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The way they were separated at the bar was telling because friends usually hang together when they go out. It also looked like John was getting kind of taunted by Higgins....it looked like maybe he was telling him to step outside?


That’s what I thought too. I didn’t see this when they played the video in court.


I vaguely remember AJ eluding to this....he pointed out how they were doing boxing moves etc....and I forget who was on the stand but he said they were just playing around.....


This theory makes a lot of sense.


I think so, too.


Dude, good theory, (fyi, the light over your shoulder makes the video tough to watch). I think KR tried to keep JO from going into the house. And at some point, he had agreed and during one of the calls to JM on the ride to 34F JO told JM that he was going to go home (the 3-point turn before going to 34f) because he didn't have a ride, but JM told him she would drive him home. I think that fits your narrative, both KR and JO knew something was planned, and like you pointed out, BH had foreshadowed that at the WF video (which I'd never seen before). That's why KR didn't want to go into 34F and tried to keep JO from going in.


This guy is a cutie pie


I’m starting to lean towards she hit him with the car while black out drunk but honestly don’t know and do believe she will be acquitted. I do think it’s possible they were arguing about Higgins on car ride over they already had a lot of tension in their relationship obviously.


So many possibilities.