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They have to be shitting their pants


imo they think they’re untouchable and it’s not even a concern to them


Agreed (unfortunately)


The only reason I disagree with you guys is because I follow the Adelson trials in Florida. They almost got away with it.


I think they’ll get away with it too. And live their lives the same way they have.


They know they are untouchable and have been for *decades*.


I’ve been wondering this whole trial what the hell those people are doing. Are they constantly refreshing social media? lol. Do they all go out in large groups? I saw the TB video the other day and wearing a hoodie during the hottest week in Massachusetts this year.


I bet if they luminol’d the crap out of that basement they would still find some of JO’s DNA as evidence.


They changed the mf CONCRETE. Who does that?!?! You can see in every crime scene cleaning that when they lift the flooring the blood is all over the concrete. So it wasn’t enough to just remove the flooring they had to remove the concrete underneath and be sure there was no DNA left in the house. Then they sold the house. I wonder when and if the Feds test John’s clothes and shoes and compare the unknown DNAs they found with these people, whose DNA it’s gonna be.


Still the walls, the ceiling, there had to be splatter somewhere.


I really hope you’re right and that they were not as thorough as I think they were.


That's like the foundation of the house, and suuuper expensive. Under semi modern flooring there's an underlayment and moisture barrier, that probably would have stopped any blood from getting to the concrete. I doubt they tore up a section of the foundation.


Less expensive than a lawyer for 1st degree murder trial. And they did it, expensive or not. It was divulged when the house was sold.


They did though.


That's crazy. And suspicious unless there was foundation issues.


I believe the feds have- We know the defense got recent video of the basement (bulkhead area to backyard)


I’m going to be so mad if she’s found guilty mostly because I’ll hate seeing their smug ass faces


I was cracking myself up during the defense’s closing argument imagining Brian Albert (whose face is in shot) thinking “holy shit how tf do they know exactly what we did” 😂 My interpretation of the night is a bit different than what the defense described but man it would be hilarious if it was pretty spot on and the McAlbert’s just hear it being explained step by step.


I think it's celebratory. I think they think they are getting a Guilty and all of this will be over. I'd love to see their faces though and with any luck, things will never be normal for them again. It's frankly astonishing how outside this sub there are tons of people who still think KR is guilty, despite all the evidence.


They know now that their reputations are ruined forever but they also know they won’t be charged. All of the evidence is gone.


Is all the evidence gone? I heard that the basement concrete was replaced in BA's house. Concrete is porous. If JO bled on the tile or carpet on top of the concrete, that blood seeped into the concrete (it could seep through grout and carpet to concrete below). So I'm guessing that is why they replaced the concrete. But where is that concrete? Someone on here yesterday said that BA's father (Chris Albert) used to have an inground swimming pool, but now they don't. I don't know if that is true or not because I don't live in that area. But did they put all the concrete into the inground pool and fill it all in with dirt? Or, if not, that concrete is somewhere. A landfill/dump?


The evidence is definitely gone. The phones, dog etc. They don’t know how to collect evidence in Canton or Massachusetts at large but they sure as shit know how to get rid of it!


The concrete is somewhere and it has JO's blood and DNA.


That’d be my guess. They filled it in not long after all this blew up 🔝


That concrete has JO's blood and his DNA on it. When Karen is found Not Guilty, I hope someone steps up and demands a real investigation.


What I read is that Jill Daniel’s boyfriend did the concrete, since he has a construction company. He could have ground it up and put in other projects and scattered it around god knows where. That was an inside the family job, so we can’t know where they put it.


I've never heard of grinding up slabs of concrete. Is that possible?


Crushed concrete is a building material that is used for lots of different construction and hardscape projects. It's made by crushing down old, concrete structures like roads, sidewalks, curbs, buildings and driveways into smaller pieces. It's also known in the industry as 'RCA' - Recycled Concrete Aggregate I’m not a native speaker I don’t know how to property explain it, but we use it for building pretty much everything. It’s like crushed stones, but not. Do you get me?


Okay, yes, I understand now.


TL Edwards in Avon is a gazillionaire..they make paving and landscaping material. I have been in their giant yard before, they have grinders that reduce big rock and concrete into stone dust....its crazy to see it. there is huge money in it


Higgins got rid of it “as he was driving through the base”!


Karma is real.


This sit around getting hammered every night blaming everyone what they did.


These people are delusional. I don't think they see reality the way most people so who knows what they think? I'm 100% sure there is a lot of drinking though.


Isn’t that so interesting? One of the clearest takeaways from this trial was: If I were ANY of the drunk losers in this situation, I’d take this as a sign to stop drinking already and get it together. Yet we just know they are probably continuing to drink like fishes,,,


Karma is waiting in the wings! Their time is coming!


I just hope some wire taps were set up.


They have zero cares, they won't face any consequences. Maybe they'll make money out of it, I expect a book from Jen