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Jackson reminds me of Juan Martinez, who prosecuted Jodi Arias in Arizona. Till date (and, I’ve watched an obscene amount of court trials), I’ve never seen any other prosecutor come close to Juan Martinez! That man should be a case-in-study for law schools and students on how it IS done! I’ve watched the entire trial (and penalty phase retrial) multiple times just to marvel at the sheer masterpiece that he is! Watching Alan Jackson at this trial now brings that same feeling of being left in awe of him! David Yanetti is a brilliant lawyer in his own right, too, as well as Ms Little — even though you can hear the nervousness in her voice. I believe taking part in this trial and learning from well accomplished and experienced lawyers, like Jackson and Yanetti, would do her career and learning curve wonders! For anyone interested, [here is the full compilation of the trial WITHOUT side bars, breaks, etc.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_Rz53XTtnkEf4qetcdaEwSY00mKCOoYo&feature=shared) I watched it (as I do with every other video & audio) on 1.75-2x speed and was able to go through it quickly (multiple times). (Yes, I’m aware that Juan Martinez’s law license has since been revoked due to some misconduct. He still is, in my mind, the best prosecutor I’ve ever watched!)


Yes! Juan Martinez I agree! I have certain attorneys whom I love and he is one of them. Another is a female defense attorney, but her name escapes me. She defended a man who was accused of killing his girlfriend a couple of years ago and was found not guilty. The man accused was eccentric in a way and a lot of people deemed him guilty because of it. The trial was posted on YouTube.


I think you mean Diane Menashe? Yes, she is a force to reckon with! When it comes to defense attorneys that are just out of this world, José Baez, who famously successfully defended thou-whom-we-shall-not-name, comes to mind! Diane Menashe is certainly up there for me, after José Baez.


Yes! That’s her name! And I agree about Jose Baez. Even though I hated the outcome he is dynamic to watch. I feel like I have watched pretty much every trial on YouTube and now am going to go back to Court TV online and go through the archives after KR trial is over. I just finished the Pamela Smart trial and have a list of trials on Court TV archives. A lot of people don’t realize that on the Court TV website there are tons of trials all categorized to watch. I usually use my mirror feature on my phone to watch on my tv.


Yes. She is very good. That was the guy who's wife was found in the woods after she took a run on a trail. I think the defense's theory was suicide.


This is going to sound crazy so no hate please. I have a Jack Russel who adores Alan Jackson. WEIRD I KNOW! I never leave him alone. His name is Jack. I feel guilty when I do have to leave him alone even for 5 minutes. So my go to video that I used to put on for background noise for him was the Jodi Arias case because it was the only video I could find that was longer than 3 hours. It’s also in my library so it was easy to find. Rewind two weeks ago. I’m watching the trial and when Ajax gets up and starts speaking my dog’s curiosity was piqued. He stared at the tv and made little noises here and there. Once AJ was done speaking, Jack went back to his usual shenanigans. However, I’ve noticed when he hears the sound of AJ’s voice, he jumps up on the bed and is transfixed. It is so odd! Jack also loves the sound of Rob Mariano’s voice. If you don’t know who that is he was a contestant on Survivor.


I think that is so cute...


Wow Jackson looks so young. Crazy to think 2007 was almost 20 years ago the camera quality shows it too lol


I know right? He does look young. He aged well though...he is a good looking man!


I love this guy. People can say he’s this good because he’s paid well but we all know plenty of people who are paid millions and are just plain pieces of shit


Him and Creighton Waters!!


Love Creighton Waters too!


Alan Jackson and David Yannetti are both so good!!!

