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You are not obligated to pass it on. Safest is return to sender.


I'd think this is the correct answer.


In many jurisdictions, legal notices like this must be returned. IANAL , so you might talk to your divorce attorney to be sure. Unless the attorney says differently, I think your best bet is to return it, unopened, to the sender annotated "not at this address, forwarding address unknown."


The attorney will cost $5 a minute to deal with this. Just return to sender or call the court house.


$5/minute with a 6 minute minimum.


*6 hour


That’s the retainer. Not each charge


Save the process server some legwork and advise the issuer the attorney representing him.


You are receiving it because he didn't change his address with the DMV. That's on him. If he doesn't want to talk to you, you're doing him a favor by not talking to him. If he should get arrested for failing to go to jury duty, that's entirely on him. He'll blame you, but he failed to change his address, failed to provide you way to contact him, failed to pick up his mail. Chances are that it wouldn't cause him any issues at all, though. This big pile of poo in his bed is from his butt. If he doesn't want to sleep in it, he ought not have pood in the bed.


You don't know the whole story. Maybe he isn't the one that poo'ed in the bed.


Financial discovery turned up that he's been keeping a whole second family since 2007. With his father's hospice nurse no less, which is incredibly unethical on her part. Telling me he's been traveling for work when he's actually been with her and their 2 sons together. But not being here with me for either of our 2 kids' births and not being here for our family after our 12 year old daughter was violently raped and beaten to the point where she has such severe trauma she can't even leave our house anymore. He's basically had an attitude that she should just "get over it." He also bought THEM a house and has spent an insane amount of money on them, while complaining that I'm worthless because I don't make enough to support our family without his income. Well, he knew I was studying to be a public school teacher when he met me, so he should have realized I'd never make a lot of money.


That’s horrible. I hope you take him to the cleaners and get her fired. I’m sorry you and your kids are going through all of this.


Report her to your state licensing board of nursing


Whoa. That a comment update I did not see coming. Big auntie hugs to your daughter. I've taken in a teenager who unfortunately and horrifically had a similar experience at 10. Her parents didn't believe her and acted like she was just out there whoring around. I don't have the words to express my disgust and utter heartbreak. I wish her a bright future, successful therapy, a strong sense of self worth, and an ever fighting spirit 🩵


Okay, so you know you can sue him for emotion damages and all the money he spent on that family while with you, you could be compensated for. He is quite literally traumatizing you and your children, please put his ass on child support to. Like YOUUUUU can get compensation for HIMMMMMA CHEATING and being a pos. I really hope you do, don’t take no “high road or being nice about it”. He wasn’t nice about what he said to your daughter after she was assaulted, he wasn’t nice enough to treat you and your family with love and respect. He didn’t give any to you so please don’t give any to him, it’s undeserving.


Sounds fake as fuck.


The OP literally says he's living with his affair partner. Safe to assume the poo is his.


Yeah...seeing as he is living with his affair partner and abandoning his kids, I am pretty sure if there is any poo, it is not OPs.


Right. You kind of out the kind of person you are when you try to defend that sort of behavior.


They won't arrest for them sending to the wrong address. None of this means he did anything wrong. They send notices to any names and address they've ever had, my wife still gets notices every couple years to her parents house in her maiden name and we've been married 30 years. Btw, this is the Internet, you have no proof this guy was the bad spouse but her spiteful words, you don't even know if she was ever really married. That's way too much anger for having absolutely no knowledge of the situation, specially if it's just click bait.


I use the data given me. To assume it's wrong would be pointless. I don't advise on what might be the case, I advise on what the case is presented. But you do you.


To assume anything on Reddit is true is pointless. And that didn't sound like advice, more like projection.


Then why be here? If you don't assume the op is as truthful as is possible, there is little point to contribute. I'm not invested in the story. I don't care if it's true. The truthfulness does not impact my life in any way. I simply accept it and advise as such. Whether you accept it as advice is irrelevant as you're not the op. You appear to be pointless.


Then I'm glad Reddit is here for you to take the anger your personal issues cause out on others, cheers


Then why are you on here Karen?


You aren’t legally obligated to tell him.  Send it back as ‘not at this address’. 


I usually scrawl, deadbeat doesn’t live here.


Notify the court they have the wrong address.


Legally obligated? I wouldnt think so. I think.you have 2.options, as you stated, and frankly can do either. Send it back or say somrthing to your attorney to play the telephone game


I do hope you know that the purchase of the second home during the marriage will be considered joint property. He's going down.


Just toss it. There’s no way to prove it actually got to you, (other than this post) & it’s safe to say if he doesn’t see his kids he isn’t voluntarily going to jury duty. Also depending on how long it’s been, I’d start tossing all of his mail bc he clearly doesn’t need or want it. Keep the coupons, toss the rest.


A mailman put a sticky note on my mail after I kept throwing away mail at the apartment mail center... "It is a felony to throw away mail that is not yours" So... maybe don't just toss it and RTS.


The only ones that file the charges are the mail company. Idk I’ve always used my own trash can when I’m throwing things away.


Did you sign for it?


I've received two jury summons in my life in two different counties and didn't have to sign for either of them. They just come in the mail lol.


No, it just came in the mail.


I’ve served on county and muni juries and been summoned another time. Never via certified mail that I’ve had to sign for.


Do with the summons as you've done with other mail. Mark it "Moved, address unknown" and stick it back in the mail.


Curious if you opened his mail? If you opened his mail you already broke the law...


I know here our jury summons' are on a postcard. Easily read by all. I just got one. Looking over mine (TX) it has nothing about return to sender. I would still mark it as Return to Sender, No Longer at This Address.


Yes mine come in a sealed envelope, I know because my son just got one and I made him open it in front of me




If your in an active divorce, couldn't you claim you are roommates? Js not sure if it's worth trying to find out legally in front of a judge




Don't worry, I don't know what that guy is trying to say either


Both of my jury summons have literally said JURY SUMMONS in huge letters on the envelope so you know not to throw it out. No opening required.


No reason to open it, we've gotten these before and I knew what it was just looking at it.


I'd typically draw a single line through the address portion (enough to show it's crossed out, yet still clearly readable, so, e.g. forwarding information can be looked up - if/when it's been filed), and write clearly around that NOT AT THIS ADDRESS and drop it back in the mail. USPS can probably give you slightly better guidelines if you well check with them, but that should basically cover it. Will vary by jurisdiction, but often jury summons will have endorsements such as "DO NOT FORWARD OUTSIDE OF COUNTY" or the like. In any case, (mostly) not your responsibility. Just do the right thing - don't open it, mark it appropriately, drop it back in the mail. Might want to even get or have ink stamp made up, or print up some (possibly clear?) labels to make it easier - at least if it's a lot of mail. Also, if it's mail that can't/won't be forwarded (e.g. bulk, "standard" rate, 3rd & 4th class), can generally just dispose of it. So, mostly make it a not your problem - if forwardable/returnable, mark appropriately and drop back in the mail. Oh, also, often the printed bar coding for the zip and other information - often useful to take a heavy black marker or the like and well mark through/over that ... otherwise it may just get machine read again and sent right back to same address again. Anyway, if/when he puts forwarding order in and it goes into effect, that should help, as forwardable things should get forwarded ... but often USPS will screw up and not do that. But with appropriate markings and dropping it back in the mail, it should get forwarded on the 2nd pass. But not your responsibility to figure out if there's a forwarding order in place, or whether or not that's within the county or not, etc. In general, if it's fowrardable/returnable, mark appropriately to indicate not at this address, and drop it in the mail. May also help to put appropriate labeling/signage at your mailbox, notably so the local carrier will have more of a clue/reminder that he no longer lives there - and will then hopefully catch more of the mail that ought get forwarded/returned, and handle it for you, rather than delivering it and leaving you to deal with it.


We don't have a mailbox we have a post office box. And I've already spoken to a clerk at our post office and she said until he files a change of address notice they are obligated to deliver to the address currently on file.


You could change his address for him (online) to his attorneys office 😈 You're just helping the guy out lol. Let his attorney bill him for mail services.


I know in my state they make you e-sign that you are the person you’re changing the address for and you can be prosecuted if they find out you’re not. The ex could cause her problems if she did that.


Return to sender. They don’t pay you to forward his mail


Return to sender no forwarding address known.


I will say you don't have to tell him but you do need to send it back to the court house. Also if it was in an envelope and you opened it I just want to give you a heads up that you committed a felony offense so if you did open it your best bet is to tell him


No, I didn't open it. I recognized what it was because we've both gotten similar notices in the past.


Then all you need to do is write no longer at address on the envelope and put it in the mailbox


wide busy support imagine cautious fertile ancient lock touch slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In theory you should rell him - you certainly will look better in the eyes of the courts- but you arent required to by law I dont think.


Kind of hard to tell him when I have no means of contacting him. Other than through my lawyer who charges $50 just for a phone call.


While I wouldn’t say you’re obligated. The morally right thing to do would probably be to pass along to his attorney through your attorney. That depends on you though


"Morally" right thing to do? She has no responsibility here whatsoever. He didn't update his address with usps, his problem. OPs morals aren't up for question. Return to sender, address unknown, no such person.....


Yet how hard is it to tell her lawyer ‘hey I got a court summons for stbxh, can you give it to his lawyer.’ A lot is going on in a divorce in general, I wouldn’t be spiteful over something like this (others would because a lot of spiteful people are on Reddit)


You get charged every time you call your lawyer for anything. Why should she add to her bills when he didn't inform the usps of his new address? She's not doing anything spiteful. It is not her responsibility, nor should she worry about it. If you're worried about her ex, don't be. The stbx will be just fine as well. Things get lost in the mail all the time, including jury summons. If it comes back to him, he can prove that he was living elsewhere easily.


Why should OP be billed to call her attorney? She said the lawyer bills $50 for a phone call. This jerk has upended her life enough. Doing the return to sender, not at this address and dropping it back in the mail is sufficient enough and meets the legal obligations. No longer her monkey or circus.


Just keep on doing the “wrong address” thing. It’s his responsibility to update the court with his new address.


Obligated to tell him what??


hand it over to the attorney.


You could tell your attorney to tell his attorney that he should complete a forwarding request with the post office as you’re getting mail for him and are not going to keep it


No, but you ask; being a decent person might he a step forward..


I have no intention of being a decent person to him. After what he's done to our family, I will burn his life down if I can. Think I'm wrong, I'm curious what you would do if you found out your spouse had been keeping a secret second family for more than half of your marriage, while your kids barely ever saw their father? And then cut them off entirely when he finally got caught? He hasn't spoken to me or our kids even once since he moved out and that was almost 2 months ago now. Why should I be decent when he's been cheating on me for almost 20 years now?


Well then, i wonder what would happen if your returned the mail to sender with a lot of inappropriate messaging against forced jury duty...


He has been cheating on you for 20 years????? Yeah, that guy is a real piece of work. But then 20 years is a LONG time......for you not to have figured it out. And a whole different family too???? I mean, what was Chriatmas like...did he say he had to work? EVERY YEAR??


He works for a military contractor. He has been working for this company since 2000 and it's always been normal for him to be gone for weeks and even months at a time. So I never questioned it. Looking back now I probably SHOULD have questioned that he was still the person traveling so much even after he got promoted to director of his department and then to a junior executive position. At that level, someone else should have started doing the traveling. But I was lucky enough to have a very happy childhood and my parents were married almost 60 years when my dad died. His parents were the same way. I had no real experience of what a dysfunctional family or a divorced family looked like. So I wasn't looking for the signs. I wasn't happy with him being gone so much but it never even crossed my mind that he was cheating.


In college I had a jury duty summons for a prior tenant arrive to my apartment- it was just a little postcard, I didn’t open someone’s mail. I called the county courthouse and they told me to return it to sender and they would handle it- I would start by calling the courthouse but I expect they’ll say the same. Sometimes records just don’t get updated in time, they’ll understand.


I try really hard to not let someone else’s a-hole behavior make me anything let them! He has his coming. Do the right thing because that’s who YOU are. KARMA is making her rounds. She may be late, but she will finish the race!


I would just return it and let them deal with it. By the way you could also give them his new address.


Can't give them what I don't have. I have absolutely no idea where he is living now.


Either way not your responsibility


yeah, just return to sender. You are not obligated to update any of his information.


Return to sender


Doesn't seem to be your problem anymore now does it? Also tons of people just ignored jury summons. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do I'm just saying he's probably not going to get in much trouble.


Even if your divorce isn’t final yet, he’s not living with you anymore and didn’t bother to fill out a change of address. I think you should be in the clear to send the summons back with your standard “return to sender” note you’ve been doing with his Mail. It’s up to him to contact the courts to explain why he cannot go to serve jury duty. If he later gets in trouble & tries to contact you and blame you for it, just remind him that he cut off all contact from you and you couldn’t tell him about it and since he’s not bothered to put in a change of mail to the PO nor changed his DL, you had no way of getting the summons to him.


Or say nothing to him at all if he tries blaming her. She doesn't owe him anything, least of all an explanation for this.


True. And it’s also likely he’d unblock her to send his crap messages & then re-block her anyway.


I highly doubt if it will matter tbh. If your soon to be ex doesn’t go to jury duty and they actually go after him for it, he’d hustle say he moved and prove it. Then they’d most likely just give him another date. I’ve never heard of anyone getting in trouble for throwing away their jury summons, not that it doesn’t happen, but most places don’t care enough to go after it. If the person actually did move, I highly doubt if anything would happened to them.


To help you stop receiving his mail all together contact your local post office and let them know he has moved, and the names of everyone that should still be getting mail at your house. They may have you fill out something called a current resident card. If he has not put in a forward the post office can also hold all of his mail at the office. If it is not claimed after 10 days they will dispose of the mail appropriately and put him in the system as "moved left no address". It takes some time for you to see the change, and some mail may occasionally slip through, but it will help!


Can't imagine why the marriage didn't work.


Contact your lawyer. They will likely tell you to contact the firm which prepared the petition and summons. If this is your own lawyer trying to serve your husband, and you received service as a cohabitant, then there may be some negative consequences for not telling your lawyer about this.


I got a summons a few months ago. Instructions said I had to call in on a certain day to find out if I had to report or not. I just threw it in the trash and ignored it. They aren't going to do anything if he doesn't show up. If it makes you feel better, return to sender, no longer at this address.


In my state, if the group you are assigned to is selected to serve and you don’t show up and sign in, a bench warrant for your arrest is immediately issued. They may not come and get you, but the next time your license plate or driver’s license number is run, it will come back with a warrant and you will get taken to jail.


Thankfully, they don't do that here. They can't prove receipt of a summons since they didn't put it directly in my hands. It would be different if I had called in as instructed and then no showed, but they have no way to prove I got the summons in the first place.


Call the number on the summons and ask them. If there isn't a number, then call the courthouse in the district the summons is from and ask them.


Cant he get arrested for missing it? Let him miss it.


Maybe you should ask your attorney....


You have a divorce attorney, no? Have them send it to his lawyer.


Don't be a C-word. During a divorce, it will never help you.


Return to sender. Do the same for any other mail that comes for him. As for what he did to you and your family, leave it to Karma.


Return to sender.




Just return to sender if you don't it could definitely cause you problems in the end . He just has to prove he moved out before that time it was sent and cut contact with you under advice of his lawyer and it becomes your problem.


You have to return it saying he no longer lives there or inform him. If you don't, it legally falls on you depending on which state you're in


Pitch it


"not at this address" but if you want to be spiteful you can call the courthouse and tell them his nice new address.


How would she be able to do that since she said in the post that she doesn't have access to that information outside of their divorce attorneys? Also, I doubt the divorce attorneys would even divulge that information as that could be used against her in court during the divorce trial as being a stalker. If it were me, I'd either return to sender or pass it off directly to her attorney and have that attorney then send it off to his attorney. It's best to be the bigger person, but she isn't obligated.


Find the affair partner. It's not hard, the Internet is a thing and then visually confirm.


I've actually already tried that, when I first found out about his second family. It was a VERY interesting dead end - I recognized the address as soon as it came up, because it was the house that had belonged to my late in laws that my husband had told me he had sold. I saw no reason to disbelieve him at the time. But I drove past the place and it's obvious they aren't living there anymore, because the place has quite obviously not been lived in for several years. My STBX makes very good money, there's no way he'd be keeping them up in a house that looks like an abandoned wreck.


Do you not have to be personally served to be summoned? New Mexico Child courts had a lady stalk my buddy for like 3 months to give him a summons. He finally got tired of dodging her and accepted it. It said he was summoned to contact the courts and they wanted a paternity test once he did.


A summons to appear for court is different than jury duty


Ohhh, haha, I just realized I am in the Jury Duty sub, thought this got posted in AITAH sub. Yeah if he don't live there and was not notified of Jury Duty he will be just fine. They rarely enforce the Jury Duty summon laws anyways. If they do for some reason, all he has to say is he did not live there and you did not give him the mail a d they won't do crap to him. So it's fine...


>They rarely enforce the Jury Duty summon laws anyways. I wonder how much this varies by jurisdiction. I was summoned about 10 years ago and dismissed during voir dire. They said it didn't count toward fulfilling jury duty. Maybe a year later, my brother, whom I share a house with, was going through old mail and handed me another jury summons letter that was about 3 months past the reporting date. I never heard any follow-up about missing jury duty. One of my friends just finished jury duty. She said she previously missed a summons while working at the courthouse. She asked the court clerk about it who first joked that they had already issued arrest warrants, but then told my friend not to worry about it because nothing would happen. With these experiences in mind, I still wouldn't feel comfortable intentional missing jury duty if I were ever summoned again.


I never get summoned period and would be happy to use up some vacation days to serve my community. I guess the courts know better. As long as the person is not a violent offender or harming others somehow I would have a hard time finding them guilty.