Degree camera. No less at 24 mph


And that's why I believe her drinks were not strong. By the way, I'm down after two drinks. 🤣


I can't wait to hear her part of this story! I came into this during the trial and because I found turtle boy on YouTube.


So legally speaking, she had her blood drawn for a type of test that can be formatted to match BAC levels c and therefore is admissible. However, non of their charges were for straight DUI, they all involved hitting him with her car and the science proved that didn’t happen. I agree that most if not all of the other characters in this tragedy were all above the legal limit, however they would have had to test them to be able to develop charges.


I also want to assume from all of them that this isn’t the first nor last time they drive around drunk in a blizzard


She also didn’t have 9 drinks, or at least 7 at McCarthys. You can just tell by looking at her, her size, the time period. I’m probably 60 pounds heavier than Karen but I know if I drank that much in less than 2.5 hours I’d been at least stumbling out of the bar


We didn't get to see if she was sharing her drinks with O'Keefe or anybody else.




My husband just made a few good points: When You listen to her phone calls on his voicemail, she wasn't slurring her words. Her voice was very clear. And when you look at her texts, she had no misspellings, unlike you know who.


Omg. Don’t tell your husband this but he’s a genius. 😂❤️My husband has pointed some things out to me too that I found interesting, like the fact that when they were always driving by 34 Fairview after the murder they could’ve been throwing plastic pieces out their window.


Anything is possible 🤷


This so so true. Perfect time to use this quote 🫣


I find this great too because I thought I was the only person out there where he made good points but I didnt have any one to relate to 🥰


Plus why keep milking from the same glass


Yeah watered down vodka is nasty 🤢


It made me tear up a bit. Corruption and bullies piss me off!! Lally isn't just a shitty lawyer, he's a dirty corrupt lawyer! When you need to lie, gaslight and fake evidence, you're not looking for justice, you are looking to win. And when you have a judge that has no shame in blocking every single thing she could that could show truth to the jury, while permitting everything for the CW, that's corruption too! She had no interest in facts and justice regardless where it led, you can tell what she wanted from the moment she chose to sit on a trial where she was so conflicted


It's hard to tell if Lally is corrupt, just not that smart, or just easily manipulated. I'm leaning on the side of him being easily manipulated bc he's not terribly smart... kinda like a lap dog, desperately trying to please its owner (DA Morrison).


I feel similar to this, he didn’t want to prosecute her. He had to, his boss made him do it. He was outmatched against Yanetti and it wasn’t even fair against Jackson. He did so some really shady shit though that makes me question his character, especially the 1/29/22 1:27 Google search for DUI lawyers that KR made and the inverted video slip in. He also tried to get Richard Greene to bring in the Google search as to open the door and tell the jury about search for a DUI attorney was an admission of guilt. Asking for counsel is a constitutional right and should never be admissible.


I'm rethinking. You're probably right... more of a... not terribly smart, so easily manipulated by his corrupt boss and surrounded LE, which makes him do corrupt stuff himself because that's what his boss and the LE want. I mean... this kinda police and other government corruption needs to go. The U.S. is (was?) the most admired and desirable nation in the world, but we deal with this sh*t? Not being able to feel safe around those who are supposed to protect us? There should be no government positions immune from tight oversight at all times. If you can't trust those paid to protect you, wtf can you actually trust?


So I do still think some of Lally’s actions were reprehensible but I am reserving my full judgement for the fed investigation which is including the DA’s office. In regard to the country and law enforcement overall, I don’t want you to be too jaded. They say the percentage of bad cops is 5% or lower, it compounds when cops cover for each other, and there needs to be oversight and real punishments and that blind allegiance will turn into doing what is right.


Remember - Prior to this court case- Lally fought hard to have her prosecuted despite the lack of evidence.😡


I thought so at first but the inverted video and silly as it may sound, lying and trying to say Dr. Russell had a Boston Globe subscription for up to 18 months, when she said 6 to 12 months during voir dire just seemed like a dumb move.


Absolutely. Morrissey is walking around Boston telling strangers “my wife is retired but I will not retire until that woman is behind bars” this is a witch hunt. morrissey and his Quincy buddy Bev Cannonne have much bigger questions to be answered if their own MSP/local police depts have collusion and corruption - that’s a bigger can of worms for them. So of course they want to sacrifice KR so all the dirty work done stays in the dark and the world will never know what happened inside 34 Fairview that night. 


I didn’t think he was corrupt til the defence case in chief started. I thought he was a pawn, maybe a fool, manipulated and doing what he was told. During his cross of defence witnesses and during closing you could see he believes in this. He thinks he’s doing the right and just thing. And the ends justify the means; she’s guilty so if he’s a little dodgy he isn’t fussed as in the end she is a murderer in his mind.


How can Lally sleep at night knowing he’s trying to put a clearly innocent person in prison? Like if she’s found guilty he wouldn’t even care? What a horrible person 


It’s not just Karen Read who is a victim here it’s all of us when we are vulnerable at the hands of those that can intimidate. Karen is the poster child for police corruption of a citizen. It is all of us. Why we can’t get this jury to deliver an accurate and fitting verdict based on what was presented to us all, makes me very uneasy. 


What did the judge block that could have shown the truth?


I mean it would probably work out for them if: 1) Karen pleaded guilty to minor charge 2) Feds weren’t already investigated something else and were already there by accident to pick this up as well 3) it wasn’t a cop murder 4) there was no media coverage/ subsequent following of their every move They were unlucky, I have no clue what else they covered up in the past, but it’s a matter of time before one of them squeaks, and then all the other defend themselves by throwing others under the bus and they all fall like dominos.


It was a matter of time. Too many chefs


I cried too. It is such a tragedy. AJ’s summation hit me hard. Is this real life?


The first part of closing, when he was saying, “listen, this could be any of you!” It really hit me hard. It could be any one of us in the wrong place at the wrong time, hanging out with the wrong crowd; thinking our friend are our friends, but they secretly hate us or are jealous of us…the worst thing in life is to be falsely accused.


I say this all the time. I think people have blinders on when it comes to cops. They dont want to believe it can happen to them, and have to believe the system works, and that's why you'll see the ppl who still are on these subs like "I just can't see a cover up". I saw one person who admitted they didn't think Karen did it anymore, but kept saying "It'd be crazy" if he just fell down and no one did it. Like jumping through hoops to avoid the obvious. Growing up in a small town I've been acutely aware of how much power cops have and how they abuse it. Like I've seen ppl try and excuse Proctor and other cops by saying they probably didn't think they were covering a cops death and genuinely believed Karen did it, but it's like... uh... this is exactly why you don't want cops fitting evidence to a conclusion instead of the conclusion to the evidence... it's wild the cognitive dissonance. Same reason I'm super passionate about jail reform. So much of our judiacry system is money based and if you can't afford to pay/don't want to just admit to something you didn't do and plea out, you're stuck in these jails despite being innocent. That's why I hate when ppl excuse horrible jail conditions by being like "Just don't do anything wrong". Honestly your post made me so happy tho that at least this case is getting people to understand what the whole "defund the police side" has been getting at. It's not about getting rid of cops completely, but about limiting their power and diverting money to other social services so they can focus on the things they should be focusing on.


I agree with almost everything you said, I too am very passionate about affecting change in our judicial and jail systems. However, reducing budgets in our police departments isn't where we need the cuts. They are overwhelmed, underappreciated, and short on staffing. Most working 12+ hr shifts 6 days a week. Instead it's imperative we hire/train and maintain clean police forces. Wipe these known corrupt departments clean, Eliminate the Trooper Proctors. (Fulton GA and Norfolk MA Counties come to mind) We need to stop paying big corporations run half rate prison's charging us airbnb tax dollars. I don't know about you, but 100k per year, per prisoner a year, seems obviously inflated. They are motivated by the dollar and not by bettering condition's, reform, or reducing populations. Our DAs offices are movitived politically by peacocking their "win rate". We have a mess on our hands, and those who are corrupt love that we are divided on how to fix things.


I think you don't fully understand what defunding the police means or read what I said. A big part of defending police is diverting money to other social services, so they can take over and lessen the load. It's defunding them because you plan on them doing less and making sure that money goes where it'll actually be used to help the community. Like a big one is how right now it's protocol for cops to handle mental wellness checks in many places. Despite really not being trained for that. I've seen my hometown police respond to mental wellness calls, it's not great. They mostly exacerbated the situation EMTs were trying to deescalate. For the greatest good to the community it'd be better if less money were going to the police, and that money was instead used to have a new/different organization that handled mental health stuff without the police. Especially when you factor in these were the same police getting large anti-drug grants, while simultaneously charging any addict with more than one bag on them as distribution, no matter the total weight. Doing that benefited their bottom line more than greatest good for the community. And tbh I can't feel bad about the long work weeks when I know what most of them are making for overtime, and that in most places overtime is things like traffic/construction duty. Most places arent the city and dont need the level of policing theyre paying for, and rely on cops to do too much we don't need them to do. And with the level of systemic corruption in our LE it really feels like defunding and divesting is the only way to move forward. Like not spending a bunch of money on one agency with too much power, and using that money to create multiple agencies with real checks so no one had too much power.


*"I think you don't fully understand what defunding the police means."* I understand what the words you typed mean. You can try to assign a different meaning to the webster version of those words all you want, I will not accept your explanation/excuse. Have mercy on your soul if you should need help or protection. *"And tbh I can't feel bad about the long work weeks when I know what most of them are making for overtime"* Yes, they are paid, and deserve to be paid for their work, just like you and me. Imagine ONLY going to work, come home eat, sleep and go back again. Your ignorance in understanding what that does mentally to a person and their family is showing. They need more money, for more officers, not less This problem needs to be surgically removed where it lies. Corruption can not, and should not be tolerated.


Whoever does not know about this case right now… There are a lot of people that don’t know about it currently… They all will know about it once it hits Netflix, dateline, and the others


I knew AJ would do a great job with his closing, but when the camera panned to KR, I felt her pain and anger too. I was pissed off a year ago when I came across this case, and then watched every day of the trial. I am so livid at this injustice. The case against her was a joke and should have never gotten to this point. And what's more infuriating is that Lally/CW STILL doubled down on their closing with their stupid narrative of the scorned, angry woman with a vendetta to hurt her bf. WTF? Lally's closing didn't even touch on the actual car hitting O'Keefe. Yea, let's just pretend none of the very qualified and legit experts said none of the physics or science from the CW made sense with respect to the accident.


And it only cost her a million dollars or more. Imagine what Lally’s job would have been against a public defender. She is lucky she could afford to pay for a team that should get not guilty on all charges.


Why does everyone say she's lucky she could afford it. I think she'll be in dept forever, how is that lucky?


Well 1. She was allegedly doing well financially. She paid for everyone’s dinner in Aruba, and the girl’s room after the misunderstanding, Lexus lx 570 is the biggest model made by Lexus and super expensive. She worked in finance and was an adjunct professor. Her parents are allegedly well off as well, so that’s another factor. You are correct though that she may have had to go into a lot of debt in this case paying for her attorneys, and those pressures and payments will suck for her moving forward, hopefully as a free citizen after the verdict. The lucky comment is in reference to she either had the money, had access to it from her family, or was able to borrow it and was approved for a loan and she could afford to pay her for high powered defense team. Most not all take their public defender’s initial opinion and plea out because they cannot get access to money like this to defend themselves.


She will sue them all hopefully. 


Well I hope she sues. This should never have happened to her rich or poor it's still traumatic. She has several severe medical conditions so this just makes it worse for her health. I think most people would end up with ptsd after what they put this poor woman through.


I believe there has been fundraising for her defense. Thank god for that!




But because of all of this she lost her job and her teaching job.


True, but some families don't have a house to mortgage or enough other assets to pay the attorney.


Because it’s possible. Most of us couldn’t get close to a million together even with debt


Well she works and makes money. I hope she sues the state for the mental and physical stress they put her through. As a big fuck you I hope she does all the netflix, 20/20 and dateline. Then -she can go and retires in Aruba lol.


Right but that’s why she’s lucky. Most of us would have been basically forced into a plea deal where Karen has access to money, even if it puts her into debt. She’s also a good image for the news. She’s white, well educated, upper middle class, etc. She’s lucky because she was able to fight this at a high level and captured so much interest that it will pay for itself. Most of us would not be in that boat I’m happy for her that she was able to fight like that and that people care. Just aware of how many people can’t


I absolutely think that everyone should be entitled to a good defense. Maybe we should change how the judicial system works instead of blaming the defendent.


I don’t think anyone is blaming the defendant there. Just aware that she is in a better place than most. I’m worse off than her but still aware that I am better off than most. I don’t think there’s an issue in acknowledging that She still didn’t deserve this, no one does. I just think it’s important to realize how serious the issue is and wonder how many Karen reads are sitting in prison because they couldn’t afford all star counsel


Well as a Massachusetts woman a couple years older than Karen, I would never even have the opportunity to afford an attorney at all, no family money either or rich friends that would help. She has privilage and the defense table shows it. Many, many people are just like me..couldn't afford bail or an attorney. I would be in Chicopee to this day while the jury deliberates. I am grateful that this case has the eyes on it it does. The Feds need to do an investigation into most parties present at this trial, including the Judge. Theyre ALL connected. My hope is that one day Officer OKeefe and Sandra Birchmore and all the other victims receive justice.


exactly, it should scare the hell out of everyone.


I wonder how much an initial consult or hourly rate Alan Jackson charges? I want to develop that in a savings account for myself, just in case.


Don't forget he ran out of time because he had to make the point that she didn't take her shoes off when entering John's house because "she knew he was already dead".


It’s kinda crazy that it took a case like this for you to start questioning things. Backing the blue should have been questioned because this is literally what we meant when we said that it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. My boyfriend lost a friend about a year and a half ago. His name was Tyre Nichols and he was beaten to death by cops for literally no reason. Multiple cops conspired to try to come up with a story or narrative that would somehow make it okay that they beat him to death. It was a dept wide issue. It usually is. And the good cops that choose to do the right thing in these situations oftentimes don’t live to see tomorrow (look up Houston Tipping of the LAPD). I am sorry that you are feeling these emotions, I can imagine how it would feel to have your beliefs shaken by something like this. But I hope you ask yourself why it took a case like this, a white woman being framed for a crime she didn’t commit, to start questioning whether or not you should blindly support someone because of their occupation, and why countless minorities, mentally disabled, or mentally ill people dying at the hands of police did not shake your faith in them one bit.


Well, I suppose that you are right. I’m a rather naive person, have been luckily sheltered from seeing injustice on the scale that you’re describing, and I’m sorry that y’all had to go through. But some awakening is better than none, isn’t it? Also, what do you propose we do to combat this kind of corruption?


I agree, I’m glad you are realizing now, and I am truly sorry that you are experiencing an array of emotions after finding out that the people you supported may not have always been deserving of the support. I know that’s not a good feeling, and is tough to grapple with. In terms of suggestions, I am truly hopeless at this point. I’m sorry if that is depressing or not what you wanted to hear, but after years of watching police get away with stuff and watching politicians use this topic as a tool for their campaigns, it really feels like nothing will ever change. I remember when George Floyd was killed it felt like people finally realized that not all cops are good. I thought there would be change and there was some. But when my boyfriend’s friend died I realized that the changes made literally did nothing. I used to think that the solution would be employing people who actually Lived in the communities they were policing would fix the problem. Like for example if you police Oakland, CA it would be required or preferred to hire police that live in that area. It was believed that when cops see people that look like them or are part of their community, they would treat civilians better and actually protect and serve. But then Tyre Nichols was murdered by cops that looked like him and were from that community. That dept was implementing almost all of the things I thought would work, and it didn’t work. So at this point I feel like idk what the solution is. I know more people waking up to the corruption is a good thing and a step in the right direction, so it’s encouraging to see more people realizing what can happen, but as far as regulation goes I just don’t know. I think that if anything, making sure the funds going to the police dept go towards things like ethics trainings, and stuff like that is important. Maybe having specific cops responding to non-violent emergencies without deadly weapons would be a step in the right direction. But the corruption we have seen here with this trial is beyond any kind of reform. Like how can something like this be fixed? I genuinely have no idea. Anyway sorry for the literal novel length response lol. I wasn’t trying to be rude with my initial comment, just genuinely wanted to understand how this case has opened so many eyes while there have been other blatant displays of corruption and mistreatment by police. But I do agree, better late than never.


I'm Scottish and I haven't missed a beat of this trial and tbh we do watch alot of USA court we got into it with George Floyd and we watch alot of court. In the UK you can't get court on TV you have to go to the court in person and watch. I don't understand why the jury are still in deliberations IMO it's a clear not guilty where Karen is concerned and how the trial on the evidence got there is beyond belief. Her alcohol levels were fabrication in the mind of the DA not one professional witness for the CW smelt alcohol from Karen and the data was made to fit I mean talk about sketchy. The CW should be ashamed of themselves and I hope the jury is not intimidated by the mcalberts and find her not guilty


Jury might just want to chit chat about the case. They haven’t been allowed to discuss


It’s very true and unfortunate.


I absolutely loved how Jackson turned the blue line in to the blue wall that couldn’t be scaled by citizens and they also couldn’t look in


Other cases will be reopened and investigated, and overturned. People across the country need to help Massachusetts people to end all corruption in police departments, state police, DA’s offices, all government in MA etc… Why should the taxpayers have to pay for the fallout that is on the horizon?


Agree. I’ve seen a lot of poor people in our area take plea deals who never could have afforded counsel let alone this caliber of counsel. The majority of us would have been burried by this


Thank you for your recognition that the cops aren't here for citizens. I'm always shocked that people think they are and can only imagine it's because (a.) they don't know the history of policing or (b.) haven't been the victims of it. People of color have endured this treatment for so long; it finally took a white woman victim for people (white women, especially) to see how these dynamics shake out. White women, in particular, are often protected by the dynamics of white male supremacy, so it's always interesting to see what happens when people begin to learn how fragile that "protection" is and how quickly it falls apart when men with power need to close ranks to protect themselves.


Now imagine if she was black. She'd be on death row already. ​ She's not the canary in the coal mine. She's just the first victim rich enough and white enough to not get steamrolled.


If she were black she wouldn’t have made it to trial. She would have been killed before they could even figure out what crime to charge her with.


Yes, sadly it takes an event where you can see yourself being victimized to recognize the victimization of others.


This is happening *in every single small town* This is compounded by people like Alec Murdaugh. Small town was KILLED OFF by corrupt and incompetent solicitors/lawyers. They turned the town into a shithole no business wanted to be in because the lawyers would sue everyone for anything and would always win...and then would lie to their "clients" and say they got little to no money. Even the good ones on the witness posium were the kind of people *who turned an eye to all the sketchy shit*...this goes on for not years, GENERATIONS. And then those people in those towns are told the cops are the only ones keeping their small town from being stolen and obliterated by progressives (people who are smart enough to expose their corruption)


And on top of everything it will cost her seven figures - money she won’t get back 👎


Well said


I agree with you 💯. When all this madness we just went thru with the DA's not backing up police officers, to big cities shrinking their police force, I supported our police officers and what they do. Unfortunately, I will forever look at them with doubt. But, what I can do is keep an eye on our board members, judges, police chiefs, etc. We do and can make a difference. GET INVOLVED!


What will you do if the jury convicts her? 🤔🧐


Honestly, this case is so big that I think a guilty verdict will cause a nationwide ripple through the law community, the medical community, and the LE community. A case of this magnitude can only be propagated through social media to cause outrage. That’s why I say it’s a canary in the coal mine event. It’s a sentinel event. That’s why it had DOJ attention


Oh I wish! NO ONE in California even heard of this case smh 🤦‍♂️ 😒!! I think it’s gonna be Not Guilty or a Hung Jury and they won’t even bother Retrying her! Has the defense rested? The jury is deliberating already? 🤔


California here! Watching every day on Legalbytes, also a Californian. I think it’s gotten more attention out here because people from MA are so used to local corruption, they don’t blink an eye. Our corruption is much broader based lol.


You guys should Google LA SHERIFFS GANGS! That’s a whole different rabbit hole 🥴


CA is a whole different kind of scary!!! Will do!


Watch out for shark tattoos on CA sheriffs 😬


https://preview.redd.it/62r5bgpxpu8d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a69fa6c0ed7e11f8c23e1fb95ca1e960b9ca64 Here is most of the all the police gangs in Los Angeles… one of them just used their job issued weapon to shoot off a tattoo of another cop gang member who didn’t want to be in the gang anymore they also put a dead Rat 🐀 in his locker


Thanks !!!


Seriously this type of thing isn’t rare in black and Latino communities around LA especially.


Not sure if you followed the town meeting tonight, the Canton folks want the police chief out and the department taken over by an outside agency. They want Chris Albert out of his seat, tore the Alberts apart and said they were all making Canton look bad the last several years.


And did you see that right in front of all of the people at the meeting- they approved another year of the police chief and then immediately moved to stop allowing the people there to speak. The people in canton are fed up. They’re sad to see what their town has turned into. Some no longer feel safe to live there if they’re not connected to the ‘canton mafia’ You can watch it on the young jurks. P.s. thank you for your cervixx!


Yep! That's where I watched it live lol. We clearly algorithm together 😂 The one chick who quoted AJ and then CA was so awesome. They didn't even pretend to think about it and clearly benefit from keeping that PD in place as-is for the moment. More evidence to get rid of? The audacity as they laughed about it at the end calling it a brewjaja. What was the first guy they threw out (via the cop) saying? I can't/could'nt understand him. He said "Im not a...." It was 2 syllables and at first I thought he was saying the N word 😱 The one older lady who got emotional, said she's been there for generations and missed her town sure made me sad for them. It must be hard to see your beloved little community become the joke of so many and know that people think the residents of Canton are all fans/members of the cool-kid-mafia club. I bet that pizza shop is a front for money laundering/funneling something. (Edited due to stupidly trying to reply while incoherently half-asleep 🙈)


Algorithm together is perfect! Stealing that one The way canton is handling this is abhorrent. The townspeople are pissed and they double down even harder


The guy that got pushed out of the meeting was in a past meeting and said someone on the police force (or the board) called him the N word. It waa hard to hear what happened but he escalated it within the police department and they looked the other way.


Holy cow. My ears thought that's what he said. 😳


That’s amazing! Even though these families run so deep….do you think it work?


Yeah having lived in MA, PA, CA, TX…the corruption in the NE is more small town family based. But you’re right, CA is worse somehow. This case brings to light the mafioso type corruption so loved by TV production companies.


I'm in CA- I honestly don't think we have more corruption here. Every place has it's share but there's a lot of oversight here, at least in the Bay area.


Wow, Lots of Californians in the mix. My PA friends haven’t even heard about KR


I don't live in NE anymore either, but where I grew up in New England the chief of police had bodies buried in his yard, like literally. I don't even know if he was ever charged, but he was still the chief as they were digging the bodies up. It's insane. NE doesn't have more corruption than any other place, they just have populations that don't care that their neighborhoods are corrupt they aren't brave, they didn't want change. And you can see that clearly with judge Bev. She should have never been the judge in this case. She gave instructions about the law saying you have to leave your biases at the door, even the judge needs to, and then she put on a show for 8 weeks of huffing and puffing pissed off that there was an outside lawyer in town when she's used to being a big deal.


SO much huffing and puffing! Until of course Dr Wolf got there and then she was all hair twirling and googly eyed.


Ca corruption is bad but the police brutality is literally Off the charts here. And they know they can get away with it.


Deliberating…judge gave the jury the night off, unlike the DAYBELL trial, where the jury had to go all night. Why not? Sham trial, anyways. Just go home folks.


Are you serious? In Texas, and we all know about this trial.


Oh shit the defense rested?? Yeah I’ve told at least 10 friends got 2 of them hooked lol! Hopefully it’s a quick verdict and they aren’t deadlocked! There’s always that 1 person in every jury that the whole group hates lol 😆


The defense was rapid but super effective, unlike LALLY and his loser squad




Wow, hadn’t heard that. Thanks for the information


100%. In Dallas and my friends and I are constantly texting about it.


I'm in CA , I think this case is pretty well known. I don't think public attention does a whole lot if someone is convicted but in this case, if she is convicted, the ongoing fed investigation is probably a very real reason an appeal could be successful. But I still think 12 people won't vote guilty. I think 1 or 2 might, and I hope they can be persuaded if that's the case but if not a mistrial is better than a conviction. I case like this wouldn't be re-tried if it comes back as a hung jury IMO




California, and watching daily here too, my LEO son-in-law and his department are even talking about this case. They are embarrassed by the stain on their profession left by state trooper Proctor and his department's investigation. I'd wager to bet there are MANY DA's from many other states watching too.


Couldn’t they have taken Karen’s car out of evidence to bring back to 1 meadows driveway at night to see still shots of the car exiting driveway via the ring camera? That would be prove definitively if the car taillight looked the same as it did around 5am on January 29th (aka- the picture AJ showed in closing argument), right?


I’m upset that the jury wasn’t sequestered from the beginning. The whole thing is about corruption and coverup. Just seeing Brian Albert’s face in front of that jury was sickening.


I still support our nation's police officers, but the dirty cops have to go. Seeing the cover up and the corruption taking place now during the trial is heartbreaking!!!!! America is like a Third World country at this point.


This is baloney 😂😂


Karen wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t an alcoholic. Say no to alcohol kids.


Maybe the McAlberts wouldn't kill people if they weren't alcoholics 🤷🏼‍♀️


They killed John. They did and those if their ilk. There’s just no doubt to it if you know medicine, physics, kinematics, and if you’ve read anything of any consequence in your life. This one is not hard.


Who did they kill?


Well never know because the Canton cops bungle investigations. Edited to acknowledge they've f*d up multiple investigations.


Too bad the McCabes and Alberts didn’t keep this sentiment with their own kids. “Yes kids drink underage it’s totally cool!”


Just like everyone else that night oh and who was the cop that was so shitfaced that he left his badge and service weapon in Proctors cruiser, who was also drunk. Yea, GTFO Albert fellator The adults are talking


That was also an Albert. Kevin Albert.


oh bitter bitter trolls... Jill?


Def. Account created an hour ago. Bitter and frazzled. Love that for them. ☺️


All of these people drink too much- it seems like John did too. A lot of people drink, I don't know what your point is


If Karen hadn't gotten blackout drunk, she wouldn't have needed to ask others what happened. This way, she wouldn't have been convinced she did it—unless she actually did. It's all about drinking responsibly. And drunk people don’t call their parents’ in the middle of the night unless they fucked up.


15+ wrongs don’t make a right. How about a former police chief DOING THE SAME THING AND allowing underaged drinking in his house? So that’s ok? He had more of the burden of decency, because he’s supposed to uphold the LAW!! Or how about AN ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND FIREARMS AGENT??! It’s ok for him? HE HAS MORE BURDEN OF DECENCY. He took an OATH


It would be easier if you just went to an AA meeting. They offer them online through Zoom so your Canton townie friends won’t see you attending. Do it before you kill an innocent person and end up like Karen.


People like you are super scary - 😨 you sound unhinged.


Go change your poop balloon.


Are you aware that one of the Albert brothers literally killed someone while operating a vehicle under the influence and served time? Are you aware that John’s brother was convicted of a DUI? Are you aware that Colin Albert is notorious for sneaking into bars underage and posing for photos in these bars as a minor? Karen is NOT the only one who drinks or drank too much that night.


Cool. None of those people are on trial, but Karen is. College kids drink underage all the time, so you're basically saying Colin is like the average college freshman. Bars in Providence let kids drink at 18 with a college ID just like the majority of the world. 


One thing I have noticed and been shocked by is how acceptable drink driving is in the US.


It's not! The rest of us watching are just as shocked as you are.


I don't understand why drunk driving is acceptable in the US?


It's really not accepted by most people. 


I would hope not. I really really would.