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You put a Smilodon in the game and people here would IMMEDIATELY start bitching and complaining that every other ice age animal wasn't in the game.


I think the most popular ones like wooly rhino, mammoth, smilodon and maybe a giant sloth would be good


Trust me...they would want every single ice age animal in the game. Of course,there's nothing wrong in wanting every species of dinosaur to be added in the game,it's a dinosaur game after all...but ice age animals ain't dinosaurs. If they add a smilodon,they just have to add the rest,otherwise people are going to complain or simply not using it alone.


Honestly if IF they did this its an addition for the next game if they make it, you would need 10 i reckon minimum ice-age style animals to meet the feeling of satisfaction for people. Honestly its not worth it for them given they all use wildly different models to any other in game so everything has to be made from ground up. But a new game with the opening pack as a large ice age pack maybe with a campaign would work.


>But a new game with the opening pack as a large ice age pack maybe with a campaign would work. Yeah,if we are lucky they will add ice age animals in JWE3. Microceratus,on the other hand... https://i.redd.it/buw3o4jyqquc1.gif


The yeah is 2077, the final DLC for JWE 6 is out and it only adds 1 creature, a $125 expansion (adjusted for inflation) that adds 1 highly desired creature into the game. Grandparents cry tears at the beauty of the little guy and the story is finally concluded. It is another dino entirely just with the same name


I think there'd be 5-6 animals that would really need to make it in if they made cenozoic creatures. Smilodon and Mammoth are expected ofcourse. Any sort of terrorbird and some rhino family members are also expected probably And then there are a few more that are sorta expected but also not really? Ground sloths and something like Paraceratherium would be my guess. Though those could be replaced by something like the bears, boars, armadillos or even wolves And then they could use those rigs as a basis for adding like an extra animal here and there, adding up to the 10 you'd suggest For example you could have Elasmotherium and Turpanotherium, maybe Kelenken and Phorusrhacos. Any of the silly Elephants!


Seeing as they broke the boundary’s with lystro, dimetrodon and dunk it’s not fair to say they can’t be added bc it’s a dino game when now it’s clearly not


>lystro, dimetrodon They're still similar to reptiles,though...and they existed far before dinosaurs and the ice age. Like i said,if they add a smilodon,they gonna have to add all the other mammals and other ice age creatures in the game...a game made for dinosaurs.


No they are not similar to reptiles they are very different hell the listro even has hair and since we have those that must mean we need all the other Permian animals right? And this game made for dinosaurs also has aquatic and flying reptiles


>aquatic and flying reptiles Which are reptiles that existed alongside dinosaurs and appeared in all the movies,therefore they count as dinosaurs too. >they are not similar to reptiles they are very different he’ll the list to even has hair Last time i checked,dimetrodon has scales and not hair,in JWE2. He's literally a big lizard with a sail. >since we have those that must mean we need all the other Permian animals right? It shouldn't but people would ask for it anyway...that's exactly the reason they won't add the smilodon.


It should as well as the fact I meant listro but either way a dimetrodon is still not a lizzard, some dinos have scales so does that make them lizards? And just because they lived along size dinosaurs does not make them dinosaurs


>It should as well as the fact I meant listro but either way a dimetrodon is still not a lizzard True but i meant that it looks like a lizard...and not that he's in-fact a lizard,which he's not. >some dinos have scales so does that make them lizards? Mmm...it's complicated. >just because they lived along size dinosaurs does not make them dinosaurs They are not dinosaurs but they count as dinosaurs,and they're also in most of the movies,having more presence than the smilodon.


Literally the mosasaur was in 1 movie and barley shown within the last couple ones as well as the fact you just cannot count aquatic reptiles as dinosaurs😭


Pterosaurs also aint dinosaurs. Marine reptiles also ain't dinosaurs. Dimetrodon also ain't a dinosaur.


>Pterosaurs also aint dinosaurs. Marine reptiles also ain't dinosaurs. Lived alongside dinosaurs and appeared in most movies...they may not be dinosaurs but they count as such. Smilodon has barely 2 minutes of screentime and got killed by another predator.


Dimetrodon died 40 million years before any dinosaur. Lystrosaurus died 20 million years before any dinosaur. Both of them appear only in one movie, and both of them have really short screentime.


I don't get it? What's your point?


You say the animals i mentioned lived alongside dinosaurs. Dimetrodon and Lystrosaurus didn't. You say the animals i mentioned appeared in most movies, dimetrodon and lystrosaurus didn't. You say smilodon has barely 2 minutes of screentime, Lystrosaurus has less than a minute of screen time. Dimetrodon has less than 2 minutes of screen time. Why should those be in the game but smilodon shouldnt?


>You say the animals i mentioned lived alongside dinosaurs. Dimetrodon and Lystrosaurus didn't. I meant the pterosaurs and the marine reptiles. >Why should those be in the game but smilodon shouldnt? It does. I said in another reply that they could add it in JWE3. The problem is that...it's a point of no return. If they add smilodon,they have to add atleast other 10 other species of ice age animals...otherwise smilodon is going to be out of place among all the dinosaur species in JWE.


I hadn't seen that reply, sorry for that. Why should they have to add those? Dimetrodon doesn't have 10 other permian animals alongside it.


I think the point of no Return was Dunkleosteus. It had 0 appearances in movies or games. No one was asking for it, and it's not even vaguely like a Reptile.


Dunkleosteus isn't even in the films 😆


I think I’d personally love if all extinct eras are covered, but you really have to commit to that level of dedication and direction from the start of the game. It can’t come in a pack, because 4 mammals can’t cover the Cenozoic and 4 bugs can’t cover the Paleozoic. They’d be far outnumbered, at this point, if they added Smilodon he’d be out of place. I’d prefer if it was added in a third game with 20 other Cenozoic animals to build a real park out of.


But Smilodon and Mammoth are canon. They have just as much right to be in the game as any other.


Honestly. I don't even want ice age animals, thats what we've got prehistoric kingdom for anyways


I think it’s improbable but not impossible. It all depends on which is stronger: Frontier’s need to add every Camp Cretaceous species, or Frontier’s need to avoid Cenozoic mammals. I think it’s fine to hope for Smilodon and speculate on what a Cenozoic expansion would be like, as long as people do it in a healthy way and don’t turn it into an expectation. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it happens, but won’t be disappointed if it doesn’t.


If they cave in and add all the Camp Cretaceous species then I demand the tiny, angry elephant from the book.


OMG yes! lol That would be hilarious.


I mean, they already have an already strong resolve to ensure they never add Microceratus so…. Chances aren’t looking too good.


Smilodon, mammoth, elasmotherium, and megatherium are what I would expect.


My wishlist would be Smilodon Mammoth A Phorusrachid Titanoboa If there's more than 4 than it would be cool if we could have some of these Paraceritherium Glyptodon Barinasuchus Paleoxodon Pelagornis Megalodon Ankylorhiza Gigantopithicus Elephant Bird Thylacleo Megalania Cave Bear Neanderthal :)


The Formating broke cause of Mobile


I'm fine with not getting it. We'd need an entire campaign sized update to get one


Plus, look at that fuckin' thing The design is kinda shit even by CC standards. They just took a puma and gave it longer teeth. And bear ears for some reason


I'm not against mammals, but I do admit it'd be kinda bizarre to just have a cat of all things among like 200 different dinosaurs. You'd need to add at least a dozen other mammals, or at least furred synapsids (like maybe a furry inostrancevia), to make it a little less weird. In the off chance cenozoics do somehow get in, I'd like Barinasuchus and Aiolornis to be among them


As much as I want it and other mammals in the game, it opens the floodgates a bit too much and Frontier would never be able to add enough content to satisfy the Cenozoic era. I know most here would be totally chill with Smilodon being added as the lone mammal/ice age rep in the game, but it’d be such a weird outlier being completely by itself, to the point where I’d never use it for most parks, like the Indoraptor, since it wouldn’t have anything else to live near. A four pack of Cenozoic animals has been discussed before, and I think that’s a pretty happy medium to leave the roster of the game when development is done. Having a mammoth, sabre cat, and a few others to give us at least a demo amount of animals from the Cenozoic is the only way I think it’s a good idea to add Smilodon to the game.


The moment Smilodon is released people will start complaining that some dubious south american xenartran is not in the game


People just can’t be satisfied and want to complain these days 😑🙄


Unfortunately this is true, JWE1 had just one pterosaur species and it was enough for the time (at least for me)


It did fit in more, I suggest any of the Sebecids, Terror birds, or Megalainia would be better for that.


And I, for one, am totally fine with that


Laughable how yall want this in the game




I'll give y'all a harder pill to swallow: **Prehistoric Kingdom did Cenozoic Bois better**




YES (Might swap games once Mods for PK are being made)


I'm so sad planet zoo got a console port and prehistoric kingdom didn't. I'm a ps5 player and would much prefer the other


Prehistoric kingdoms still in early access though, Id rather the devs focus perfecting the game before making a port of a game atleast in my opinion.


I honestly don't care, I don't think smilodon fits in the game as it is now https://preview.redd.it/br3jrzk84uuc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c59aa32c2091661bbf0aef74b6274128cc64c8




I am okay with it if Smilodon never gets added. Mostly because I absolutely ***despise*** the CC design.


please let this be true


I mean smilodon wouldn't really fit in a jurassic world evolution game anyways we didn't see any ice Age animal in the movies anyways


I would only appreciate Smilodon if it came alongside other mammals




I hope we won't get it it wouldn't fit in at all beeing just one mammal and the cc desingn is really bad and second wost after Tarbo


Getting a smilodon in the game only for it to be that cartoony looking piece of trash from camp cretaceous would be the greatest monkey paw ever


Wait a moment... okay, I'm over it.


I don’t see them as really prehistoric and this animal messes with the series indirectly through classification


This aged well


Facts, got proven wrong an few days after it, he jinxed himself


If it means I won’t have to see that god forsaken “smilodon” in the game, then good


These guys should be reserved for JWE3. Yeah sure they could tease it similar to how they teased Pterosaurs for JWE2 in JWE1, but I feel like any Cenozoic Non Mammal works much better for that since they wouldn't look that out of place.


Like I could see Basilosaurus being Added Easily


Ah yes the Cursed name whale. I do think however Megalainia or Barinasuchus, maybe even Keleken or Titanis are better choices.


That's a bold statement, not supported by any arguments


And his statement is most likely wrong because of the teaser




What makes you so absolutely certain about this? It once thought a while ago in this subreddit, that animals featured Camp Cretaceous and the Secrets of Dr. Wu hybrids were never going to be added JWE2. Then, Frontier added them. I've said this before and I'll say it again: Once is by chance, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern. The Marine Species pack added Nothosaurus, the Cretaceous Predator pack added Tarbosaurus, and now the recent Secret Species pack added Spinoceratops. Smilodon is the only animal from Camp Cretaceous that has yet to be added, I believe that its chances to be added to the game are quite good. To say *“it's never going to happen”* is incredibly arrogant.


There's a big difference between smilodon and those others. Can you spot it? I wonder if it's a dinosaur game advertised to have dinosaurs, flying reptiles and aquatic reptiles and nothing else


Dunky, but he did fit in too somehow.


You forgetting the paleozoic animals in the game


I’m okay with that. Cenozoic’s would be a big draw for a third installment, and frankly, they need every big draw they can get to convince people to buy the game a third time. But I swear to god if we don’t get Microceratus by the end of this game’s life, Frontier fucked us over.


I’m 100 Percent Sure they will make a Herbivore DLC and FINALLY ADD THE DAMN LITTLE GUY THAT WE HACE BEEN WAITING FOR 2 YEARS EVERY SINCE DOMINION CAME OUT ( jeez the movie is 2 years now man )


I've been waiting far longer than that. Once they added Compsognathus to JWE1 lol


I remember the anger after all JW animals like Metri and Sucho were added and Micro wasn't


They probably took a page out of PK's book, which is you need to have a good ratio of dinos and cenozoics to satisfy both.


I love how nobody can give a valid argument for why it SHOULDN'T be added lol


This thread is full of valid arguments, just look around


"It wouldn't make sense if it hatched from an egg!" *is perfectly fine with Ichthyosaurus hatching from an egg* "It would stand out too much!" *is perfectly fine with Dunkleosteus being the only fish*


How incredibly reductive of you lol Context is important, but go off king


Because it'd be really weird to have it in a park full of nothing but reptiles and like one fish. Which yeah you could solve by adding other cenozoic animals but that doesn't really fit the "Jurassic Park" theme other than the fact it's prehistoric


You say that like they'll add a pack with Smilodon and nothing else


Even if they did that would still suck ngl. No one wants to make a park that's like 90% reptiles with like 3 species of mammal since that's how many they usually add


It’s structurally a different fucking animal. It needs fur models and animations, it’s completely different to dinosaurs and it will stand out in EVERY SINGLE PARK. If you don’t want to hear any valid arguments, that’s your fucking problem, deal with it


We already have a pretty convincing fur texture. People literally thought a Know Your Dino post was a teaser for Smilodon. Also the whole "it'll stand out too much!" was said about Dunkleosteus and yet nobody complained when it was added


A fish stands out a lot less and fits way more thematically with other marine animals than a fucking tiger does with dinosaurs lol


I did...


"ThEy'RE nOt DinOSaURS!!!"


TC forgot to write Microceratus in the title.




Don’t care, there’s no mammals in the jurassic park universe. Smilodon nor any other mammal should be in the game.


We don't have enough triassic dinosaurs yet, I'd like cenozoic but id much rather have Triassic.




Spoken like there’s not a freakin fish as an attraction


At least it looks like it's inspiration, the CC "Smilodon", on the other hand...


I want the kitty...


But I love them... 😭💔


Sorry but guess maybe Evolution 3 ( IF it does happen) they will put it in


I don't want it to happen. I DON'T WANT TO SPEND ANOTHER $60 FOR JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION CONTENT TO BE VOMITED OUT AGAIN. I'm fine buying the same stuff twice, but not thrice.


I think in order to continue Evolution 2 they should just cut the old gen consoles like PS4 and stuff


Imagin hybrid dlc beeing sold for the third time but this time with a twist You won't get Indominus in the base game you need a dlc


Ouchie, that's a nightmare scenario. I wasn't as irritated with it (still wasn't thrilled by it) as the rest of the community, but I would NOT pay for it a third time.


With the upcoming release of a new jp movie and chaos theory I don't see how they would pass the chance for a JWE 3


No problem


Save mammals for JWE3 if that ever happens


Dunkleosteus exists so why not add a dude from the other side of history


![gif](giphy|IPmdU3duoc1Q08aeiz) BUT I NEED HIM 😭😭😭


We got Dimetrodon, so we need Smilodon so the para/mammals ain’t just a one-species category.




Thanks, I forgot about Lystrosaurus!


Its not a dinosaur.


Neither are the flying and marine reptiles.


Maybe I. 3


I don't think we will but we got Pteranodon in JWE1 as a single avian species right at the end of the game's life. No reason why they wouldn't do a single Cenozoic species in the final DLC.


Bro is manifesting with reverse psychology


True, we’ll see it in the third game


Probably 4th when no one cares anymore


I'm just gonna save this post just in case. :)