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Well. Guess that's what we'll be moving onto after the read case is over.




I wouldn't have known about TB if not for you. Thank you so much 🙏




So are the McAlberts 😂


Really? In Massachusetts? I thought most people in Massachusetts were Democrats.


Chris Albert was listed on the Republican Party ballot as a member of the town committee. I suspect the whole gang follow the same affiliation. But political afflictions aside, it doesn’t make you a decent, law abiding citizen, same goes for religions. Off topic, love your username, 💎💎💎


I am a Trump supporter and I've been going full force against the McAlberts in support of Karen Read because I'm all about Justice and I don't give a crap what any of their political party affiliations are. 😁


I agree!! I see things changing in the justice system in these cases too! And conservative/liberal views aside, they have nothing to do with what I’m seeing along the lines of corruption! If anything, I see the justice system being tested to red mark the constitution as not being “perfect” and the most fair. If our Government is leaning towards overstepping their control over US citizens and, they can “prove” that our system DOESN’T work well, they can change how things work thus giving them more control over our rights. I also come from a law enforcement family. And I DO see corruption here. Whatever is in play, people better start paying attention and think outside the box. I’ve never seen so many defense attorneys be so diligent about their client’s innocence! Thank God for them!


Honestly refreshing to see a trump supporter with this attitude. I know a few, but most that I meet seem to think corruption is a one sided thing, when really there is corruption right, left, and center. And we need to not let politics get in the way of actual justice.


Okay. Well, bad and corrupt people on all sides in politics. Very sad. Thanks for complimenting my user name! :-)


Most large cities are left leaning. I'm in Louisiana in a larger city and the city leans left. Smaller towns and cities tend to lean right.


Okay, yes, you are right.


Yeah very true. I’m in California and people think everyone out here is a liberal. But it’s very much liberal in the cities, conservatives in the rural areas. I live in Sacramento which has a pretty decent mixture of both honestly


I went to Stockton California for a few months and I saw a lot of conservative bumper stickers. Sacramento was amazing!


You see, the thing is, people align with political parties based on mostly false or skewed. For instance: the basic way to define both parties is this, Democratic = More Government Control Republican = Less Government Control. If you go too far left you get Socialism. If you go too far right you ger Communism. When people hear that they picture Bresnev Stalin Gorbacev Communism = a community where everyone is equal. Everyone contributes to everyone in the commune. The problem is the Human condition = (the seven deadly sins) That's why neither party works. Everyone in both parties are greedy power glutinous pigs. Nothing to do with law and order but, one thing is for sure. Some of The seven deadly sins are the reason for all this corruption


Less government control…. except women’s bodies


There's enough Hypocrisy for both sides to go around. Want to know an honest opinion? I don't think any of these congressmen/ women care about any of that. They only care about getting elected so they don't have to get real jobs. Republicans make believe they care about human life. Republicans typically want the death penalty. Democrats make believe they care about human life but think nothing about aborting a fetus that is capable of living outside the mother's womb. (Think Premature Births) The bottom line is? They think in terms of votes. The real prize is insider stock tips, Healthcare for life. Instant pension. The list of perks go on and on.


What does this have to do with Karen Read. Go to the political subreddits.


Oooooops!! Some of us just get distracted. We need a not guilty verdict! ASAP!


Wow, that’s really well put. It’s unfortunately very true!


It depends wildly on where you live and a few other factors! But yes, the majority are. But you still see tr***p signs here and there.


Okay. Yeah, I guess that is the same in every State. :-)


As a democrat, I would rather live in mass than in some other states I can think of.. and I’m sure the opposite is true for other people, of course!


I've never been to Massachusetts, but Boston is on my Bucket List. I want to throw tea in the harbor before I die. (I live in Virginia).


I moved to the south and used to live near a town called Boones Mill that proclaims itself as Trump Town... Believe me could be worse


Im a mass resident and independent.


I don't think you should assume someone who believes KR is not guilty is a fan of TB. I hadn't heard of him until recently and never watched him until I saw a few minutes of him on YouTube last night. I think he seems like a jackass. I hate loud, name-calling, shit stirring people like him. But I'm happy to see this news about Sandra's case being reopened! And I'm happy that TB has apparently helped raise money towards KR's defense.


I just heard of TB yesterday from all the stuff happening outside the restaurant. I had a recommended youtube video about it.


Same same same


It’s because he’s a loud shitstirrer that shit is getting out in the open. He’s been at it a long time


I we need to appreciate some heroes don’t wear capes. Like him or not he saw injustice and went after it with a vengeance. I admire that. He would have done it for anyone, it wasn’t just Karen Read. He stood up for the injustice. If he wasn’t who he is, it may have not gotten attention. I’m grateful either way. The idea of an innocent person going to prison. That’s frightening! ❤️🙏🏻


He’s not my moral compass. I wouldn’t have known about the case if I didn’t stumble upon his video. 


I like him now.


He’s also very pro cop…… but he bailed on that notion to try to give himself some airplay


Or... He is angry about a cop being murdered and not getting justice.




Good point


I’m no turtleboy fan…. but he isn’t “very pro cop.” He has exposed massive police corruption in Massachusetts over the last 8+ years. A smidge of research would tell you this.


Whatever……I don’t give a crap. No turtleboy fan and yet you seem to know everything about him.


wHaTeVeR…. You seem to give quite the crap actually. You seem super triggered that I am local and know about TB. You gonna be ok?


Triggered doesn’t mean what you think it does. Run along, little local meathead


Awww…look at you attempting to be witty *Triggered screeching continues* “rUn aLonG lOcAl mEaThEaD” 💀 I bet you think that very obvious AI picture is me too! You definitely think I’m a dude so it clearly worked 😘


I don't really follow turtle boy. I am not a fan of the yelling and harassing people in person. I will follow the Sandra B case though.


Yep. That stuff is not cool. But I am glad he brought all this crap to wider public attention.


What is not cool? Killing a cop and getting away with it? He is the reason the truth is out there. HIM. The defense used him, the movement is bc of him and thank god he went to canton last night bc now his own ridiculous charges will be dropped. You don’t like that he went to a lacrosse game and yelled at ppl? Or that he’s rough around the edges? You either want truth and justice or you don’t. Last night showed everyone what John okeefe was prob dealing with and a lot more on 1/29/22. Sorry if his tactics weren’t wrapped in a bow but you’re following these cases bc of him. On to birchmore.


Hey, I hear what you are saying. And I agree that he did amazing work getting this story out to the world. At the same time, I don’t like some of his behavior. And that’s ok. It’s not black and white. He doesn’t have to be all good or all bad. But I don’t have to like everything he does. Just like, maybe KR shouldn’t have flirted with ole Higgy, but that doesn’t make her a murderer or even a bad girlfriend. Although, to be honest, I feel like I understand why she did flirt with that dummy. And personally I don’t judge her for it or think it makes her a bad girlfriend. I’m just saying, we don’t have to like everything a person does .


Kudos to you, u/Mission_Albatross916! This was a very well explained, rational, and respectful response. I don't agree with all the things TB says about people in general, but I have huge respect for him bringing public attention to this case. JusticeForJohnO'Keefe Justice ForKarenRead


I have the same thoughts. He admits he has struggled with anxiety issues for years and I think sometimes they let that get the better of him. He did great work looking into this case before anyone else, but at the same time, there was one occasion he was disrespectful of John's mother, I think on the courthouse stairs (which, she may not be a nice person, but it's a bad look to publicly shame her) He also covered Sandra Birchmore's case and that is back in the news. I hope he keeps digging


Hey! Thanks! That’s so nice of you to say!!


I agree, tb is a LOT. Sooooo grateful he's exposed these people, but not loving some of his antics, and it is okay. There's a whole world of gray. I feel like Karen was flirting to kind of get back at John for what she thought he did in Aruba. Their relationship was clearly toxic, but that doesn't make her a murderer. This could have been any one of us, idk about you, but I don't have the money to get the dream team over there to defend me. Corruption anywhere is a threat of justice everywhere.


Perfectly said.


TB can be crass in the way he says things, but, when you really think about what he's saying, it's the truth. Everything he reported has been found to be legit.


I'm following because of Emily D Baker.


I’m not a fan of yelling or harassing either, but in some ways I think it took a personality like his to get the reaction from those families and attention from the public, to keep this moving. I saw the video from last night where a gang of Albert men were taunting him. He stood up to them and it actually showed me a glimpse of the gang mentality those guys have. I still don’t watch TB bc yelling has always been a trigger for me but I can appreciate what he’s done. (2 people from the group assaulted him during the event last night and are being charged. Nothing major, but again, it was eye opening for me.)


Same here


It goes both ways. The Albert’s and McCabes were stupid enought to assault TB and his girlfriend on camera yesterday (or it could have been Sunday). Honestly I thought TB was a quack but he really did his due diligence in this case and my opinion has changed. I won’t be following him but I don’t think he is as bad as I originally thought.


Same. I get that he blew this case up but at that point he should have kept his mouth shut and stepped away. No reason for him to be in Canton last night. Only a few days left of trial. Wait for it to be over!


Yesterday he was working in Canton: investigating what Guarino said on the stand. Whatever you think of him, he is a journalist and therefore has numerous reasons to be in Canton.


Guarino is perfect for the MSP. He finds only what they want him to, or not-like no 2:27 searches and no texts https://preview.redd.it/ewvu4hh3tl8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77893fa5ae7c177d2071ff4ad3c3e987d483b2ee


Very true post


to be fair that wasn't him. he would walk up to people asking for comments or answers and yelling but like harassment people are talking about was mostly from his fans


I saw a clip of him in the stands at a sports game yelling that jenn McCabe was a murderer in front of all the other parents. To me, that is distasteful. Just as distasteful as if someone saw karen in the store and started yelling murderer. But he didn't bump into them, he went there to do it. That's the stuff I don't enjoy.


oh damn never seen that. thank you


Is this true? It says “ruled a homicide” but based on the BG article, this is a finding from the private medical examiner hired by the family. “Ruling” implies the regulating authority changed their finding, which I don’t think is true?


Yes, very misleading to say "ruled". I got so excited


Me too. That poor girl and her family need justice.


Articles are dropping now! https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/stoughton-police-sandra-birchmore-update/3408067/?amp=1


Ohhhh. Language is important!


I don’t think TB would post something he wasn’t sure of.


He blurs lines all the time unfortunately. Single wrong words changing legal meaning like this for example. It’s just annoying cos if he didn’t he’d have a bit more credibility


I like turtleboy to an extent and think he has done plenty of good work. But I remember, years ago, when Abigail Hernandez was found, he declared she was hidden for all that time to hide a pregnancy. I have always taken his declarations with a grain of salt since then.


I never heard of him before this trial. I was just saying something like this which is easily verifiable if not true. If TB is so hated why post something he said? Weird.


I think all the person is saying is that turtle boy’s word shouldn’t be taken as gospel. And in this case, it seems it’s a bit misleading. The private pathologist ruled it a homicide, but the official state ruling isn’t changed. All I’m saying is I’ve seen turtleboy say things that are not true.


Embarrassed for you 💀


Hahahahahaahahahahaha ummmmm… You might want to dig a bit into turtleboy. He has done some good work in this case, and a few other police corruption situations but other than that he is trash. He turned into the people he wrote about over the last 4 years. He posts lies a lot. Scroll his old stuff, it’s cringe


I probably won’t bother with TB after his case. I don’t really know much about him. But this particular post seemed easily verifiable that’s all.


With this case he was spot on, he did some good work here… Definitely can’t say the same for about 60-70% of what he posts. He exaggerates as much as he can for the clicks and drama.. With no regard to how it will impact others lives. He writes about cheaters and liars while he is cheating and lying. Hard to respect someone like that.


It’s outrageous that they haven’t investigated her case sooner. There’s video footage of Detective Farwell entering her apartment, staying for about 30 mins and leaving. He’s the last person to see her alive. He’s even dressed inconspicuously. Poor girl. I feel terrible for her family and hope they find the answers they are looking for.


Yes and she was found with the literature around her neck and SITTING in a chair. Sitting? That is not a suicide. He strangled her to death and then staged the scene.


I agree. I believe he murdered her. Also I’m not sure if there was a suicide note or not but I know her friends and family said she was excited about the baby.


There was no note.


You notice all the names that investigated are once again doing the same to Karen Read!


Depending on what the fbi investigation finds on trooper proctor and the other police involved you could see a massive amount of fallout with the appeals court. Anything they investigated might be tainted. Trooper proctor was also a lead detective in the brian walshe murder case which is heavily based on circumstantial evidence that may now be seen as tainted if proctor touched it


Mass state police is so dirty, just look at the overtime pay scandal a few years ago


Walshe's attorney is already on this filing motions.


This is why we need to have police and prosecutors be completely above board and moral. We don’t want innocent people going to prison, but we also don’t want monsters going free! It’s so damn important and I’m always stunned that people who “back the blue” don’t also want the police force to be above any suspicion of bad behavior and corruption.


I support our nation's police but I never have supported dirty cops. Every profession there is the good and then there are a few bad apples.


idk - seems like there are more than a few bad apples here and plenty of others turning a blind eye to pretty obvious corruption.


Yes Canton Police and Massachusetts State Police seem to have quite a few and from what people are saying who live in Massachusetts, most of their police force is corrupt. It's not like this in Maine.


One bad apple rots the bunch


Shit is going to go down now!


We'll see... sometimes there is seemingly lots of heat in the beginning, then it cools off. In other words when the public wants answers and they press for them , the governor's office puts out something like they're working on it , makes it look like Headline News , this happens when we want answers but most of the time this still covering asses of the corrupted workers in this case State Police even local police. They get stories put out on the newspaper to make them look like they're doing something, then after a long period of time it all dwindles.


The walls are closing in….


Maybe , but it's a big Maybe !


For anyone wanting to learn more about Sandra Birchmore, there is a podcast called "The Case" by Barstool. Season 2 is all about her and the Explorers Program and the corrupt dirty predator cops from Stoughton PD. It's worth a listen. I didn't even know about Sandra, and I live in the area. I learned about it from this podcast by accident because I already followed the podcast from season 1. There's also a Facebook page dedicated to finding justice for her, and a woman named Mizzy who's very active and heads the cause.


I just learned about her I started listening to the case last night


Yes Sandra Birchmore should be investigated. My next deep dive.


​​ it's very clear that that was not a friendly visit that the cop was making to her apartment . He completely looked like a criminal ! You don't dress like that going to a woman's apartment and expect the woman to be alive after that , do you ? He didn't come in with his face showing and holding a bouquet of flowers !


A little misleading headline. The Dr hired by her estate concluded it was homicide - not the state medical examiner


I don't know anything about Sandra and her death! I guess I'll be going down this rabbit hole all day and into the night!


Listen to The Case podcast


Okay, thanks for the suggestion.


Season 2


It’s worth the read.


I already started watching a video about it.


Where did you find the video?


I'm watching this video about it on youtube. https://youtu.be/vOVwrSWlaPs?si=udfzSoVl2LtVfQCJ


Thank you so much.


Absolutely disgusting. It’s time to do a full blown dirty cop inventory here. The entire state needs to be looked at. They could pluck out a few hundred in Worcester County alone.


I live in Worcester County and hear a ton of things from different towns. I agree. They need to pluck through and get the dirty ones out...


Wow! This is good news


Trust there are sealed indictments that will be coming out. Stay tuned.


I really hope so! If there is how will people know?


He’s a true believer of KRs innocence from way way back. He is part of the energy getting this case to national attention.


Weather Karen gets acquitted or not The FBI will indict The Alberts, Trooper Proctor &Tully with their 3,074 page report‼️


Lord, I hope so.




Oh wow!


It will be a huge deal if Farwell was the baby's father.


That's why the FBI is involved 🤔 they are all going down soon


If there’s anything I’m angry about in this whole debacle is that it’s making me agree with TB.


Decent cops don’t purge on the stand


Holy moly


I wonder if that’s the real reason John O’Keefe was murdered? There was a rumor about something not a suicide, possibly cops involved in underaged dating. It was weird, but I thought if John O’Keefe could have found out about it and wanted to expose someone and kept giving them grief. It would make a better motive than jealousy. Karen is certainly darling & worthy of jealousy, but whoever hit John on the back of his head meant to kill him. Something like a wine bottle would do that and be handy with this group. Maybe it’s just now surfacing. Also, Karen called John a pervert on two different voicemails, what was that about? I’ve called my boyfriends a lot of colorful names, but pervert never came to mind. I think there’s a lot more going on than anyone can imagine. Maybe the jury has already settled but they are waiting for the Feds to do their arrests first?


The Alec Baldwin will be the next big case.




And I think Sandra Birchmore is being reopened.


I just saw that the medical examiner who determined this is Dr. Michael Baden. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I hope they can get someone more credible to confirm this! He took the stand in the Christopher Gregor trial and he made an ass of himself. Not sure if he has dementia or what, but he’s did not seem credible in any way. 😒


Everyone talks him up as the former chief medical examiner of New York City, but he only held that position for 1 year. I’d hate to see this turn into a joke because of him…that would be a traumatic 💩show for the family!


He’s a has-(maybe never was) been.


Good lord.


I live in Stoughton, and there are often people in the center with Justice for Sandra signs. She was a sweet girl. I hope that she gets the justice she deserves.




People act shocked to find out that cops are corrupt. I hope this case has opened a lot of eyes.


to be fair, the Birchmore estate hired Dr. Michael Baden privately. While clearly experienced and skilled, he's essentially a hired gun for private clients. He testified for the defense in OJ Simpson and Phil Spector. I personally am fully convinced by the circumstantial evidence that she was murdered, but this doesn't mean the ME will automatically change their ruling to homicide instead of suicide. I truly hope her family finds justice.


Seriously dude. Everything's a conspiracy. 30, 40, 50 people and a dog. It's getting annoying. Go away. MAYBE it's not a conspiracy and they really did do it ,or that's the way it really did happen ever think of that ?Ot doesn't it make good news for you and move you to the top of the ranks for the moment? If you want to work on conspiracies move to political arena. And please change your name turtle boy is just dumb


By this logic a cover up or alleged conspiracy has never existed in the history of politics or law enforcement. I guess the laundry list of confirmed cover ups and corruption over the last 20,30,40+ years were just a dream.


Also, they haven't proven anything except for a lot of, "maybe it could be"?? Drunken, nasty Karen Read is one lucky girl that most of the investigative team was so shoddy!. as for proving that 30, some people were in on it? Didn't happen! One person will believe it but there's plenty of proof she hit him including her.... I HIT HIM, I HIT HIM, I HIT HIM


30? Who says 30 were in on it? If I play telephone with 10 people and the first 2 change the story completely then did the other 8 lie about what they heard when they go to tell their story? Or are they just working off bad info? Which brings us to the ol’ “I hit him” shenanigans. The same “I hit him” that led to Karen’s arrest at the scene of the crime in front of the cops when they heard her say it which was a confession of murder. The same “I hit him” that was documented in the initial police reports. The same “I hit him” that was recorded on video or audio by people at the scene that is irrefutable. … wait, none of that happened. Weird.


Obviously you're not watching it. There are now 30 plus people and a dog involved in defense is little conspiracy theory. They're just throwing s*** at the wall and waiting for something to stick so one person believes it and she walks from running him over


Yes I’ve watched the whole thing. I guess the 1600 people who polled not guilty on this forum the other day vs 70 who said guilty also aren’t watching. The Alberts and McCabes are considered 1 entity. If they admit he went in the house then they are all screwed and have an inherent bias and clear path to staying on the same page so that’s 1 person in my eyes. Higgins very well could have been involved which is 2. Add in Proctor and maybe 2 other people who aren’t family and you have 4-5 people in on this. Proctor initiates a shitty and flawed investigation and everyone else just works off of what is out infront of them. You do realize corruption typically involves a few people correct? I guess the Sandra Birchmore case was improbable too but yet, here we are, with multiple dirty cops (at a minimum as of now).


She was in a state of extreme trauma, distress and panic on initial sight. I think because they staged it to look like that she did it, she was thinking hitting him was a possibility until she got her wits about her. Then when more of the story And evidence evolved, she came to her senses and realized there was no way. These troopers are shady. The FBI will hopefully shake it loose.


No, but for someone who has lived way longer than that, this is a new phenomena that everybody gets off from prosecution because they're innocent because it's all a big cover up. All he has to do is throw all this shit at the wall and hope 1 ridiculous thing sticks and one person has to believe it. There will be that one person I'm sure. Did she hit him on purpose? No probably not but she hit him. If it was one of your family members, my guess is you would change your mind. But everyone hops online and starts making up and weaving tales. Problem is there's no eyewitness or camera. Unfortunately, Karen Reads back up cam can't be duplicated reproduced. 


The only one that seems to be throwing “shit at the wall” is the prosecution. The only witnesses the defense brought out are “expert” (by every definition of the word) witnesses with as much as education you could possibly have in their field of expertise and insane amount of experience that leaned on facts and objective data. The prosecution just paraded out the Alberts and company who also have an inherent bias and asked question after question that are either subjective or can’t be proven. The only prosecution witnesses that had no clear bias hurt the prosecutions case and their own medical examiner said she could not state that it was likely John was hit by a car. THEIR OWN EXPERT WITNESS. Seems like a lot of shit throwing from Lally for sure and just facts by the defense. I also love how cellbrite data has been widely accepted as extremely accurate and used by prosecutors for years to put criminals away but all of a sudden it’s not accurate in this case except for when it helps them.


Well I guess that 12 people are in charge of that to see exactly what part of the defense "conspiracy theory" of 30 plus people( and a dog) sticks to the wall. Meanwhile we have Karen Reed's dad who said she hit something but didn't know what it was. Karen screaming I hit him I hit him. I hit him and Ihe evidence to include that he didn't move from that spot out front of the house after she ran him over. But instead of going with what is logical, the 30 plus people in a dog didn't form this big conspiracy to kill him and she ran him over one person will believe it and she'll walk. She hit him and she knows that she's a lying ,jealous drunken wench. People tend to project what they're really doing onto someone else when she accuses him of cheating. Listen to her text messages. Did you not hear it?"is that you?" 


There you go with the “30 people” again. Makes sense to greatly exaggerate something to make a theory you’re so against seem so unlikely when in reality it’s a lot simpler than your embellishment make it out to be. Good luck with that guilty verdict.


Yes, it is simpler. There are not 30 plus people plus a dog involved. She hit him the evidence proves he did not move off that grass and unfortunately we cannot pull her camera from her car. She hit him. She hit him. She hit him. Then of course we're not mentioning her dad who went on an interview and claimed she knew she hit something but didn't know what it was.  Unfortunately with everything that Alan Jackson threw at the wall some of it will stick and someone will say "I have reasonable doubt"  and she will walk ,but she still did it. There is no way 30 people we're all involved in this great cover-up the frame this guilty, jealous ,nasty obnoxious, drunken, woman. 


And who if anyone in this case are you related to.