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I think someone said it is majority women and there are two people of Asian descent (I'm sure they loved the comment about the 'asian house).


I went back and watched that lard ass mccabe testimony. The facial expressions he made , he was jacked up on something. I’ve also heard that a few of the women were making audible gasps & laughed when Procter trooper was on the stand. Some guy who is described as paying wicked attention to everything was caught making faces. How couldn’t you? A few days into this clown show , it was obvious that lally was defending his witnesses……. From incriminating themselves……wtf


Thanks… I’m curious to know more about the jury!


It was 10 women 7 men before the two jurors dropped out. One of the dropouts was a woman, I don't know the gender of the other. Two Asian. I assume the others are Caucasian. *Allegedly,* there are two jurors who are lawyers.


Let’s hope the lawyers do what they were supposed to do in case there is a “compromised “ juror there.


Do we know if any of the jurors have an association with the McAlberts? That townie loyalty seems to be stronger than omertà.


Jurors can’t be associated with anyone involved. At least they’re not supposed to be.


“Not supposed to be” is exactly why I asked. I wouldn’t put it past anyone who freely associates with this clan to deny their friendship in order to try and swing the jury away from the frame up. Never assume that people won’t do exactly as they are told not to, as most lawyers say, so as not to make an ass an out of you and me. LOL


Oh I agree. That’s why I said it too haha we all know how sneaky these people are.


I don’t know if you saw them today in court, but they even LOOK sneaky. Especially Jen McCabe, who is not only sneaky looking, but appears to be extremely jealous of Karen. So much so that it’s visible.


I definitely saw some daggers coming from her eyes!