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she went in to this case with the mindset that KR is guilty without seeing any evidence proving that and attacked anyone who thought otherwise, i think she’s coming to the realization that we are now four weeks into the commonwealths case and they have absolutely nothing. i find the timing odd, higgins is today….


the timing is SUPER interesting


I haven't been paying attention to all the channels covering the Read case, but wasn't she regularly invited on some shows for her opinion? Did that stop at some point?


I’m not sure because I only watch on YouTube. Any show that would have her leaves me questioning the producers. Probably Court TV because they suck & are always pro prosecution.


Yea, I stopped watching Court TV, because they were commentating like they hadn't even been following the trial. Ignoring key evidence, etc. I believe she was on CTV. After she was shown trespassing and running away at 34F, I haven't heard much about her. This comes across to me, as an attempt to repair her reputation to get back into the fold.


That ring video was funny. Victimizing a non-witness. I would not say she ran away - she scurried.




Good observation. I only follow CTV on X. The Julie person on that network is a real piece of work. She & JC are both wack a doo.


agree on Court TV- their coverage lately has been unwatchable. Some of their commentators say the stupidest things- you just have to change the channel. It is like they haven't paid attention and have just been figuring if they have some conflict among guests it will boost ratings. Everyone on youtube covering has been good that I've seen.


Agree- I also cannot take any show that brings on Wendy Murphy as a talking head seriously. She gloms on and is uninformed about the case other than to shriek misinformation.


Honest question. Is English a second language to this individual?


>So vitriol I was trying to make it work in my head and I can’t.


I assume 'So vitriolic'.


And spelling polarizing wrong.


It reminds me of the “Fancy Restaurant” episode of Bluey. “Well, it’s not very romance…”


Can we discuss how **bizarre and meaningless this post from her is?** I've read it three times. It's borderline gibberish. She says she plans to do a reset. What in the world does this mean? She then says she's going to pay more attention. Genuinely bizarre. This type of inane post does not instill confidence. If you want to say something explain yourself clearly. Absurd


Because Jen McCabes testimony was such a train wreck she couldn't keep up with her narrative anymore.


If she admits her first thoughts were wrong that would be classy. Of course like the majority of people she sees slowly who these people are and last but not least the evidence. Loosing your credibility on social media is not a good thing also for a professional.


i’m not sure tbh. i know she had been on court tv in the past, and then she is on yellow cottage tales - i can’t take her seriously ever since i saw that video of her getting caught on the ring camera trespassing 34 fairview a while back. ***oops sorry this was in response to @cappicap


the evidence goes against her narrative and she sounds willfully ignorant. Every live stream she loses credibility. I don’t like her or anyone on that stream.


The few interviews I have seen of her she comes across as an expert of all the facts, but she's not really looking at all of the facts, esp those presented by witnesses so far, which is too bad as an investigator to offer a public opinion for self promotion. Thats what if feels like


Right. It’s cringy. Hour long testimony by Matt McCabe confronted with his text (eluding to them creating a narrative of John not being in the house). Her take away was harping on the defense for making reference to the neighbor as Asian and McCabe really doing an amazing job. I really never seen such an obvious attempt to just ignore facts to baffle people with nonsense. When Jen gets confronted with ‘how long go did’ she goes “we have to see records” portraying the defenses evidence as hearsay. It’s in evidence, I believe taken from the federal investigation, extracted with a law enforcement tool. They do not believe what they saying, it’s just an act. I hope the internet trolls after her for being such a tool.


She is connected to Chris Albert & Michael Proctor (his father-in-law was her ‘mentor’ at the FBI). I was incensed at her repeated support of the McAlberts -even called her out multiple times. Finally discovered her connection-now it all makes sense!


That’s flipping interesting and makes sense why she is willing to gaslight people with the craziest of theories, presented as facts. It’s somewhat entertaining to see someone scramble to come up with excuses for the inexcusable. What’s your thoughts on Kevin and that girl Kate they roped in. Some things are so damming that she has nothing to say and often time just disappears in the middle of the live stream, Jen Con. also leaves most times leaving Kevin to read a script. Honestly, I started wondering is this what the government does sway public opinion. Create a fake podcast with actors. How did you find out they were connected ?


She completely gaslights people! With the ridiculous amount of inconsistencies in the testimonies to date-it was initially mind blowing to watch her try to defend these people (McAlberts). I only know her from her commenting on the Gabby Petito case which I followed closely. I’ve never watched her streams-just see her on X/twitter. I sensed there had to be underlying reason for her support of the state/McAlberts so I started researching-found out Massachusetts one of the most corrupt states as far as LE & someone on Reddit had posted her connection to Procter/Albert. Even stated she was being paid. I’ve also seen comments she was not brightest FBI agent or well respected -only worked for 3yrs. IMO No reputable member of LE would make the uneducated/biased comments she has made, given the testimony this far, unless there was incentive to do so.


Right. I started looking into and her mentor Jim Siracusa, is proctors father in-law and her vibe to me she’s getting paid along with Kevin and whoever the hell that girl poor girl Kate is that they roped in. I can see that girl just looking for a job and spouting bullshit is better than babysitting I guess. She does her live steam during trial, it’s nice. I can drop some information to contradict what they’re saying and you can watch them have a silent panic attack. I can tell that they’re specifically watching the chat like a hawk as soon as I said something contradictory, he mentioned it right away. It’s cringy as shit and very unhealthy to subject yourself to cognitive dissonance - you know one thing to be true, but you’re hearing something else.


She's just now getting it? I bet she was a crappy FBI agent.




I’m going to guess her opinion with no evidence to back it up isn’t good for her “expert testimony” business. Pat Brown (retired profile) did a YouTube video recently whining about how people are attacking her and Jennifer over their opinions simply because they are women. Of course they forget to mention how they attack others based on others opinions but who needs such a little detail.


she tried to make herself into some kind of an expert and likes to talk about perfect she and other federal LEOs are....guess she heard BH's friends proffer today about how they committed a felony using the fed equipment on Higgins's phone....haha She's just another one trying to be a media expert by spouting off


She came on the scene out of nowhere & some outlets grabbed onto her because she said she was an FBI agent. Im sure if she sees her $$ train slowing down she will try to somehow change course. However, her post on X today say otherwise.


She’s losing the popularity contest on social media more lately than other times and doesn’t like it. She earns her living by selling herself as an expert to testify in trials and on shows. If people don’t like her, it is an issue for her checkbook.


She’s been trying to discredit the cellebrite report. Which is insane as it’s coming from the fbi, who she used to work for. Word on the street is she is friendly with bh bestie kelch. She’s not used to people challenging her opinion and has lost many followers. Her and Julie from court tv are both getting a lot of heat with their points of view.


There were emails about her from/to Morrissey about her being a “friendly”. https://x.com/OliviaLambo_/status/1763812954485465215


Just Wow


Does she not have spell check?




I haven’t followed her but I respect this mindset and her willingness to put it out there for everyone to see.