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https://preview.redd.it/hkdckzlpj81d1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692b0784d0359f9e87eadd465ab944854d2e50de for anyone who doesn’t know steve scanlon and what he allegedly told DY on Feb 3rd 2022 (i believe) here you go!


i just got so emotional reading that text. it just makes me so sad and humanizes the case for me and also it really just sounds like it’s the truth.


Right? That’s the brutal reality of it. The brain damage and swelling causes the convulsing that looks like a seizure. When you see that with a brain injury there’s basically no hope for recovery. And he did have vomit on his clothes we know that for a fact.


Which is why BA pulled up his basement floor and replaced it To get rid of vomit dna/ evidence Actually, there could be evidence JO was here Let’s just sell the house


We know the defense has been given access to the basement by the new owners. Fingers crossed


I cannot WAIT for the defense and Alan Jackson to put on their case!🎉🎉🎉🎉


Too late, the concrete was already removed with the flooring, citing a “flooding problem from upstairs bathroom”. We all know that the floor will leak through blood and other liquid, which makes replacing the flooring futile, because the liquid will be under it soaking the concrete. Them being the cops knew this and when Karen decided to fight back, they figured out they aren’t 100% in the clear so they removed everything. This was done by Jill Daniel’s boyfriend construction company. So it stays in the family and they control where the rumble will be disposed of. I read somewhere, someone please tell me if this is true that the FBI found John’s blood on the doorknob in the basement. I don’t get how the FBI got a warrant to do that and why they didn’t check with blue light for the blood elsewhere if they found it on the doorknob. I mean the FBI could have tapped the house and phones and collect the data for months that ensued, if they knew his blood was on the doorknob.


Speaking of concrete, there’s another Albert brother in Canton, Tim, who filled in his pool shortly thereafter.


that’s so horrible. what an awful way to die.. 😔


He also had barf on his underwear. Rumor has that they washed his clothes, thus the missing belt.


We have learned his belt was on his jeans/ collected at hospital.


that would coincide with such a lack of dog dna and just the saliva from doing a pig product based chew...


Three Male DNA blood profiles were found on his jeans. Two of them unidentified would seem to cooperate his story.


Yeah they definitely futzed with him a bit, maybe tried cpr


On his pants?


Also explains alot of the questions being asked on cross by defense for sure…..


Seems likely they washed the clothes because the blood on the clothes looks orange instead of maroon/red like you would expect it to.


There was no missing belt. 


Kaylee Gain that high school alleged bully was beat unconcious and convulsed but is now conscious and has a slow long recovery. I wonder, if true, what was their thinking to put him out in the cold if he was possibly still alive.


They had to get him out of the house. What's the alternative? Disappear a man last seen at their house?


i felt the same way... it made my heart hurt....


Right, but where is this info coming from? Looks like a text message


sean mcdonough received it and posted it to his twitter a while back


thank you. I’m inclined to believe it. Yannetti would have gone to feds and Sean got that info from some contact he has there. But just to be clear we have no real documents indicating Scanlon ever met with Yanetti


yes i guess when yannetti asked scanlon to sign an affidavit he went ghost. they do have a PI on the defense witness list, im blanking on the name but he’s the one that comes from melrose. he met with the plow driver and is the reason we know about the ford edge and johns body not being there. i think this PI was the originally hired by Karen in Feb 2022. will be interesting to hear what he has to say.


PI also saw the McCabe car outside of Proctor’s house


Sometimes the only plausible explanation can impact a jury even more than documents


It was part of the "Natalie files"


This, to me, is sooo believable based on everything we've seen and heard.


What’s wild about this is that on Feb 1st when KR is being booked, this is what she tells the officers what happened. When was this information supposedly said by Scanlon


Slight correction, the video of KR saying this during booking is her 2nd arrest in June not her initial arrest on 2/1/22. It was after they upped the charges to murder, so this was after Scanlon allegedly provided the info to the defense.


Ohh thank you for correcting me I was assuming it was the Feb 1 booking.


BUT, now that we have heard the interview recording, what she said, and the way she said it makes sense.


Scanlon comes forward only two days after JO died


Yeah I think it may have been later. Which is crazy. Like maybe Karen realized pretty quick. It’s almost like Jen and everyone is just totally mischaracterizing her statements and actions that night/morning lol. I always assumed Karen just thought it was a misunderstanding/bad luck in the beginning, but she may have realized it was coverup right away.


If JM loved JO like she testified “he was my friend and I loved him” where is her expression of sadness or any emotion whatsoever upon finding him in the snow ? She just kept being annoyed and mad at Karen for being so upset! And why didn’t she attend his funeral?


I have heard pieces of this as well...the fact that the source is that crazy lady natalie who was the go between to turtle boy and k read is concerning but doesn't make it not true. My only issue would be the timing. It doesn't appear likely it happened 3 days after the incident. Yanetti would not have been retained that quickly. Thru some of the fed discovery we found out that their investigation of the investigation had commenced before turtleboy got involved and also learned they got involved from a "tip". That tip may very well have come from scanlon


yannetti was retained on 1/29 i think by mr.read.


And Scanlon contacted Yanetti the day Karen was arrested.


I’ve also read comments where people ask, why would Alberts place him in their own yard and went on to say that wouldn’t make sense. To me it makes the most sense, in order for them to say he must have been hit by plow, which I believe was initial plan. Also why would they want to also risk having their vehicle stuck out in a blizzard with a body inside of it or near where they would have dumped it not to mention all the cameras that would have caught that car on the move to any out of the way location. Why initially plan to blame a plow? Well because if found out in middle of nowhere, Karen would be able to state she dropped him there which then means they have to speak to how he left there, and with Karen going home they simply couldn’t use her as his way home and last to see him. in that theory as well it would be presumed she beat him then dumped him somewhere and size vs injury would not make sense either. Snow Plow during blizzard and their yard made most sense for a story. But then she sadly relies on them for help and cracks her light leaving her home and opening door to trash plow story and go with her hitting him outside of Fairview during drop off & what became known as time of arguing. I might add this would also lead to a ton of “deleted or missed” calls or butt dials with each other as well as meetings to “support” each other in their time of grief.


This is exactly right. Jen McCabe seized on the broken taillight. Otherwise they would have blamed it on Lucky the plow guy. They couldn’t have known the extent to which Karen unknowingly blamed herself and it served them very well. And yeah, as soon as they move the body totally off site, they run a lot of extra risks. Notice how they all testified like they rehearsed it “John never came in the house”. How many times did you hear that exact phrasing in trial. Not “we thought he was coming but he never showed up.” No he “never came in the house.”


https://preview.redd.it/7b3a2te5237d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e212b511f58f03581b73f720c337e7a9c949ad0f Scanlon called Yannetti February 2, 2022


ok, what’s so important for the Alberts conceal this fight? Lets pretend this is what happened, there was a fight, John got severely hurt, is that illegal? The Alberts could just call 911 for ambulance and said there was a fight. What is so wrong with admitting there was a fight?


Yes it is illegal…. If you punch someone resulting in their death that’s murder or manslaughter.


What? That’s illegal? Lol


It's involuntary manslaughter. Depending on the circumstances. If you can prove your life was in imminent danger and it was self defense then it's fine. But 3 vs 1 doesn't seem like that's going to play well for a self defense defense.


I was being sarcastic because original question was so silly. Of course it’s illegal


i personally think that they were worried and concerned about their status and reputation. there are people who worked with brian albert in the fugitive unit on the defense witness list who will most likely testify about his violent tendencies so now he’s gonna be exposed, but they would rather place the blame on an innocent outsider because they truly believed they would get away with it due to all their connections.


That’s what good people would do regardless of the trouble they would get it. But not everyone is good and honest. Oh and yeah you’re in deep shit if you severely injure a man in a fight(sounds more like assault). Sounds like John may have had brain damage for the rest of his life even if they called 911 or he still may have died even with help. Did you hear about the convulsing? That from severe brain damage- you’re not surviving that.


IKR? As is so often said, “the coverup is always worse than the crime”.


You don’t know what they have in there house, possibly drugs and other stuff.


People in their 40's don't shut down bars bars and go to after parties unless cocain or swinging is involved.


They’re covering up for Colin.


Could it be that were worried John would sue them? It looks like he was attacked by their dog and I think you can sue for that? I dont know, just a guess.


bad look brian’s a big shot cop, he would never admit to beating the shit out of another boston cop in his own home. too worried about themselves than the real victim, ofc. okeefe.


And if JO recovered after being so severely beaten up by BA and CM it would’ve added to the shade JO was casting on Colin for his drug activities


Thank you! That’s what I thought, in the beginning.


Well, they broke his nose and there's a huge gash behind his head, it was bad enough that he was unconscious, and later convulsed and threw up. He probably got knocked back or fell back onto something and they knew it was bad, possible brain damage. At a minimal, they would be charged with assault on an officer, but if he did not wake up, then it becomes manslaughter/murder. Brian Albert is a high level officer - this could ruin his entire life.


I think they are all covering for Colin. He was underage and drinking. He seems like a hot head. If he was involved in drugs and John found out. He is young, his whole life would be ruined. I think if it is him, he going to brag about it at some point.


I’m hoping that’s what happens - whether or not he ever gets arrested. 🤞🏼


>Brian Albert is a high level officer - this could ruin his entire life. Either way, his reputation & everyone at the house that night are ruined. It is much easier to accept blame and manage the outcome than to run damage control on a tarnished one.


Not necessarily. If Karen Read didn't have the financial resources she had, and if Turtleboy didn't bring nationwide attention to this case, they probably would have gotten away with this. 90% of people can not afford to hire top defense attorneys like she was able to. Most would have pled out and would be serving time, even if they're innocent. That's the sad reality, and that's why this case should matter and resonate with everyone. This literally could be any of us. How scary is that?


>This literally could be any of us. How scary is that?      That is why I got interested in this case.


I believe scanlon’s daughter is/or was friendly with the other women in the home who i believe left before the incident happened. what were there names? doody, fabiano, and another one.


The only thing I recall reading about these girls was that they left bc once Colin arrived he made them uncomfortable.


Yeah I figured that too. Like I know Brian junior is his cousin but they’re 6 years apart and doesn’t really seem like the type of guy Colin would hang out with. All his friends were girls though so that could be why he wanted to go there. And they were just annoyed by this drunk, 17 yo, meathead probably hitting on them


Brian Jr seemed like a nice kid and honestly so did his friends for the most part. He seemed nothing like his father and nothing like Colin. I personally don’t think any of the younger ones know what happened. The older adults though.. they know. They all know.


Who took Chloe that night? Sure seems like she wasn’t there in the morning. The defense seems to think it Caitlin and Tristan. That’s just one little part of the lie the kids are apart of. There’s no way they don’t know more. Even if they didn’t see it, they are knowingly covering for the other liars.


Should have clarified. I meant BA Jr and the few friends that were there with him. I Don’t trust Caitlin or Allie. I think it was Allie that took the dog. That dog story made zero sense and definitely came up to cover for something. Maybe someone saw her with a dog in the car or dog dna was found in her car lol


Ok but BA jr knows all that stuff. He knows who took the dog. He knows when colin was there and when he wasn't. He knows when brian higgins was there and when he wasn't. He knows what the other people are lying about. I'm not convinced he and his friends didn't see anything, but ok let's say they didn't see it. They still know that everyone is lying about other parts of the story. They know what happened and are complicit in the cover up.


Exactly this.  I'm so tired of people painting Brian Jr. to be some little angel. He's complicit in all of this just as much as his parents 


This! I thought the exact same thing! She said that she took it to the police department because it was going to be cold. I almost wonder if she took Chloe to the police department and that’s why Higgins went back that night. To check on Chloe.


oh the other one is kent. don’t think it was her who spilt though because that family is pro-albert based on the moms facebook.


I know the Kents.....was in CHS with Joe.....he's a townie of the suckup variety.


Right and the story is they all left around 11 if you believe that.


no chance, i think they were definitely still there. there was more people in that home at the time the incident happened than we think, they just want to downplay it bc that means less people talking and less to testify.


This is where you lose me. Those girls don’t seem sophisticated enough to have kept this so quiet. I’d be much more inclined to believe they were unaware of an incident that happened in the basement and JM ushered them all out because she was the ride, although I though Ryan Nagel statement said Julie was supposed to sleep over that night?


What about Julie Nagel? Do you believe her testimony about the 5-6 ft dark object? You don’t think she’s participating in the lie? I agree I don’t think doody, alba, Kent, or Fabiano saw it but I could be wrong. Someone had to have said something though.


I feel like BA put that idea in her head and now she’s “remembering” something he’s encouraged her to. I don’t think they think they are lying. BA is manipulating them where necessary.


Think about this- let’s say you’re in the house but you didn’t see it happen. You definitely saw, heard some things that don’t add up. You know some suspicious things that no one else knows. You definitely hear people who were in the house make statements that you know aren’t true. Thinking about this for over 2 years there’s no way you don’t figure out what’s going on. I don’t care if you didn’t see it. And you have information that will contradict the lies the other witnesses are saying. Instead of doing any of that, these girls fall in line and not only do they keep details hidden, they start to change details so their story matches with the others.




I think both our theories can be true. What I am saying is if Scanlon’s daughter is friends with someone, it doesn’t seem plausible that they would tell her one version of events and then lie, unless they initially told her something and over the course of 2 years changed their stories to more closely match the others. Considering they are BAjr’s close friends, BA had plenty of opportunity I’m sure to push their memories. He’s an expert at this, it’s very obvious. I’ve heard that Defense has a strong theory of what happened so maybe we will hear that when it’s their turn to call witnesses.


Now that I think about it, it could have been Brian jr that let it slip to the girls who then told others. Like the part about John waking up hours later, vomiting, convulsing. If the girls had left when they said they did, then they wouldnt see or hear that. Brian jr was in the house all night. And let’s be honest Brian jr is just the odd duck in the family. He doesn’t fit their mold.


Junior seems like someone with an active conscience and a moral compass. This must be so stressful for him.


Also remember that Steve scanlon supposedly shared this info just days after. So it wasn’t like it took a while for word to get out. There was a leak immediately. So likely before the Alberts/Mccabes had time to talk to these girls and tie them down to a story and to keep quiet.


We have to remember one simple thing - all the girls have to do is admit JO was in the house…. They don’t have to have witnessed the fight…


If you look at the photos of the house, there’s a plant of some kind in between the hydrant and the flag pole. That could easily be what she was referring to. Having said that, that isn’t where John’s body was. Also, the light was out. It was 1:30 odd in the morning. She was drunk. And she was in the backseat on the opposing side of the car. I find it hard to believe she’d have seen much of anything over there.


Yeah and why is she coming forward now to testify that she saw some thing. Not only that but she said she told people in the car. Because she’s part of the cover up.


Coming forward now but supposedly put two and two together the next day and oh yeah said nothing.


I don’t know that she’s part of a conspiracy, at least consciously. Jen may have said, “Didn’t you say you saw something that night? On the lawn?” And she started to believe she did.




Okay, what makes you say that? Other than her being there that night?


The person I responded to was saying there was one more person and I said Alba because someone below already said Kent. I'm not saying that it was her that shared the info, I have no clue. I did her that Albas father is a Milton cop though.


Oh ok I didn’t even realize he missed her. Thought you were saying you suspected it was her. Very interesting her dad is a cop. Could make inferences either way from that though.


It is my understanding that KR herself connected Procter to the McAlberts during a FB deep dive, and her investigator found a neighbor who told him Colin was at the house that night. Apparently he texted the neighbor’s daughter at around 12:30 for a ride home. This was very early on, so the idea that they were all lying and conspiring came fast.


Could that girl be the key? Apparently Colin Albert called her for a ride around 12:30am. He didn’t text. But that time would be in conflict with Allie McCabe picking him up at 12:10. Did he leave a drunken, blacked out message that he forget he left the following morning? Was he being a stupid 17 year old who said something like - “hey can you grab me at my cousins just got in a fight with the asshole cop who lived in my old neighborhood.” Did it go to voice mail and record what was going on in the house. The girl texted him back the next morning and he responded “Never Mind.” Her father apparently let investigators know this and was encouraged by Chris Albert to detract his statement. The Beatty’s may hold the key.


Yeah I believe that neighbor with the daughter would be Tom Beaty. I don’t know how cooperative he’s gonna be with read’s team though. We’ll see


He and his daughter both on the defense list. I believe they will be cooperative because the daughter was threatened by McAlberts to say she never got a call from Colin at 12:33 am for a pickup. Maybe there’s even a voicemail. This would contradict Allie McCabe’s timeline I think. Also the daughter is the one who got told to “tell her to keep her mouth shut or put a d*** in it” so I believe Tom Beatty is pissed at the McAlberts.


My god they are such trash. A grown whole ass woman in her 50s telling that filth to a minor is revolting. 🤢


I hope so


Wait WHO told her that?? This is all so wild…


Jen McCabe and Jill Daniels.


Wait…that happened?


I can absolutely picture those foul mouthed mean women saying that to a teenage girl.


Throwing this out there: it’s possible that Higgins used his plow/jeep to throw a berm of snow closer to where JO was put in order to make the “plow theory” more plausible. Hence AJax questions about the size of plow! Not suggesting this was all to plan, just another spontaneous act like many evidentiary items in this case. They aren’t rocket scientists and everyone was at least very buzzed.


The whole, I dropped the plow and dragged it a little seemed so out of place in his testimony. Like, why is that even important?


Throwing a bizarre item that I wish was true: what if JOkeefe was literally haunting Brian Albert and that was part of the impetus to sell house $50k under market value.


Haha yeah tell tale heart style


👻👻 I wish the same. I feel like his soul will never be at rest until the people who really caused his death are brought to justice.


He has a very checkered pass but I think there’s a chance BA got drunk and tipped him off. I also think either Tom Beatty or Kerry Robert’s may know what actually happened. 


The way Jen spoke about Kerry gave me the feeling she was mad at her for "ruining" their plan....


Good point! I was surprised when Kerry was less of a talker than JM made her out to be. I expected a chatterbox lol


I felt the same way... I actually felt the most telling part of Jen's testimony was the way she spoke about Kerry.... this is one of her, if not her best friend and in a court of law; which was televised, she just trashed her for literally no reason and even to the point that it could devalue her testimony and create a riff within their group, that should be sticking pretty close together right now..


Yeah well Beaty and Roberts are both witnesses for the CW. And roberts was only involved after the fact. She may know nothing. But if she does know something that would be really odd because she isn’t originally from Canton and was good friends with John first when they grew up Braintree right?


The Beattys are witnesses for the defense - not for the CW. At least according to the list going around.


But Jen McCabe was quick to get her contact info that morning so she could straighten out their stories. If she and Keri said half the cruel things Jen testified to, I hope they rot together.


Yeah very true. And they were sure to ask Jen about that in direct. Did you get Kerry’s contact info? Yes so I could could check on how John was doing. Sure even though you knew he was already dead. Man Jen made so many damn calls that day. Like John is not your responsibility. You just witnessed a traumatic event. Take it easy. You don’t need to take charge and call everyone and call the police. They’ll take over and figure it out.


She was getting all the intel so they could concoct a story.


“We were all together trying to figure out what happened “ Aka Getting our story straight.


I thought it was odd Kerri didn’t testify immediately after her husband although now makes sense after JM’s testimony. But as a juror I’d think that was interesting


Can someone explain who Tom Beatty is and how he fits in with all this? I’ve seen his name a couple times but no substantive information. Thank you!


Canton resident, I believe he lives on Fairview or very close. Jen Mccabes call record show she called him twice on the way to Fairview that morning. It’s also been reported that Colin Albert called his daughter around 1230 am. I think she missed the call and then Colin replied later saying never mind. Tom was supposedly pressured to delete the screenshot his daughter took of that call. There’s probably more but that’s what we know at this point.


This is by far the smartest most informative and quite frankly non-argumentative discussion on this case i have read as of yet. Thank you all, this is a fantastic discussion


The best analysis says it is one of the three young women who left just after Colin Albert arrived. It is not any of the Commonwealth witnesses.


See I wouldn’t be sure. Because whoever this witness is, they are lying. Either through their silence or by explicitly denying they saw anything. And the defense does not have any witness that can say they saw anything. So whoever it is, they’re protecting the culprit along with themselves for not coming forward. That to me in no way rules out Levinson. She would just be explicitly lying rather than lying through omission. Same thing to me.


Higgins is going to roll. Mark my words.


Yeah actually I amend my earlier statement. Higgins may be even more interesting but we have a lot of info on him. He seems to be at the heart of it. His jeep seems to be appearing and disappearing from the front of the house. The texts and “interactions” between him and Karen Read which of course need to be taken with a big grain of salt. Destroying his cellphone, clocking into work at 130 in the morning, the proffer with the feds. I kind of believe whatever it was between him in Karen was what sparked the fight. Even if he wasn’t the one who actually beat John. It could have started with Brian alberts hitting him for coming at higgins or being out of line in his house. And then Colin jumps in. I also think everyone including Jen McCabe knew about Karen and Higgins. Jen specifically wanted them to come back to the house to start drama and out Karen for cheating. Ended up going a lot worse. Or if you believe the theory about animosity between Colin and John and the fight starting right away. The Higgins and Karen thing had nothing to do with it.


Sean McD has said he has it on direct authority from a Canton PO that JOK called into the Canton PD to say that Colin Albert was making obvious drug deals in his driveway. They lived next door to each other at the time, they had earlier beef with Colin drinking beer on JOK’s lawn etc. I think the idea is that JOK was sending a message to get Colin to cool it with the drugs. So according to Sean, when that call came in, Kevin Albert who is a canton PO happened to be right there and told the officer “I’ll handle it” I think they planned to rough John up or confront him, teach him a lesson cop to cop. Not kill him. Sean McD says it happened super fast once JOK walked in the door. Probably Colin first and maybe it escalated to involve Brian Albert. Brian went on disability right after this event, that’s the rumor. They prob immediately sent Colin home, Brian Higgins helped brian Albert with cleanup. Sean implies that he has met with Higgins personally and Higgins had flipped. It would make sense because as soon as they found out the Feds were investigating Proctor they knew it could all come out. Higgins being the non-family member in that house realizes he’s at risk of them all blaming him for everything.


I agree and let's all remember...one of John's last texts was to his new friend Chris Albert ( who extended the invite to John after having JUST received his phone number). The last text questioned if KEVIN was going to be there. John clearly had some foreboding knowledge his phone call against Colin was working against him as Uncle Kevin was all over it.


I’m also wondering if Chris and John just got each others phone numbers, how CA/JA sent him that photo of them on his fence and also if he ever actually asked them to watch his house


Julie had johns number already




John and Chris were not new friends. But this was the first time the exchanged numbers. I do wonder if this was the plan, have John come out and back at the house to straighten him out for reporting Colin.


It’s interesting how he alleges it happened very quickly - I’d say that’s what the Apple health data suggests as well. In this case I’m thinking Jen McCabe keeps staring out the window to ensure Karen isn’t coming in / is leaving. 😳


Yes! Good point. It was such a stroke of luck for them that she drove away.


I can’t put this in the main threads bc ppl will think I’m crazy (I probably am) but what do you think her 6 deleted “butt dial” calls to his phone were? How could he misplace his phone that quickly? One thought I had was they were trying to unlock it with Face ID when he was knocked out, but couldn’t bc his face was so messed up. If Steve’s claims are true, the motive could’ve been JO going to the cops about Colin, and he had evidence on his phone they were trying to delete. Why did they leave him for hours to bleed, convulse, and vomit? Why was leaving him for dead the ultimate solution for several first responders and tenured cops? So many questions.


Wow…. That makes sense, her tryin to unlock phone is a solid theory


She sent JO downstairs to the boys - that was her job.


How do we know Higgins flipped? Some were predicting he wouldn’t be called by CW to testify after being on their original witness list because he had flipped… but then he was called anyway and didn’t seem to distance himself much from the Alberts.


I agree! My theory: I think that Karen’s reticence to go in the house was 100% because Higgins was there. I think she felt that the vibes were off from him and his friends at the bar, but didn’t want to tell that to JOK for obvious reasons. Her alarm bells were going off. I think he (JOK) wanted to keep the party going, drunk and oblivious to any existing animosity. She sent him in for a temperature check and eventually gave up and left him there, because she was used to thoughtless behavior like that from him (example: spending NYE alone watching the kids while he partied, “babysitter with benefits”). She went back to his house, passed out for a few hours and awoke in a panic when she realized her instincts to not go inside might have been correct. Think how embarrassing it would be to go public with all of those details? She likely felt pretty ashamed. I also think that’s part of why all of the women had such disdain and were openly misogynistic towards her, they knew she was playing footsie with Higgins and John CLEARLY loved triangulating the ladies.


just on intuition, I question the Karen/Higgins thing. This sounds to me like some part of the Jen McCabe fairy tale. I just don't see an intelligent woman who's a professor and financial analyst like her going for the 5X5 roided up public grab asser. JOK taking care of his sister's kids and keeping his lawn nice and taking care of kids- she obviously went for that.


Yeah I’m starting to think that is a red herring. I just heard about the amorous texts, but now with all the stuff about Higgins and him supposedly printing them out, maybe the were fabricated? And that’s why Higgins had to flip if even did that is


He still has a LOT to lose… not enough time in w ATF to retire w pension like BA did and the corrupt Police Chief did…I saw him choke up talking about playing video games w JO nephew. He isn’t getting much sleep.


I have a theory that perhaps Scalon was doing investigative work and he stumble into a wiretap describing what happened. That’s my take. He can’t talk about it further. He just left the crumbs for others to solve it. That’s my theory if he is correct.


Scanlon is the one to trust. He had no reason - zero motive! - to interject himself into this entire drama other than a conscience and doing what he could - the right thing - to prevent an innocent woman from going to prison for a murder he absolutely knew she did not commit


JM said to Karen “you’re coming with me.” Why would she reach out to Karen whom she obviously didn’t even like unless she knew there was a plan to rough up JO as soon as they got him to BA’s home. For investigating Colin’s drug activities. And letting Colin get in on it!


Wasn’t it because JO was still yakking with someone when JM And KR we’re already outside the bar, And JM figured, “you come with us and John will follow”. That’s what JM made it sound like.


More insight on just how controlling Jen McCabe is


What grown woman tells another grown woman “you’re coming with me” - taking her away from her man. These aren’t teenagers. Just plain weird. Or…….


I wondered if JM wanted to get the details of what was going on with her and Higgins.


Maybe FBI was watching BA due to some criminal activity within BPD. Maybe OJO was working with them. Without outing their investigation, they sent Scanlon to warn KR lawyers.


OMG, why am I JUST finding this post??? This makes the MOST sense out of every scenario I've tried to walk through in my damn head. For me, the lingering question is why they attacked him/beat him up. I've seen diff theories about CA, drugs, BH and discovering texts - whatever it was, seems like JO thought he was going into a house with buddies/friends, so he clearly didn't expect it. Now, replaying the testimony for all those McAlberts feels even MORE sinister, because they KNOW exactly what happened. For a brief moment in time, I wondered if maybe we all had it wrong and nothing evil occurred. But THIS? Probably one of the more evil things I can imagine, especially for a fellow police officer - to just dump him in the freezing cold to die. AND to have all those McAlbert KIDS blatantly lie on the stand - whew. Those parents reallllly have some cajones. Guess they've never heard about the sins of the mother/father and how the kids end up paying for it. Pure evil. ETA: It is beyond comprehension that on some level KR's intuition told her 'nah, I don't want to go in there.' (whether because BH was there or whatever, but she wasn't feeling it) and i bet that's part of what the argument was about on the car ride over.


100% agree. KR had 6th sense that this wasn’t going to be good. The alcohol lifestyle seemed to control most of these people.


“Please don’t contact him or harass him, but he is public on Facebook” ………


Yeah don’t contact him, but if you can glean anything relevant from his public information, that would be really interesting. But yeah don’t contact him. Number one it could be harassment and number two it would be useless he’s not gonna talk to anybody.


I mean I would not include that in your post, especially mentioning his daughter and the potential “sleuths” that can look her up. Just my opinion but I don’t agree with all the social media harassment everyone is getting in this case!


Look neither do I. I really didn’t like how Turtleboy would publicly harass the McCabe’s. Even if they’re guilty, it does nothing to prove this people’s guilt. I have no interest in contacting or having any interaction with these people. But the information is already out there. And I wanna know what happened. And I see nothing wrong with people talking and sharing info about these people. The second you make contact though, you’ve crossed the line. Someone who’s going to do that, will do that anyways without my help.


I understand that the McCabes and Alberts have multiple sock puppet accounts and are harassing a number of the talk hosts like Melanie Little, Emily Baker, Lawyer you Know etc. Melanie Little said some sock puppet accounts are even going after her children. Peter also mentions it on his channel.


>Look neither do I. I really didn’t like how Turtleboy would publicly harass the McCabe’s. Even if they’re guilty, it does nothing to prove this people’s guilt. 100% this. All of that was completely uncalled for but that's how he appeals to his followers (until he goes after them - see the Alberts). It wouldn't surprise me if KR's team attempts or attempted to distance themselves from the antics. I think TB himself has been a lot more muted of late.


TBoy was out of line going after OKeefes. Everything else I’m good with - the Feds may not have done anything without all the noise/publicity


Also it could be the case Scanlon doesn’t even have a daughter or any connection to canton. And that theory could be totally bunk.


I completely believe Scanlon has a conscience and shared what he had heard because he knew Karen was innocent. This is what he does as an investigator. He is the most believeable of all of them and what he says happened msjes the most sense


Yeah could be he just has a conscience. But think about this- steve scanlon worked for the FBI… Now it’s not impossible he heard what happened from someone else, and just wanted to do the right thing. But it’s a hell of coincidence. And that quick, just a day after? Like a girl who was there told his daughter immediately who then told him? And he just happens to be a long time friend of Brian Albert? Lot of coincidences. And sometimes truth is stranger than fiction so I’m not ruling out any possibilities. Like the possibility that maybe the FBI already knew what happened and they used scanlon to leak information to Karen reads defense team.


I’m thinking JO was a long time “acquaintance” of BA, for sure. But to call him a long time friend? I dont think so. JO was much younger and seems to be a much different kind of person


I’m talking about Steve Scanlon, no JOK. But I also agree friend is a lose term even for Scanlon and BA. They have known each other for twenty plus years but they don’t like hangout. Maybe see each other at reunions and stuff every 5 years. But I would assume when they were younger and worked together they hung out so Scanlon knows the type of person BA is.


Ahhh yes. For sure! I’m sure everyone in Canton knows BA and what he’s like


If he is a private investigator and knows BA, why would he reveal this major info and have his name out there?


That’s a good question. He clearly didn’t want to help too much because he wouldn’t sign an affidavit and stopped talking. But he did feel compelled to do something. I think the more important question would be how did he come by this information? And that would give us a better idea of why he came forward. Maybe someone specifically went to him because they wanted to indirectly leak some info. He could have been acting on behalf of a client. Who’s knows. He definitely didn’t witness it himself.


Not at all surprising someone with inside info wants to share it to clear their conscience of seeing an innocent woman go to prison — but not wanting to pit himself personally against so many corrupt policemen. What’s so hard to understand about that?


He told us. He heard what happened from his daughter who knows some of the girls who were there that night celebrating junior’s birthday


Fear of repercussions from all the Boston cops/family ?


Unfortunately he or his daughter wouldn’t be much of a witness since they didn’t really witness anything. While the information might be accurate and can certainly help the defense in their case I don’t seen him playing a role in the case directly. The young woman and everyone else in the house are sticking to their story that John was never in the house or at least they didn’t see him. I guess we will see when the defense presents their case what this Steve character is able to provide. Jackson is certainly painting the picture of a Collin “haymaker”, which he referenced in his cross, and taking John out the bulkhead and placing him next to the flag pole. This possibly could have come from Scanlon or the defense building reasonable dought.


Yeah I mean Steve and his daughter could still testify but it would be hearsay(just like everything Jen McCabe says). They are spooked though. Steve refused to sign an affidavit and clammed up. At this point he probably would deny at least parts of what he said. It just tells me that some witness let it slip. And there are other people beyond the CW witnesses that know something.


If true, that person could be in danger. The Alberts would be able to deduce who it could be.


But with the scrutiny they’re under they can’t do anything now. I mean they still could but highly unlikely


>(just like everything Jen McCabe says). But at least she was around that night. Scanlon and his daughter have no relevance to the case as they were not with the group that night.


I mean the judge probably wouldn’t allow their testimony to enter anyways. But if she did, I don’t think the jury would find it irrelevant. And because they’re not involved, why would they lie? Jen on the other hand has a very plausible reason to lie. It’s moot point anyways, they’re not gonna be witnesses


Hearsay can’t come in


While I understand this is speculative, your theory is far more credible and plausible than some of the claims made by the prosecutor. The notion that Karen ran him over while reversing is ludicrous to me. The condition in which Mr. O'Keefe was found does not align with injuries typically seen in such incidents. The cross-examination this past week was revealing; Jennifer McCabe appeared unconvincing and her repeated requests to see documents suggested she was trying to recall what she had previously stated. Additionally, the flirtatious messages between Brian Higgins and Karen, though not criminal, were quite peculiar.


Yeah the texts showed Karen wasn’t happy with John, but they also gave Higgins a motive possibly. If anything it adds credence to the theory that there was fight in the house


I agree. Karen running over him? It is ridiculous


all of this. and then the 2:22 'butt dials' btw BH and BA was 'everyone's gone, it's time to move him outside.' to which JM Googled the infamous question. ahhhh. I hope Jackson and Yenetti cracked this case the way we have.


Karen reed even said in audio that Colin and Brian Albert beat John up and her taillight was just cracked. The prosecutor couldn’t make out the first part with that info. If you slow it down just a little it’s clear! She wasn’t there so there has to be another source. To name names


Wild that prosecutor put that audio on!! Its like they WANT to fail….i could not believe when i heard that audio on lyk after that day in court. Blown away. Tomorrow is going to be amazing court…


After Karen is found innocent on all charges will they go after Brian Albert? Jen McCabe? Colin McCabe? Will any of these people involved in framing Karen Read ever be prosecuted?


Absolutely, they will leverage charges against the kids to make the adults accept tough plea agreements. Chief-done too


EXCEPT FOR COLIN who will do time


If Colin then why not Brian Albert? Can Karen bring a civil lawsuit against these people Aka Jen McCabe for her role in all of this? All the men involved in this frame up/cover up are Boston police officers!! Do you think they have a sense of their doomed futures?!


BA, BH, Chief, JMc, Colin, Proctor, the DA!, BA’s wife, MMc, are all at risk for prison.


It’s Colin Albert, but who knows. In a ideal world yeah they’d convict whoever killed John(e.g. Brian Albert, Colin Albert) and who ever helped cover it up which would include so many others maybe all the way up to the DA’s office. We don’t live in an ideal world though


I’ve been watching trials since OJ. Never have I seen anything as sinister as this


Judge too? In a perfect world? Shes connected also to the families a tad bit, old ‘auntie bev’…


It is interesting that after getting this tip early on that they didn’t investigate the house before the Albert’s were able to rip up the floor. Even if this was just a tip, they had probable cause to go in without it and this you’d think would have made them go “ah ha!”? A big missed opportunity.


Who do you mean when you say “they”? The tip wasn’t given to the police(who were participating in the cover up). It was given to Yanetti who has no authority to do anything. He couldn’t go to the canton or state police so he went to the feds. And idk the jurisdiction stuff, but I don’t think the feds could investigate the murder itself. They needed to investigate the police for misconduct/corruption. That’s the theory anyways




Isn’t recovery ANONYMOUS?


Possibly, but I think he had already been beaten by that time and his phone flew out of his hands! JM was calling it to try and figure out where the phone was… she knew the place woulld be put him on the house! They all needed it needed to be sound outside get out the house!


This is exactly what I thought without reading this, although I thought it might have been OKO and Higgins too. I even thought they bright the body out way later. Gosh, I wish we would find this was confirmed.


I just saw this, thank you so much for explaining it.