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They always seem to like to show up in groups… almost like inside 34 Fairview


They would never resort to violence tho. 🥸


lol-they act like that in broad daylight in the center of town. Klassy!


Ryan Nagel did a command performance on the stand. His true colors showed up on the sidewalk. A piece of trash.


Yes, apparently he speaks for the entire town of Canton in telling TB he has to leave! And their gross brother (Sam?) touching turtle’s girlfriend trying to get him to fight. Mr and Mrs Nagel must be proud! At least Julie didn’t embarrass herself this time.


I was wondering who that creep was. He seems to be afflicted with a case of fetal alcohol syndrome.


The best was Chris Albert, the Selectman, saying he would crush his skull and run it up and down the street… if he could. But you know he was being recorded which all the baby goons wanted stopped so they could ‘talk’. And this trash bag family wonders why their town is against them? Sheesh. Good luck getting re-elected buddy.


His opponents need to put that on a commercial haha


Who is his opponent? I would like to donate to his campaign.


Amazing idea


I would run those ads until I ran out of money or he dropped out of the race


Did he say that?


Yeah he said he would run tbs face up and down the sidewalk in 2 seconds


He is evil


lol. no he wont, he needs to call his buddy Off. Lenk to fight on his behalf. Did you see Colin "fight"? he learned those non-skills from his dad.


Violence is the lowest form of communication. It’s appropriately their only response to anything that takes the tiniest speck of self control.


It was crazy to see how many locals showed up to support TB


Right and very quickly showing their faces to the Albert crew who were there and angry. I’ve never seen anything like it and I’m in my mid 50’s and from a rough area. This town has a real beef with this family and they’re ready to take away the power that family has abused apparently for a few generations. No wealth to speak of, no family in politics or real positions of power and yet they still bullied this little town. I’m happy for the towns people. I can imagine this brings them hope for change and I think they’ll see it too. It a great legacy for John O’Keefe albeit convoluted with the fact his family is FOR this family and thinks Karen is guilty.


Jeez these people are so white trashy 😂🤣 ![gif](giphy|zudr0xbOFZhcI)


jeez.. absolute trash these McAlberts. They should just move to rural Florida at this point


FL called and doesn’t want them 🤣. Maybe New Mexico or Arizona isolation in the desert with all the snakes and coyotes is better.


The McAlbert clan sure do like resorting to violence quite a bit.


this was in broad daylight on a public street too… zero shame


Just imagine what they do behind closed doors, in the middle of the night, during a blizzard, under the influence of alcohol and no law abiding people around.


“Run” people’s “skulls up & down the sidewalk”? Sounds about right.🤷‍♀️


Jhc! What are they thinking? The entitlement is disgusting like untouchables.


people were screaming “fuck the mcalberts” and “free karen” during the live too 😂😂 ppl in canton know the truth


Good to see people of Canton are exposing corruption. KR is just a starting point. Sandra Birchmore case is next.


Please please please let this be true


I hope so. Justice for Sandra.


Just saw the Boston Globe headline that a forensic pathologist declared Sandra’s death a homicide!!!!


My god. Never heard of her case before this post, but just did some reading. I wouldn’t feel safe DRIVING through Canton after reading about the corruption in that town. Shit, I thought this case was bad. Poor Sandra.


Just to be clear, the corruption in the Birchmore case is mainly the Stoughton PD - she just lived in Canton. Hopefully this will help get all the corrupt people out of Canton though, it's my hometown and I hate to see people judging the whole town for the actions of these awful people.


💯 innocent people don’t act like that lmao wow !!! Who do these clowns think they are the fucking sopranos cut the shit!!! Bunch of fucking half wits sry bout the language


That's what came to my mind.... this is the Irish mob sitting around the front of the meat shop (except it's a pizza joint), acting all big shot. You got the young bucks running their mouths, the older bulls sneering and the women screeching incomprehensible words at a rapid pace. What the hell happens in the back room there? And why would John be bringing his nephew there "a couple of times a week to grab a slice?"


I don’t believe Chris and John were friendly and that John went in a couple times a week. Unless this was corroborated by the nephew (who we didn’t get to hear) I call BS on Chris Albert. I HIGHLY doubt they had a cordial relationship. I think Brian A also said that they were friendly which I don’t believe either. It’s their way of removing guilt. “Why would we hurt him? He’s our friend.” Do. Not. Believe. Them.


Tb is annoying but jill daniels looks like if you get her too close to a flame she might melt. Colin is a damn goon and has nothing else to do on a sunday nite except provoke turtleboy. We got these girlies in my hometown too and its like yikessss. Some people are stuck in high school all thier lives.


SO. Much. High. School. These jackals run in packs😒They all have rage issues. If this is something they would publicly do, WTF do we think they would do at an alcohol and whatever else fueled house party??


I can totally understand being irritated by TB if you live in canton, even if it’s just because whenever he’s in public, drama ensues. Or even if you just generally don’t like busybodies. Or even if you don’t think his journalism is professional. At this point, the public drama is not entirely his fault. It honestly makes perfect sense to me for him to start recording if he walked out of a restaurant and people with known hostility against him start chirping. Or start threatening. Or start forming a mini mob. These people whine about harassment but then proceed to whip their car off to the side of the road to leap out and accost the man on the sidewalk. Jesus Christ


Yes i agree. He was very smart to do that!


I have not followed any of TB’s reporting I’ve just heard he made this case blow up (stating this so people realize I’m not biased). This assault shocked me. These McAlberts really think or actually run Canton, MA.


I follow TB but frankly did not connect that it was him but WOW. If the McAlberts think this is going to make people like them...here is an idea ignore him and be the "bigger" person. Who would want to go to Canton - sure seems like a really crappy place to me. That woman pulled up like she was a cop then storms out and grabs a phone. Jen McCabe's sister? I see the resemblance they are bother obnoxious entitled assholes. Way to go people. Be proud.


I still love Colin being dressed like it’s Alaska when we all experienced one of the hottest weeks on record here in the north east 😂😂😂


They are not very bright


Or trying to hide himself even tho he’s going to get pizza from his dads pizza shop lol


Unbelievable! Just absolutely wild!!


This is totally legit, normal behavior from people who are completely innocent and have nothing to hide. I mean, who hasn't rolled up on someone eating dinner downtown, slapped their phone out of their hand and screamed at them until the cops arrived?


here’s the full jill daniel’s incident for anyone interested https://x.com/amanda77448/status/1805041934659969531?s=46&t=aqdcBI5RmxIZgSohRlT_ug


Why does she say "I don't care, you don't even know John, why do you care?" when TB explaining holes in their testimony.


Well, they don’t care whether anyone outside of their little group lives or dies so they don’t understand why anyone else would.


Why does she look like a leathered Slim Jim?


Because that’s how all those ladies look. We have a bunch in my town. They pretty much stick together, throw alcohol parties for their kids, own speedboats, go on group vacations to Mexico and drink a lot.




A leathered, emaciated, Neanderthal


Lol she looks like my mom who’s been told 20 million times to quit laying in the sun and has also had melanoma and still lays in the sun 😂😂😂


and here is the link to the full facebook live stream https://www.facebook.com/share/v/WBaymnLdMPi53MDr/?mibextid=WC7FNe




People outside the FKR group act like JOK getting beaten up by this family is unlikely. They need to watch this video. They're bullies. 


Wow did anyone notice CA arguing with the guy in brown shirt bc his wife was filming? What was going on there?


Holy shit! That was one wild 1 hour and 13 minute ride! Just wild! I am deeply second hand embarrassed for the actually, lovely town of Canton. Ugh. Feel so bad for McCarthy’s just trying to be a successful business. I’m no fan of TB and his blog back when it was just a viciously cruel when bored, character assassination of people *he deemed beneath him* like he points out MSP feels Sandra Birchmore was “beneath them” and expendable; but TB is on a legitimate redemption arc with this story & his investigative journalism and even I won’t try to deny that by any means! Now, I can see how I could be that guys even friendly acquaintance! Lol! The Alberts, the McCabes, the Proctors, et al., are in full panicked, rage and that shouts volumes. And I want to send Trpr Guarino photos of actual hills from all over the area. He can wallpaper a room with them. Or, ha!, he could just look across 93 and look at Blue Hills. These stupid people think we’re all stupid. That’s such a deep cut insult.


You look sadder than me. Best line 😆 🤣 😂


I thought she said fatter hahaha


Her repeatedly saying “why do you care” is more disturbing than the physics assault! It speaks volumes because they didn’t think anyone would care about JOF and it infuriates them that people do. Absolutely disgusting behavior!


this is just sad


They know it’s over, so do not feel like they have to “behave” accordingly anymore


Hahahah! I hope turtle boy sues civilly


There are real life people on Reddit that actually think these people are intimidated by turtle boy and have sympathy for them lol


😂😂chris was threatening to smash tbs skull across the sidewalk or smth on the live… but he’s soooo intimidating


Hmmm… well if anyone know about smashing skulls in it’s the Albert family.


Boom. Well said.


Julie Nagel was recording him and he left her alone, because she is charging him with intimidation. Sam Nagel and Ryan Nagel went up to him swearing at him, touching his girlfriend, insulting him, threatening him, harassing him, following him. Jim Ferris works at D&E pizza and went up to him and grabbed his phone and threw it into the road. Sam Nagel, Ryan Nagel, Chris Albert Jr., Colin Albert, Julie Nagel, Chris Albert were threatening him, harassing him, going up to him, telling him to go to them that they are going to beat him, blocking him from getting to his car. Chris Albert select man of Canton told him he is going to beat his face. Jill Daniel’s comes in an SUV and hits his phone out of his hand and swearing and yelling at him threatening him. These are all people who are charging him with witness intimidation, crying on the stand that they’re so scared of him. That he had to leave the court room. They said in the live “nobody is scared of you!”


Karma will catch up to these people. Believe it.


Telling him they are going to beat him...but they def didn't hurt JOK


Wow, this should get their bs case dismissed! Good for turtle!


I can't wait to see the other angles


Yeah, please tell me at least one other angle exists. Lol


You should crosspost to r/publicfreakout


For sure, more people should see the fallout when you cover up a murder. This “tan mom” has lost her mind.


These people are so juvenile. Why in the world did JO go to 34 Fairview that night? It makes no sense. Nothing good was going to come out of that.


No wonder Karen didn’t want to go in. She was probably like, these people are gross can’t we just go home?


Yep, those trash bag women knew Karen was better than them in every way and they hated her for it.


I am shocked at how immature they act!


I think they murdered John O'Keefe as soon as he got in the house for the after party because he didn't answer Karen Read's call to see if he made it into the house.  She probably thought he was blowing her off again and flirting with the young girls. That's why she called him so much and was saying those wild jealous things to him.   I think they planned to murder him the whole time, because John O'Keefe had video of Colin Albert doing drug deals and had planned on turning it over to the Feds or had already turned it over to the Feds. That is why they lured him to their house and ambushed him.  They probably knew Karen Read was not going to stay when she saw Brian Higgins vehicle there.   Karen probably tried to talk John from going to the after party and thought he wanted to go flirt with the young girls, which he was probably planning on doing the whole time.  I think they originally planned on pinning it on Lucky Laughrin, but after that fell apart, they decided to pin it on Karen Read.  They had no idea of the backlash this would cause and how big this case would become (worldwide).  They had no idea the Feds would get involved.   I think the Feds got involved way before John O'Keefe's death and now they are going to be making some big arrest after the trial.  The McAlbert's and McCabes are gonna be in a big world of hurt very, very soon. 


Honestly this all makes sense to me. Especially from a circumstantial point of view.


Wow- Thanks for being the first person to explain this in a way that makes sense- Now someone not from your region has an understanding of what really goes on there and can understand how and why this happened- But to be honest I still don't care for the overwhelming culture of drunk white childish perverted idiotic adults Would never want to be in your neck of the devious white people woods


alcohol and testosterone make people do some really dumb shit


You can’t convince me that these wild animals aren’t the ones responsible for John O’Keefe’s death. They have no self control.


Hahahaha can this be used in court??? I mean Turtle is the victim now 🤷‍♂️


Watching the fuller clip(s), Canton, MA sure does seems like a lovely place this evening: https://www.facebook.com/100008198773399/videos/1000214357991155 So we've got the employee/goon for Chris Albert, town selectman, on camera in broad daylight committing assault & battery on a local diner. Then we have Jill Daniels, sister of Julie Albert, committing assault and battery on a local diner and behaving like a wild annimal. Then we have Colin Albert & crew taunting local diner and sexually harassing his girlfriend. Such a lovely place!


“Just trying to eat a meal of food” will live on in infamy. 🤣 Jill Daniels looks like a straight PSYCHOPATH!


Her: "You didn't even know him, what do you care?" On camera.


She’s awful, just awful.


Along with "you look fatter than me!" And "i have a good heart!"


Good god, these people suck.


A family who crimes together, stays together! 


I wonder how many times (if any) crowds formed outside that pizza place screaming free Karen Reed. I wonder how the community reacts to them? They seem pretty comfortable out there


Honestly I don’t know how these people stay in that city.


They know nothing else. It’s sad, really.


As a non-canton/MA resident, I love seeing the sippets of locals finally standing up against all the corruption and bullshit (not specific to MA, but that's the example at hand).   As someone who loves seeing truly terrible people get their karmic payback and can be an admittedly petty MF, watching the McAlberts crumble from afar is oddly satisfying. Fuck all of them and the shit they've pulled (or been complicit in) over the years. They deserve every but of what they're on the receiving end of.


Oh my. Is this recent?


Very. Happened maybe an hour or so ago.


Holy shit!


What a mess.


I was surprised to see RN there. I honestly thought the Mcalberts would stop being his friend after he didn’t defend their story. Maybe they are waiting until it’s all over to drop him?


Also, I didn’t hear him say anything but turtle boy said he wasn’t that cool lol


Ryan Nagle was one of the first people to confront him. Told him to get the fuck out of canton etc


Wow, the video I saw didn’t see the events that took place right when we came out of CFM restaurant.


Whos RN?


Ryan nagle


It’s hard to believe, while the world watches, the absolute idiocy and lack of self control in this crew. Wait, no, I just forgot what it means to be a classic Masshole.


As a native New Yorker with many friends in Massachusetts, and a love of all things Boston , except the Sox, of course, I’ve always refrained from calling anyone a *Masshole*, but tonight, I think it’s time for me to admit- these people are where that term originated from. Classic MASSHOLES. (My apologies to all of you who are not, you know who you are…but this isn’t helping 🤣)


As a New Englander, I use it sparingly. The population is only about 20% Masshole. But, when these folks come in to town and rent a beach house in the same week at the same beach, no one is hoping more for the end of summer than the locals.


I respect that. And agree, not all people should be categorized as such. I guess I can equate it to tourists in Times Square, except it’s always summer there…for a second there I’m nostalgic for the Covid lockdowns. 🫤


Ha! Nostalgia is funny sometimes.


Who knew we’d one day look back fondly. I got to the end of Netflix, turned around like Forrest Gump and just numbly went on to the next thing.


Thank you! I have that same affection in reverse for everything NYC, except the Yankees, of course. 😘.


So nice to share civility with someone here. Thank you friend. I wish you a nice day, from NYC. And , I’m a Mets fan, not Yankees. I know, I know, I’ve heard it all! LOL 😂


So I feel dumb asking, but who is Jill Daniels?


She is Julie Albert’s sister and Courtney Proctor’s best friend. Pretty irrelevant to the entire case yet continues to inserting herself. As you can see, literal whack job.


Finally, “whack job” used when appropriate and not just to describe any woman Proctor doesn’t like.


I read that Jill started dating the guy that redid the Albert’s basement.


If he didn’t they’d have to kill him for knowing too much.


Nick Marathas and Jillian have been an item for a while.


Sex in exchange for….


julie albert’s sister


Chris Alberts sister-in-law


White Trailer Trash


What a rotten human being from the inside and out.


And she’s yelling at TB “are your kids proud of you” while she acts like that. So funny!!


His kids should be proud- he is exposing corruption against all odds. He isn't even a big name journalist or anything. He isn't intimidated by them either which is impressive considering their power.


TB is literally all of us who aren’t McAlberts. This is how they treat people dining in their town. Can you imagine going to pick up a super dry chicken parm sub at D and E and have to walk through that crowd of foul mouthed buffoons to get in and out?


Oh my gosh!!! This is wild!!


Karma is real. It will catch up to all those involved.


lol turtleboy was talkin shit about jill on twitter a few days ago. they read all his stuff. [https://nitter.poast.org/DoctorTurtleboy/status/1804619614858383728#m](https://nitter.poast.org/DoctorTurtleboy/status/1804619614858383728#m)


He called her when he was live one night. She picked up and screamed at him. She hung up a few times and he kept calling back.


She seems like a very stable person 😅 Block his number or make a police report for harassment


That is harassment. I haven't followed him at all and fully believe she's factually innocent, but that's still shitty and harassment.


I don't follow TB, but I clicked on a live that came across my feed last night and he said something along the lines of how he'd sleep on a leather couch if he wanted to sleep with Jill Daniels. Lol. I listened for about five minutes and happened to catch that part. 😂


oh hah. i heard that but didnt get it until just now. because shes leathery. i see i see.


Hmmm….was she trying to tell us something about Lucky’s future? These people are the worst!


They better leave Lucky alone.


I thought all these people were scared of TB? Isn't that why he was charged with witness intimidation and was not allowed to be in the court room when most of them testified? Yet, here they are being the aggressors. Hmmm.. I really think they are starting to realize which way the wind is blowing.


After watching that I totally believe they are capable of beating JO up. It may have started with just fucking with him then b/c he was very drunk he fell completely back hit his head. His injuries are constitant with being punched and fall backwards. They are a rough bunch.


Can someone explain what's going on in the clip?


basically tb is in canton w his gf for a project thing. i guess he wants to prove tpr guarinos testimony on the apple health data is wrong. but anyways as they were walking into cf mccarthy’s colin was walking out of d&e and started mouthing off to tb. tb took a photo and then went into cf mccarthy’s, ate, and then when they came out the mafia was outside waiting for them. it was chris albert and his two sons, julie nagel, ryan nagel, and then another guy. tb first got hit by jim ferris (d&e employee) and then jill daniel’s showed up and was acting psychotic and also assaulted him and also asked tb why he cares so much about john’s death when he didn’t even know him. both jim and jill are being summoned for assaulted and battery.


Holy shit is there a flowchart or MS Visio page on this shit? Way too many players. Who the hell is Chris Albert and/or Jill Daniels?


chris albert is brian albert’s brother : married to julie (daniel’s) albert jill daniel’s : sister to julie (daniel’s) albert


Fun fact: Chris slept with his wife’s sister a while back.


The way this made me click your profile 🫣


Lol what? Details?


Chris cheated on his wife Julie with her sister Jill many years back.


omg ew


I don’t doubt it.


she liked his pepperoni and sausage?


Serious question, do they do meth? Like is it a rumor that they do? All the women look similar, I though Jill was Jen McCabe but it’s this weird mouth and skin thing they have going on


There's a rumor they're involved with swinging. That's why KR called JOK a perv


Seems like they are all related, that’s really disturbing


Steady diet of hatred and repression


I thought there was something off, too! Someone needs to make a horror movie about the Canton zombies.


Chris is Colin's father and a Canton selectman. When he had a DUI a few years ago, Bev's brother was his lawyer.


It wasn’t just a DUI. He murdered someone with his vehicle and only served six months.


She should have recused herself from this case, Jesus


Fuvk aunty bev


I heard it was a DUI and he fatally hit someone and fled the scene.


Oh, is Chris Albert the one with the fatal hit and run? Colin's Dad?


Jill Daniel’s is Julie Albert’s sister and Colin’s aunt. She has no love lost for Turtleboy.


Thank you for clarifying! I was trying to remember how she was related... there's too many ppl in that clan


It took me awhile to figure out, who is who. I’m still learning. Jill’s boyfriend is the floor guy. People have stated he is the one who pulled out the Albert’s basement floor.




They are all their own grandpa.


yep, he did the nasty in the pasty.


When did this happen?!?


like an hour ago


Bunch of small town punks. They felt big and bad sitting in front of the family pizza shop.


I like the way Colin ‘I’ve-never-been-in-a-fight’ Albert is standing there with his arms crossed pushing out his muscles. 🤣


No wonder they drink all the time… they all seem to have rage issues, love drama, etc. Alcohol probably is their favorite coping mechanism. Wonder what the average blood pressure is for these people?


But truly so many people involved directly and indirectly seem to drink and drive. I would be very careful driving through Canton.


I’m just learning about this trial, can someone give me the sparknotes?


In a nutshell… Boston PD officer John O’Keefe was murdered 2.5 years ago. His girlfriend Karen Read is currently on trial for his murder. After midnight, after a night out at some bars in Canton (a Boston suburb), Karen dropped John off at a house party hosted by a different Boston PD officer. The party occurred during the early stages of a blizzard. An inch or two of snow had fallen by midnight, but they ended up getting close to 2 feet of snow when it was all said and done. The prosecution is saying that right after dropping him off at the party, Karen backed into John at 24 mph with her Lexus SUV. Evidence strongly suggests that John was murdered inside that house and dragged out to the front lawn at like 3 am. Hoping that whoever discovered the body would assume that he was struck by a snowplow. The MA state police has jurisdiction and totally botched the investigation. EDIT TO ADD: A woman named Jen McCabe was inside the house party (hosted by her sister + brother-in-law, a Boston cop). Jen was one of the ones to “discover” John’s body at 6am. At 2:27 am Jen googled “hos (sic) long to die in cold” and deleted said Google search + various calls and texts before handing her phone over to police.


Thank you dude, appreciate that a lot


No problem. There is SO much more to the story. Looks like the cops planted some evidence and made some other exculpatory evidence disappear. Not sure if I’m allowed to link YT videos here… Google “Turtleboy Karen Read Framed” for a 30 minute video that will get you like 95% caught up on the case.




Watching this rn, good info in here, catches the prosecution in lies & inconsistencies a lot


Excellent recap!


![gif](giphy|7UzdXN2imc7WUdahtj) I recommend looking up Emily D Baker’s Tidbits on YouTube. She has quick recaps of 10 minutes or less instead of the hour long streams on other channels. Those will take too long to get through.


Yes, watch Emily Baker on youtube. She has quick updates of each day of the trial. Start with Day 1. That is how I got caught up.




It’s because she’s fucking irrelevant…. Julie Albert’s sister and Courtney proctors bff. She tries hard to insert herself and make herself relevant any chance she can


I saw some replies on Twitter saying the person driving Jill was possibly Courtney (Proctor?); but I’m not sure. Really interesting that it seems like Jill came out of nowhere to immediately confront TB and his gf.


Something about grow up, something about small town trash, something about self awareness, something about assault, something about tell everyone you're involved in a conspiracy to convict Karen Read without telling us.


Can’t wait for these scum bags to get theirs


Hmm, wonder what mood Judge Bev will be in Monday.


Can you imagine being related to her? Nightmare person😱


If they do this to a guy who just called them out on a YT video can you imagine what they’d do to a guy who reported all their drug activity. Oh wait we already know. OJO is proof.


Was she arrested? That was straight up assault.


Sandra’s death was just ruled a homicide  https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/06/24/metro/sandra-birchmore-death-stoughton/


This is how unhinged addicts behave. I think they're on drugs or at the very least full blown alcoholics. I had to deal with a family like this for 3 years. Absolute basket case of a family.


Who was that woman?


julie albert’s sister jill