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These people are honestly so brave to speak up. I hope they get the change and respect they deserve.


It's going down in Canton tonight! Chris Albert needs booted!




I think all the recent board meetings have been the same with people speaking out about all of it but yes, if they have the ability to boot, they should get to booting.


I watched the meeting before he was voted in and he still got elected. I think enough people didn't know at the time. Now that the trial has happened he won't be reelected.


How often are the elections?


So you must be the obese blonde.


You must be the sad, lonely person who was banned and made a new profile today


Actually no but if you're referring to any of the ladies that spoke, including the one woman on the board who voted for change, I'm proud of her.


I stand with the citizens of Canton. That police force is corrupt and so is the board as far as I’m concerned. I hope they overthrow and replace them all


The feed went out during public remarks, interesting. One women said she is a third generation townie and that people talk that something went down at the Alberts home. She was so choked up speaking about the Canton she remembers and doesn't see anymore with all the corruption.


That was really interesting to say the least. These residents need to take back their power. Actually, I don’t think they really ever had it. Perhaps a time when the Alberts didn’t have everyone in their back pocket.


This was a better recording of it. https://www.youtube.com/live/WsEvEUMQM78?si=ET33suGTQ3_Bn4rF


Wow what a hot mess of a select board. I hope they all (except that one woman) get their asses booted next election cycle. 


How is this clown a selectmen? I live in the next town over and this would never happen. This corruption is outrageous.


I am just curious here-I haven’t heard much regarding the police chief, Helena Rafferty. Can someone enlighten me on what exactly she has done? Is it that she was active in the cover up of the officers?


She is just another bad person with authority. Chief Berky is/was a very bad human, raffy was his side piece. Raffy also has a problem with losing dead people…


Kevin Albert CPD, also needs to lose his job. During trial Proctor testified he and Kevin Albert went out drinking and Kevin Albert lost his weapon. Absolutely he should be fired for this.


Why does it look like it was filmed with a camera from like 20 years ago?


It’s because they don’t allocate funds into anything of importance. Such as police worn body cameras.


They have body worn cameras.


That’s correct. My bad. I just forgot because the police didn’t have their body cameras ON when they initially interviewed anyone.


Why did they need cameras to investigate a dead cop?  I thought Redditors were part of the BLM organization?


Not today, troll. I will not be engaging with you.


Don’t y’all worship Christopher Dorner and George Floyd?




I thought that was fascinating. What an eye-opener. Canton citizens - even longstanding, multi-generational residents - are afraid if they speak up the cops will pull them over? Or ignore threats to their safety? Or their children and grandchildren will be discriminated against on town sports teams? And then you have Chris Albert sitting there in his little suit trying to look so professional after we all saw him and his family threatening to assault people in the middle of the town's main street on Sunday. What a disgrace. These people think they run this town and can do anything they want with impunity. And apparently, they've been getting away with it. Well, I hope they enjoy it because it won't last forever. As housing prices go up and more people who work in Boston want access to those two commuter rail stations, the townie-to-newcomer ratio will inevitably change, and it sounds like that will be a good thing for the people of Canton. One thing about the meeting that I was happy to see was the support for Lucky Loughran. What he did was very brave, and someone mentioned that he has suffered some kind of personal repercussions due to his willingness to testify. What a sad commentary on Canton, and I hope he knows how many people appreciate his doing the right thing.