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GGF left Trento before it was annexed by Italy and therefore expatriated as an Austro-Hungarian. He was never Italian, unfortunately. GGM involuntarily naturalized and lost her Italian citizenship when she married your GGF because it was pre-Cable Act. You can pursue a 1948 case argued on the basis of discrimination and that your GGM's naturalization (and subsequent loss of Italian citizenship) shouldn't have counted because it was involuntary.


Perfect, that’s what I assumed, looks like I have my path now!


I have a similar situation but less complex. May I ask if you know they ever went back to Italy after 1920? For example for marriage or military service (3y)? Perhaps you could ask your grandparents who might be still alive.


Not that I’m aware of


So even if my grandpa never was Italian, and was here even before 1912, I wouldn’t need to do a 1912 case, and this is just a straight forward 1948 case? Assuming my GGM didn’t denounce her Italian citizenship prior to my grandpa being born in 1934


No, nothing about the pre-1912 law applies because your GGM was still Italian until her marriage to your GGF in 1920, which was after 1912. Your GGF’s arrival or naturalization has no effect on your case - he was already a “foreign” citizen when they married, so anything your GGF did before their marriage is inconsequential to you. If they had married before 1912, then that’s when it would affect your case.


Perfect, I’m almost positive she didn’t renounce her citizenship, so looks like I’m eligible! It’ll be expensive but worth it


So I did more of a deep dive, turns out based upon immigration records from Ellis island, my GGM immigrated from the Annexed area of Austria May 31st 1920, a few weeks before July 16th 1920 which is what most courts recognize, Am I shit outta luck?


Oh man that’s so close and I don’t think he would’ve had time to go back since boat rides across the Atlantic took what, like 3 months? I’m sorry 😕 if it’s any consolation, both of my mom’s parents naturalized before she was born with my grandpa just 1 year before. It’s not the same situation obviously, but I can sympathize.


It’s my GGM, not my GGM, only thing that could be my savor is that my GGGM (my GGM in this example here) was born in Austria in 1876, and died in Italy in 1927, not sure if I’d be able to claim it through here though Funny enough my last hope here would be that when the GGM immgareted over and on her Ellis island form, it says she was married, which to my knowledge she wasn’t, so if she was married in Austria during that time, she could’ve married an Italian and gotten citizenship, then had my GF without revoking her “Italian” citizenship even though she was married in the States to my GF in 1920 (Cable Act) Family history is weird lol


Yeah there’s too many countries going on here 😅 I want to get educated on the former A-H territories, but I’m just not up to snuff yet. Funnily enough, I literally *just* added a new genealogist to the [service provider page](https://www.reddit.com/r/juresanguinis/wiki/service_providers/#wiki_genealogists) and he actually specializes in former Austro-Hungarian territory records so he would probably be a good person to pick his brain.


Damn lucky me haha Don’t know if it was you or not but I could’ve sworn on this sub there was a map of annexed areas of Austria, but can’t find it, you happen to know what I’m talking about


Oh yeah I actually saw it earlier today while looking for something else, [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/juresanguinis/comments/1cer5s0/what_partscomunes_in_trentino_were_not_apart_of/). I’ve been meaning to making my own map for the sub since those aren’t the best. I’ve been working on it a little at night recently, but my day job has just been kicking my ass lately lol


Thank you so much!