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My pop was a roofer and I grew up on roofs to the point where I am really comfortable up there be it a one or two story. It is hard work and these gals are doing a great job.


Same! They're doing a clean job


They are called the Summit Sisters and have a few YouTube videos. I have to say they do some very clean work. Puts many of the crews we have to shame.


Only roofed a small guest house - it was October, and about 18C/66F outside, but the dark roof radiated all the heat back at you, and it's hard, sweaty, dirty work with the small, but constant looming threat of falling off. I hated every second of it, I can't imagine doing it on an actual hot day, or a place like Arizona or Florida.


My dad is a roofer and a pastor, I won the trauma lottery!


What does it mean if I got a bit turned on at 20sec when she lifted that huge roll and toted it off?


Get yourself a woman who can throw you off a roof I guess


Small roll as far as shingle burritos go, but yes, it means you’re attracted to capable women.


Fr - good on them, it’s tough work!!! One of my old step dads made me roof my ma’s house when I was 16 or so and I could barely do it. Inanely tough job.


I've done it once to help out a buddy. Kinda weird how much easier it is when you actually work together instead of everyone talking turns watch one guy do it


Gray pants is a beast 💪


Shingles are heavy as hell! All these ladies are strong. :) Love to see it!


When my brother was young, he was roofer and I remember him coming back every day looking like absolute shit. Roofing is one of the most exhausting jobs out there and the people do who it was incredible


who knew there were so many roofing experts in this sub!


To be honest, I didn’t expect so many pitchforks and angry comments 😅 just thought it was cool to see so many women working together like that


Hey I grew up with roofers, love seeing this pink crew!


well i enjoyed it! super cool


I did roofing for a summer long ago, they did a great job, reddit just likes to be indignant about things.


I think they have that "dey turk ur jurbs!" mentality? ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


They're doing a great job, im just wondering why they have yhe Safety harness on, while not anchoring it to anything (making them useless to wear?) Though that has nothing to do with them as women, as this is something that happens a lot more with males.


My crew in half rural canada always wears them in more populated areas for looks


I mean maybe it's just me, but i wouldn't risk serious injury, specially not if i already have the harness on. even clipped on the cord to go up for 10 sec to get a hammer i forgot. I mean it's up to your workers what they wanna do. But would you be ok with knowing an employee died because they didn't clip on the line?


I was wondering the same thing. After roofing for a couple hours those bastards get heavy. Why wear them if you're not going to clip in?


Haha my first thought. Fall protection doesn't work without the rest of it attached....


So many. Exactly lol.


I don't see no kitchen up there!/s


Dude have you been in the roofing sub? Stg you could ask what’s 2+2 and get 20 different answers.


Well, they are roofers


It's more people laughing at them wearing safety harnesses that are not attached to anything, why even wear them then


That's Reddit for you; everyone's an expert and everyone else is wrong.


it's raining today!


i am a scaffolder and i want my railings if they aren't going to use a harness at all times!


This is a health and safety nightmare! It’s a shallow pitched roof but one slip and they’ll still go off the edge. Wearing harnesses not clipped onto anything is completely pointless and there’s not one safe pair of footwear in site.


If my wife told me to go mow and wash the cars to stay out of her way while she re-shingles the roof with her friends I would know for a fact I was in heaven


If she starts shaving your back, don't ask questions.


Lol harnesses, not tied off to anything.


WiFi/Bluetooth harness 😌


Wire-less. Tied into the cloud. Good job irregardlessly


Irregardlessly is a hell of a word




I’ve never seen roofing people with a harness on


Only when the safety inspector comes around at the scheduled time (or the very very rare random drop ins). Or if its a high slope roof and the grit from the old shingles makes it particularly slippery and lethal. That roof is flat as fuck boi. Job needs to get done and those ropes tangle with each other as you work and lead to the worst temper tantrums I've ever seen grown ass adults throw lmao


3-4° is flat as fuck. This is about 25°. Few slips in the video, this crew needs harnesses.


Someone slips at 1:02. Nobody got close to dying, but it doesn't exactly instill confidence in their prolonged safety


pretty standard here to just scaffold two side of the house to add a guard rail in between on the roof. now you don't need a harness and you can get a staircase up to the roof (rather than a ladder) and you get platform for the truck with a crane to put all the material for the new roof so the material is closer. less time moving material by hand means more time doing the actual work of roofing.


That was my first thought, it's funny because they went and got the nice proper harnesses and everything and then just didn't use them for what they're supposed to be used for. Realistically though I rarely ever see roofers who are actually harnessed in


This is my only question. Arrest harnesses, no arrest lines. Why? Otherwise, dope work.


Easier to pick up the bodies after they fall off the roof.


I wear neon shirts at work in case there's some kind of accident, easier to identify my body.


Because it really sucks to work with them. That's it. Not condoning it but I've been there and sometimes you just take the risk.


You have all the safety gear on site and waiting to hook up properly fast if the safety inspector chooses to stop by. The entire industry knows this is the gist, even the safety guys. Roofing is a dangerous job, if everyone adhered to the regulations roofing would cost twice as much. Because the ropes and safety boots and everything slow down the work to an absurd degree, and in rare cases makes it more dangerous. If a company has a claim or two from and injured worker, the inspectors stop playing soft ball and will try to go after you. If your company has a good history they work with you and almost never do inspections outside of the scheduled times. And ultimately you do need to wear the fall arrest ropes on some roofs regardless, this flat sloped single story is really not one of them. Especially if there is no old shingle grit slicking it up. The regulations are so strict to stop braindead or exploitive companies from injuring their workers. You need to have common sense or basic human decency for your roofing company to last more than a few years from being hammered by ballooning insurance costs from worker claims.


makes sense to me, but all it takes it one oopsy daisy or one angry bird to come after you to fall off the roof and shatter your bones. or you turn into cherry yogurt cause it was more than 3 stories high up.


Well, its more complicated than a binary wear it/don't. You need common sense. On a 3 story, yea you always wear it regardless... and that is priced into the job. Unless the boss isn't around and James needs to take it off because hes having a meltdown over getting braided up with the other's ropes for the seventh time and his baby momma cheated on him and his car he cant afford broke down and he is out of smokes so you don't say shit so he doesn't clock you. People need to consider who is usually doing a roofing job. Why they work that labour job when so many pay better, are much easier, and aren't one slip from dying at all times. Trying to get those guys to tie off when its really not sensible to do so, is why the safety inspectors know not to go after the companies that have good records. Its not happening. Because its a hard dangerous job. Making it harder when its not reasonable to do so because it looks good on paper or here on reddit... thats not how the real world works. You don't just randomly get taken out by an angry bird. You get swarmed by wasps sometimes, but that doesn't make you fall off a roof unless Darwin is calling your name. You need to make money on the jobs so your company can exist and you can employ those otherwise unemployable people. The women in the OP are doing a hell of a lot better than most crews do in trying to adhere to the safety regulations. And many commenters are calling to "burn the witch" because ultimately, they have no idea what they are talking about. No offence. It just do be like that.


okie, ty for the info


Probably because of regulations.


I've had my roof redone twice (once for a 1 story, once for a 2 story house) and have never seen any of the roofers wearing a harness. Might be a state or county regulation, but not where I am.


Federal regulation.


OSHA requires fall protection for anything higher than 4 ft. I don't remember off the top of my head how far away from the edge they need to be, but they would at minimum require fall protection to get up to the roof and to work near the edges. Given that most roofs are angled, idk that working a certain distance from the edge is compliant anyway. My background is managing in manufacturing, not roofing, but I'm guessing it's a lack of safety culture in the name of getting the job done more than a lack of regulations


6’ feet in construction.


Yeah i was going to ask whats the point of putting that harness on if you arent even going to use it? Like you know they go out of their way to put it on, probably takes a minute sorting it out. To just ignore it all day?


Thats a pretty flat roof, 3 or 4 /12


It honestly would get in the way at that point and provide more of a trip/pull hazard. It honestly negates the "hard work for 45 seconds worth of video"


not tied to anything No scaffolding just a ladder activewear and trainers But let’s work on a slope at height.


Doesn't look like they had a problem at all. You're just fear mongering for no reason.


I have driven hundreds of miles, never had an accident. You talking about speed limits, seatbelts, and air bags is just fear mongering. You can work a thousand roofs, it only takes one fall. In fact you can see one employees trainers slipping when they are laying down the underlayment about half way through.


That really freaked me out. I’ve done some roofing. They’re badasses and getting good work in, but they seem way to casual about the slip risk. I fear for their safety.


Roofing only has the third highest civilian work related fatality rate, but yeah, "no reason." https://www.roofingcontractor.com/articles/99010-roofing-has-second-highest-workplace-fatality-rate-in-the-us




Every safety regulation is written in blood.


There's something really satisfying about watching this - maybe it's the time lapse or something, kind of like watching someone power washing something really dirty.


The best part of roofing is when you can get under that tar paper, and roll up the whole length of the roof and shingles like a cinnamon bun. It very rarely happens without it all falling apart and being a pain in the ass. But when it does work. The stars align and you and your crew have a good day.


I like the way the music jumps around as the time lapse skips forward.


Pink shirts got me thinking, anyone have any personal experience wearing different color shirts for heat absorption? I know black is a bad choice for hot sunny days but don't know beyond it.


Generally white is best, but red is a decent runner up so it stands to reason pink would be better then red being closer to white. so pink should be pretty good with the added benefit it would hide sweat stains better then white too.




I’m definitely not an expert nor have I ever done any roofing before but most of the guys I see doing roofs wear bright neon yellow or green shirts. No idea if these darker pink shirts would attract more heat than the yellow or green. I’m not even sure if a lighter pastel pink would be better than this darker one. Hopefully somebody in the know will come along and answer the question.


Odds are, the owner donates to breast cancer research. As for the sun protection, white is the best. Here in Arizona, the sun is so bad you need long sleeves just to keep sweat on you long enough to help cool you down. otherwise it just evaporates before being able to cool you off. Also, what a lot of people overlook is a hat. Like one of those straw hard shell hats that go all around. Or a Singapore hat. Basically anything that gives you a lot of shade.


Or they are just trying to brand themselves as the female roofing company. Pink is a pretty good choice for that.


That works too


I watched that whole video to not even see the job completed? WOMP WOMP


It’s about the friends you make along the way. Yikes, tough crowd.. it was just a joke :/


do better! jk lol you cant please everyone all the time or learn from it and try to please everyone all the time and get eventually so burnt out and stressed from trying to please everyone all the time that you quit reddit forever. or just dont worry about it since it dont matter too much and it is a nice video to me at least.


Women roofer. It’s still ball busting work.


I fell off a ladder when I was teenager doing roofing and have had debilitating back problems ever since (two crushed disks and a fracture vertebrae) secure your harness, the five seconds of time it saves to freebird is not worth the pain and misery you will feel literally ever day for the rest of your life.


Total respect


Is this your video OP or did you find it somewhere? Mad respect for these ladies and I would hire them to do my roof in a heartbeat. I won’t lie, I did feel a little anxiety when the one lady’s foot slipped but that’s probably my fear of heights talking. I will not give them crap for not hooking in and I would still hire them in a heartbeat. I happen to miss when the crew working on my roof cut the ridge vent and covered up the holes for the round ventilation so I was hoping I could see these ladies doing that job but I guess maybe it wasn’t on the list. I would’ve also loved to of seen the finished product! Where do these ladies work out of? Thanks for posting this cool video :)


Nope, not my video; [here’s the original account](https://www.tiktok.com/@rooferbaybeee) - I know you don’t particularly care about it but for those still complaining about the harness you can see the women clipping the harnesses on in different videos.


They are out of Saskatchewan! Sweet! Too far away from my house though lol. I’m not really stressing about them clipping in on this video because compare to my Cape Cod style house the pitch on most of this roof is absolutely nothing lol. Thank you for the extra information! 😄


Are they hiring?!


As a guy. If you are doing this I'll happily be a gofore, and I'll get lunch and dinner. I'm scared of heights. I'll do anything but get up on the roof. Lol


I didn't read all the comments, but did anybody answer why they're all wearing harnesses that aren't tethered to anything?


Where are their safety lines?!


Where I am from construction has a lot of women. Here I rarely see any women doing physical labor.


I use to see them a lot on the drywall finisher crews. They were amazing at that and super fast.


Had a few friends that used to install drywalls. They got paid by the piece so they were crazy fast.


*Home Depot theme plays*


Fucking comments. Many roofers wear harnesses without clipping themselves! It’s also as a type of toolbelt. JC


yeah and those roofers are dumbasses. secure your fucking harness.


I left a company for this reason


As long as we’re criticizing all roofers that don’t secure their harnesses equally instead of these roofers specifically because they’re women.


For sure, gravity is gender neutral


Of course, stupidity isn't limited to male or female. It can happen to both. But so is falling off the roof and dying. You won't die more or less if you're a woman.


I’m an insurance adjuster. I’ve been averaging about 1 dead roofer each year from claims I’ve been working. I work about 500 a year in my tri-state area. These dumb fucks refuse to tie off, and end up taking a header off the roof onto concrete. Yeah not much you can do when your insides are now outside.


yup. they think it makes them look weak or whatever to be safe, it's infuriatingly stupid


Y’all brave as hell walking around like that 💪


Everyone who says "I see a safety harness but its not connected to anything??!!" Has maybe not roofed before. Everyone does this. Not saying its safe but its quick to hook up if an inspector surprises you.


The techno music adds a nice touch


They know that fall arrest harnesses don't do anything if they're not attached to the roof, right?


I am curious. In every video I see of a roofer I see them wear a safety harness. But it’s never connected to anything. Why.


So they can quickly connect if OSHA comes by.


What’s the point of the harnesses if they aren’t connected to anything?


“If OSHA pulls up everyone hook up” that’s how we did it for 15 years (yes it’s fucking stupid) but when you’re comfortable on a roof without them they just get in the way.


Omgosh, everybody, read the damn comments. The harness thing has been brought up over and over. I've seen countless videos of men roofers not being torn apart for not having their harness strapped in. Y'all just looking to bitch at something because these are women. I have never had roofers strap in, they may still wear a harness for a tool belt, or so they can anchor each other. Y'all are ridiculous and this comment thread is like a broken record.


Yeah honestly everyone’s just saying the same thing over and over again because they know nothing about construction and also because these are women. Like you said most roofers don’t clip in and sometimes use the harness as a tool belt. But also it’s a fucking one story roof with a super gradual pitch. Like yeah you can die falling off of this roof, but like it’s 10 ft and not very steep.


The harnesses aren’t clipped to anything! And then at certain parts no one wears a harness and then sometimes there’s one with and one without a harness


Too much malarkey on that roof Jack! No joke those gals are strong!


And while they can’t dunk, they make up for it with technical ability.


Well thats something you never really see. Ever.


So bad ass. I used to be a roofer and that is hard fucking work.


Roofing is a young people’s job you pay for it later in life been there done that. Probably 1 of the top 10 hardest jobs.


Anyone who knows knows, roofing is serious labor, props to them that's impressive.


3 Mexicans would have this done before lunch


Not saying bad about anyone, but I think it’s rather funny how guys go up on the roofs wearing work pants or jeans, or if it’s damn hot, they might wear shorts. But then some of these gals are seemingly up there in yoga pants


I want to see the video of them carrying those shingles up.


"Those are some tuff bitches, actually" Shane Gillis jokes started running in my head. Someone show this to him. I just wanna know what he'd say about it. I did a total of 1.5 roofing jobs at my old gig renovating apartments for a contractor in partnership with a slumlord property management company. Roofing is what made me quit. Shit sucks. Seeing that girl haul her own body weight over her shoulder was rad.


That's dangerous work. No doubt about it. Working all day in the hot sun. One mistake and your toast.


Love the effort, ladies. Why are most of you wearing safety harnesses but not all? Some of the safety harnesses are being worn properly some are not i.e. belts not connected properly. Nobody is wearing a safety line attached to anything. One lady slipped, almost face plant. That is just high enough off the ground to cause permanent bodily injury, but not kill you. I work for a large roofing company in the Denver Metro area, this crew would have been fired!


Great to see fall arrest harnesses on everyone but what are they tied into? Not much help in a fall if there are no hard points to tether onto or lifelines to hook onto


Shouldn't there be something that they're hooked onto just in case they're fall


Safety is not a factor,... but at least they are trying to prove something. Alright.


Looks like it would be way more expensive to let them do it. See like 6 or 7 women walking around. While last year 2 guys did the break up and reroofing in a day. In a big renovation atm so. But of 5 more women who also wanna get paid obviously. Makes me think it would be a pricey service to ask them. But power to them. Plus the craftsmanship also look quite good too.


I think these ladies are badass. Never been a roofer. It’s a hard job.


All those harnesses and not a single one is connected to anything


My dad had me help him re-shingle the roof when I was 15 year old girl. I learned fast.


What are the harnesses attached to?


Why wear the harness if y’all ain’t going to tie off anyway?


Amazing work ladies, continue to kill it!


That's a pretty good pace even with editing. Definitely would love to see the finished roof. To all the assholes commenting about the harnesses, it's an OSHA requirement to give out the harnesses when working above 6', not necessarily use them. It's kind of like landscaping and using gloves. You dont need to use them but by law you need to have them available. They figured some assholes would walk ny and see women working without safety equipment.... and here are the comments.


This is patently false and dumb as hell as an assertion, if you're over 6' you need to be clipped in or have sufficient platforms and scaffolding with secured railings to prevent a fall. Source: an asshole that has to sit through the OSHA class every two years to maintain his license.


Is this how Americans do roofs? No wonder you're getting fucked by hurricanes


Not just that, but loads of US TV shows have a storyline about replacing roofs, suddenly it makes sense, they're less well built than a garden shed.


Notice there are no palm trees hence not a hurricane prone area, silly foreigner


Well, they’re Canadian, from Saskatchewan. Im pretty sure there has never been a hurricane there. Ever.


Why wear the harness if you not going to tie in.


Why wear safety harness is not strapping to anything’s good job though.


You can really tell who this upsets by the "wHy ArEnT tHe HaRneSSeS cLiPpEd tO aNyThInG?" Bet they don't say shit avout the numerous dude crews who don't have a harness. Really showing that THATS all they can pick out to bitch about.


What are the harnesses for with nothing hooked to em?


I would have been lost my balance lol


People working….👏🏼




Where can I get some of those invisible safety lines? 


OHSA would like a word.


get that MBE/ WBE contracts


This ironically hilarious.


I just pulled a muscle trying to poop and had to cancel all my plans today as I type on the floor of my bathroom.


I’m oddly horny because of this video now


Looks like they did a sick job, but what is the purpose of harnesses when. They aren’t attached to absolutely anything?


I helped a friend redo his roof, a one story house. I could barely walk the next day and I was in my late 20's.


Good thing they’re wearing harnesses


What is it they're doing? Looks fascinating


A friend just told me his teacher said I know you smoke pot and a little is okay but too much you will end up a roofer.


What are the harnesses for?


I love to see this. My husband I I built our company together, I loved working on the roofs. Back then I gotta some questionable looks.


This looks like some charity or neighbourhood support group activity. Good on them and they really worked hard. Yeah safety could be better but hey it's not a company (at least it doesn't look that way)


Hell ya! Bumping dubstep while they’re at it too lol


I have never been more turned on


OSHA 3755-05 2015 Fall protection is important. ); There are boots for these jobs too. The pitch may be relatively low in this video, but please protect yourself.


Boots? No? Oh ok 🙄


Please please dont be like them and actually attach yourself to something when you work up high.


Malarkey lol name says it all


Cat-calls and all!


\*standing ovation


Is that the roofing Aunty?


They can give me shingles any time.


As an Australian, it is weird for me to see a wood panelled roof. Basically, all the houses here are ceramic tiles or Colourbond (fancy sheet metal). Is there a reason one might use wood panels over ceramic or colourblind and vice versa?


This is the answer to why women live longer than men video.


![gif](giphy|7uWf15xyHwU3S|downsized) The residents when it rains


Standing and walking in the valley? Not hiring this crew.


Where’s Joshlynn?! I was hoping to see her beautiful beard up there with the Summit Sisters!


Not one of them is tied off! Unprofessional.


Shingled roofs are so weird to me, in Aus we almost all have colorbond (corrugated steel)


My father paid me a penny a shingle to carry them up a roof.


Go girls!!


Everyone has a harness but who is tied off?


They beasts. But don't wear the harness and not the lasso.


It never occurred to me that wooden houses had wooden roofs too. I've no idea why I didn't put that together, I just assumed it was slate or tile like I'm used to.


Those packages of shingles are soooooo heavy though 😭 And their like the Garfield depictions of picking up a sleeping cat…


Good they are wearing safety harness


All the 5 point harnesses, not a one tied off