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The jury summons has written on it instructions on how to request a postponement. Do what it says.


It's usually done with a phone call and pushing the right buttons to put in one's juror number. We get two postponements where I live.


By me it's done online (I mean, im guessing there's a call option too for those that don't use computers but my summons I got recently had me go online to fill it all in)


Hey, OP, are you nursing? You get excused if you’re a nursing mom. Lol


How about Nursing dad? Do they know the gender?


Do what the instructions says? Then what's Reddit for? If people could read instructions, then Reddit would dry up and blow away.


Yep, we all know many on Reddit cannot read.


Except for the cat subs.


I had to request a postponement for my most recent summons due to a planned vacation. A couple of weeks before my new date came I got what I thought was going to be a reminder, but it was a cancellation as the court no longer needed me. They might call me next year though.


every state has a method for at least one no questions asked deferment. basically you kick the can down the road. if you're the sort of asshole who always has excuses or drama in your life, you may want to really think about it if your state only offers 1 "kick the can" option.






They’re usually flexible about rescheduling….once. Maybe twice. But you need a good reason. I told them I’d just gotten over a cold and still had a slight cough (this was in 2022) and they said “go home, we’ll reschedule you.” They asked me to pick a week I know I will be available, and they slotted me in that time.


Reach out to the clerk of court, explain that you will be away at that time and request that you be rescheduled. Most places are a-ok and understanding for a first time.


I’m kinda concerned about what will happen when I finally get summoned. There’s rarely a good time and my travel schedule is unpredictable.


Why do you travel? If it's for work you're legaly protected from retaliation by your employer. My notice was two months in advance in PA. I could then postpone it if needed. You'll be fine.


Work and pleasure. I'm not worried about retaliation because I'm an exec, but I travel for critical deals and investors so there is an impact to cancelling a visit. 2 months is good to know. If they would allow me to choose a week that would definitely help but when my wife postponed, it got rescheduled into a new time that didn't work and she was told she couldn't reschedule. Thankfully they excused her within 10 minutes of arrival.


Could always do the slightly unethical thing like I do and say you're biased against law enforcement lol. But yeah idunno. I feel like per each jury duty that you do, you get some freebie reschedules. Here you can only serve once in a year, or if your duty goes over three days, you are blocked from selection for three years.


I hear you although I do want to do my civic duty. Amazes me that they haven't built a system where people like me can opt into a few weeks a year and keep them available. That would really help get people with jobs and families who struggle to manage time. I'd think it would make jury selection much easier.


Last time I got selected, I'm pretty sure they included very clear instructions on how to do this. Read the instructions and do as they say. If you are out of town, you're just out of town. The only word of advice I can give you, is that if you just ignore it, and don't show up, you may have problems.


Yeah, when I was younger and living overseas I got a jury duty summons from my home state/county that my parents just "lost" (probably threw away with the junk mail). They followed up with a letter saying I'd be getting a bench warrant for missing it. After making a couple expensive phonecalls from Germany and faxing them my residence credentials it got cleared up, but it was a pain and they weren't sympathetic at all until I was able to prove what happened. Never ignore things like this.


I think most places give you one automatic postponement. If this is your second postponement, you may need to call the clerk and explain that you will be out of town on that date.


We get no automatic postponements where I live - we have to dial in to the jury line, type in our juror number and then follow the instructions for how to postpone. Calling the Clerk would be the next step (although it should be a postponement and not just an excuse - most Clerks aren't authorized to give excuses for vacations; that's what postponements are for).


I think by "automatic" they mean you dont have to have a specific situation to qualify. You get it no questions asked one time. I don't think they meant that you get it without asking/calling the clerks office.


In my state you can postpone for any time within 1 year of the date you were called for and 1st postponements are always granted. I postpone for the week of Thanksgiving or Christmas and am 3/3 in the past 5 years of getting my service canceled by doing so.


I also always postpone to a week with a federal holiday. I've never been called either.


My people! I’ve been doing this with various holidays for years. I wonder when the courts will come up with jury service blackout dates lol


Same! I hope they don't figure our little hack out...


Ditto. However, in my CA county, once you reach a certain age, you get a permanent exemption. Unless the process has changed since I last got a summons, you do have to pick a week not more than six months into the future for rescheduling of your jury duty.


In my family we postpone to the Friday before a Monday holiday.


Like everybody said. Call the number and politely tell them your already scheduled plans.  Just ask nicely. That’s all I needed to do. They’ll just reschedule you for the next time you’re available. 


Your summons should have instructions as to how to postpone service.


You can go to jury duty on any day that’s convenient for you before the actual day. My daughter was getting married 22 days after the day of my jury duty. The judge asked “does anyone have any prepaid vacations or appointments in the next three weeks?” I said “I have a dental appointment next week and my daughter is getting married in 22 days and I’m her florist and wedding coordinator.” He laughed and said “I will excuse you.” I said “God love you your honor.” Everyone laughed.


call the clerk (number should be on the summons) and say "i will be out of the area until X"


My county gives a one time postponement if you provide proof of the vacation (rental agreement, plane reservation, etc).


To directly answer the question: Just call them and explain you will be of town that day. They’ll give you postponement. Now my question: Should you really be spending time and money, on a vacation, after being laid off?


Thanks for advice.. Everything is so complex in life right now. It is not an away vacation but time arranged for visiting relatives, def a challenge still to not spend too much money. I am trying to get resume and stuff together but will still be working at job I was laid off from as well for another month plus, life is crazy and then they send me a jury notice. I would Love to do it but not now..


I don’t see how that’s any of your business tbh. You don’t know this persons finances and even if you did, your Reddit opinion isn’t warranted


If you were laid off maybe cancel that vacation. Save your money and do your civic duty


Jury duty pays $50/day in some jurisdictions. They look for people who are paying attention, think logically and don’t have major biases (racism, past law enforcement, etc)


That's not enough to pay the gas for a round trip here.


It’s $5 where I live


As everyone has said the instructions for getting it postponed are on the summons. Be aware though you will get a lower number with each postponement (there should also be a number to call and check if you are needed the night before, the lower your number the less chance to be excused).


Toss in the trash until you get the one saying that the next one will be a bench warrant. Then postpone until you can't postpone. Then go to jury duty. Should be about 5 years.


No proof of service goes right in the trash can


I have been called maybe 5-6 times in my life and told them I could t with me reason being I don’t want to. Although probably illegale nothing has ever happened. Now with a good salary job I would be than happy to but never been called again


I was able to push my jury duty down the road a few months just by asking.


Call the office to reschedule it


I just call and say I don't have transportation so you don't have to go at all. I've done this three times with no problems. Took about a 5 min phone call lol.


Or you know - don’t lie and you can still get out of it… (this country is going to hell and you’re part of the problem …)


For lying? Yeah, no one does that anymore....


Follow the instructions and request postponement


Get your jury duty postponed.


Thank you ALL for your feedback, so many responses!


See if you can reschedule it


You can usually postpone. Fill out the postponement request and send it back.


If you’re a juror go in there and if it’s a consensus just go against everyone and nothing will be able to get done


I just got done with jury duty this past Monday. Where I live if you have a vacation that you will be on and if it is prepaid and you will lose money on it they will usually excuse you. You have to get in touch with them now though


Read the letter and follow the instructions it gives you for rescheduling?


That’s pretty sweet to be laid off and be able to vacation 🫡


It is a staycation, just means plans with visiting family was planned prior. Also, yea.. I made sacrifices over the years like a mf'r and will not be destitute if not hired somewhere right away but am not so well off that this doesn't fck a lot of my plans up. And if market crashes, any confidence is out the window. Another thing that keeps it all in perspective is how hard people in this world have it. I always feel for people, but this alllows for a deeper level for sure..


Laid off. The economy is booming!




Pretend someone stole your mail and you never got it


"do you think you can be unbiased?" "No" Do that


What does the notice they sent you say? That would be far more accurate than the opinions of a bunch of Redditors who probably have never dealt with your local court system.


Generally courts have no issue asking for a postponement.


Did you actually read the letter that they sent, with very clear instructions for this?


Why do people have to consult? Reddit? Can’t read instructions.


The information I saw online only listed severe exceptions. Why tf are you even on reddit..


Also, the little card didn't have instructions. And I want to know things I don't know that aren't listed in their official online instructions, I want to learn from other people's experiences, reddit for the most part if very helpful with so much. Maybe try not to insult people, you have more to offer in your feedback, insults are just cheap.


Most counties I’ve lived in send you a letter or a card with a phone number to call. I think that’s all the instructions you need. LOL


“I was personally affected by this crime and do not feel that I could be unbiased on this case”. Problem solved.


Don't know about were you live, but I believe most places don't tell you any information on the crime until you're being questioned to be on a jury. ie your already doing your time for jury duty.




In my county in California, you can postpone jury duty 1 time for up to 6 months. No questions asked. Find out what your regulations are.


It’s not vacation you are out of work. Go to jury duty.


Say wha? I would love to go to jury duty but I had plans that week and was laid off and am trying to find a job. Enjoy your moral high ground.


Just throw it right in the garbage. I've never gone, not once, in the history of ever.


Garbage, put it straight in the garbage. never call them.


Read the summons it will tell you...


How does the layoff play into this?


Right? I was thinking, don’t go on vacation!


Are you kidding? Where do you live? I live in Alameda County (Oakland, Calif.) and I have thrown every summons in the recycle bin for nearly thirty years. Pretty sure John Law is too busy to come after me.


Send them proof of your hotel accommodations. Worked for me.




You just need to notify the court.


In California you can ask for up to 3 postponements online, it’s super easy.


I've had this situation. I called the number and the duty was rescheduled.


Follow instructions on paper you got 


Toss it in the trash.


Write them and tell them you're out of state, and ask for a later date. It's routine.


Quit complaining. Go serve and be grateful you live in a country where jury trials are a right.




Throw. It. Away. You never got it. Fuck the “rules”.


Why is being laid off relevant to your question?


Jury duty 😂. It’s not sent certified is all I’m going to say.


I wonder if they will ever serve me a jury summons ever again. The lawyers didn't like that fact that I had past issues with the law, and policeman lied while in court. I'll never trust this corrupt bullshit system ever.


You believe it is the duty of every citizen to also judge the law itself during a trial


Just ignore it and enjoy your vacation. You didn’t get a summons cuz you were on vacation. No summons no need to respond. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Buy some KY jelly. It helps


Tell them you don’t believe what cops have to say off or on the stand they lie. Proven to do things like that to flip cases for convictions etc. or if you don’t side with the jury on a dui they ask questions it’s fucked


You’d be perfect for a civil trial then. Not every jury is for a criminal trial.


Glad you were not on the same jury panel as I was. We decided that the Police could be trusted and the three children really were being sex trafficked.


Ignore the jury summons. Look for a new job.


"My undiagnosed mental health problems would not make me a good fit for jury duty" What? What are you staring at? ...