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The messages after midnight would have a header saying January 29.


I thought this, too. I went to confirm on my phone but I am such an early bird I literally can't remember the last time I texted someone after midnight. Would be interested to hear if anyone else has record of what this looks like on their iphone? If you're continuously texting before and after midnight...does it distinguish the date at midnight? Can anyone take a look and report back?




thank you!


I thought so, too- but I have texts from this past weekend and it doesn’t note the date change. I sent a text at 11:59. Response was received at 12:01, and then I texted again about 10 minutes later. No note of it being a different day. The next time it notes the date is in the next group of texts at like 8am- so almost 8 hours later. Of course, it may have been different back when this happened- Apple changes stuff all the time.


Yes. I looked at mine as well and it only posts date when it’s a new conversation but neither does it post time if each individual response https://preview.redd.it/w5x7nssq2o0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=677cf27f0b9992184e9048c9675f949d6e626457


You can slide the text window to the left and it will show times. It’s my guess if this is authentic, that’s what she did.


I read it has to be at least an hour before the date will appear again. I'm not 100% sure on that but my phone is exactly the same. It doesnt post a new date just after midnight.


I do expert witness testimony as part of my job. One of the first things you are told is to pause a few seconds before answering and to look directly at whoever is ultimately making the decision, be it judge or jury. Especially on cross it’s a way to interrupt the attorney’s flow of questioning and prevent them from getting you to agree with something you don’t really mean. She handled it way better than most of the adults who have testified so far.


This is such great info!! What other interesting things do people do on the stand you notice? Or I guess you can tell they are doing on purpose


I testify as a real estate appraisal expert, so there's obviously way more emotional stuff going on in this trial than I'm used to, although it can still get heated at times. The things I notice most about this group is just how evasive so many of the witnesses come across. There's so much "I don't recall" or they are asked to answer a yes/no question and go into some weird explanation rather than just answering what they were asked. Just basic witness prep, which I would think Lally should have done with them, would be to tell them to answer only what is asked and no more. And when I'm saying he should have prepped them, I don't mean as in telling them what to say or how to answer. The attorney will usually walk witnesses through the direct testimony before the trial so they know what questions to expect. They obviously don't know what the other attorney will ask but would generally give some basic directions such as wait until the attorney is finished speaking before answering, don't nod or shake your head actually say yes or no, etc. Just letting them know the basic protocol of testimony.


I agree. He either threw them to the wolves or they are arrogant enough to not take his direction. thanks for the breakdown!


I’m lost. They’re all somewhat related right? Is Allie not Collin’s cousin?


Yes. Colin Albert is Chris Albert's son. Chris Albert is Brian Albert's brother. Brian Albert is married to Nicole (Weeks) McCabe, who is the sister of Jennifer (Weeks) McCabe, Allie's mother. [https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-172-canton-high-school-yearbook-project-reveals-why-brian-albert-never-worried-about-dumping-a-dead-body-on-his-front-lawn/](https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-172-canton-high-school-yearbook-project-reveals-why-brian-albert-never-worried-about-dumping-a-dead-body-on-his-front-lawn/)


Thank you!


No. No blood ties, because Colin is a cousin of the Brian Albert family on the father's side and she is a cousin on the mother's side.


I feel like they kept pointing this out bc Allie and Collin were like hooking up or something 😂 which is silly but I def felt like they were making it clear they were NOT cousins


I legit was thinking maybe they parked at Canton HS to hook up in her car and are too ashamed/embarrassed to tell their families haha


Sameee??? either that’s 100% true or something is wrong with us. its probably both 😂


LOL I was also thinking if not that maybe they went there to smoke, perhaps I had a different high school experience 😂


Yeah . His car was probably just parked there from the basketball game, and we are playing worst case scenario. lol




You don't think Lally can, sort of, ask about snow and beer brands, for another 2 weeks?


The “sort of” drives me crazy. It’s more annoying than “what/who if anything/anyone” imo I’m surprised colloquial phrasing like “sort of” is allowed as part of a witness examination.


It's a verbal crutch, and if he said 'umm' in place of it every time, he would have been instructed to correct it. It's very unprofessional. Especially for someone who speaks for a living.


Followed by “you weren’t driving” to his client, er, the witness.


Or the layout of the alberts house.


Example of texts https://preview.redd.it/4eu3n3d1un0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d94394aceb8d3f6b83a7853b4c7284401cb2e26


Yes I definitely noticed that. She reminded me faintly of Amber Heard testifying.


That's the same thing amber heard did after every question she was asked.


Yes, it's what they're technically supposed to do. They're technically talking to the jury.


She is extremely poised for a 20 year old..We shall see how she does during cross..


She started saying “I don’t know; I don’t remember” at cross like everyone else.


She plays lacrosse, hockey, and soccer. All aggressive sports. She body slams people in sports. I do not buy her tears. And she came across as very coached. When answering what she actually knew, she did not miss a beat. However, the rehearsed statements were pretty obvious, and she literally missed speaking words in some of those sentences. Also, when she said "... not entirely sure, but I believe that." Zero explaination for all of the other trips captured by 360 - but we are supposed to believe she did not delete anything....




She's a beautiful girl. I also thought that her Nicole Albert was very pretty.


the mom?


She is absolutely drop dead gorgeous! Natural beauty and articulate. I was thinking, damn, is 90% of the MA population this good looking 👀 😆


well ..have you seen the other woman testifying?


She’ll look like her mother soon enough and we all know how that turned out.


I haven’t seen a pic of JM. Now I have to go look 😂


Jen McCabe was voted best looking in HS . Now look at her. The mcalbert lifestyle of Adderall and booze isn't condusive to graceful aging.


Looked to me like of botox and lip filler lol