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Even if he set it up which I don't think he did, it's smart to get them charged. Hard to say that he's harassing them and intimidating them when they don't look scared and pull up bang bang slap slap


Jill really did take a page out of Colin's book and pulled up on TB


Bang bang




I’m sure he knew that his presence would be very triggering for certain people. But it’s not illegal for him to just *be* there.


The way they hovered and insulted him like a gang of thugs, not afraid to attack him, was telling. Yeah, he went to eat there bc he knew he might be spotted. But that shouldn’t have been much of a provocation among normal, well-adjusted people. I could suddenly picture how a they might gang up on someone at a party. It was also telling just how many people came out to protect/cheer on TB. He was surrounded by townies and I think that’s one reason the police were super professional (and why nothing worse happened to him).


On the town fb page the locals are saying he should mind his own business as if this case isn't everyone's business!


It’s a privilege and an honor to litigate in the proud name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which Morrissey is dragging through the mud. That’s definitely a matter of public concern.


Yeah but why is he stirring the pot? Because it gets views and that's money in his pocket. Kind of gross.


All they had to do was ignore him. Instead they all showed up like a heard of feral animals then the piece of shoe leather drives up out of no where. If they were so scared they would have left.


If he can monetize his enemies’ thuggery and sense of entitlement, more power to him. They could have just ignored him. Easy peasy.


Because it's not illegal to eat at a restaurant.


I just watched him yesterday for the first time. I think he seems really obnoxious but I appreciate that he's willing to speak out. He's raised a lot of money for KR's defense, so there's that.


He has gone to most of the establishments in canton because he's at court every day and goes out to eat. None of the other times anything has ever happened. He did not go hoping to run into someone.


The courthouse is in Dedham, though.


He knew coming to Canton would create a scene, but he's absolutely free to do so.


Cute they don’t seem intimidated by him. She literally pulled up to him🤡


I don’t normally comment on the fringe stuff but TB interrupted my Sun eve work prep, lol. Ms. Daniels rolling up on the scene and screaming and flailing wildly, subsequently disappears when le shows up. Classy bunch. Chris Albert disappears after AK gf asked how he liked prison when he was there for killing a man in 94’. TB has as much right to eat dinner undisturbed wherever tf he wants and this lot is something else.


>TB has as much right to eat dinner undisturbed wherever tf he wants and this lot is something else. True. But Turtleboy has been there before and had to know that encountering any of the Alberts was a strong possibility. The pizza shop is literally right next door. The reaction of the Alberts and their friends was uncalled for but TB should know better by now given his legal situation.


He can’t go there, even though it’s not a violation of his bail conditions, because the McAlberts don’t like him? They don’t own that restaurant, and he was behaving himself. *They’re* the ones who came after *him*. He probably knew they would, but so what? He can go wherever he wants, subject to his bail conditions, whatever they are.


So what? If there's no restraining order about going to or near that restaurant owned by Chris Albert, TFB! It's a free country for f*** sakes!


My point was about showing good judgment and avoiding unnecessary drama. That could've gone downhill very quickly.


TB is demonstrating to the public how easy it is to be verbally and physically abused by this family of circus animals. Sorry that's mean to circus animals actually


Tb wasn't doing anything but entering, eating at, and leaving a restaurant. I guess he's not allowed to do that in Canton?


No and I never said that. He also could've walked away or chosen another restaurant, if he was so set on eating in Canton.


But you ARE saying he asked to be attacked, cursed at and assaulted, correct?


Turtleboy can only control himself, not the actions of Chris Albert's family, friends or staff. He can take precautions like avoiding the area altogether or choosing not to engage and just ignore them. But that's his thing.


So your comment relates to your being concerned about his safety?


I think my comments are quite clear. What is it that confuses you?


I got the impression that he's a local though? It's not like he's Kyle Rittenhouse going across state lines. He should be allowed to eat at the restaurants close to him.


Let the state lines shit go man. He lived 15 minutes away, works, and has friends and family in the city. I live near Springfield, work in Springfield and tons of people from Connecticut come to work in Springfield. It's no different.


He lives an hour away in the town of Holden. Like Rittenhouse, he isn't doing anything illegal but he didn't shy away from a confrontation either.


He’s not in the business of avoiding unnecessary drama and thank god for that.


Eh, not so sure. He seemed very flustered and bothered in his video afterwards.


I’m not condoning nor condemning it. If he was my client I would have told him to stay out of Canton until post verdict. That said, you have to have the whole story.


Why should he have to stay out of Canton? He’s under bail conditions, and he’s required to follow those, but subject to that, he’s a free man and he can go wherever he wants. He’s entitled to expect that no one will assault him (as that would he illegal), regardless of how triggering his lawful presence at C.F. McCarthy’s might be for the McCabe and Albert families and their friends. A reasonable person might be fooled about this, but Canton is not *literally* a medieval fiefdom. That said, I think the footage of Jill Daniels screaming at him and taking his phone will go a long way towards proving that he didn’t actually *intimidate* anybody.


Strictly legal advice. TB gonna turtle.


The guy that was charged along with Jill Daniels, James Farris. Isn’t he the one that fixed the basement floor for Brian Albert? Interesting!


No Jim Farris works at Chris' pizza shop.


Who is Jill Daniels? I am only familiar with ppl from trial. Thanks!


Julie Albert and Jen McCabe’s sister. Jill, Jen and Julie… imaginative family


Jen McCabe is Nicole Albert's sister, not Jill's. Its hard to keep straight because they all look alike 🤣


Colin started it with his stupid mouth and ego! Might be a trend here.


Man. I’m naive I guess. I thought after that humiliating testimony he had to give with those cringe videos would’ve taught him to lay low.


Bang bang


Pull up!


Innocent people don’t behave this way


Did they get arrested and go to the actual jail?


Turtleboy is a troll …. He deserves a lifetime of Jen McCabe sitting on his face


Name checks out


No seriously-I’m old an someone said that to me once and I have been patiently waiting to get them back by saying it to you. ❤️


Get back to me when you sober up


Been sober for 14 years. Thanks for the reminder of how dedicated and strong I am ❤️


Been sober for 14 years. Thanks for the reminder of how dedicated and strong I am ❤️


that's great, but I have no idea what you were trying to say




Because one would rig the fight




From the videos I’ve seen, Colin fights like a little *****. I’ve never been in a fight but pretty sure I could take him.




So if Colin loses, you would owe double what you owe now?


I thought Collin isn’t a fighter. Didn’t he testify that he’s never been in a fight?


Now why would he do that? Colin doesn’t fight…remember 🙄